Sustainability Report 2019 Audi
Sustainability Report 2019 Audi
Sustainability Report 2019 Audi
Audi AI:ME (2019): Studie
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 2
Progress you can feel
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 5 Audi Sustainability Report 2019 24 Audi Sustainability Report 2019 42
Progress you can feel Progress you can feel Progress you can feel
from page 5 from page 24 from page 42
The topics addressed in this
Audi Sustainability Report 2019
6 Interview with the Board of 25 In combination 43 Better safe than sorry 62 Closing the circle 83 Audi embraces diversity
Management Market or morality? Accident research: the Audi is pursuing the Equal opportunity – for every-
What does the new strategy Criteria that govern work of the experts in vision of a holistic cir- one! This is how Audi ensures More about the creation and
“consistently Audi” mean for the the way Audi does the Audi Accident Re- cular economy. Can it that employees optimally un- structure of the Sustainability
company? An analysis business: the report search Unit succeed? leash their potential Report can be found on: page 14
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 3
Progress you can feel
To us, “Vorsprung durch Technik” As a premium car manufacturer and
means: innovative products to provider of innovative mobility solu-
ensure sustainable mobility and tions, we are aware of this social re-
a forward-looking, sparing use of sponsibility.
resources. This is our foundation
for future growth and long-term We address the topic of sustainability Markus Duesmann
corporate success. in all its facets. This is the only way
that we can create the freedom our
Together with the Volkswagen customers desire without adversely
Group, Audi was one of the first impacting the environment and soci-
companies to commit itself to the ety. Our vision is to provide sustain-
goals of the Paris Agreement. In able mobility that can be used by all
the long term, we are pursuing a vi- of us with a clear conscience. That is
sion of carbon-neutral mobility and why we act in a decisively sustainable
want to achieve net zero carbon way throughout all of the divisions.
emissions for the entire company Because we realize that every con-
by 2050. tribution matters when it comes to
achieving the transformation
Sustainability is much more than Arno Antlitz Dirk Große-Loheide Peter Kössler
just reducing CO₂ emissions with This Sustainability Report stands for
each kilometer traveled. This is that as well, and takes an open and
why we focus on the overall picture transparent approach to showing how
at Audi. We act responsibly, trans- the entire company is striving to make
parently and with integrity and rec- this vision a reality.
oncile social, environmental and
economic goals. The Board of Management of AUDI AG
Brief portrait
> Q5 TFSI e [2] > Diavel
> SQ5 > Monster
> Hypermotard
> Multistrada
The Audi Group, with its brands Audi, Lamborghini and 59,248) million. Operating profit: EUR 4,509 (2018: > Streetfighter
> Panigale
Ducati, is one of the most successful manufacturers 3,529) million. Approximately 90,783 people work for > SuperSport
São José dos
of automobiles and motorcycles in the premium seg- Audi around the world, of whom 60,083 are in Germa-
Brazil ment. In 2019, the Audi Group delivered 1,845,573 ny. Volkswagen AG is the major shareholder of AUDI
Audi do Brasil
Indústria e Comércio
(2018: 1,812,485) automobiles of the Audi brand, AG and controls around 99.55 percent of the share
de Veiculos Ltda. 8,205 (2018: 5,750) sports cars of the Lamborghini capital. The Audi Group (headquarters: Ingolstadt),
> A3 Sedan
brand and 53,183 (2018: 53,004) motorcycles of the is present in more than 100 markets worldwide and
> Q3 Ducati brand to customers. Sales: EUR 55,680 (2018: produces at 16 [3] locations in 12 countries.
Fuel/electric power consumption and CO₂ emission figures can be found on page 110
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 5
Progress you can feel
with consistency
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 7
Progress you can feel
hey are working toward We can tell that sustainability is
making the vision of ze- more than just another item on
ro-carbon mobility a re- both of your to-do lists.
ality – and ensuring that Hildegard Wortmann: Authentic-
this reality ultimately bears four ity is the most important aspect
rings: Hildegard Wortmann, Board when it comes to sustainability.
Member for Sales and Marketing, Customers can tell right away
and Peter Kössler, Board Member whether you are just half-heart-
for Production and Logistics. edly addressing a topic or if it sin-
cerely matters to you.
Ms. Wortmann, have you Peter Kössler: That also applies to
already done something sustain- us as a company and we regard it
able today? as our responsibility. We deliber-
Hildegard Wortmann: Every ately decided to name one of our
contribution matters – even the strategy’s cornerstones “consis-
smallest ones. There’s a wide tently sustainable”.
range of possibilities. For exam-
ple, I consistently avoid using How is this consistency
plastic bottles and I purchase expressed?
fruits and vegetables that are in Peter Kössler: Many of our employ-
season and regionally grown. Even ees spend a lot of time thinking
my drive to work is as sustainable about the topic, and that's the
as it can be: My company car is a point. There’s a new corporate cul-
plug-in hybrid. ture at Audi and the awareness of
sustainability plays a fundamental
Mr. Kössler, how sustainable has role in it. Peter Kössler, Board Member for Production and Logistics, behind the wheel of an Audi e-tron
your day been so far? As a car manufacturer, we're not
Peter Kössler: I try to read the just a small cog in the wheel,
news before the workday starts. particularly since we are part of What do you think: In what direc- “There’s a new Peter Kössler was born in Ingolstadt,
Germany, in 1959. After completing
For the most part, I use my smart- a society that regards mobility as tion is sustainability developing, corporate culture at
training to become an electrician spe-
phone or tablet computer, since a basic human need. Or to put it which also includes diversity and Audi and the aware- cializing in energy devices and a degree
I only have digital subscriptions more simply: We're all part of the social policy, for example?
ness of sustainability in precision engineering, he started his
to many newspapers and maga- "big wheel." Hildegard Wortmann: Sustain-
plays a fundamental career at AUDI AG as a trainee in Ingol-
zines. Generally, I also try to buy Hildegard Wortmann: We see our- ability isn’t a trendy topic that will stadt in 1986. From 2007 bis 2015, Pe-
as much as I can from retail stores selves as being in a position to en- just disappear from the agenda at role in it.”
ter Kössler was head of the Audi Ingol-
and avoid online shopping, be- sure that we are heading in the right some point. It’s decisive for every- stadt plant. Since September 1, 2017,
Peter Kössler, Board Member
cause that’s also a way to reduce direction, and as having the respon- one’s future. We as a brand have to for Production and Logistics he has been a Member of the Board of
CO2 emissions and it’s sustainable sibility to do that. Our customers be willing to be measured by that. Management of AUDI AG, where he is re-
in many respects. rightfully expect that from us. That’s why we’re examining sponsible for Production and Logistics.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 8
Progress you can feel
carbon-neutral by 2025. Since model – the Audi e-tron GT. quently reusing these reprocessed consistently. As a company, we part of the Volkswagen Group
we have always been perceived as Peter Kössler: Audi is in the midst aluminum sheets in the production are no longer just focusing on the allows us to leverage synergies
a particularly sporty brand, we also of a transformation. The future is process. This enabled Audi to save vehicle, but increasingly on the and create a wide and versatile
want to be fast and lean in advanc- electric, in all segments. We are around 150,000 tons of CO₂ on ecosystem surrounding the entire electric car model portfolio for
ing the transformation. consistently pursuing our electrifi- balance in 2019 alone. And we will electric car as well. Thus, we offer each segment and each group
cation and sustainability strategies be able to save even more in the fu- our customers smart charging of customers. To move into the
But someone who wanted to re- across our entire model range. ture. Another example is Europe’s solutions from photovoltaic elec- realm of premium electric prod-
spond provocatively would find it largest photovoltaic roof system, tricity that we have generated. At ucts, by 2025 Audi will launch
easy – sustainability and SUVs are Do you believe that this position- which we dedicated a few weeks the same time, it’s clear that we at least three models based
fundamentally a contradiction... ing alone is capable of countering ago at Audi Hungaria in Győr. as a manufacturer cannot take on the modular electric drive
Hildegard Wortmann: I don’t the Fridays for Future movement? on the expansion of the charging matrix for more compact vehi-
think that’s true. Our customers’ Hildegard Wortmann: The topic of Audi promises to unleash the infrastructure alone. We need the cles. The first models featuring
wishes are our top priority. And we sustainability has gained an entire- beauty of sustainable mobility, support of politicians and society. architecture that was developed
see that the trend toward SUVs is ly new dimension through move- and to do it profitably. How is it But those who make demands in conjunction with Porsche
unbroken. So we have to strike the ments such as #FridaysforFuture. possible to bridge the gap be- must also be willing to deliver. will be introduced to the higher
balance of offering customers an Young people are addressing topics tween these two factors? And I can truly say: We're doing segments at the beginning of
SUV that they can drive without a that socially highly relevant. I have Peter Kössler: Electric mobility that. this decade. It’s clear to us: The
guilty conscience. The Audi e-tron a great deal of respect for their is a prime example of our acting Hildegard Wortmann: Being future is electric!
