Fatigue Lifetime of Wind Turbines

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Study of Turbulence Intensity Effect on the

Fatigue Lifetime of Wind Turbines
Ismaiel, Amr Mohamed Metwally
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University | Faculty of
Engineering and Technology, Future University in Egypt

Yosida, Shigeo
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University


出版情報:Evergreen. 5 (1), pp.25-32, 2018-03. Green Asia Education Center

EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 05, Issue 01, pp. 25-32, March 2018

Study of Turbulence Intensity Effect on the Fatigue Lifetime

of Wind Turbines
Amr Mohamed Metwally Ismaiel1,2,*, Shigeo Yoshida3
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan.
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Future University in Egypt (FUE), Egypt.
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Japan.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed,

E-mail: amrmetwally@riam.kyushu-u.ac.jp

(Received November 14, 2017; accepted March 13, 2018).

In this paper, the effect of variable turbulence intensities on the fatigue lifetime of wind turbines is
studied. Time series aeroelastic simulations were carried on the NREL WindPACT 1.5MW upwind
turbine using an open source software FAST. Two turbulence models -von Karman and Kaimal- were
used with four different turbulence intensities (1%, 10%, 25%, and 50%). The time series data of the
loads were post processed using the tool MLife to estimate the fatigue lifetime of the wind turbine. It
is found that high turbulence intensities increase the extreme loadings on the turbine, increase damage
equivalent loads, and decrease the estimated lifetime. It is also found that both turbulence models’
results agree, there is no remarkable difference between them in the fatigue behavior of the turbine,
and gave very close results.
Keywords: Aeroelasticity, Fatigue, Turbulence, Wind Turbine.

1. Introduction Turbulence of the wind means intense fluctuation of the

loads acting on the turbine structure leading to fatigue.
The world intention towards renewable resources of Other parameters also affect the fatigue lifetime of wind
energy has increased recently, because of the limitation of turbines like icing, or operating scenarios. Many attempts
the amount of fossil fuels. In addition, most of the were made to investigate the effect of different parameters
renewable resources provide clean energy with much less on the wind turbine loading dynamics. The operating
environmental problems1). Among the renewable energy scenarios, which can be described also by the control
sources, wind energy has a very high potential of actions, affect the dynamic loading of the wind turbine, by
development and growth year after year. Today’s largest braking the rotor or giving pitch or yaw actions. These
wind turbine is Vestas V164; its rated power is 9.5 MW control actions’ effect on the fatigue loading were studied
and the world’s cumulative installed wind capacity by many researchers8-11). Also, the effect of icing or
increased from 23,900 MW in the year 2001, to be climate change has been investigated12,13). The
539,581 MW in the year 2017, with a growth rate of about computational methods for modeling the wind turbines,
2000%. This rate indicates the importance of wind like Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) or Finite
energy2,3). With the ongoing research in this field, the Elements Analysis (FEA), are very costly and time
efficiency of converting wind energy into a usable form consuming14). When many iterations are required, the
has increased significantly, and new techniques have aeroelastic tools developed by the National Renewable
evolved4-6). Wind turbines are the conventional method of Energy Laboratory (NREL) become very useful, as they
converting wind energy into mechanical energy, and then are based on advanced models, derived from the
into other forms of energy, most probably electrical. fundamental theory, but with suitable assumptions and
In order to benefit from the wind turbines ultimately, a simplifications, so they are very time efficient and suitable
certain level of functionality and operationality should be for huge number of iterations in a short period of time15,16).
kept; It is a very important point to keep the wind turbine In this paper, the effect of different turbulence
functional for the maximum lifetime possible. An intensities on the fatigue behavior of the wind turbine is
estimation for the lifetime of the wind turbine can be studied. The open source software tool TurbSim17),
calculated, and based on this estimation the design can be developed by NREL, was used to simulate wind fields
adjusted to fit the design requirements. Design lifetime for with different turbulence intensities using two different
a wind turbine typically is twenty years of operation7). One spectral models, over the NREL WindPACT 1.5MW
of the most important factors affecting the dynamics of the upwind turbine18). These wind fields were used for
turbine, is the turbulence of the wind acting on it. aeroelastic simulation of the wind turbine using the tool

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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 05, Issue 01, pp. 25-32, March 2018

