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2969C EJ Cummins ISM 2007 Engine

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Service Bulletin No.


E / J Series Coaches Service Information 8-- Engine April 13, 2009



Service Information Only




This service information bulletin will provide customer support documentation for E / J series coaches equipped with a
Cummins ISM EPA engine.

Service information contained in this bulletin covers the following items:


General Description Page 2
ULSD Fuel Page 2
Lubrication Page 2
Coolant Page 3
Electronic Engine Control System / General Description Page 4
Electronic Engine Control System / Components Page 4
Preventive Maintenance Schedule Page 5
Electronic Engine Control System / Diagnostics Page 5
Diagnostic Trouble Codes Retrieval Page 6
Diagnostic Trouble Codes Page 9
Torque Chart Page 17
Engine Data Page 17
Specifications Page 18


General Description Page 19
Regeneration Page 21
Regeneration Tell-tale Lamps Page 21
Regeneration Modes Page 22
Regeneration Switch Page 22
Regeneration Strategy Page 25

Check Message Tell-tale Page 24

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Service Bulletin No. 2969C DATE APR. 13, 2009 PAGE 2


The Cummins Diesel ISM engine is a six-cylinder, four-stroke, right-hand rotation, high speed, high torque diesel engine
with exhaust gas recirculation ( EGR ). This engine is turbocharged, intercooled and electronically controlled by the
engine control module ( ECM ).


NORMAL OPERATING RANGE 190_F---205_F ( 87_C---96_C )


Effective with unit number 64455 ( as well as 63876, 64301, 64302, 64342, 64343, 64371, 64372 and
64402 ) engines must must comply with EPA mandated low emission guidelines by using ULSD ( ultra
low sulfur diesel ) fuel. Refer to MCI Service Bulletin 2947, located at www.mcicoach.com, for more
information regarding ULSD.
Failure to use ULSD fuel in 2007 EPA engines will result in component damage.

Diesel Engine Lubricating Oils
Cummins Diesel ISM engines have an oil capacity of 36 U.S. qts.
Diesel engines require heavy-duty lubricating oils. Basic requirements of such oils are lubricating quality, high heat
resistance, and control of contaminants. The only lubricating oil recommended for ISM diesel engines is the CES 20071 or
CES 20076 and viscosity grade SAE 15W-40.
Synthetic Oils
Synthetic oils may be used in Cummins engines, provided they are API licensed and meet the performance and
chemical requirements of non---synthetic oils in the API Category III and viscosity grade SAE 15W-40. The use of synthetic
oil does not extend the oil drain interval recommended by Cummins.

Table 1. Lubricating Oil Recommended

API Service Code SAE
Classification Grade
CJ--4 15W--40 Summer / 5W--40 Winter

Effective with unit number 64455 ( as well as 63876, 64301, 64302, 64342, 64343, 64371, 64372 and 64402 ),
2007 EPA engines must only use CJ- 4 engine oil. If the ambient temperature is above 15_F (- 9.5_C), 15W40
oil must be used. If the ambient temperature is below 15_F (- 9.5_C), 5W40 must be used.

Failure to use CJ- 4 engine oil in 2007 EPA engines will reduce component life.
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Figure 1. Cummins ISM engine oil fill and dipstick location.

Power Cool or Power Cool Plus can be used in Cummins ISM engines. Before changing or adding coolant to the coach
system, verify the type of coolant used in the coach.
Power Cool Plus can be identified by it’s red color. Power Cool can be identified by it’s purple color.

DO NOT mix Power Cool and Power Cool Plus coolant. Each contains different inhibitors which are not
Mixing coolants will result in component failure.

Coaches equipped with Cummins ISM engines have a new designed surge tank installation, with an increased rad cap
pressure of 15 psi.

DO NOT interchange a radiator cap without verifying that the replacement cap is rated for 15 psi.

Figure 2. Radiator cap location.

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The electric engine control system receives, processes and stores information from sensors located throughout the
engine and related components.
The electronic engine control system has protection circuits that reduce power and shut the engine down under
potentially damaging conditions, such as low oil pressure, low coolant level or high engine temperature.
The electronic engine control system is self---diagnostic, and warns the operator of fault conditions and potential
problems by lighting telltales. Fault codes that identify failed components are logged into the system’s ECM memory for
readout by maintenance personnel.
Electronic Control Module (ECM)
The electronic control module is the microprocessor-controlled electronic monitoring and storage unit for the engine
control system.
The ECM can identify problem conditions within the engine by comparing input from the various sensors to a set of
parameters (calibration and design data) stored within the ECM. After processing the input, the ECM sends high current
command pulses to the injector solenoids to initiate fuel injection. The ECM also receives feedback regarding the start
and end of injection for a given cylinder.
NOTE: There are no user-serviceable parts within the ECM.

The ECM is factory programmed for a specific engine/transmission/tire size and axle ratio combination.
Electronic Unit Injectors (EUI)
Electronic unit injectors are electronically---controlled fuel injectors. They are mounted into the cylinder heads above
each cylinder. The solenoid---operated poppet valve on each EUI performs injection timing and fuel metering functions
Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
The throttle position sensor is located in the electronic foot pedal assembly. The TPS converts the throttle position into
a signal for the ECM.
Turbocharged Boost Sensor (TBS)
The turbocharged boost sensor is located between the turbocharger discharge waste gate and the blower. The TBS
monitors turbocharger compressor discharge pressure.
Oil Pressure Sensor (OPS)
The oil pressure sensor is located at the rear RH side of the engine block. The OPS monitors oil pressure in the engine.
If engine oil pressure falls below the specified minimum, the ECM lights the CHECK ENGINE and/or STOP ENGINE
telltales. The ECM initiates the engine protection shutdown sequence.
Oil Temperature Sensor (OTS)
The oil temperature sensor is located in the engine oil gallery at rear RH side of the engine block.
Coolant Temperature Sensor (CTS)
The coolant temperature sensor is mounted in the engine thermostat housing.
Coolant Level Sensor (CLS)
The coolant level sensor is a two piece assembly made up of a sensor probe and module. The sensor is located near
the bottom of the radiator’s surge tank, and monitors the coolant level.
Air Temperature Sensor (ATS)
The air temperature sensor monitors intake manifold air temperature to use for charge-air clutch fan control.

