ESEAOR's Annual Report 2020
ESEAOR's Annual Report 2020
ESEAOR's Annual Report 2020
25 8,170
service delivery
Member Associations
and Collaborative Partners 3,132 staff
Champion Rights 8
Empower Communities 12
Serve People 18
Way Forward 36
Message from Regional Director
Delivering No Matter What – this has been
central to the drive which pushed us forward
in 2020.
IPPF knew that we needed to protect our own frontliners too. In the beginning of the pandemic
when there was a great demand for very scarce protective personal equipment (PPEs), we
facilitated the global transfer of face masks through our network to the Member Associations
(MA) in China; and then later we facilitated the donation of face masks from the China MA to
MAs across the globe like Iran, Macedonia, Morocco, North Korea, and Thailand.
In this report, you will find the collective gains of IPPF ESEAOR despite the pandemic. At the
onset of the pandemic, a COVID-19 Task Force was set-up within the secretariat. We collectively
worked to mobilise extra resources for MAs that were critically hit by COVID-19. By the year-end,
we were able to mobilise resources to the most affected countries in the region. We also raised
our voices so that women can be heard on the rising sexual and gender-based violence brought
by prolonged lockdown and loss of economic opportunities. Even with lockdowns and restricted
movements, we found ways to push for meaningful SRHR-related policies in Mongolia, Solomon
Islands, New Zealand, Fiji, DPRK, Indonesia, China, Cambodia, Australia, Japan, Malaysia,
Philippines, and Thailand.
Our services dropped by 13% globally in 2020, while the number of clients reached also dropped
by at least 20%. Such was the impact of COVID-19 to women. This was especially true at the
start of the global pandemic when everyone was overwhelmed by the magnitude of COVID-19.
But through persistent efforts, we were able to adapt to the situation and many of our service
delivery points resorted to digital health strategies and introduced tele-medicines.
We also adapted new ways of working. When everyone else seemed jolted, the Regional
Secretariat started bi-weekly virtual Executive Directors’ meetings which continued for three
months. This cascaded to the MAs as everyone started their own zoom meetings to connect
with their staffs during lockdown. For the first time, we were able to convene a virtual 3-days
Executive Directors’ Meeting and Regional Youth Forum. Even our accreditation process became
virtual as our region successfully accredited the South Korean MA virtually.
In the time of pandemic, IPPF ESEAOR adapted and collectively showed resilience and solidarity.
We must continue to deliver no matter what, because the need for sexual and reproductive
health and rights continues – and even heightened – during the pandemic.
Tomoko Fukuda
Regional Director
65% 5.2
of our clients
people reached with
of sexual and
were from poor more than 15.7 million reproductive health
and vulnerable services – 8 out of services were accessed
communities 10 of our clients are by youth
Provided modern
contraception to Averted Averted
3Education and
Promoting gender
3Preventing SGBV
services to equality
young people
2 Prioritizing
1 Promoting sexual
1 Promoting sexual
SRH in crisis and gender and reproductive
settings diversity rights
It is the first post-MDG era ICPD Framework, including the formulation,
indicator framework for the region implementation, monitoring and
and consists of 85 indicators evaluation of sustainable development
drawn from the 2030 Agenda for policies including universal access to
Sustainable Development and other SRHR and gender equality at national and
internationally agreed frameworks. regional levels.
Overall, the Asia Pacific ICPD Indicator
Framework should be incorporated The Asia Pacific ICPD Indicator
as an intrinsic mechanism by the Framework will contribute to
national governments and partners strengthening accountability for
to assess the needs of vulnerable implementation and foster linkages
groups, promote health equity, gender between ICPD and the 2030 Agenda in
equality and human rights. Asia Pacific the Asia Pacific. Additionally, it provides
Member States must establish a an opportunity to learn and adapt to
robust accountability mechanism and build back better from the COVID-19
implement the Asia Pacific ICPD Indicator pandemic.
Once the lockdown was announced, As a result of this advocacy and the
Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood positioning of SIPPA in the country, the
Association (SIPPA) focused on MHMS listed SIPPA as an important
ensuring that SRH service provision essential service provider and enabled
will not be affected. The Development them to continue providing SRH services
Services Exchange (DSE), the civil during the pandemic and beyond.
society coordinating body, organised
Empower Communities
Empower Communities
2M 6.3M 21
youth clients served SRH services provided to MAs with youth
(38.4% of total young people (40% of representation on the
ages) total services) governing board
The work of two MAs - the Solomon Islands Planned
Parenthood Association (SIPPA) and Family Planning
Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK) – are featured in the
youth staff in ESEAOR
next page. Through their youth centres, CSE and SRH
information were provided digitally.