underscores our premise that eco- determination – it shows a highly
logical awareness and SUVs are developed sense of responsibility
not a contradiction in terms. When for our future.
selecting a segment for our first
electric vehicle, we made a con- How can listening be put into
scious decision to choose one that action?
combines sportiness, complete ev- Peter Kössler: We are consistently
eryday usability and a high degree working on change – in all of the
of potential for growth. corporate divisions. The transfor-
Peter Kössler: And don't forget: mation to a net-zero carbon emis-
There’s another reason that the sions company is well underway,
Audi e-tron is an SUV. We wanted and it's also expressed by the fact
to offer our customers a vehicle that we are using resources in the
capable of driving long distances. most responsible manner and add-
An SUV was the best way to do this, ing closed loops where we can. One
because it requires relatively large example of this is the Aluminum
batteries. We will be launching Closed Loop. The aluminum sheet Sustainability is part of
a compact SUV with the Audi Q4 offcuts that are produced in the the strategy – and it is
important to talk about
e-tron. press shop are sent directly back to it. An interview with
Hildegard Wortmann: And our first the supplier, which then processes Hildegard Wortmann
fully electric, high performance and recycles them. We are subse- and Peter Kössler
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 10
Progress you can feel
Research &
Audi is embarking on a great competence center in Neckarsulm,
transformation. The company which has assumed the lead within
aims to reduce its carbon foot- the Volkswagen Group.
print by around 30 percent in Thanks to the mild-hybrid sys-
just five years. Audi wants to be tems, vehicles with combustion
carbon-neutral by 2050. Rigorous engines also emit less CO₂ than
electrification of vehicle fleets con- they did in the past. Once the driver
tributes to promoting decarboniza- takes his or her foot off the gas ped-
tion. Research and Development al, the drive management system
is currently working intensely on selects from one of two options:
introducing around 30 electrified Depending on the driving situation
models to the market by 2025; and the setting in the “Audi drive
they are intended to make up select,” the vehicle either recovers
approximately 40 percent of the energy or it glides with the engine
brand’s sales. switched off.
Furthermore, Audi is banking on The vision is to shape premium
plug-in hybrids and, in the future, mobility in a manner that is both ef-
on the h-tron fuel cell drive system fortless and sustainable – from the
(page 48). Research and develop- time the car is purchased through
ment activities pertaining to fuel its ownership and utilization phase
cells are being conducted at the and all the way to its resale.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 11
Progress you can feel
The scientific history of economist Michael E. Por- the process, various tasks
the value chain ter in 1985. According to for rendering service are
Porter, the value chain rep- described, from develop-
The value chain depicts resents a collection of ac- ment, procurement and
production levels as an or- tivities that are performed production to sales and
ganized sequence of activ- to design, produce, mar- after-sales services.
ities, which in turn create ket, deliver and support a In practice, the value
value, use resources and product. chain serves as a means
are linked to each other Moreover, it reveals the of analyzing corporate
through processes. path a product or a service activities and represents a
The concept was first in- will follow throughout the complex methodological
troduced by the American transformation process. In instrument.
Audi generally constructs its models so that they substances, such as batteries. Containers for liq-
can be dismantled quickly and simply. When a uids, radiators or oil pans are constructed in such a
vehicle is returned to an official Audi collection way that they can be emptied in an uncomplicated
facility, it is drained and disassembled. Together and residue-free way. Furthermore, factors such as
with other manufacturers, Audi has developed the avoiding the long-term filling of oils and fats, as
Recycling database IDIS (International Dismantling Infor- well as maintenance intervals geared toward driv-
Audi not only focuses on conserving resources mation System) to optimize the overall process of ing modes and vehicle operating conditions, also
when designing and building its vehicles, the brand dismantling. reduce the amount of waste in workshops.
also promotes recycling and reusing – in keeping IDIS contains type-specific information for pro- Used components and assembly groups such as
with the concept of the circular economy (page fessional and environmentally-friendly handling, engines, transmissions, axles, starters, electronic
62). This is why Audi has teamed up with (external) starting with information about draining automo- parts and many other components are then re-
partners to create a comprehensive return net- tive fluids, the neutralization of airbags and seat furbished. This protects the environment, while
work. In addition, materials used – such as plastics belt tensioners and all the way to the dismantling offering customers the cost-saving alternative of
– are labeled and are thus easily recognizable. of components containing particularly hazardous exchanging a component for a recycled spare part.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 14
Progress you can feel
In the spotlight
ny’s strategy. Sustainability has a lot to do with adaptability,
but also with transparency. To do justice to transparency, the
The “consistently Audi” strategy, which was presented in May all readers truly understand why these topics are being re- 2019 Sustainability Report reflects the carefully selected
2019, is changing many things. As a result, sustainability ported on. There are internal (e.g. strategies) and external reporting topics in its familiar basic structure, featuring the
has moved to the core of our entrepreneurial action, thus (e.g. guidelines) reasons for this. chapters “Strategy,” “Operations and Integrity,” “Products
altering the way Audi reports on its activities within the con- and Services,” “Value Creation and Production” as well as
text of “consistently sustainable” – one of the strategy’s four To enhance understanding, the Sustainability Strategy de- “Employees and Society.” Maintaining the same structure
subgoals. This is why the Sustainability Strategy department, partment has developed a thematic map that allows the enables an annual comparison and makes it easer to identify
which is responsible for the direction and operationalization reader to see at a glance why topics were selected and under- progress. With this new approach, the Four Rings is demon-
of the sustainability strategy and is tasked with preparing stand the underlying strategy. This also emphasizes the fact strating its adaptability and openness: It is important to Audi
this report, decided to adopt a new approach to reporting. that topics reported on were not just arbitrarily chosen: They to relay clear messages and demonstrate credibility through
The aim of the 2019 Sustainability Report is to ensure that are clearly linked to stakeholders’ demands and the compa- transparency.
Draw on
Three-pillar Traveling safely
Thanks to brand diferen-
approach on the
Interactive: Click on
tiation, Audi intends to
data highway
Consistently sustainable Core areas
become number one for
Operating without ethics customer experience. Then
and a sense of proportion the plan will succeed.
does not work. An overview Data protection in harmony with
tion (oekomRating
Down to the
Audi” (see also page 15) strategic goals with concrete
iderat , SIS)
last detail Hol
Better safe than sorry
measures in an understand-
To become the leading car-
able manner.
Accident Research Unit (AARU). A report.
individual parts of
ESG criteria
f co
cu ctio
Ethi ations
d se te
an a pro
RI s
i nd
Co m
found on pages
the mate from
Materiality analysis
riality ty
ital-market-relevant criteria
analysis fe
Consistency in Full of power
n se
sustainability Operations En Ve
, de
Top topic
the mate from
basis for s
SUSTAINABLE Transparency
resources and
Integrated and
well thought out important results from the
life cycle assessm
materiality analysis.