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Engine Service Intervals

Generally, the service intervals given in the Cummins ISM Service Manual are minimum requirements to keep the
engine warranty valid. When determining maintenance schedules, more frequent service intervals should be considered
for operating conditions that are harsher than normal.
Lube oil sample analysis at regular drain intervals is recommended to detect internal engine malfunctions before a
costly catastrophic failure and a “coach down” occurs.

Filter Service Intervals

Local conditions, severity of operation, or duty cycle may require more frequent fluid change intervals
that differ from the recommended Cummins ISM Operation and Maint. Manual fluid change intervals.
Change fluid / filters after recommended mileage, months, or hours have elapsed, whichever occurs

Change lubricating oil and filter every 6000 miles, 9600 km, 500 hours or 3 months.
Change fuel filter every 6000 miles, 9600 km, 500 hours or 3 months.
Change coolant filter every 150,000 miles, 240,000 km, 4000 hours or 1 year.

The ISM electronic engine control system’s diagnostics feature can be separated into three areas: engine performance
diagnostics, self-diagnostics and engine protection.
Engine Performance Diagnostics
The system continuously monitors sensors and makes adjustments to the injector timing and fuel quantity input. This
provides optimum performance and minimal acceleration smoke under all operating conditions. Cold weather starting is
improved by matching the fuel input and timing to the ambient air temperature.
System Self-Diagnostics
The system continually monitors itself and all related wiring for faults. If a fault is detected, the CHECK ENGINE and/or
STOP ENGINE telltales light. If the fault is in the main microprocessor, a backup microprocessor takes control. When the
system is under the control of the backup microprocessor, the engine continues to work normally. A generic set of
calibration data is substituted, which may degrade engine performance. Auxiliary features that remain operational during
backup mode are the engine protection feature and accessory equipment pulse width modulation.

Engine Protection
When the engine protection feature is initiated, the check engine and stop engine telltales light. A fault code is logged
into the ECM’s memory and the engine is rapidly derated until it shuts down after 30 seconds.
The operator can delay shutdown for 30 seconds by pressing the override switch. The override can be activated as
often as required.
If the fault was temporary, the telltales go out and normal operation resumes. A fault code is logged in memory until the
memory is cleared. The memory can be cleared with a diagnostic data reader.

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Effective with unit number 64455 ( as well as 63876, 64301, 64302, 64342, 64343, 64371, 64372 and 64402 ),
engine diagnostic trouble codes are indicated through the alphanumeric display, located at the bottom of
the speedometer.

The yellow Check Engine and red Stop Engine tell-tale lights no longer indicate engine codes.

Engine Code Retrieval

The alphanumeric display, located at the bottom of the speedometer, displays the diagnostic trouble codes
( Figure 3 ).
The diagnostic trouble codes are displayed as J1939 SPN---FMI codes. A maximum of five codes can be listed at one
time. These codes are logged in the ECM with the most severe or recent code listed first.
The MODE switch allows the driver to scroll through active system messages, when the coach is at a complete stop.
Pressing the SET switch will not clear the diagnostic trouble codes.
Record all codes.

Engine Code Example: 27 (4) -- EGR Valve Position Circuit / Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source
Source Code: 0 ( Engine )
P (SPN): 27
FMI: 4

MCI has designated Source Code “ 0 “ for the engine codes.

button button

FIGURE 3. Speedometer alphanumeric display.

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Engine Code Retrieval cont’d

To navigate to the FAULTS screen on the speedometer alphanumeric display:

--- press the MODE button ( LH side of the speedometer ) 5 times, to display the DIAGNOSTIC screen (Figure 4),

FIGURE 4. Speedometer ( Diag. screen )

--- press the SET button ( RH side of the speedometer ) 1 time, to display the AUTO screen (Figure 5),

FIGURE 5. Speedometer

--- press the MODE button ( LH side of the speedometer ) 2 times, to display the FAULTS screen (Figure 6),

FIGURE 6. Speedometer ( Faults screen )

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Engine Code Retrieval cont’d

--- press the SET button 1 time, to display the Parameter Group Number ( PGN ) / “ code ” screen (Figure 7),

FIGURE 7. Speedometer ( PGN screen )

--- press the SET button 1 time, to display the SPN / Source screen,

FIGURE 8. Speedo (Source code {SRC})

MCI has designated Source Code “ 0 “ for the engine codes.
--- press the SET button 1 time, to display the FMI screen (Figure 9).

FIGURE 9. Speedometer ( FMI ).

FIGURE 10. Speedometer ( No codes present ).

