Rtmnu Ballb

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First Semester B.A.LL.B. (5 Years Course) (N.C.B.S.) Examination

Compulsory Paper—2
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 80
N.B. :— (1) Attempt SEVEN questions in all, including Q. No. 1 which is compulsory and carries
20 marks.
(2) Answer any SIX questions from remaining EIGHT which carries 10 marks each.

1. Write short notes on (any FOUR) :

(a) Indirect Democracy
(b) Withering away of the State
(c) Divine Right Theory
(d) Democratic Socialism.
(e) Limited Sovereignty
(f) Importance of Secularism.
2. Explain meaning and scope of Political Science.
3. What is the concept of sovereignty ? Discuss it attributes.
4. What makes Mahatma Gandhi more relevant today and why ?
5. What are the elements of State ? Discuss in detail with appropriate example.
6. Define Government and State. Discuss in length why they differ from each other ?
7. What is Direct Democracy ? Explain in detail its devices.
8. Discuss in detail and highlight the key aspect of Austin’s Theory of Sovereignty.
9. Critically examine the Social Contract Theory.


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