Soc ne fo
pl io
ment of a vehicle shows where its
, So & yee r environmental footprint arises.
cia on
Sustainable Development Goals
portu cie s n The most important facts about
lu & ctio
l op n and Circ
rit rain
inte rsity u
ia ing
m Em
an e du en is
d av ro in erg sion
de al lp
ve ue d tra th y s
Sustainability Roadmap
lo eu e ma an
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₂-n fa
cto nag d
t ry em
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value creation
ty al
fe n
sa tio
an ccu
ng for dern
Less is
tr m
og no
ox re more
id la
e cu
pa ci r
s/ Audi carefully analyzes the
r tic
ula u rce
so environmental aspects of its
United for te
m at t n of
re worldwide manufacturing net-
ti o
your health er,
no i
s e r va work – with the vision of build-
ing its cars in carbon-neutral
Stronger together
Audi’s commitment –
Flow of knowledge
“Consistently Audi”:
Sustainability –
The four mission fields of the new
Audi strategy
Sustainability has been a central corporate goal and an absolute neces- consistently electric: Audi is taking
sity for ensuring future success for quite some time. For Audi, it means the lead in the transition to e-mobili-
our future viability and it represents a fundamental basis for accep- ty. Electric mobility is the key to more
tance and relevance – thanks to sustainable products from a sustain- sustainable mobility worldwide.
able company. But how will Audi achieve this new edge? By having the
consistently connected: Audi is creat-
correct self-perception and applying the right strategy.
ing an open, digital ecosystem.
GRI 102-44
has been discussed for more than 30 years, eventually be- the form of a new corporate strategy: “consistently Audi”. turer to a mobility service provider; the company acts
came legally binding for first time as the Paris Agreement, The goal of the strategy is to position the company for the purposefully and with all its power – in other words,
which has been in force since November 2016 and was future, to play an instrumental role in shaping the trans- consistently.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 16
Progress you can feel
In the future, the company’s approach will be to When it comes to health, the brand is focusing Complex value chains
focus – and then implement consistently. At the on reducing emissions such as nitrogen oxides When it comes to sustainability in the automo-
core are four action areas: consistently customer, (NOx), particulate matter and the topic of tive industry as a manufacturing business, one
consistently electric, consistently connected and noise. special feature is the complexity of the value
consistently sustainable. chain. The product is not the only thing that
In terms of climate, Audi combines all activi- must demonstrate sustainability – production
Audi developed the action areas for “consistently ties in the Sustainability Roadmap that are in- is affected as well. This goes hand in hand
sustainable” with the help of its Sustainability tended to reduce the CO2 emissions of vehicles with Audi’s commitment to implement sus-
Roadmap. This is a way for the company to make a and CO2 volumes generated during production. tainability equally in all divisions. For an over-
targeted contribution to solving global challenges. view, see pages 10-13. Precise details can be
The roadmap’s content has three focal points: Resource conservation includes activities found in the individual articles, which address
related to the circular economy to change re- most parts of the value chain at Audi through
source consumption in the vehicles themselves the examples described there. At the end of
H and during manufacturing sustainably. each chapter, the Audi Sustainability Program
Climate shows the connection between the strategic
Resources These focal points give rise to specific action goals and concrete measures for these areas.
areas, focal points for development, measures
GRI 102-44
and key figures, which constitute the core of That is how we guarantee that Audi is keeping
Audi’s sustainability activities and are present- its promise to “unleash the beauty of sustain-
ed in a selection in this report. able mobility” on several levels:
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 17
Progress you can feel
GRI 102-44
in the long run if the limits tainable development and passages also provide a
For detailed information on the corporate goals, of the planet are not the eradication of poverty reference to the corre-
please refer to the Audi 1019 Financial Report respected. are inseparably connected. sponding SDGs.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 18
Progress you can feel
Audi is part of society and as such, assumes responsibility Strategy Digitalization Sustainability Urbanization
for the environment, its own employees and for people Development Strategy Strategy Strategy
outside its factory perimeters. Sustainability is important
for Audi and is firmly integrated within the company. The
Sustainability Strategy department consolidates measures Sustainability
across the divisions and is responsible for the direction of Steering
the sustainability strategy. It reports to the Sustainability Committee
Board – the full Board of Management of AUDI AG – at least
twice a year. At the meetings of the Sustainability Board,
the Sustainability Strategy department reports on current
measures and potential target conflicts with regard to the Board of Management, where they are then discussed. The
economy, ecology and society. department is also in charge of the Sustainability Steering
Committee, which is composed of representatives of all di-
Anchoring sustainability in the company visions plus one representative from the Works Council. The
For Audi, there is a direct correlation between economic Sustainability Steering Committee aims to ensure cross-di-
success and entrepreneurial responsibility. As part of the visional management of the sustainability strategic field of
risk management process, the Sustainability Strategy de- action. The resolutions adopted by the Sustainability Steer-
partment presents material risks on a quarterly basis to the ing Committee form the basis for decision proposals for
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 19
Progress you can feel
the Audi Board of Management as well as for product-re- has signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the
lated decision-making committees containing members of principles of the International Labour Organization and
Handling of the diesel crisis
the Board of Management. of the OECD, the principles of the Rio Declaration on Envi-
ronment and Development and the UN Convention against One thing is clear to the
Executive bodies of AUDI AG Corruption. The company, as a subsidiary of Volkswagen Supervisory Board: Some-
The Annual General Meeting, the Supervisory Board and AG, suspended its membership in the UN Global Compact thing like the diesel crisis
the Board of Management make up the executive bodies effective November 12, 2015, in light of the diesel crisis. must never happen again at
of AUDI AG. The Annual General Meeting of a stock corpo- Irrespective of the suspension of its membership, Audi AG Audi. Thus, Audi continues
ration is the meeting of the corporation’s shareholders or emphasizes its commitment to the principles of the UN to gather information about
owners at which they exercise their rights with regard to Global Compact. initiatives pertaining to
the stock corporation’s affairs. The Board of Management compliance, integrity, risk
manages the business of AUDI AG and of the Audi Group At Audi, the Volkswagen Group Essentials, the Audi lead- management and corporate
in accordance with the law, the Articles of Incorporation ership principles and the Audi corporate values of appreci- culture.
and Bylaws of AUDI AG and the rules of procedure issued ation, openness, responsibility and integrity all constitute
by the Supervisory Board. Corporate governance also gives the fundamental values and foundation of our corporate Moreover, the Supervisory
due consideration to the corporate goals and to shared culture. The guiding behavioral principles for the Audi Board actively calls upon all
interests within the Volkswagen Group. At the time the Group’s employees are described in the Code of Conduct. In members of the Board of
report was completed, the AUDI AG Board of Management 2019, the Code of Conduct was fully revised and supports Management to remain per-
consisted of seven members. The Supervisory Board over- employees in their daily duties in the company. It provides sonally committed to these
sees and advises the Board of Management’s running of the guidance, advice and support on correct behavior at the topics and places adhering
business. The Supervisory Board of AUDI AG comprises ten workplace, as a business partner and as a member of the to these ethical standards
shareholder representatives and ten employee representa- company. The Code of Conduct is binding for every employ- on par with economic goals
tives as provided for by law. The composition of the Super- ee, regardless of his or her position in the hierarchy. when it comes to making
visory Board and Board of Management of AUDI AG as well fundamental economic
as the dates on which members took up office are provided The Code of Conduct provides clear rules on correct conduct decisions.