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Service Bulletin No. 2969C DATE APR. 13, 2009 PAGE 9


Fault Code Information

27 EGR Valve Position Circuit -- Voltage Below Nor- EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
(4) mal or Shorted to Low Source.
31 Exhaust Gas Circulation (EGR) System -- Condi- EGR valve operation will be disabled.
(0) tion Exists.
81 Engine Particulate Trap Inlet Pressure -- Data Valid None on performance.
(16) but Above Normal Operational Range -- Moderately
Severe Level.
84 Wheel Based Vehicle Speed -- Data Erratic, Inter- Engine speed limited Maximum Engine Speed
(2) mittent or Incorrect. without VSS parameter value. Cruise control,
Geardown Protection, and Road Speed Governor
will not work.
84 Wheel Based Vehicle Speed Sensor Circuit Tam- Engine speed limited Maximum Engine Speed
(10) pering has been Detected. without VSS parameter value. Cruise control,
Geardown Protection, and Road Speed Governor
will not work.
91 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor1 Cir- Severe derate in power output of the engine. Limp
(3) cuit -- Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to High home power only.
91 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor 1 Cir- Severe derate in power output of the engine. Limp
(4) cuit -- Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to Low home power only.
91 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor 1 and The engine will only idle.
(2) 2 -- Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect.
91 SAE J1939 Multiplexed Accelerator Pedal or Lever Engine may only idle or engine will not accelerate
(19) Sensor System -- Received Network Data in Error. to full speed.
97 Water In Fuel Indicator -- Data Valid but Below Nor- Possible white smoke, loss of power, or hard start-
(15) mal Operational Range -- Least Severe Level. ing.
97 Water in Fuel Indicator Sensor Circuit -- Voltage None on performance. No water in fuel warning
(3) Above Normal or Shorted to High Source. available.
97 Water in Fuel Indicator Sensor Circuit -- Voltage None on performance. No water in fuel warning
(4) Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source. available.
100 Engine Oil Riffle Pressure 1 Sensor Circuit -- Volt- None on performance. No engine protection for oil
(3) age Above Normal or Shorted to High Source. pressure.
100 Engine Oil Riffle Pressure 1 Sensor Circuit -- Volt- None on performance. No engine protection for oil
(4) age Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source pressure.
100 Engine Oil Riffle Pressure -- Data Valid but Below Progressive power derate increasing in severity
(18) Normal Operational Range -- Moderately Severe from time of alert.
100 Engine Oil Riffle Pressure -- Data Valid but Below Progressive power derate increasing in severity
(1) Normal Operational Range -- Most Severe Level. from time of alert. If Engine Protection Shutdown
feature is enabled, engine will shut down 30 sec-
onds after red STOP lamp starts flashing.

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Fault Code Information -- Continued.

100 Engine Oil Riffle Pressure -- Data Erratic, Intermit- None on performance. No engine protection for oil
(2) tent, or Incorrect. pressure.
101 Crankcase Pressure -- Data Valid but Above Nor- None on performance.
(16) mal Operational Range -- Moderately Severe Level.
101 Crankcase Pressure -- Data Valid but Above Nor- Engine power derate.
(0) mal Operation Range -- Most Severe Level.
101 Crankcase Pressure Circuit -- Voltage Above Nor- No engine protection for high crankcase pressure.
(3) mal or Shorted to High Source.
101 Crankcase Pressure Circuit -- Voltage Below Nor- No engine protection for high crankcase pressure.
(4) mal or Shorted to Low Source.
101 Crankcase Pressure -- Data Erratic, Intermittent or None on performance.
(2) Incorrect.
101 Crankcase Pressure -- Data Valid but Above Nor- None on performance.
(15) mal Operational Range -- Least Severe Level.
102 Intake Manifold 1 Pressure Sensor Circuit -- Volt- Derate in power output of the engine.
(3) age Above Normal or Shorted to High Source.
102 Intake Manifold 1 Pressure Sensor Circuit -- Volt- Derate in power output of the engine.
(4) age Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source.
102 Intake Manifold 1 Pressure -- Data Erratic, intermit- Engine power derate.
(2) tent, or Incorrect.
103 Turbocharger 1 Speed -- Data Valid but Above Nor- Engine power derate to lower the turbocharger
(15) mal Operational Range -- Least Severe Level. speed.
103 Turbocharger 1 Speed -- Abnormal Rate of None on performance. The ECM uses and esti-
(10) Change. mated turbocharger speed.
103 Turbocharger 1 Speed -- Data Erratic, Intermittent, None on performance. The ECM uses an esti-
(2) or Incorrect. mated turbocharger speed.
103 Turbocharger 1 Speed -- Data Valid but Below Nor- Engine power derate. The ECM uses an estimated
(18) mal Operational Range -- Moderately Severe Level. turbocharger speed.
105 Intake Manifold 1 Temperature Sensor Circuit -- Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if con-
(3) Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High Source. trolled by ECM. No engine protection for engine
coolant temperature.
105 Intake Manifold 1 Temperature Sensor Circuit -- Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if con-
(4) Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source. trolled by ECM. No engine protection for engine
coolant temperature.
105 Intake Manifold 1 Temperature -- Data Valid but Progressive power derate increasing in severity
(15) Above Normal Operational Range -- Least Severe from time of alert.
105 Intake Manifold 1 Temperature -- Data Valid but Progressive power derate increasing in severity
(0) Above Normal Operational Range -- Most Severe from time of alert. If Engine Protection Shutdown
Level. feature is enabled, engine will shut down 30 sec-
onds after red STOP lamp starts flashing.

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Fault Code Information -- Continued.

