El 4
El 4
El 4
RQA—297 1 (Contd.)
(xii) Public nuisance is defined in Sec. _____ of the Indian Penal Code 1860.
(a) Sec. 266 (b) Sec. 267
(c) Sec. 268 (d) Sec. 269
(xiii) United Nations Organisation conference on Human Environment was held at Nairobi during 10t h
and 18th May _____.
(a) 1980 (b) 1981
(c) 1982 (d) 1983
(xiv) Which of the following provision of the constitution of India speaks about fundamental duty to
protect and improve the environment :
(a) Art 51 (A) (g) (b) Art 21
(c) Art 48A (d) Art 19 (1) (g)
(xv) Which of the following is not a "Greenhouse gas' :
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Sulphur dioxide
(c) Ethane (d) None of the above. 1×10=10
Note :— Both the questions in this Section are compulsory.
2. Answer the following (any three) :
(a) What is ozone depletion ?
(b) Explain "Ramsar Convention".
(c) What is absolute liability ?
(d) Discuss the term "Ecology". 5×3=15
3. Write short notes on (any three) :
(a) Public Trust Doctrine.
(b) Kinds of pollution.
(c) Biodiversity.
(d) Earth Summit 1992. 5×3=15
Note :— Answer any five of the following :
4. State the various fundamental rights pertaining to environment.
5. Discuss the Stockholm declaration on Human Environment.
6. Explain in detail "Role of Indian Judiciary in evolution of environment jurisprudence".
7. Write notes on :
(a) Greenhouse Effect
(b) Sustainable Development.
8. Explain the common law remedies for environmental pollution.
9. State the object and salient features of protect of Environment Act, 1986.
10. Explain the role and function of National Environment Tribunal.
11. Write explanatory note on precautionary principle and polluter pay principle. 8×5=40
RQA—297 2 NJR/KS/18/8390