FAST19) to generate time series of the loads acting on the Where; I is the turbulence intensity, σ is the standard
turbine. These time series were then post processed using deviation of the wind speed, and 𝑈𝑈 � is the mean wind
MLife20), a MATLAB® based code which uses Rainflow speed. Both standard deviation and mean value of wind
counting technique to estimate the fatigue life of the speeds are calculated over a time scale longer than that of
turbine. the turbulence, but shorter than the time scale of other
The importance of this study is to anticipate the fatigue types of changes (e.g., Diurnal variations).
behavior of wind turbines according to turbulence in the The turbulence spectrum is a description to the
wind, and know its effect on the lifetime. frequency of variation of the wind speed. The spectrum
Turbulence in the wind cannot be controlled as it is an follows an asymptotic boundary which is, at high
environmental factor21), but it is important to know the frequencies, proportional to n-5/3; where n is the frequency
effect of increasing the turbulence of the wind on the in Hz, according to Kolmogorov law24).
fatigue of turbine, so that it is considered in the design Two spectral models are commonly used to express the
process of the turbine structure. A wind turbine used in a spectrum of the longitudinal wind component, denoted by
region where wind speeds are stable, can be designed less a subscript “u”. Those models are the von Karman and
strictly, while regions of high turbulence intensity levels, Kaimal spectral models. They can be expressed as
or subject to phenomena like wind gusts or typhoons; the follows23);
designer must take care of the effect of the severe Kaimal:
turbulence on the structure dynamic loading. 𝑛𝑛𝑆𝑆𝑢𝑢 (𝑛𝑛) �
4𝑛𝑛𝐿𝐿1𝑢𝑢 /𝑈𝑈
2 = �
By the end of this study, it is expected to see the effect 𝜎𝜎𝑢𝑢 (1+6𝑛𝑛𝐿𝐿1𝑢𝑢 /𝑈𝑈)5/3
of turbulence on the lifetime of the wind turbine. The
turbulence is expected to affect the lifetime negatively, in von Karman:
a way that the larger the turbulence, the shorter the 𝑛𝑛𝑆𝑆𝑢𝑢 (𝑛𝑛) �
4𝑛𝑛𝐿𝐿2𝑢𝑢 /𝑈𝑈
lifetime. = (3)
𝜎𝜎𝑢𝑢2 �)2 )5/6
(1+70.8(𝑛𝑛𝐿𝐿2𝑢𝑢 /𝑈𝑈
2. Turbulence spectral models Where; S u (n) is the wind’s longitudinal component’s
Behavior of the atmosphere varies in both spatial and spectral density function, σ u is the longitudinal wind
time domains. Space variations generally depend on speed’s standard deviation, L 1u and L 2u are length scales
topographical conditions. Time variations can be with values depending on the surface roughness z 0 and the
categorized into four categories; above ground height z.
Inter-annual variations which occur in a time scale of The von Karman spectral model can give a better
more than one year, description for turbulence occurring in wind tunnel tests,
Annual variations where seasonal wind speed while the Kaimal model fits better to the atmospheric
variations occur all over the world, turbulence25). However, the von Karman model is
Diurnal variations (Day time) where large wind speed consistent with the analytical formulae, and hence, often
variations occur on a day time scale specially in tropical used for the correlation.
and temperate latitudes, and In this paper, both spectral models are used for the
Short-term wind speed variations which occur in a simulation, for the reason of comparison between their
time scale of less than ten minutes, including gusts and results. NREL engineers have developed many software
turbulence22). tools to model and simulate the wind turbines. Among
Turbulence can be defined as the random and fast those software is the TurbSim, a tool which simulates
fluctuation of wind speeds around its mean value, in a turbulence fields around wind turbines. Different
small time scale. These fluctuations occur in longitudinal, turbulence intensities have been used for the wind field
lateral, and vertical directions. The two main causes of generation. Although the value of turbulence intensity
turbulence are; friction with the ground caused by earth’s over a wind turbine can be calculated according to some
topography, and thermal effects where air moves standards, and depending on some parameters including
vertically as a result of temperature difference. surface roughness and height above ground26-28), but in
It is a complex process to represent the turbulence this study random turbulence intensities were used. The
mathematically because it is a random process which reason for this is that the purpose of the study is to know
cannot be simply described by deterministic equations. So, the effect of the turbulence intensities on the lifetime of a
it is more useful to describe turbulence according to its wind turbine. Accordingly, four different random values
statistical properties. Among the statistical properties for turbulence intensities where chosen for the study,
which can describe the turbulence, is the turbulence including very low turbulence (1%), medium turbulence
intensity (TI)23). It measures the overall turbulence level, (10%), high turbulence (25%), and severe turbulence
and can be defined as; (50%). Each turbulence intensity was modeled using both
𝜎𝜎 the von Karman and Kaimal models, then their results
𝐼𝐼 = 𝑈𝑈� (1)
were used as an input to the software tool FAST; an
aeroelastic tool for wind turbines.