108 Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit -- Voltage Engine power derate.
(3) Above Normal or Shorted to High Source.
108 Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit -- Voltage Be- Engine power derate
(4) low Normal or Shorted to Low Source.
108 Barometric Pressure -- Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Engine power derate.
(2) Incorrect.
110 Engine Coolant Temperature 1 Sensor Circuit -- Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if con-
(3) Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High Source. trolled by ECM. No engine protection for engine
coolant temperature.
110 Engine Coolant Temperature 1 Sensor Circuit -- Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if con-
(4) Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source. trolled by ECM. No engine protection for engine
coolant temperature.
110 Engine Oil Riffle Pressure -- Data Valid but Above Power derate and possible engine shutdown. If
(16) Normal Operational Range -- Moderately Severe Engine Protection Shutdown feature is enabled.
110 Engine Coolant Temperature -- Data Valid but Progressive power derate increasing in severity
(0) Above Normal Operational Range -- Mose Severe from time of alert. If Engine Protection Shutdown
Level. feature is enabled, engine will shut down 30 sec-
onds after red STOP lamp starts flashing.
110 Engine Coolant Temperature -- Conditions Exists. EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
110 Engine Coolant Temperature -- Condition Exists. EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
110 Engine Coolant Temperature -- Data Valid but Power derate and possible engine shutdown if en-
(15) Above Normal Operational Range -- Least Severe gine protection shutdown feature is enabled.
111 Coolant Level Sensor 1 Circuit -- Voltage Above None on performance.
(3) Normal or Shorted to High Source.
111 Coolant Level Sensor 1 Circuit -- Voltage Below None on performance.
(4) Normal or Shorted to Low Source.
111 Coolant Level -- Data Valid but Below Normal Op- None on performance.
(18) erational Range -- Moderately Sever Level.
111 Coolant Level -- Data Valid but Below Normal Op- None on performance.
(17) erational Range -- Least Severe Level.
167 Electrical Charging System Voltage -- Data Valid Amber warning lamp illuminated until high battery
(16) but Above Normal Operational Range -- Moderately voltage condition is corrected.
Severe Level.
167 Electrical Charging System Voltage -- Data Valid Amber lamp will light until low battery voltage con-
(18) but Below Normal Operational Range -- Moderate- dition is corrected.
ly Severe Level.
167 Electrical Charging System Voltage -- Data Valid Red lamp illuminated until very low battery voltage
(1) but Below Normal Operational Range -- Most Se- condition is corrected.
vere Level.
168 Battery 1 Voltage -- Data Valid but Below Normal Engine may stop running or be difficult to start.
(18) Operational Range -- Moderately Severe Range.

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Fault Code Information -- Continued.

168 Battery 1 Voltage -- Data Valid but Above Normal Possible electrical damage to all electrical compo-
(16) Operational Range -- Moderately Severe Level. nents.
171 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit -- Volt- None on performance.
(3) age Above Normal or Shorted to High Source.
171 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit -- Volt- None on Performance.
(4) age Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source.
175 Engine Oil Temperature High -- Data Valid but Progressive power derate increasing in severity
(0) Above Normal Operational Range -- Most Severe from time of alert. If Engine Protection Shutdown
Level. feature is enabled, engine will shut down 30 sec-
onds after red STOP lamp starts flashing.
175 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit Voltage No engine protection for engine oil temperature.
(3) Above Normal or Shorted to High Source.
175 Engine Oil Temperature Sensor 1 Circuit Voltage No engine protection for engine oil temperature.
(4) Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source.
190 Engine Crankshaft Speed/Position -- Data Valid but Fuel injection disabled until engine speed falls be-
(0) Above Normal Operational Range -- Most Severe low the overspeed limit.
190 Engine Crankshaft Speed/Position -- Data Erratic, Engine can run rough. Possibly poor starting ca-
(2) Intermittent, or Incorrect. pability. engine runs using backup speed sensor.
engine power is reduced.
251 Real--Time Clock Power Interrupt -- Data Erratic, None on performance. Data in the ECM will not
(2) Intermittent, or Incorrect. have accurate time and date information.
411 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Delta Pressure -- EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
(2) Data erratic, Intermittent or Incorrect.
411 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Delta Pressure EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
(3) Sensor Circuit -- Voltage Above Normal or Shorted
to High Source
411 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Delta Pressure EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
(4) Sensor Circuit -- Voltage Below Normal or Shorted
to Low Source
411 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Delta Pressure -- EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
(16) Data Valid but Above Normal Operational Range --
Moderately Severe Level.
411 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Delta Pressure -- EGR valve operation will be disabled.
(18) Data Valid but Above Normal Operational Range --
Moderately Severe Level.
412 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
(3) Circuit -- Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High
412 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
(4) Circuit -- Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low
412 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature -- Data Slight fueling derate to bring EGR temperature un-
(15) Valid but Above Normal Operational Range -- Least der the maximum limit.
Severe Level.

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Fault Code Information -- Continued.