Digital Sexuality Education
in Hong Kong
Over the years, The Family Planning
Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK) has
been promoting messages of a range of
sexual and reproductive health and rights
issues on digital platforms including
website, mobile app, Facebook page and
Instagram. Age-appropriate and culturally
specific online teaching and learning
materials are constantly developed
to facilitate sound implementation of
Online sexuality education session by the FPA Hongkong
sexuality education in schools or families.
responsible choices. The campaign
FPAHK has a long working relationship
covered production of two short videos
with local schools. Under the COVID-19
posted on YouTube channel, an online
pandemic, they quickly review the
calligraphy workshop, and interactive
program content and incorporate
games shared on social media platforms.
interactive elements to transform school-
Over 100 youth participants joined the
based programs into online programs
campaign and subsequently followed
conducted on Zoom or Teams. FPAHK
FPAHK’s Facebook and Instagram.
make good use of the social media
platforms to deliver a variety of programs, Funding is obtained to improve a current
such as Facebook Live, online parent talk, mobile app game on love and intimacy
online book fair, and share posts with titled “Making Smart Choices” jointly
KOLs or YouTubers. developed with Faculty of Education, The
University of Hong Kong. The enhanced
mobile app game, together with a new
reading portal is available for students
and playable on PCs and tablets. The
game can also be integrated in school
curriculum, e.g. in Life and Society or
Social Studies course for teachers to
deliver classroom activities related to the
topics of love and relationships, consent,
responsible choices, etc.
The youth centres act as a meeting hub The youth centre in Honiara meets about
for youth volunteers, Community Based 1000 young people annually while youth
Educators and Distributors (CBEDs) attendees in the Auki, Malaita Centre is
and SIPPA staff. Primarily, the centre is currently under study.
managed and operated by the youth
The Honiara Centre also acts as a
volunteers themselves. Youth volunteers
meeting hub for sex workers and
take turns in offering information and
LGBTQI+ volunteers. Usually, they
referralsto youth who needs assistance
visit in the late afternoons where
and information. Youths are usually
occasionalmeetings are scheduled and
referred to clinic providers.
aligned to clinic hours or in preparation
In Solomon Islands, secondary school for mobile clinic outreach so that services
students in forms four to six (grade 10 – can also be provided to them.
International Technical
and Programmatic Guidance
on CSE launched in the Pacific
On 3 December 2020, International For the first time in the Pacific, a strong
Planned Parenthood Federation Sub- high-level Government presence was
Regional Office for the Pacific (SROP) shown with no less than the Prime
organized and coordinated the regional Minister of Samoa, Honourable
launch of the International Technical Tuilaepa Dr Sailele Malielegaoi officially
and Programmatic Guidance on launching the document. Also in
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) attendance was the Prime Minister of
attended by 11 Pacific countries across Tuvalu, HonourableKausea Natano,
the region. the Honourable Speaker of the Tonga
Legislative Assembly, Lord Fakafanua and
Eminence Cardinal, Soane Patita Mafi also
from Tonga.
Serve People
Serve People
8,170 Service delivery points
in 2020 Indicator 11
5,208,501 Total number of Number of SRH services enabled
The Net Promoter Score Methodology Some strategies used include resource
which was introduced in 2020 to integration and sharing; strengthening
capture the client recommendations collaboration and building partnership
on clinic services based on score of with Ministry of Health and other local
1-10 scale, ESEAOR got 65% average SRHR organizations and agencies.
net score across 4 MAs. The client Such strategies somehow expanded
recommendation through feedback population coverage during the
and existing interviews by the rest of pandemic. During 2020, the number
MAs continued at 88 percent client of partner health facilities is 403, an
recommendation maintaining quality increase of 28% from 2019. MAs also
service provision through SDPs. provided pre- and in-service training for a
total of 21,093 public and private health
In coping with COVID-19 challenges,
providers to enable provision of quality
IPPF and its MAs quickly assessed
integrated sexual and reproductive health
and monitored COVID-19 impact
services. The mobilization of restricted
on its operation and service delivery
projects, especially COVID-19 response
programmes through series of regional
projects and humanitarian response
webinars and periodic surveys. This
projects played a major contributionfor
allowed timely provision of adaptive
maintaining essential SRH service
guidance and support including SRH
provision and performance by ESEAOR
supplies & PPE commodities. It also
in 2020.
coordinated rapid learning among
MAs about effective response models
and pivots such as telemedicine,
home delivery and SRH self-care.