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Study of Turbulence Intensity Effect on the Fatigue Lifetime of Wind Turbines

3. Simulation results to 12.18 m/s, since the turbulence intensity is very low
with a value of 1%.
The wind turbine used for the simulation is the NREL
WindPACT (Wind Partnership for Advanced Component
Technologies) 1.5MW wind turbine. Originally, the
WindPACT project aimed for studying the effect of
scaling of different rotor configurations on the cost of
energy (COE). Four different configurations are available
for the WindPACT project; 0.75MW, 1.5MW, 3MW, and
5MW. The baseline design properties of the 1.5MW
configuration are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Baseline Design Properties of WindPACT

Rotor Diameter (m) 70 Fig. 2: Wind speed time series for von Karman model,
Hub Height (m) 84 50% turbulence intensity
Max Rotor Speed (rpm) 20.5
Hub Overhang (m) 3.3 For a severe turbulence intensity of 50%, the wind
Tower Base Diameter (m) 5.663 speed variation is very violent. The wind speed goes from
as high as 13.8 m/s to the lowest value of 8 m/s in few
The turbine specifications are used in the input file to seconds, and rises again, as observed from Figure 2.
TurbSim, to define the turbulence grid dimensions and
position. Together with the meteorological boundary
conditions, the input parameters to define the turbulent
wind field are determined. The turbulence model and the
turbulence intensity are chosen, then the simulation is run.
The analysis time for the simulation was chosen to be 600
seconds, with a 0.05s time step. The wind file is generated
after running the input file using TurbSim, which is then
used as one of the inputs to the FAST software tool.
Aeroelastic simulation is then performed on the wind
turbine using FAST. Wind velocities and wind loads time
series are generated. This simulation is performed for each
turbulence model and for each turbulence intensity. In Fig. 3: Wind speed time series for von Karman model,
order to figure the change which turbulence intensities lowest and highest turbulence intensities
cause in the simulation, the wind speed is plotted with
time for the first 40 seconds of the simulation. The When the two extreme turbulence intensities are
extreme turbulence intensities of the von Karman spectral shown together on the same scale in Figure 3, we can see
model, lowest and highest, are shown in figures 1 to 3. the big difference between 1% and 50% turbulence
intensities. The gap between minimum and maximum
values of wind speed increases significantly in the high
turbulent intensity, which induces severe wind dynamics.
The same simulations are also made for the Kaimal
model, for the different intensity values.

Fig. 1: Wind speed time series for von Karman model,

1% turbulence intensity

From Figure 1 we can notice that the wind speed is

oscillating around the mean wind speed value of 12 m/s.
But the oscillation is within a small range, from 11.7 m/s
Fig. 4: von Karman vs. Kaimal model, turbulence
intensity 50%

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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 05, Issue 01, pp. 25-32, March 2018

The results of both models agree to a big extent. For The material properties of the WindPACT 1.5MW
comparison between the two models’ wind fields, wind wind turbine are not completely defined in literature, some
speed time series are plotted for both models for the data are defined but some information is missing. The
turbulence intensity of 50% in Figure 4. The behavior of ultimate loads for the simulation were chosen based on the
both models is so much similar. However, the values are WindPACT maximum loading data18), while the blade and
different, with the Kaimal model having slightly bigger tower materials are not specified, so, the blade material is
gap between maximum and minimum values of the wind assumed to be made of composite material, using values
speeds. These values which will affect the results of each of Wohler exponent (m)30) of 8 and 10. And the tower is
model. For the simulation part, only the von Karman assumed to be steel, with a Wohler exponent of 3.
simulation will be displayed for illustration, and the Many simulations were run with different random
comparison between the two models will be shown with seeds. The displayed results below are the averaged values
the results. of the results. The time series chosen for the simulation
For both models, the turbulence intensities difference are the blade root axial and lateral forces (RootF x and
creates big variation in the wind field. This affects the RootF y ), blade root in-plane and out-of-plane bending
dynamic loading of the wind turbine significantly. For moments (RootM x and RootM y ) for the Wohler exponent
instance, the axial force on the blade root is highly value of 10, and the tower base in-plane and out-of-plane
affected. This can be shown in Figure 5, for both the bending moments (TwrBsM x and TwrBsM y ).
extreme values of the turbulence intensities. In the following charts, the lifetime until failure for the
chosen S/N curves with different turbulence intensities
using the von Karman spectral model will be displayed.