412 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature -- Data Severe fueling derate to bring EGR temperature
(16) Valid but Above Normal Operational Range -- Mod- under the maximum limit.
erately Severe Level.
612 Engine Magnetic Speed/Position Lost Both of Two None on performance.
(2) -- Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect.
626 Start Enable Device 1 Circuit (Ether Injection) -- Ether start functionality will be disabled.
(3) Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High Source.
626 Start Enable Device 1 Circuit (Ether Injection) -- Ether start functionality will be disabled.
(4) Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source.
627 Injector Power Supply -- Bad Intelligent Device or Possible low power, engine misfire, and/or engine
(12) Component. will not start.
627 Power Supply Lost With Ignition On -- Data Erratic, Possible no noticeable performance effects or en-
(2) Intermittent, or Incorrect. gine dying or hard starting. Fault information, trip
information, and maintenance monitor data can be
629 Electronic Control Module Critical Internal Failure-- Engine may not start.
(12) Bad Intelligent Device or Component.
632 Engine Fuel Shutoff Valve Driver Circuit-- Voltage Fuel shutoff valve will close. Engine will shutdown.
(4) Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source.
632 Engine Fuel Shutoff Valve Driver Circuit-- Voltage Fuel shutoff valve may not open when keyswitch is
(3) Above Normal or Shorted to High Source. in ON position, or may not close when keyswitch is
in OFF position.
639 SAE J1939 Multiplexing PGN Timeout Error Abnor- One or more multiplexed devices will not operate
(9) mal Update Rate. properly. One or more symptoms will occur.
639 SAE J1939 Multiplexing Configuration Error -- Out At least one multiplexed device will not operate
(13) of Calibration. properly.
639 J1939 Datalink -- Abnormal Update Rate. Engine speed will ramp down and remain at idle.
641 VGT Actuator Driver Over Temperature (Calcu- None on performance.
(15) lated) -- Data Valid but Above Normal Operational
Range -- Least Severe Level.
641 VGT Actuator Driver Circuit -- Root Cause Not VGT actuation will be disabled.
(11) Known
641 VGT Actuator Driver Circuit (Motor) -- Mechanical VGT travel may be limited.
(7) System Not Responding Properly or Out of Adjust-
641 VGT Actuator Controller -- Bad Intelligent Device or VGT actuation will be disabled.
(12) Component.
641 VGT Actuator Driver Circuit -- Condition Exists. VGT actuation will be disabled.
641 VGT Actuator Driver Circuit -- Abnormal Update Active aftertreatment diesel particulate filter regen-
(9) Rate. eration will be disabled.
641 VGT Actuator Controller -- Out of Calibration. Low intake manifold pressure.

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Fault Code Information -- Continued.

647 Fan Control Circuit -- Voltage Below Normal or The fan can possibly stay on continuously or not
(4) Shorted to Low Source. run at all.
647 Fan Control Circuit -- Voltage Above Normal or The fan may stay on continuously or not run at all.
(3) Shorted to High Source.
651 Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 1 Circuit -- Current Current to injector is shut off. Engine can possible
(6) Above Normal or Grounded Circuit. misfire or run rough.
651 Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 1 Circuit -- Current Current to injector is shut off. Engine can possibly
(5) Below Normal or Open Circuit. misfire or run rough.
653 Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 3 Circuit -- Current Current to injector is shut off. Engine can possible
(6) Above Normal or Ground Circuit. misfire or run rough.
653 Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 3 Circuit -- Current Current to injector is shut off. Engine can possibly
(5) Below Normal or Open Circuit. misfire or run rough.
654 Injector Solenoid Cylinder Number 4 Circuit -- Cur- Current to injector is shut off. Engine can possibly
(6) rent Above Normal or Grounded Circuit. misfire or run rough.
654 Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 4 Circuit -- Current Current to injector is shut off. Engine can possibly
(5) Below Normal or Open Circuit. misfire or run rough.
655 Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 5 Circuit -- Current Current to injector is shut off. Engine can possible
(6) Above Normal or Grounded Circuit. misfire or run rough.
655 Injector Solenoid Drive Cylinder 5 Circuit -- Current Current to injector is shut off. Engine can possibly
(5) Below Normal or Open Circuit. misfire or run rough.
656 Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 6 Circuit -- Current Current to injector is shut off. Engine can possibly
(5) Below Normal or Open Circuit misfire or run rough.
656 Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 6 Circuit -- Current Current to injector is shut off. Engine can possible
(6) Above Normal or Grounded Circuit. misfire or run rough.
662 Injector Solenoid Driver Cylinder 2 Circuit -- Current Current to injector is shut off. Engine can possible
(6) Above Normal or Grounded Circuit. misfire or run rough.
677 Starter Relay Driver Circuit -- Voltage Above Nor- Either the engine will not start or the engine will not
(3) mal or Shorted to High Source. have starter lockout protection.
677 Starter Relay Driver Circuit -- Voltage Below Nor- The engine will not have starter lockout protection.
(4) mal or Shorted to Low Source.
723 Engine Camshaft Speed/Position Sensor -- Data Engine can run rough. Possible poor starting ca-
(2) Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect. pability. Engine runs using primary engine position
974 Remote Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sen- Remote accelerator will not operate. Remote ac-
(3) sor 1 Circuit -- Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to celerator position will be set to zero percent.
High Source.
974 Remote Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sen- Remote accelerator will not operate. Remote ac-
(4) sor1 Circuit -- Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to celerator position will be set at zero percent.
Low Source.
974 SAE J 1939 Multiplexing Remote Accelerator Ped- The engine will not respond to the remote throttle.
(19) al or Lever Position Sensor System -- Received Engine may only idle. The primary or cab acceler-
Network Data in Error. ator may be able to be used.
1072 Engine Brakes Actuator Driver 1 Circuit -- Voltage Engine brake on cylinders 1, 2, and 3 can be on all
(3) Above Normal or Shorted to High Source. the time or can not be activated.

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Fault Code Information -- Continued.