Meanwhile, the trained youth volunteers
also help in answering queries and
messages on Facebook, with guidance
from the medical service providers. Most
of the time, the youth volunteers assist
in gathering data for client profiling and
Service statistics show that in 2020 IPPF The total number of clients served
Pacific MAs delivered a total of 1,006,002 (223,046), represented an increase of
41% from 2019 and 53% from the 2018 Given the increase in social media, print
baseline. There was an increase in first radio and television messaging, it is likely
time clients of 180% in 2020, with an that the absolute reach has not been
overall increase from 2018 of 357%. captured effectively.
Total SRH services provided during mobile
The number of young people reached
outreach rose by 77% in 2020, a 139%
with CSE increased by 102% in 2020,
increase from 2018.
with an overall increase of 361% from
Contraceptives provided remained 2018 figures. Some of the planned CSE
basically stagnant, down by 1% in 2020 activities were even delayed due to travel
despite the increased number of services restrictions.
and clients, mainly due to availability of
There is a 41% increase in the proportion
of population receiving SRHR services
6,006 services and referrals were from 2019. This was due to the additional
delivered for cervical cancer testing and service delivery points established in
screening. The number of people reached 2020. Service Delivery Points (SDP) grew
with SRHR messaging rose by 10% in from 67 in 2019 to 78 in 2020, a 16%
2020, and overall, by 267% since 2018. increase anda total increase of 50% since
the start of the strategy in 2018.
Humanitarian Response
in ESEAOR 2020
In 2020, IPPF’s Member Associations in
the ESEAOR region reached a total of
64,789 beneficiaries in humanitarian
settings, a 205% increase from the
previous year (21,261 in 2019). Of the
total clients served in humanitarian
settings, 17% (11,109) are from Tropical
Cyclone Harold, which affected Fiji,
Vanuatu and Tonga, and remaining 82%
(52,779) are from responses in Indonesia,
Papua New Guinea and Samoa. Both
responses occurred during the COVID-19
pandemic, which means that response
teams had to deal with a double
disaster and the inherent challenges,
including staff having to work remotely, support to a regional mapping for
movement restrictions to disaster sites, localisation, and actively engaged
stock shortages and disruption to supply with the Pacific Resilience Partnership,
chains. In these humanitarian settings, Humanitarian Advisory Group and the
our MAs provided contraception, STI and localisation technical working group
HIV treatment, and GBV support and to ensure SRH in emergencies (SRHiE)
referrals. They also ensured pregnant remains a regional priority. An Adolescent
women had access to prenatal care and Sexual and Reproductive Health in
safe deliveries. Emergencies (ASHRiE) workshop was
co-facilitated by IPPF Humanitarian and
In addition to humanitarian response
development teams bringing together
activities, preparedness and capacity
MA participants from across seven MAs
sharing activities were also supported
in the ESEAOR region.
by the humanitarian team. The Pacific-
based team members provided technical
• Fiji and Samoa MAs were supported to undertake SRHiE Policy reviews
to inform advocacy strategies.
• With support from the IPPF humanitarian team, the Fiji MA hosted a
national policy meeting jointly with UNFPA to present results from the
review and discuss future actions with the Ministry of Women and
Ministry of Health.
• Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea and Fiji MAs increased their engagement
in humanitarian coordination clusters for health and protection and
strengthened coordination at the provincial level.
Humanitarian Response
in the Pacific: Cyclone Harold
Tropical Cyclone Harold made landfall as response reached 11,109 total
a Category 5 cyclone on 6 April 2020, beneficiaries, and 100% of GBV
hitting Vanuatu, Fiji, and Tonga. TC survivors seeking care received
Harold occurred during the COVID-19 first-line support.
pandemic, which meant all three
countries were experiencing government Jerolyne Metak was in university
mandated states of emergencies, and when an unplanned pregnancy cut
with this, challenges in stock acquisition, her education short. The nursing
information gathering and movement to student came back to Pentecost
disaster sites. IPPF’s Member Associations, Island to deliver her son Norman,
the Reproductive and Family Health who was born two weeks after
Association of Fiji (RFHAF), the Tonga Cyclone Harold devastated her
Family Health Association (TFHA), island. Now, with the support of
and the Vanuatu Family Health her mother Rosie, she received a
Association (VFHA) were supported 5-year contraceptive implant from
by the Australian Government SPRINT the VFHA mobile health team so
initiative to provide lifesaving SRH care that she can return to her studies
in the hardest hit communities. This and learn to help others.
Jerolyne Metak was in university when an unplanned pregnancy cut her education short. The nursing student came back to
Pentecost Island to deliver her son Norman, who was born two weeks after Cyclone Harold devastated her island. Now, with
the support of her mother Rosie, she received a 5-year contraceptive implant from the VFHA mobile health team so that she
can return to her studies and learn to help others.