Fig. 5: Blade root axial force, von Karman model

The effect of turbulence intensity on the dynamic

loading is obvious in Figure 5. For the low turbulence
(1%), the blade root force is oscillating around the mean
value of 80 kN smoothly, with a low frequency of change.
Fig. 6: Blade lifetime until failure for blade root axial
While for the severe turbulence intensity, the oscillation
force for different turbulence intensities (von Karman
of the force around the same mean value is violent. The
frequency of changing the value of the force is very high
in case of high turbulence. This frequent change in the
value of the aerodynamic loads on the wind turbine
negatively affect the turbine dynamics. The fatigue
behavior is influenced by the dynamics in a way of
decreasing the lifetime of the turbine.

4. Results and discussion

The simulation results made by FAST are then
postprocessed using MLife. MLife is a MATLAB® based
tool which can estimate the fatigue behavior of wind
turbines. It uses Palmgren Miner’s sum and Rainflow
counting technique to calculate the fatigue cycles of one
or combined time series. Damage equivalent loads and
time until failure for aerodynamic loads’ time series are
calculated for each turbulence model and for the four Fig. 7: Blade lifetime until failure for blade root lateral
different turbulence intensities. force for different turbulence intensities (von Karman

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Study of Turbulence Intensity Effect on the Fatigue Lifetime of Wind Turbines

Fig. 8: Blade lifetime until failure for blade root in-plane Fig. 11: Tower lifetime until failure for tower base out-
bending moment for different turbulence intensities (von of-plane bending moment for different turbulence
Karman model) intensities (von Karman model)

In Figures 6-11, the life until failure in seconds, for

various S/N curves are shown. As it can be observed, there
is no big difference in the values of the lifetime of the
tower between the 1% and 10% turbulence intensities for
most of the S/N time series. The difference is in order of
days or few months. For instance, in figures 10 and 11, the
decrease in the lifetime of the tower because of the tower
base in-plane bending moment (M x ) is about 5 months
(3.23E+7 seconds for 01% compared to 1.78E+7 seconds
for the 10% intensity), while the lifetime according to the
out-of-plane bending moment (M y ) increases for 5 hours
for the higher intensity of 10%. However, the difference
for the lifetime of the blade is significant. The change of
turbulence from 1% to 10% reduces the time until failure
in order of years. The time until failure is extremely large,
Fig. 9: Blade lifetime until failure for blade root out-of- indicating lifetime in order of millions of years, because it
plane bending moment for different turbulence is the lifetime for individual S/N curves. Combined loads
intensities (von Karman model) will result in different results regarding the lifetime. Also,
the assumptions made for the values of the ultimate loads
and the type of material must affect the results. However,
using the same assumptions in all simulations, then it’s
only the effect of turbulence which makes the difference
in the results. Slight change of turbulence from 1% to 10%
made significant reduction in the time until failure. With
increasing the value of the turbulence again to 25% and
then to 50%, the reduction increases. Comparing the two
extremes of the turbulence intensities; 1% and 50%, we
can still see the difference in the lifetime of the tower is
not highly affected. Reduction in lifetime because of the
out-of-plane bending moment is one and half of a day,
which is insignificant compared to the design lifetime of
the turbine of 20 years. While for the blade, the reduction
is in 0.01 order of magnitude.
Another descriptive parameter is the damage
Fig. 10: Tower lifetime until failure for tower base in- equivalent loads (DELs), or in other words, the relative
plane bending moment for different turbulence fatigue. The fatigue damage due to the fluctuating loads
intensities (von Karman model) over the life time is accumulated by MLife. In the
following tables, the DELs are shown for the von Karman

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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 05, Issue 01, pp. 25-32, March 2018

simulation for different time series. L_Ult is the ultimate Table 5: Basic Lifetime DELs at fixed mean for various
load for each S/N curve, and m is the Wohler exponent. S/N curves (von Karman model – 50% TI)

Table 2: Basic Lifetime DELs at fixed mean for various RootFx RootF Root Root TwrBs TwrBs
S/N curves (von Karman model – 01% TI) c1 yc1 Mxc1 Myc1 Mxt Myt
(kN) (kN) (kN·m) (kN·m) (kN·m) (kN·m)