1072 Engine Brakes Actuator Driver 1 Circuit -- Voltage Engine brake on cylinders 1, 2, and 3 can not be
(4) Above Below or Shorted to Low Source. activated.
1073 Engine Brake Actuator Driver Output 2 Circuit -- Engine brakes on cylinders Number 4, 5, and 6
(4) Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source. can not be activated.
1073 Engine Brake Actuator Driver Output 2 Circuit -- Engine brakes on cylinders Number 4, 5, and 6
(3) Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High Source. can not be deactivated, or can not be activated.
1136 ECM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit -- Volt- None on performance.
(3) age Above Normal or Shorted to High Source.
1136 ECM Internal Temperature Sensor Circuit -- Volt- None on performance.
(4) age Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source.
1172 Turbocharger 1 Compressor Inlet Temperature Engine power derate.
(3) Sensor Circuit -- Voltage Above Normal.
1172 Turbocharger 1 Compressor Inlet Temperature Engine power derate.
(4) Sensor Circuit -- Voltage Below Normal, or Shorted
to Low Source.
1209 Exhaust Gas Pressure Sensor Circuit -- Voltage None on performance.
(3) Above Normal or Shorted to Low Source.
1209 Exhaust Gas Pressure Sensor Circuit -- Voltage None on performance.
(4) Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source.
1209 Exhaust Gas Pressure -- Data Erratic, Intermittent, The ECM will estimate the exhaust gas pressure.
(2) or Incorrect.
1209 Exhaust Gas Pressure -- Data Valid but Above Nor- Fueling derate to bring exhaust gas pressure below
(16) mal Operational Range -- Moderately Severe Level. the maximum operating limits.
1267 Idle Shutdown Vehicle Accessories Relay Driver Vehicle accessories or ignition bus loads controlled
(3) Circuit -- Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High by the idle shutdown relay will not power up.
1267 Idle Shutdown Vehicle Accessories Relay Driver Vehicle accessories or ignition bus loads controlled
(4) Circuit -- Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low by the idle shutdown relay will not power up.
1378 Engine Oil Change Interval -- Condition Exists. Maintenance reminder only.
1590 Adaptive Cruise Control Mode -- Data Erratic, Inter- Adaptive cruise control will not operate. Standard
(2) mittent, or Incorrect. cruise control may not operate
1639 Fan Speed -- Data Erratic, Intermittent, or Incor- The fan will only be in the ON or OFF position.
(2) rect.
2623 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor 2 Cir- Severe derate in power output of the engine. Limp
(3) cuit -- Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High home power only.
2623 Accelerator Pedal or Lever Position Sensor 2 Cir- Severe derate in power output of the engine. Limp
(4) cuit -- Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low home power only.
2789 Turbocharger Turbine Inlet Temperature (Calcu- Fuel is limited in an attempt to decrease the ex-
(15) lated) -- Data Valid but Above Normal Operational haust gas temperature entering the turbocharger.
Range -- Least Severe Level.

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Service Bulletin No. 2969C DATE APR. 13, 2009 PAGE 16

Fault Code Information -- Continued.

2790 Turbocharger Compressor Outlet Temperature Fuel is limited in an attempt to decrease the ex-
(15) (Calculated) -- Data Valid but Above Normal Opera- haust gas temperature entering the turbocharger.
tional Range -- Least Severe Level.
2791 EGR Valve Controller -- Bad Intelligent Device or EGR valve operation will be disabled.
(12) Component.
2791 EGR Valve Controller -- Out of Calibration. EGR valve operation will be disabled.
2791 EGR Actuator Driver Circuit -- Root Cause Not The EGR valve will hold the position of the last val-
(11) Known. id J1939 message.
2791 EGR Valve Control Circuit -- Current Below Normal EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
(5) or Open Circuit.
2791 EGR Valve Control Circuit -- Voltage Below Normal EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
(4) or Shorted to Low Source.
2791 EGR Valve Control Circuit -- Mechanical System EGR valve actuation will be disabled.
(7) Not Responding Property or Out of Adjustment.
2789 Turbocharger Turbine Inlet Temperature (Calcu- Fuel is limited in an attempt to decrease the calcu-
(16) lated) -- Data Valid but Above Normal Operational lated exhaust gas temperature entering the turbo-
Range -- Moderately Severe Level. charger.
3050 Catalyst Missing -- Condition Exists. Active aftertreatment diesel particulate filter regen-
(31) eration will be disabled.
3050 Catalyst Efficiency -- Out of Calibration. None on performance.
3050 Catalyst Face Plugged -- Root Cause Not Known. None on performance.
3050 Catalyst Efficiency -- Out of Calibration. None on performance.
3241 Aftertreatment Exhaust Gas Temperature 1 Circuit Active aftertreatment diesel particulate filter regen-
(3) -- Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High eration will be disabled.
3241 Aftertreatment Exhaust Gas Temperature 1 -- Data Active aftertreatment diesel particulate filter regen-
(2) Erratic, Intermittent or Incorrect. eration will be disabled.
3241 Aftertreatment Exhaust Gas Temperature 1 Circuit Active aftertreatment diesel particulate filter regen-
(4) -- Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source. eration will be disabled.
3241 Aftertreatment Exhaust Gas Temperature 1 -- Data Active aftertreatment diesel particulate filter regen-
(2) Erratic, Intermittent or Incorrect. eration will be disabled.
3241 Catalyst Inlet Temperature Sensor Swapped with Active aftertreatment diesel particulate filter regen-
(31) Outlet -- Condition Exists. eration will be disabled.
3245 Aftertreatment Exhaust Gas Temperature 3 Circuit None on performance.
(3) -- Voltage Above Normal or Shorted to High
3245 Aftertreatment Exhaust Gas Temperature 3 Circuit None on performance.
(4) -- Voltage Below Normal or Shorted to Low Source.

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Service Bulletin No. 2969C DATE APR. 13, 2009 PAGE 17

(For complete engine specifications refer to the Cummins Diesel Engine Service Manual.)