on the website of AUDI AG. in a transparent and easily understood form and is con-
stantly made accessible to all employees. The emphasis is For further information on the
tasks and issues addressed by the
Guiding principles of action on dialogue and exchange. Practical examples illustrate the
Supervisory Board, please refer
In February 2012, AUDI AG joined the United Nations individual subject areas and help employees apply the rules to the Audi 2019 Financial Report
Global Compact as an independent company. The company (page 25) . on pages 104f.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 20
Progress you can feel
Targeted dialogue
Initiatives and
Material stakeholders are all internal and external groups Podium discussions
of individuals that are affected directly or indirectly by the
company’s business activities. The relevant stakeholders are
identified based on their expectations, expertise, integrity,
and their ability to influence Audi.
on Audi’s process of transformation toward a sustainable These events included expert discussions, plant visits, Impetus for open discussions
mobility provider. These assessments also contribute to the participation in public podium discussions, or political dis- The “Responsibility Perspective” lecture series gives Audi
continuous development of the sustainability strategy. In small cussion formats such as the Zukunftsforum Automobil Bay- employees and managers an opportunity for discussion and
groups of 20 to 25 people, Audi experts discussed four topic ern, the Strategiedialog Automobilwirtschaft Baden-Würt- networking with experts from science and industry. Sustain-
areas with relevant stakeholders: the charging infrastructure, temberg (SDA BW), and the “Future of mobility” national ability-related issues that are relevant to Audi’s future via-
human rights – complaints mechanisms, digital responsibility, platform. bility are discussed at the event. Papers by outside speakers
and the circular economy. This focused dialogue delivered a and commentaries by Audi experts provide starting points
clear picture of expectations at the topic level and strength- Ramping up electric mobility for open discussions between all participants. A total of just
ened mutual trust. Participants experienced Audi as an open A further high point was the parliamentary breakfast hosted under 3,000 employees have taken part in more than 25 lec-
company that understands and implements sustainability as a as part of the 69th Berlin International Film Festival on the tures since 2013. The topics of compliance and sustainability
core element of its strategic focus. At more than 100 events in topic of the Audi electric mobility strategy. Discussions with in the working world were addressed in 2019.
2019, Audi also engaged with political stakeholders from par- some 70 participants, including members of the German
liamentary authorities, ministries of Germany's Federal Gov- Bundestag, focused critically on topics such as how socially
ernment and Federal States, associations, non-governmental compatible electric mobility can be and what is needed for
organizations (NGOs), and think tanks. the imminent ramping up of electric mobility.
Participation in external Here is a selection from our numerous involvements that also reflect the interests of the company’s stakeholders.
initiatives and federations This image was created using the five chapters of this report to illustrate the connections to the topics reported here.
In the 2019 year under review, Audi asked internal and ipants were asked to rate the importance of the topics on a 2019 materiality matrix presents “relevance for external
external stakeholders for their assessment of relevant ac- scale of 1 (“very low”) to 6 (“very high”). 3,206 opinions from stakeholders” and “relevance for internal stakeholders” (Audi
tion areas in relation to sustainability issues (stakeholder respondents from Germany (71 percent), Europe (6 percent, employees) as one dimension, with both evaluated equally.
relevance). Through this approach, the company identifies without Germany), North America (13 percent), South Amer- As a result, the matrix is presented for the first time as a bar
those topics that are particularly important – and that have ica (3 percent), Asia (3 percent), Africa (1 percent), Australia chart, which shows the findings clearly at a glance.
a major impact. and “place of origin not specified” were assessed for the
2019 materiality matrix. This was the first time we succeed- These findings provide a structure for this report. The two
ed in reaching such an international audience. main articles in each chapter are devoted to the two topics of
The materiality analysis is a strategic instrument that Audi the highest relevance for stakeholders.
uses to establish the relevance of certain sustainability topics Audi differentiates the stakeholders according to different
for the Audi Group from the perspective of different stake- groups: employees, analysts and investors, neighbors and
holders. This analysis thus makes a contribution to regular local residents, customers, politics and associations and
reviews and the further development of the sustainability employees' organizations, press and media, science and sus-
strategy. Audi has been conducting the materiality analysis tainability experts, non-governmental organizations (NGO),
routinely since 2012 and presents the results in a materiality business partners of Audi AG, and others.
matrix (see next page). Stakeholder relevance:
Data protection 4.
and data security
Economic and biodiversity
0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 24
Progress you can feel
Can sustainability
also be profitable?
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 25
Progress you can feel
Three-pillar approach
Sales or the environment? Market or morality? Profit maximization or ethics? Wait!
Audi says “and” not “or.” The past has shown that operating without ethics and
a sense of proportion does not work. But what does ethical operation mean for Audi?
integrity & culture
At Audi, ethical opera- holistic view of sustainability – in
tions mean that the com- its business decisions, the compa- Compliance Integrity
pany has a responsibility ny always takes account of ecolog-
at Audi means acting in at Audi means respon-
to society. What follows ical and social aspects to ensure
harmony with laws and sible business activity
is value-oriented action geared to its long-term competitiveness and internal rules as well as based on society’s
sustainability, focusing on human- therefore uphold its responsibility protecting the company accepted values and
kind, society and the environment. as a reliable employer. Economic from harmful activities. In principles, which
The aim is a win-win situation for efficiency and job protection are everyday work, the Code of the company has
all participants. And the founda- equal-ranking goals in this regard. Conduct provides guidance. embraced. Integrity
tion for this is to acknowledge that Achieving these objectives calls It defines the fundamental sharpens the aware-
running a business is a meaningful for a balance between compliance, principles that govern our ness of employees to
day-to-day work. These critical situations.
activity in the interests of human integrity and an open corporate
apply Group-wide and are
solidarity, social development and culture. binding on everyone, re-
quality of life. Business and ethics gardless of hierarchal level.
are not insurmountable contradic- Opportunities and risks
tions in terms – instead, they are For Audi, integrity and compliance
two sides of the same coin. are the basis of all our actions and
In the long run, Audi will only be take top priority both within the
successful – and successful means company and across the entire
profitable and oriented toward the Volkswagen Group. They form the
Corporate culture
common good – if the company basis for a good reputation, for the
expresses how people at Audi work
succeeds in bringing ethics and trust of customers and business together and what values are decisive
results, conscience and profit, the partners, for the well-being of its in this respect. Corporate culture also
environment and sales into con- employees and for sustainable eco- provides for uncertainties to be freely
structive alignment. Audi takes a nomic success. voiced by each individual.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 26
Progress you can feel
Whistleblower system for regulatory violations: the Audi whistleblower and ombudsman systems
Whistleblower system
External reporting channel Internal reporting channel
The Ombudsman System of the Volkswagen Group Establishing an integrity-based corporate culture also calls for vigi-
serves as an external input channel. As part of this lance on the part of all employees, along with their readiness to re-
system, two experienced external attorneys-at-law Forwarding of port possible regulatory violations where they have substantiated
are designated as neutral ombudsmen. Any em- hints checked suspicions. A central component is the Audi whistleblower system.
ployee, business partner or external third party can and released by It helps identify and put a stop to erroneous behavior – and in
contact them if they discover evidence of regulatory whistleblowers particular serious regulatory violations – at an early stage. In-
violations. All reports are treated in confidence and ternal and external points of contact are provided for reporting
forwarded to the Audi whistleblower system. The breaches of the law and of internal regulations by employees in
whistleblower may choose to remain anonymous. respect of Audi. The main point of contact within the company is
The ombudsmen are subject to the attorney’s duty the Audi Investigation Office. In 2019, 694 reports of possible
of confidentiality. The following procedural princi- regulatory violations were received. The number was consider-
ples, among others, apply here: ably lower in the previous year with 215 reports.