RootFx RootF Root Root TwrBs TwrBs L_Ult 5.6E+3 5.6E+3 2.76E+4 2.76E+4 3.2E+5 3.2E+5
c1 yc1 Mxc1 Myc1 Mxt Myt L_MF 79.1 16.4 294 1560 985 1.85E+04
(kN) (kN) (kN·m) (kN·m) (kN·m) (kN·m) 3 7920 1.79E+04
m 8 105 97.3 1370 1930
L_Ult 5.6E+3 5.6E+3 2.76E+4 2.76E+4 3.2E+5 3.2E+5
L_MF 81.4 16.2 276 1580 1000 1.91E+4 10 112 105 1430 2030
3 4040 1.66E+4
m 8 56.8 79.6 827 1100 From Tables 2-5, we can observe that the DEL is
10 62.2 81.6 848 1210 following the same behavior as the time until failure. For
the tower base, the DEL is increasing according to the in-
Table 3: Basic Lifetime DELs at fixed mean for various plane bending moment, while the out-of-plane bending
S/N curves (von Karman model – 10% TI) moment is still not effective on the tower fatigue behavior.
For the blades, the values of the DELs are almost doubled
RootFx RootF Root Root TwrBs TwrBs from 01% to the 50% turbulence intensity. This indicates
c1 yc1 Mxc1 Myc1 Mxt Myt the effect of the turbulence intensity on the fatigue
(kN) (kN) (kN·m) (kN·m) (kN·m) (kN·m) behavior of the wind turbine.
L_Ult 5.6E+3 5.6E+3 2.76E+4 2.76E+4 3.2E+5 3.2E+5 The same procedure was made for the Kaimal spectral
L_MF 81.7 16.3 279 1590 1010 1.91E+4 model. Very close results to that of the von Karman
3 4930 1.64E+4 simulations appeared. The values of the lifetime until
m 8 56.9 81.5 917 1040 failure and the damage equivalent loads for both models
10 62.3 83.1 945 1140 are almost identical for the different wind turbulence
Table 4: Basic Lifetime DELs at fixed mean for various In order to compare between both models’ results, the
S/N curves (von Karman model – 25% TI) time until failure results are displayed in the following
graph. It is impossible to plot all the time series on one
RootFx RootF Root Root TwrBs TwrBs graph with a regular scale, as there is a great difference
c1 yc1 Mxc1 Myc1 Mxt Myt between the values of the lifetime until failure from each
(kN) (kN) (kN·m) (kN·m) (kN·m) (kN·m) time series to another. So, a log scale was used instead, but
L_Ult 5.6E+3 5.6E+3 2.76E+4 2.76E+4 3.2E+5 3.2E+5 the real value of the lifetime until failure is displayed in
L_MF 81.3 16.5 286 1590 1010 1.90E+04 the bar chart. Each time series’ result is displayed for both
3 6900 1.64E+04 spectral models. This graph is also useful to observe the
m 8 62 80.3 1110 1260
difference between the values of the different time series,
10 66.7 82.1 1160 1360
to know which is the more effective loading on the turbine.

Fig. 12: Lifetime until failure, von Karman vs. Kaimal models' results

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Study of Turbulence Intensity Effect on the Fatigue Lifetime of Wind Turbines

From Figure 12, we can notice that both models gave effective. The blade root is the most sensitive part of the
almost identical results for most of the time series. Except wind turbine, since the blade vibrates during turbulence
for the out-of-plane bending moment for both the blade and the loads are concentrated at the fixed part of it; the
and the tower, the discrepancy between the values of root. Hence, the root part of the blade must be designed
lifetime until failure of both models is minimal. This strong and flexible enough to stand for the severe dynamic
indicates that both spectral models are effective in loading in case of turbulence.
simulating the turbulent flow around the wind turbine.
The two spectral models used for simulation gave very
Also, to compare the DELs, tables 6 and 7 show the close results. Both models showed the same behavior with
results of the Kaimal model for the two high turbulence increasing the turbulence intensities. Trivial errors
intensities of 25% and 50%.
between the two models’ results occurred. And this
includes that any of the two models can be used for
Table 6: Basic Lifetime DELs at fixed mean for various
simulating wind field around a wind turbine.
S/N curves (Kaimal model – 25% TI)

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c1 yc1 Mxc1 Myc1 Mxt Myt
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