Unite and Perform
Unite and Perform
Last Meeting of the ESEAOR Regional
Executive Committee (REC)
Following the IPPF General Assembly’s REC Members, dissolved the Regional
decision in November 2019 held in Executive Committee. In its place will be
New Delhi, India, the ESEAOR Regional the Regional Forum and the Regional
Executive Committee (REC) held its final Youth Forum.
meeting on 3-4 April 2020. With the
In concluding the REC meeting, the
COVID-19 pandemic causing countries
Regional Director expressed appreciation
around the world to shut its borders,
and gratitude to all ESEAOR volunteers
the REC meeting was held virtually.
who had served the region over the years
In the final hour of the meeting, the
with dedication, with special thanks
Regional Chair, with support of the
to the out going REC composed MA
representatives from New Zealand, South
Outgoing Regional Executive Korea, Philippines, Vanuatu, Samoa,
Committee Members Cook Islands and Thailand. The Regional
Director encouraged MA volunteers to
1. Mr Andreas Prager, FPNZ apply for vacant positions in the BoT and
2. Dr Chung Yul Lee, KoPHWA other new global committees.
3. Ms Lisiane Shohanna Messine, CIFWA
IPPF ESEAOR’s Regional Director assured
4. Ms Waimarama Matena, FPNZ
the REC members that there will be an
5. Ms Marianne Joseph R. Garcia, FPOP
avenue for all MA volunteers, youth
6. Mr Pepe Maualaivao Seiuli, SFHA and MA staff to come together at the
7. Ms Lise Iemaima Havea, TFHA Regional Forum and Regional Youth
8. Prof Dr Surasak Taneepanichskul, PPAT Forum, as well as at the global level
9. Ms Letty W. Kaltonga, VFHA where the General Assembly will bring
volunteers from across the Federation.
Online Roundtable hosted by IPPF in October 2020 with IPPF Chair, IPPF Director General,
nine MA EDs, Presidents & youth with IPPF Secretariat Support Governance Team.
PFHA Improving the quality of care of Health 1 November 2020 – 31 October 2021 USD28,500
Centres in Laungnamtha and Bokeo
Province (I-CARE)
KFP&MCHA Strengthening Associated Health Facilities in 1 November 2020 – 31 October 2021 USD30,000
MMCWA Strengthening the service delivery and data 1 November 2020 – 31 October 2021 USD20,490
management system of MMCWA
IPPA Improving IPPA’s Electronic Clinical 1 December 2020 – 30 November 2022 USD22,770
Management System
FPOP Ensuring contraceptive security for program 1 November 2020 – 31 December 2021 USD30,000
MFWA Strengthening the SRH services, counselling, 1 November 2020 – 1 November 2021 USD29,805
and information through associated clinics
PPAT Better Health Better Care for Female Sex 1 December 2020 – 30 November 2022 USD30,000
KoPHWA Strengthening cooperation and solidarity 1 November 2020 to 1 June 2021 USD30,000
among association for advocacy and
accountability in SRHR
RFHAF Setting up of RFHAF Bula Wellness Facility 1 November 2020 – 31 January 2021 USD30,000
SFHA Scaling up the cross-cutting issue of gender 1 November 2020 – 31 October 2021 USD,26,065
equality through gender transformative
CIFWA Supporting professionals in delivery of SGBV 1 December 2020 – 31 December 2021 USD25,200
skills and services
Total Income
Year 2020 Year 2019 Variance % Variance
4,806,021 7,170,855 -2,364,834 -33%
21,719,024 27,136,137 -5,417,113 -20%
3 Number of youth and women’s groups that took a 49 73 -33% 2,751 1.78% 7%
public action in support of SRHR to which IPPF
engagement contributed (n=9)
4 Number of young people who completed a 22.4m* 27.3m -18% 29.1m 77% 88%
quality-assured comprehensive sexuality
education (CSE ) programme (n=24)
* Includes 22.2m from FPA China (87% of global total, 99% of regional total)
** Revised Indicator for Proportion of young people who completed a quality assured CSE programme who increased SRHR knowledge and ability to exercise their rights
7 Number of SRH services provided (n=25) 12.1m 18.2m -34% 20.2m 60% 8%
8 Number of couple years of protection (n=25) 682,869 862,178 -21% 950,003 72% 3%
9 Number of first-time users of modern contraception* 93,226 135,039 -31% 422,778 22% 2%
(n=10,FP2020 countries***)
10 IPPF clients who would recommend our services 65% n/a n/a n/a n/a 64%
to family or friends as measured through the Net (global average)
Promoter Score methodology*(n=4)
* Revised Indicator for client satisfaction measured through client exit interview
** New indicator after MTR
*** FP2020 countries – Cambodia, DPRK, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, PNG, Solomon Islands, Vietnam
12 Total income generated by the Secretariat 166.0m 191.5m -13% n/a n/a n/a (no regional
(US$) (Global Data) data)
13 Total income generated locally by unrestricted 10.5m 34.3m -70% 55.5m 19% 5%
Grant - receiving Member Associations (US $)
15 Number of IPPF volunteers (n=25) 45,310 27,770 63% 53,509 85% 14%
18 MAs receiving no more than 50% of their 55% 72% -24% n/a n/a 76%
Income from IPPF unrestricted grant* (global average)
Malaysia National Action Plan in Handling The five-year Action Plan outlines the causes of
the Causes of Child Marriage child marriage in Malaysia and strategies and
developed programmes to address the causes to eliminate
child marriage by 2025.