Whistleblowers are protect- Such persons are always pre- ments are duly taken into
ed and their statements are sumed to be innocent until account. How to contact the whistleblower system:
treated confidentially. Their the opposite is proven. In
Personally Postal address
identity is not published if so addition, they have the right If, in the course of the in-
The Audi Investigation Office AUDI AG
desired and legally possible. to be heard and to represen- vestigation, no regulatory
I/GC-C5 Whistleblower system
They should feel fairly treat- tation and to be advised and violation can be identified,
AUDI AG 85045 Ingolstadt
ed. Any instances of discrim- supported during an inves- then the Investigation Of-
85045 Ingolstadt
ination, intimidation or hos- tigation by a member of the fice will support the person email
tilities toward whistleblowers employees’ representative concerned in informing his
will not be tolerated. body responsible. In this or her employment environ-
context, the right of AUDI AG ment. The primary objective
Whistleblowers who expe- to define the time schedule is to protect the reputation
rience discrimination on for the investigation remains of the employee. Reports Hints can also be submitted anonymously. In the process, the identity of the whistleblower is
account of their report can unaffected. of regulatory violations not revealed to Audi. The following channels are available for submission of anonymous hints:
contact the Audi Investiga- are checked for plausibility
tion Office, which will take up The costs of legal representa- by the Audi Investigation Online reporting channel
the case, evaluate it in accor- tion are borne on principle by Office, categorized, and in
dance with the whistleblower the person concerned. Within the event of initial grounds
process and clarify it. the scope of the investiga- for suspicion, assigned to a The 24/7 hotline of the Volkswagen Ombudspersons (external lawyers)
tion, the persons concerned suitable investigating body Group’s whistleblower system:
Persons concerned, in con- are given the opportunity to in the Company or outside it +800 444 46300 (free of charge)
trast, must be protected present a statement on the to resolve and conclude the +49 5361 946300 (subject to charges,
from unlawful accusations. allegations made. The state- matter. internationally accessible)
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 28
Progress you can feel
support from Larry D. Thomp- organization-wide network of in- Key focal areas
Business and human rights
son, the monitor appointed by tegrity ambassadors. As the inter-
the U.S. Department of Justice. face with Integrity Management,
Thompson and his team examine the ambassadors help commu-
Freedom of association and Diversity, protection of vulnerable,
and evaluate compliance with nicate moral behavior to specific
collective bargaining particularly indigenous groups
the conditions of the settlement target groups in their divisions
agreements reached with the U.S. and serve as a divisional point of
Department of Justice at the start contact for employees on integrity
of 2017. In addition, he recom- questions. In 2019, over 50 am-
mends new measures to reinforce bassadors in Ingolstadt and Neck-
compliance and control systems arsulm were selected and suitably No discrimination,
and verifies their implementation. empowered for their tasks. No particularly in the
Certification by the monitor is a The aim is not only to provide forced labor workplace
precondition of the settlement ar- employees with information, but T
rangements with the U.S. Depart- also to qualify them in line with the
Employee rig
ment of Justice. topics at hand: This is why AUDI AG
Something like the diesel issue increasingly relied on training ses-
must never happen again at Audi. sions in the year under review. Tolerance toward
For this reason, the entire Board of No different opinions
Management personally pledges Increased focus: human rights child labor and respectful ex-
to continue our efforts of recent It is important to Audi to identify pression of them
years with regard to ethics and and mitigate possible risks of vio-
compliance once the monitorship lations of human rights in its busi- ty
S af e
has come to an end. The members ness processes at an early stage.
of the Board of Management re- In doing so, it relies for guidance
port to the Supervisory Board on on international parameters and
progress. standards to which the company Good
commits itself. This applies both to working Ensure the
conditions safety of people
Sensitizing employees processes within the company and
Motivation and activation of Audi’s to collaboration with our business
workforce are of particular impor- partners and suppliers – i.e. at var-
tance to ensuring corporate culture ious levels of the value chain and No involvement in any Key focal areas at
unlawful activities Group level
based on integrity. Integrity man- the supply chain.
agement ensures high visibility of Relevant international standards
this topic by means of continual for the subject area of “business
communication in employee media and human rights” include, in
as well as dialogue events. particular, the United Nations’
The base and core of sustainability management
Moreover, in the year under re- Universal Declaration of Human at Audi are voluntary commitments and principles.
view the company established an Rights, which is codified in the Detailed documents are available here.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 30
Progress you can feel
International Covenant on Civil in the Code of Conduct for business a corresponding statement on the business partners apply the same
and Political Rights and in the In- partners. Moreover, Audi has a gen- corporate website on measures ad- standard of integrity in business
ternational Covenant on Economic, eral agreement in place regarding opted in the field of human rights. practices that applies to the Volk-
Social and Cultural Rights. Further- respect for and compliance with In Germany, Audi supports the fed- swagen and Audi Group. For this
more, the Core Labor Standards human rights. eral government’s National Action reason, Audi carries out integrity
of the International Labor Organi- In recent years, a trend toward Plan (NAP) “Business and Human checks of business partners and
zation (ILO), the Core Labor Stan- regulating business and human Rights,” for instance by working suppliers known as Business Part-
dards of the International Labor rights in national laws has been with other stakeholders (civil soci- ner Due Diligence (BPDD). These
Organization (ILO) and the OECD emerging in leading economies. ety, companies, associations, etc.) checks are part of a risk-based,
Guidelines for Multinational Enter- As a global business, Audi also in the automotive sector’s industry transparent and proper documen-
prises are relevant in this regard. observes national requirements dialogue to find solutions. tation process. The Group uses a
The basis for cooperative work re- that put international standards Together with the Volkswagen special BPDD tool for risk-based business partner does not meet
lations characterized by social har- in concrete form. One example of Group, Audi is working on integrat- checks on whether existing and our compliance requirements,
mony includes, for instance, Volk- national reporting obligations is ing this subject into its existing potential new direct business part- risk-mitigating measures are tak-
swagen Group agreements made the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015: Compliance Management System ners act with integrity and comply en. In specific cases, these may
with the Group European Works Audi meets its transparency obli- in a structured fashion. The Group- with all relevant laws, rules and also lead to the termination of a
Council and Global Group Works gations every year and publishes wide work group has defined key regulations in their business. If a business relationship.
Council (Social Charter). They offer points in the sense of the UN guid- In addition, there was a revision
employees certainty as regards ing principles known as “Salient of the Code of Conduct for Busi-
their employee and human rights. Business & Human Rights Issues” ness Partners, in which the Com-
In essence, this includes their right (page 29) in the field of business pliance, Procurement and Sales
to freedom of association, their and human rights. divisions together draw up funda-
right to collective negotiations and mental expectations of the busi-
equal pay, and the banning of dis- Strict compliance requirements ness conduct and ethical behavior
crimination relating to employment The Audi Group works with a large of their business partners for the
and profession. The company’s val- number of partners in the course first time, e.g., on the topics of
ues are also entrenched in the Code of its business operations. The human rights or the prevention of
of Conduct for all its employees and company wants to ensure that its corruption.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 31
Progress you can feel
Traveling safely on
the data highway
Audi owners expect digitally networked vehicles Thematic goals of
Agenda 2030
and services. In the process, customers rely on their
personal data being secure at all times – whether
inside the vehicle, in the cloud or on Audi servers.
basis for generating this genuine the vehicle. This makes it clear that
added value is the ability to know huge volumes of data are gathered
the user, his or her needs and influ- and processed in real time. The ge-
ential marginal factors as well as neric term for this is digitalization.