Torque Value Range

Item Description ft-lb Nm
1 Front Motor Mount Nuts (Rear of Coach) 285--345 386--468
2 Rear Motor Mount Bolts (Front of Coach) 285--345 386--468
3 Rear Motor Mount Strut-to Engine Locknuts 100 136
4 Crankshaft Vibration Damper Bolts 150 203
5 Crankshaft Pulley Bolts 33--39 44.7--52.8
6 Oil Drain Plug 65 88
7 Alternator Belt Pulley Tensioning Adjustment Bolt 60 80
8 Alternator Mounting Bracket Bolts 35 47
9 Starter Mounting Bolts 140 90
10 Air Compressor Housing-to-Gear Case Bolts 35 47
11 Adapter and Steering Pump-to-Gear Case Bolts 50 68


Model ISM
Type 4 Cycle
No. of Cylinders 6
Bore (Inches) 4.92
Bore (mm) 125
Stroke (Inches) 5.787
Stroke (mm) 147
Compression Ratio (Turbo) 16.1:1
Total Displacement (Cubic Inches) 661
Total Displacement (Liters) 10.8
Rated Full Load Speed (Rpm) 2100

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Service Bulletin No. 2969C DATE APR. 13, 2009 PAGE 18

Cummins ISM (410 HP) Engine
Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 cycle
Number of Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.921 inches (125 mm)
Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.787 inches (147 mm)
Total Displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661 in.3 (10.8 L)
Rated Full Load Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2100 RPM
Oil Filter Assembly
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Combination Lubricating Filter
Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Filter Head Mounted) LH Side of Coach
Fuel Filter Assembly (Primary)
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spin-On
Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Filter Head Mounted) RH Side of Coach
Fuel Filter Assembly (Secondary)
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spin-On
Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Filter Head Mounted) RH Side of Coach
Water Charge Filter Assembly
Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spin-On
Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Filter Head Mounted) LH Side of Coach
Cooling System
Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Gal. U.S. (98.4 liters)

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Service Bulletin No. 2969C DATE APR. 13, 2009 PAGE 19


For 2007 vehicles, the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) requires a 50% reduction in emissions of nitrogen
oxides ( NOx ) and a 90% reduction in particulate matter ( PM ). Oxides of nitrogen are created by the high temperature
and speed of combustion. Once in the atmosphere, NOx results in ground level ozone formation and smog. Emission
particulates include: unburned fuel and lube oil ( liquid hydrocarbons ), carbon soot from incomplete combustion ( main
contributor to smoke ), water from combustion and sulfate from the sulfur in the fuel.
To comply with these new regulations many changes were made, including: diesel fuel, engine, engine oil, vehicle
design and the exhaust system. The new exhaust system treats the engine exhaust and is referred to as an aftertreatment
The main components of the Aftertreatment System consist of the turbo pipe, Diesel Oxidation Catalyst ( DOC ), Diesel
Particulate Filter ( DPF ), sensors and wiring. The new exhaust system components in general are more fragile, complex
and larger. A muffler is no longer needed, because the DPF effectively replaces the muffler.
The DPF is a porous ceramic filter housed in stainless steel chamber. Flow requirements force the inlet and outlet to be
on opposite ends. As the exhaust flows through this filter, emission products are burned and converted to ash. The
aftertreatment system monitors the efficiency of the DPF. A self cleaning function ( called regeneration ) is used to keep
the DPF functioning properly between regular ash clean---out maintenance intervals, which must be performed by Service
Technicians. An optimal DPF size was chosen for low backpressure and to maximize ash storage capacity between
periodic cleaning.
MCI coaches with an EPA 2007 engine are equipped with a DPF system. The ECM monitors engine and after treatment
temperature and pressure sensors to determine when a regeneration of the DPF is required.
The DPF collects soot and the engine oil in the exhaust system. The regeneration process converts soot into gas, and
engine oil into ash. Residual ash from the engine oil remains in the DPF until the DPF is cleaned.

A Service Technician must perform a cleaning procedure to clean the accumulated ash out of the DPF as needed. This
will require special tools to flush the ash out of the filter. For heavy---duty applications the average mileage service interval
is estimated to be 150,000 miles. The average time service interval is estimated to be from 1 to 1 1/2 years. The time to
perform this cleaning should be approximately equivalent to the time required for an oil change.

Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Removal

1. Position the main battery switch to OFF and block the wheels.
2. Disconnect the coach wiring harness that connects to the DPF sensor box.
3. Remove the clean gas induction pipe from the DPF.
4. Remove clamps that secure the inlet and outlet sections to the DPF.
5. Slide the outlet module towards the rear of the vehicle (approx. 2”) to allow the diesel particulate filter to be removed.
NOTE: Mark the outlet end of the diesel particulate filter prior to removal for reference during installation.
6. Remove the DPF.
Diesel Particulate Filter Installation
1. Position the diesel particulate filter on the catalyst module, making sure that the outlet end of the diesel particulate
filter is facing in the right direction.
2. Secure the band clamp at the diesel particulate filter and catalyst module.
3. Slide the outlet module into the diesel particulate filter and secure the band clamp. Torque clamp to 100 in-lb.
4. Install the clean gas induction pipe.

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Service Bulletin No. 2969C DATE APR. 13, 2009 PAGE 20

Figure 11. DPF, located underneath the roadside, rear service compartment.

Figure 12. DPF components

Item Description
1 Diesel Particulate Filter
2 Pressure Sensor Line
3 Temperature Sensor Electrical Connector
4 Catalyst Module
5 Band Clamps
6 Outlet Module
7 Support Brace
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MCI coaches with an EPA 2007 engine are equipped with three specific tell-tales for the regeneration system:

Figure 13. LH tell-tale.