The National Action Plan involves 61 agencies,
including agencies from the federal government,
state government, non-governmental organisations
and international organisations.
Mongolia Social Insurance law amended The law now provides for social insurance coverage
for contraceptives prescribed by both public and
private practitioners, expanding access to
contraception for women and girls in Mongolia.
Indonesia Guide to Protecting Women's IPPA contributed to the development of the Guide
Rights from Discrimination and to ensure clear implementation actions for the
Gender-Based Violence in prevention & handling of GBV in crisis and disaster
Pandemic Situations developed situations, which is also a component of the
Minimum Initial Service Package for Sexual and
Reproductive Health in crisis (MISP).
Badan Kependudukan dan Developed, for the first time, contraceptive service
Keluarga Berencana Nasional guidelines applicable in crisis and disaster situations,
(National Population and Family improving reproductive health care provisions in
Planning Board) Guidelines on humanitarian settings.
contraceptive service delivery
during COVID-19 and new normal
situations approved
Mifepristone listed in the Previously, Mifepristone was only funded for use in
Pharmaceutical Schedule hospitals or in services contracted to provide a
service on behalf of a hospital. Following the policy
change, announced 2 July 2020, mifepristone is now
funded for use at Family Planning as well.
These medicines will be funded and on-hand for
qualified health practitioners who provide medical
abortion services in Family Planning New Zealand
Clinics or DHB contracted clinics.
The Abortion Legislation Act 2020 The Act amends the law to decriminalise abortion.
passed Under the Act, abortion is available without
restrictions to any woman who is not more than 20
weeks pregnant.
Cambodia National Action Plan to Prevent The National Action Plan to Prevent Violence
Violence Against Women 2019- Against Women 2019-2023 aims to reduce violence
2023 approved against women and girls, including those at
increased risk through increased prevention
interventions, improved response, increased access
to quality services, and multi-sectoral coordination
and cooperation.
Neary Rattanak V (Fifth Strategic The Strategic Plan focuses on promoting gender
Plan for Gender Equality and the mainstreaming in policies, strategic plans and
Empowerment of Women in development programmes, especially in key
Cambodia, 2019-2023) approved strategic areas related to the economy, education,
health, legal protection, governance and climate
Fiji Sexual and reproductive Reproductive and Family Health Association of Fiji
healthcare integrated into the (RFHAF) has been successfully integrated into the
national referral network national referral network for gender and
protection, specifically for SRHR information and
risk mitigation (and currently the sole provider of
these services), during the COVID-19 response and
will maintain this responsibility also in non-crisis
Thailand Safe Abortion Care approved as The Office of the Prime Minister has announced an
an essential health service during official statement RE: Declaration of an Emergency
the pandemic under the Emergency Decree on Public
Administration in Emergency Situations B.E. 2548,
during the pandemic. It is generally stated in
section 7(3) that “…hospitals, infirmaries, or
responsible and authorized organizations for
protecting and taking care of patients, both public
and private healthcare, should supply necessary
medication and medical equipment adequately
following the Ministry of Health’s order or
suggestion…” allowing for the provision of safe
abortion care as an essential health service during
the pandemic.
Constitutional Court ruled that Thailand’s Constitutional Court ruled that Sections
existing laws criminalizing 301 and 305 of the Criminal Code contradicted the
abortion are unconstitutional constitution, referring to articles in the constitution
that guarantee equal rights for men and women, as
well as rights to liberty and life.
Japan Fifth Gender Equality Basic Plan The 5th Basic Plan included initiatives to increase
endorsed. access to emergency contraceptives and protective
measures for job-hunting students who are
targeted for sexual harassment during job
interviews, strengthening support for women’s
access to reproductive healthcare and addressing
violence against women in the workplace.
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