Digitalization offers immense op- is the personal intelligent assis- possible. Audi therefore regards conscien- The goal is to es-
tablish a resilient
portunities. Not only does it enable tant – better known as “PIA.” Using tious use of data as an integral part
infrastructure, to
new services and useful functions; artificial intelligence methods, High data protection standards of its corporate responsibility and promote inclusive
it also makes mobility smarter and “PIA” connects all kinds of data – The Audi Intelligence Experience embeds this principle in the Corpo- and sustainable
more personal. Data and informa- sensor data derived from the car project was presented at the Con- rate Policy on Data Protection. It industrialization and
to support innova-
tion are necessary to develop these and knowledge of the driver, traffic sumer Electronics Show 2020 complies fully with applicable na-
solutions and help us understand reports and forecasts and addition- and combines functions adopted tional laws on personal data, data
customers’ wishes even better. The al information sourced from the from various research projects. It protection and personal rights to
focus here is on the principles of Internet. “PIA” responds to voice describes a future scenario of the privacy. The emphasis is on trans-
transparency and data minimiza- input, for instance, “learns” con- “empathic vehicle.” The car ana- parency and self-determination
tion. In addition, we understand tinually and communicates inde- lyzes which functions and settings of how data is used. Audi informs
premium to mean that we protect pendently and adaptively with the its user prefers – such as the seat customers in a suitable way about
our customers’ data and devote user thanks to individually tailored position and massage options, how their personal data is handled.
full attention to data security from algorithms. A similar approach media use, navigation, interior In particular, this includes what
the outset. is being followed by the concept illumination and temperature or data is collected and processed,
In future, the primary objective car AI:ME. It provides an insight fragrances for the car’s interior. for what purposes data is used and In the process, the
digitalization of mo-
will not be to collect as much data into how the car of the future will If desired, it can also orient itself whether certain data is transmit-
bility and vehicles
as possible but to offer the max- become a very personal mobility toward the user’s present state ted to third parties. Transparency helps achieve the
imum added value with our cus- partner, with systems that think of mind and feelings. To do so, also means providing customers transition toward
tomers’ data. Throughout recent ahead and in sync with the user the system interprets the style of with information on exactly what an economic and
social lifestyle that
years, Audi has demonstrated this and are capable of continual learn- driving or vital functions such as personal data on them exists at
is better for the
in a variety of research projects and ing. This enables them to respond the driver’s skin temperature and Audi. Data secrecy applies to such planet and for each
concept cars. One example of this proactively and with empathy. The pulse as recorded by sensors inside information. individual.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 32
Progress you can feel
What does an ideal customer journey look like? It gener- the CEM Sales survey for purchases of new cars and under the
ally begins with initial contact being made without any com- CEM Used Cars survey, customer satisfaction with the sales
mitment. Potential customers perceive Audi as a possible process is determined using a brief online questionnaire –
provider of mobility solutions and are interested in finding depending on country-specific implementation, this survey
out how the company can satisfy their mobility needs. On- is taken 48 hours to two weeks after vehicle collection. The
line, Audi offers them advisory services on its website, via CEM Service survey follows 48 hours after a service appoint-
the mobility needs analysis and the configurator. Offline, ment to assess the customer’s most recent workshop experi-
on-site advisors at automobile showrooms use their exper- ence. Customers can answer four questions pertaining to the
tise and digital tools to assist customers in making their respective event.
decisions. Interested customers can then log in using the
myAudi app and book a test drive online or directly with the As many as 82 markets are currently taking part in the Audi
Audi dealers on site. CEM study. Therefore, Audi’s survey generates about one
million interviews each year, with around 15,000 users at the
Audi also advises and accompanies its customers individu- businesses accessing the CEM portal with the latest custom-
ally after they have purchased their vehicles, establishing er feedback, amounting to 2,300 logins each day. The partic-
even more touchpoints for customer contact in the course ipation quota averages around 30 percent, which shows that
of Audi’s customer experience management measures along customers certainly are quite willing to pass their feedback
with intensified personal relations. While waiting for deliv- on to the businesses. In the future, Audi also plans to publish
ery, customers can thus obtain information on their orders the CEM evaluations on dealer and sales websites, thus pro-
placed and, if necessary, advice on alternative mobility solu- viding even more added value for customers.
tions. Of course, Audi also maintains contact with its custom-
ers after delivery and offers intelligent recommendations, Starting in 2020, a new question on satisfaction with the
tutorials, invitations to exclusive events, original accessories product was integrated as the final aspect of the CEM survey.
and individually tailored offerings in addition to its classic In around 80% of all CEM interviews, respondents provide
Audi listens! Strategic customer
vehicle and customer service. additional voluntary feedback about the product. These Prod-
relationship management
uct Reviews are a valuable source of information for those
Sustainable customer relationship management with product responsibility at Audi. Customer satisfaction Audi’s goal is to become the leading
In the interests of sustainability and long-term customer re- measurement beyond the CEM is supplemented by evalua- provider of sustainable premium mobil-
lationships, within the scope of its customer experience man- tions derived from the app portals on digital offerings. ity. In doing so, the company focuses its
agement (CEM) program the company relies on online sur- attention on customers’ needs. To inspire
veys and evaluation tools as control instruments for gauging All satisfaction measurements are based on the 5-star customers and be successful, not only does
customer satisfaction. Customers should be able to interact ratings frequently used in online surveys. This uniform ap- a company need to understand its clien-
with Audi quite individually and talk with the company about proach serves as the basis to continue delivering premium tele; it must also shape the future even
their specific experiences. The CEM Sales, CEM Service and, in services and thus consistently aligning activities to the fu- more intensively together with them. This
some markets, CEM Used Cars surveys measure the degree of ture of mobility, a strategy that is beneficial to customers, is why sustainable and digital products and
customer satisfaction with conventional retailers. As part of dealers and Audi alike. services are one of Audi’s top priorities.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 35
Progress you can feel
of all stakeholders
for profitability. The operating return on sales of 8.1
percent means that Audi generated an operating return
on sales of around 8 cents on each euro turned over.
The Audi Group not only wants to secure its own compet-
itiveness over the long term; it also aims to act in a val- 8,3 8,1
ues-led and viable way, in the interests of all stakeholders.
In this context, Group-wide risk and compliance manage- 6
ment systems provide guidance for the company’s econom- 5,1
ic stability – especially in times of transformation processes (in percent)
such as digitalization and decarbonization.
2019 3.160
(in EUR million)
(in Mio.EUR)
the capital employed over a given period. Return
on investment already takes account of CO2 compliance Net cash flow [100] percent
measures and can therefore also be understood as Return on investment [100]
Cash flow is the sum total of all incoming and
return on investment after CO2. outgoing payments recorded as part of Audi’s The profitability of an investment is reflected in the
business activities. This key figure is evidence return on investment (ROI). This key figure descri-
While Audi successfully mastered a challenging fiscal year of financial strength – and thus illustrates the bes the percentage-based ratio of operating profit
2019 with substantial operationally adverse factors, the company’s economic health. after tax to the company’s invested capital.
company is pressing ahead with its transformation, aiming to
generate a significant increase in corporate value in the long
term. The Four Rings will strictly focus on customer-oriented
innovations, further developing its business model profitably help support the new business model in financial terms. agreement will produce a cumulative effect on earnings of
and realizing synergies both within the Volkswagen Group This is why Audi has currently chosen to rely on both com- around six billion euros by 2029. Both programs have paved
and in external partnerships. bustion-engine technology and e-mobility. There must be a the way for Audi to once again achieve an operating return on
healthy balance between the fields of economy, ecology and sales in the strategic target corridor of 9 to 11 percent in the
Electric mobility as a business model society, as an imbalance would lead to the imminent risk of medium term.