1. Regeneration Tell-tale Lamp ( DPF ). Tell-tale illuminates when a regeneration is required. Tell-tale is OFF
during regeneration.

Figure 14. Regeneration Tell-tale Lamp

2. High Exhaust Temperature Tell tale Lamp ( HET ). This tell-tale will illuminate when the coach is moving less
than 5 mph ( approximately ) and the exhaust outlet temperature exceeds the predetermined level.

Figure 15. High Exhaust Temperature Tell tale Lamp

3. Malfunction Indicator Tell tale Lamp ( MIL ) ( on DDC engines ONLY ). This tell-tale indicates a failure of a
emission system component on DDC equipped coaches only.

Figure 16. Malfunction Indicator Tell tale Lamp (MIL) (DDC ONLY)

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On MCI coaches there are three regeneration modes:

1. Passive Regen --- Normal engine operation provides sufficient exhaust temperature for regen to occur with
no noticeable effects to the driver.
2. Active Regen --- Normal engine operation does not provide sufficient exhaust temperature for passive
regent to occur. Regeneration system raises the exhaust temp for regen to occur.
3. Stationary Regen --- Normal operation of the engine will not allow for passive or active regeneration to
occur. The operator must initiate a regen with the remote switch located in the curbside, rear side service

The regeneration toggle switch is located in the RH, rear service compartment ( Figure 17 ).

Figure 17. Regeneration switch, located in the curbside, rear service compartment

To avoid serious personal injury or property damage, ensure that no persons or objects are at, or within two
feet of the exhaust outlet at any time during a regeneration.
Ensure that exhaust and outlet are clear of any trash, grasses, or other vegetation or debris.
Use extreme caution during a stationary regeneration, as exhaust gas tail pipe outlet
temperatures can exceed 900 degrees F ( 482 degrees C ).
Stationary regererations are to be performed outdoors only.
DO NOT leave the coach unattended during a stationary regeneration.
DO NOT perform inside a garage or maintenance facility.
DO NOT attach an exhaust extraction hose to the exhaust outlet.

If the coach will be idling for an expended period of time, or overnight, with the DPF tell tale lamp
illuminated, a stationary regen is required to avoid unnecessary engine derate or shutdown.
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DPF and HET ( Regen ) Tell-tale Conditions

Regeneration Tell-tale High Exhaust Temp. Tell-tale Engine Response / Operator Action
Engine responds normally.
OFF OFF No Driver action required
Engine responds normally.
ON SOLID OFF Regeneration required.

Increase vehicle speed above 5 mph

for a minimum of twenty (20) minutes,
perform a stationary regen within
two (2) hours.
Engine responds normally.
OFF ON SOLID / Regeneration in process.
Temperature Dependant No driver action required.

Regen required.
Temperature Dependant Perform a stationary regen within
one (1) hour.
Engine De---rated.
Tell-tale Temperature Dependant Regen required.

Perform Stationary Regen within

thirty (30) minutes.
Engine de-rated or shutdown
Tell-tale and STOP ENG Temperature Dependant
Tell tale Regeneration locked out.

Flashing SEL tell-tale indicates thirty

(30) seconds to shutdown.

Once shutdown, coach may need to

be towed.

Service required.

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The CHECK MESSAGE tell-tale illumination indicates that a message regarding additional tell-tale information is
displayed on the alphanumeric display of speedometer. Dependant of the message displayed, a buzzer may accompany
the message.

FIGURE 18 -- LH Tell-tale Cluster

Move the coach to a safe parking area to view the message displayed on the alphanumeric display of speedometer.
After the message has been recorded, the operator can press the SET button ( RH side of the speedometer ) to dismiss
the message. The CHECK MESSAGE tell-tale will remain illuminated, but the message will not appear until the system
re-broadcasts the signal.


FIGURE 19. Speedometer alphanumeric display.

The tell-tale information displayed on the alphanumeric display of speedometer are Lavatory Emergency
( displayed as LAVTORY ) and Baggage Lights ( BAG LTS ).

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Service Bulletin No. 2969C DATE APR. 13, 2009 PAGE 25


Before a parked or stationary regen can occur, these required functions must occur:

The DPF tell-tale lamp illuminated ( solid or flashing ),

Locate the transmission push---button shift selector. While making a service brake application, cycle the push---button
shift selector by pressing NEUTRAL---DRIVE---NEUTRAL. NEUTRAL selected on the transmission push-button shift
Locate the park brake. While making a service brake application, cycle the Park Brake ON---OFF---ON. Park brake is
The HVAC system is OFF.
Vehicle speed is 0 MPH.,
Engine running at idle speed ( Not fast idle ),
Service brake released,
DOC inlet air temp >300 degrees F ( 149 degrees C ),

Hold up the regen switch to the ”Initiate position” for 5 seconds and release. Do not move the switch to the ”Regen
Inhibit” position.

Stationary Regen Operation

DPF lamp will illuminate for 1 sec and turn off for the duration of regen,
Engine RPM will rise to 1600 RPM,
HET lamp will illuminate after approx. 3 minutes indicating high exhaust temperature during the regen and remain on
until after the exhaust is below the predetermined temp,
Duration of the regen is 20---40 minutes depending on the level of soot in the DPF,
When the regen is completed, all telltales will be OFF, engine RPM will return to idle.

A Stationary Regen can be disabled by:

Disabling one or more of the Stationary Regen requirements, or,
Toggle the Regen switch to “Inhibit position” for 5 seconds, or
Turn OFF the ignition switch.

An Active Regen can be disabled by:

Reducing vehicle speed to below 5 mph.
Procedure complete.

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