Rotary Jhonson.

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Effective November 2013

Replaces New

Disassembly and Repair Instructions

For Type R-RH Rotary Unions (3/8˝ – 2˝)

⑬ ②
3V 40
98 21

2A ⑨

Please follow your company’ safety procedures NOTE: rotary joints R009 and R012 have seal faces
whenever working on Johnson-Fluiten rotary unions incorporated in the rotor then it need to be replaced
and read all of the instructions completely before (see bearing replacement section)
proceeding. - Carefully clean the oring end of the rotor (2) and the
bore of the head (50). Do not scratch surfaces.
Please refer to the engineer drawings of your Johnson- - Ensure that the sealfaces are clean. In case, clean
Fluiten rotary union for part identification. If you have the faces of stationary ring (1) and sealring (2A)
any question, please contact your sales representative using a lint free cloth and acetone.
or Johnson-Fluiten directly. - Lubricate gasket with silicon grease SIL133 or
equivalent. Gently press new sealring (2A) with
Lubricate all fasteners with anti-seize compound. oring (9) into rotor (2).
Tighten all fasteners in a star pattern. Torque - Insert new springs (13) in relevant holes in body
specifications are listed in Installation Instructions or (50)
at - Lubricate gasket with silicon grease SIL133 or
equivalent. Gently press stationary sealring (1) with
Release residual pressure in the system. Close the inlet
oring (10) in housing of body (50).
and outlet valve and allow the union to cool sufficiently.
- Inspect horizontal pipe bushing in elbow (98) if
ORDINARY MAINTENANCE equipped (dual flow version): replace elbow if worn.
Ball bearing lubrication Inspect bearings. If they need replacing, follow ‘Ball
bearings replacement’ instructions.
Rotary joint type R does not requires regrising, since
bearings are lubricated for life. - Secure head (50) to body (5) using lock screws
Rotary joint type RH needs to be lubricated with Krytox (3V). See torque specifications are listed in
Installation Instructions or at www.johnson-
GPL226 or equivalent every 5000 hours for operating
temperature up to 150°C, every 2000 hours for
temperature over 150°C. - The Johnson-Fluiten union is now ready to be
See Table 1 for detail of quantity of needed grease. placed back in service
Replacement with new prelubricated Johnson-Fluiten -
bearings is recommended. NOTE: do not use any anti-seize or petroleum-based
products on orings. Only lubricate with lubricant grease
Sealrings replacement indicated in these instructions. Use latex gloves when
- Loosen and remove screws (3V), disengage body handling oring lubricant.
(50) from support (5).
- Remove from body (50) stationary sealring (1) with
oring (10) and set of springs (13). DISASSEMBLY OF THE SEAL GROUP SHOULD BE
- Remove from rotor (2) sealring (2A) with oring (9) CARRIED OUT IN JOHNSON-FLUITEN WORKSHOP.


Leackage detected at Wear or damage of sealrings Replacement of sealing elements

drain holes (repairkit)
Damage of orings 9 and/or 10

Overheating or elevated Not sufficient lubrication of bearings (joint RH) Lubricate as described in table 1 (joint
noise RH)
Wear of roller bearings
Replacement of bearings

Table1: quantity of Krytox grease for bearings (RH joints)

SIZE Q.ty (c.c.) Q.ty (g)

RH009 4,2 8,0

RH012 4,8 9,2

RH019 6,4 12,6

RH025 11,4 22,4

RH031 16,0 31,0

RH038 23,2 45,2

RH050 25,6 50,0

Ball bearings replacement bearings, remove and inspect for burrs, etc. Minimal
- Loosen and remove screws (3V), disengage body force should be applied to the body to slide it over
(50) from support (5). the bearings, to prevent any damage to the
- Remove from body (50) stationary sealring (1) with bearings.
oring (10) and set of springs (13). - While holding assemblies together, turn over
- Remove from rotor (2) sealring (2A) with oring (9) onto a flat surface and install retaining ring (40)
- Remove retaining ring (40) - Follow remaining ‘Sealrings replacement
- Remove rotor (2) with ball bearings (21). If rotor and instructions’ to complete repair.
bearings do not slide out freely, light pressure can - The Johnson-Fluiten union is now ready to be
be applied to the end of the nipple while holding the placed back in service
body in a press.
- Remove first bearing (21)m retaining ring (41) and
second bearing (21). Clean and dry the rotor for
- Slide the first new bearing (21) onto the rotor (2)
until it is seated against its shoulder. For bearings
with one shield (RH joint) the first bearing should be
installed with the shield down
- Install the retaining ring (41) onto the rotor (2)
- Slide the second new bearing onto the rotor to rest
against the retaining ring. If is used a bearing with
just one shield (RH joint) the open side should be
facing down. When the assembly is complete, the
open sides of the single shielded bearing should be
resting against the retaining ring (41).
- Place body (5) over bearing/nipple assembly and
slide into place. If body does not slide freely over

Johnson-Fluiten Warranty
Johnson-Fluiten products are built to a high standard of quality. Performance is what you desire: that
is what we provide. Johnson-Fluiten products are warranted against defects in materials and
workmanship for a period of one year after date of shipment. It is expressly understood and agreed
that the limit of Johnson-Fluiten’s liability shall, at Johnson-Fluiten’s sole option, be the repair or
resupply of a like quantity of non-defective product.

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