Achieving a healthy mix in terms of return and carbon foot- economic instability.
print requires the necessary matching product portfolio. In Identifying opportunities, assessing risks
2025, electric cars like the e-tron will account for around Future financial success will be underpinned by two pro- As an automotive group with a global reach, Audi constantly
40 percent of all Audi models worldwide. This why it makes grams. First: the Audi Transformation Plan (ATP). It is aimed operates in a dynamic environment and is continually con-
sense that the portfolio of the 2025 brand comprises some at fast-acting aspects of change. The ATP was successfully fronted with a wide variety of opportunities and risks. For
30 electrified models, including 20 fully electric ones. While launched in fiscal year 2018 and is expected to generate the company, sound corporate governance revolves around a
the electric mobility business model entails risks, it also some EUR 15 billion for future projects in five years (2018- constructive dialogue and transparent handling of opportu-
offers numerous opportunities. Electrification of the vehi- 2022). Specific measures have already been identified for 80 nities and risks. Apart from meeting statutory requirements,
cle fleet is a necessity to lower fleet CO₂ emissions. In the percent of them. the particular purpose of an effective Risk Management
course of this long-term transition to electric mobility, what System and Internal Control System (RMS/ICS) is to validate
was referred to as the classic business model – namely the Second: Audi.Zukunft. The program is aimed at making the entrepreneurial goals as well as long-term viability and
sale of premium automobiles with combustion engines – can the company structurally fit and competitive by 2029. This competitiveness. The Risk Management System is based
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 37
Progress you can feel
Three Lines of Defense Supervisory Board Research and development
expense ratio 2019
This figure indicates the
Board of Management percentage of sales invested
in research and development.
Coordination of control
Operational Audit of ICS/
processes, governance and
risk management RMS
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
on the internationally recognized standard defined by the inadequate anchoring of sustainability aspects in products In order to learn from risks that have occurred and avoid
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway and processes or possible risks arising from extreme weath- them from happening again, a concept was launched to
Commission (COSO). Audi uses a system comprising corpo- er events are also taken into account. implement a systematic cause analysis and lessons-learned
rate and operative risk management. By way of a systemat- process in 2019.
ically designed risk management architecture, Audi adopts The annual GRC process has been supplemented by a fur-
the “Three Lines of Defense” model (see diagram), with its ther regular process, namely the Risk Quarterly Process. Further corporate risk management tasks at Audi include ex-
clear separation of tasks and functions. The goal here is to record, evaluate and continuously mon- ecution and ongoing development of risk management tools,
itor short-term, operative risks across all divisions and pro- training courses and interactive training programs as well as
The Risk Management System helps to identify and min- duction companies. advising the operating units.
imize potential risks and, where possible, to avoid them
altogether. To ensure this, latent and recurring risks for the Moreover, AUDI AG consistently further develops the Risk
Audi Group arising from its business activities are record- Management and Internal Control System. The Internal
Further key financial figures are available in the Appendix.
ed each year within the scope of the Governance, Risk & Control System within the Volkswagen Group and the Busi-
For detailed information on the impact and the current situation as re-
Compliance (GRC) process, including the countermeasures ness Continuity Management System are currently gards resolving the diesel crisis as well as on action taken, please refer
and control activities adopted. Risks such as the potentially being extended. to the Audi 1019 Financial Report, on page 104f.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 38
Progress you can feel
GRI 102-41
the laws, directives, accident and risks at work that im- domestic factories by the presented in the individual organiza-
prevention regulations, pact physical and especially management and employee tional units and discussed with the
wage agreements and works mental health, increasing representatives. employees.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 41
Progress you can feel
21 percent return on investment (ROI) Implementation of the Audi Transformation Plan and the Audi Strategy Continuous
by no later than 2025 development
5.0 to 6.0 percent research and development Implementation of the Audi Transformation Plan and the Audi Strategy Continuous
ratio by no later than 2025 [6] development
5.0 to 6.0 percent ratio of capex Implementation of the Audi Transformation Plan and the Audi Strategy Continuous
by no later than 2025 [7] development
Self-finance the transformation to provider Implementation of the Audi Transformation Plan and the Audi Strategy Continuous
of sustainable, individual premium mobility development
EUR 15 billion measure potential through the Programs already set up with Project Management Office (PMO) and work packages 2022
Audi Transformation Plan 2018-2022 from the Board of Management. Flanked by ongoing monitoring and control.
Reinforce Group-wide compliance and integrity Implementation of the Group-wide compliance and integrity program 2025
Together4Integrity in all companies through 2025
Global protection and responsible Definition of data processing principles applicable worldwide 2020
handling of personal data
Establishment of a data protection organization within the Audi brand group 2020
Binding measures in the Audi brand group, e.g. maintaining a procedure directory, Continuous
internal reporting processes for data protection violations, ensuring the rights of development
parties concerned or establishing an appropriate risk management system
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 42
Progress you can feel
Which technology
is truly sustainable?
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 43
Progress you can feel
he Audi A5 approaches the
intersection. The stop sign
tells the driver to stop – but
the A5 does not slow down.
It enters the intersection without
braking. The driver of the Audi A1, who
has the right of way, doesn’t stand a
chance – she cannot stop in time. She
swerves to avoid the other vehicle, but
the collision is inevitable.
This accident* happened a few weeks
ago, but in the virtual world it takes
place again and again from many differ-
ent angles – from an aerial perspective
and from the view of the two drivers
involved in the accident. The 3D anima-
tion of the accident reconstruction is
repeated several times so that all the
spectators in the room can get an ac-
curate idea of what happened. On this
Friday in November 2019, around 20
experts from various fields are sitting
in a meeting room at Technical Devel-
From all opment in Ingolstadt. The AARU, Audi
perspectives: Accident Research Unit, has invited
Maximilian the experts to an interdisciplinary case
Purfürst, Kristin
Blum, Thomas review. In addition to Audi employees
Schenk and from Product Analysis, Data Analysis
Mathias Baumann and Driver Assistance Systems and from
(from left to the specialist department Vehicle Safe-
right) analyze an
accident. ty, the participants include employees
from the cooperation partner, Univer-
sity Hospital Regensburg. They are all
*The scenario of this accident was changed to protect the personal rights of the people involved.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 44
Progress you can feel
Number of people killed in road traffic accidents by Audi technicians which body parts need preliminary work from the
selected type of road use and location, 2018 of the passengers had contact with psychologists and physicians; the
the interior and what injuries were AARU also prepares the accident
1012 caused by this. This is valuable and occurrence meticulously in the run-
190 96 important feedback for the devel- up to the meeting. Often, a drone
Rural road opers. Have all the passive safety is used to take a lot of photos at
systems functioned as required? the site of the accident, which cre-
A resilient What could be improved? All the ates a data cloud of the location.
232 43 0 19 infrastructure findings are sent to the develop- Based on this data, the precise
Highway also includes
ment department, and ultimately analysis of the accident vehicles
180 159 250 343 that enables they make the next generation of and the police reports, it is then
environmentally Audi models even safer. possible to recreate the accident
Within friendly mobility. Physicians, psychologists and down to the smallest detail during
cities/ Source: Naturally, all
towns technicians, all gathered around the meeting.
German Federal means of trans-
Statistical Office port should enable one table. Before they can “dis- This is where Kristin Blum comes
Passenger Motorcycles Bicycles Pedestrians (Destatis), 2019 safe travel. sect” the accidents, they not only in. She works on developing
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 45
Progress you can feel
Driver-related causes of accidents involving personal AARU service Crash tests with the
injury in road traffic, 2018 in percent vehicle power of water
In Norway, Audi and Volk-
Mistakes in turning left/right, swagen recently moved
making U-turns, reversing,
entering the road or starting
16.0 into a carbon-neutral data
center near Oslo, which
Failure to yield right of way 14.3 operates 100 percent
with hydroelectricity. At
Insufficient distance from others 13.9 the end of 2019, the data
center had approximately
Inappropriate speed 11.4 2,800 servers, which will
be increased to a maxi-
mum of about 5,600 in
Improper road use 6.9
For Blum, the EDR (Event Data Re- chain differs. This case shows that the long term.
Improper behavior towards corder) is a great help in simulating the work of the AARU does not end Vehicle developers use
pedestrians 4.3 accidents. This system records the with a pure analysis of the colli- its computing power of
five seconds prior to the airbag sion. “The focus is also on the res- up to 2,750 kilowatts for
Mistakes when passing 3.8 being triggered. With the accident cue measures after the actual acci- computation-intensive
analyzed here, the initial speeds dent. This is especially important projects, such as virtual
Influence of alcohol 3.6 were about 50 km/h. with high-voltage vehicles, as the wind tunnel trials and sim-
Using all the available data, Blum rescue workers should know how ulated crash tests.
Other causes 25.7 calculates that from the aspect of to handle electric vehicles so as not Annual savings? The
both cars, an emergency braking to put themselves at risk.” Audi can plant in Rjukan saves more
Source: German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 2019 system with cross-traffic function help here, too. than 5,800 metric tons
would very likely have prevented For more than 20 years, the of CO₂ annually compared
this accident. AARU has investigated and as- with a conventionally op-
sessed almost 1,500 accidents. erated data center.
predictive safety functions. As the accident or at least minimized Analysis of the rescue chain Thomas Schenk has been in this
an automotive engineering tech- its consequences for the pas- Another accident is being dis- business for a long time. He is a
nician, she analyzes accidents sengers? Neither vehicle had an cussed. There is a reason why this true professional when it comes
based on the technical criteria of emergency braking system with case is especially interesting for to the on-site investigation work.
existing safety systems in Audi cross-traffic function on board. the Audi technicians: An Audi A3 And one thing is very clear to him:
models as well as systems that Could such a system have prevent- Sportback e-tron* was severely The feedback from the AARU helps
are still in the development phase ed the collision? And how would damaged on impact. In regard improve general traffic safety – for
at Audi. With regard to the crash the intelligence of the function to high-voltage vehicles that are the passengers in an Audi and for
between the Audi A5 and Audi A1, have to be programmed to classi- involved in an accident, it is of par- everyone else involved. The AARU
she is looking for an answer to fy the approaching vehicle as an ticular interest whether they be- thus makes an important contribu-
the following question: Could an accident risk, warn the driver and have differently from conventional tion towards ensuring that all road
assistance system have prevented apply the brakes? vehicles and whether the rescue users get from A to B safely.
Full of power
Audi is pursuing the full spectrum of
electric mobility. For example, the brand
offers pure electric cars and is committed
to developing the charging infrastructure.
Plug-in hybrids also contribute towards
electrifying internal combustion engines;
with mild hybrids, Audi is helping increase
efficiency. Here are the most important
key parameters and projects from the
2019 drive strategy.
* Audi e-tron: Combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: 24.3–21.0 (NEDC); 26.6–22.4 (WLTP), combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi e-tron Sportback: Combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: 23.9–20.6 (NEDC); 26.3–21.6 (WLTP), combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 47
Progress you can feel
Immediate action is
required to combat
climate change. Lo-
cal commitment is
also needed.
The goal is to es-
tablish a resilient
infrastructure, to
promote inclusive
12-volt battery
and sustainable
and to support inno-
* Audi A4 2.0 TFSI: Combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 6.0–5.7 (NEDC); 7.4–6.5 (WLTP);
combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 136–128 (NEDC); 168–148 g/km (WLTP)
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 48
Progress you can feel
Latest h-tron developments Electricity from the VW brand “Elli” Fuels from renewable sources
In 2019, there was less focus on other. The first testbed vehicles Electric mobility will become practical and Various manufacturers have intro-
fuel cell technology (h-tron) than from the latest h-tron generation consistently sustainable only when the elec- duced new processes to produce
on electric drive systems. Audi will enter the trial phase. tricity is also generated sustainably. In 2020, fuel from renewable sources
sees fuel cell vehicles as a special One option for the future is a an entry-level wall box should be available (bio-based or power-to-X). Audi is
form of electric drive – and from plug-in hybrid with a fuel cell, with which customers can charge their cars monitoring these developments
a technical aspect, both drive which combines low-emission 100 percent emissions-free. It will be of- very closely and investigating the
systems (e-tron and h-tron) have mobility and the ability to cover fered in cooperation with the Group’s elec- compatibility of these fuels with
parallels and complement each long distances. tricity provider Elli (Electric Life). current and future engines.
Cradle-to-gate Well-to-wheel
Fuel/ Vehicle
Raw materials Component Vehicle production electricity provision emissions
sourcing production
Gate-to-gate Well-to-tank Tank-to-wheel
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 50
Progress you can feel
Fast identification of optimization requirements battery production. Audi is also very much involved in the Market leadership in sustainable mobility
An LCA quickly indicates optimization potential not just for complex area of recycling instead of leaving it to external The effectiveness of all the actions taken to reduce CO₂ is
vehicles with conventional drive systems but also for electric companies. In the spirit of the life cycle principle, the life of reflected in the life cycle assessment of a vehicle, but not
cars. Once Audi knows where the hot spots are – these are the vehicle components continues after the vehicle’s utilization just there: It is also included in the DCI – which stands
components or processes that experts know have a particu- phase. Every Audi contains valuable raw materials, which, for decarbonization index. This index is very important
larly high impact on the environment – it is easier to set pri- with smart processing concepts, can be reused. The goal is to throughout the Group, since it is a key performance indi-
orities. For instance, one result of the life cycle assessments create a circular economy. For this to succeed, the recycling cator for the “Together 2025” strategy – the vision of the
is the knowledge that the production-related environmental phase must be taken into account as early as the develop- Volkswagen Group to become the world’s leading provider
impact is reduced if green electricity is used consistently in ment of a new vehicle. of sustainable mobility (page 15).
* Audi e-tron: Combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: 24.3–21.0 (NEDC); 26.6–22.4 (WLTP), combined CO₂ emissions in g/ ** In an earlier version of this article, the model name Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI* quattro tiptronic 169 kW
km: 0. Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI (model year 2017 // NEDC) and Audi Q7 3.0 TDI (model year 2016 // NEDC): Vehicles are no longer offered (MJ 2016) was listed. In fact, it is the Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI quattro S tronic 185kW model (MY 2017).
for sale. Fuel/electric power consumption and CO₂ emission figures for current models can be found on page 110 This was corrected in June 2020.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 51
Progress you can feel
Competencies to be pooled
Over the past years, there has been an enormous increase in
the proportion of software in cars. This area now constitutes
a large part of the added value and has significant effects on
vehicle performance. In addition, expenditure for software Audi connect – new functions in 2019
development is rising constantly. Two-thirds of the costs are
used for developing “basic functions” that are required by The many new and extended Audi connect function Markets
all the brands. On the other hand, brand-defining “functions connect functions introduced for
that customers experience directly” account for just one- connected vehicles illustrate the Audi connect remote & control / Other countries within ECE**
Emergency call & service* Internationalization: USA, CAN,
third of the costs. This is why the platform and module con- innovative strength of AUDI AG MEX, JP, KOR, SGP, MYS, TWN,
cept is to be fine-tuned – in the future, there will be one stan- in the year under review of 2019. HKG, AUS, NZL
dard software platform that will be used for all brands and in Internationalization is quickly be-
Digital assistant* (Amazon Alexa) ECE**
all markets. The Volkswagen Group aims to increase its share coming evident here.
of in-house software development for the use in vehicles Traffic light information online in selected cities ECE**, USA, CAN
from less than 10 percent today to more than 60 percent by * Rollout for existing vehicles. Online navigation map update CHN
2025. The Car.Software organization will play a key role here. ** ECE: in selected regions within Europe
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 53
Progress you can feel
to let go?
28 64 32 30 28 27 24 18 17 14
ng ed
re h
rd s-
Ko out
Ki nit
bo ros
Interest in autonomous driving
98 (as a percentage) by country
77 75 75 74 72 Audi is a driving force in the field to insiders. The study, called “The that intends to be proactive and
of driver assistance systems – but Pulse of Autonomous Driving,” informed in contributing to a bet-
what do most people think about also defined five profiles of differ- ter world,” says Floridi.
technological leaps in automated ent users (see next page) of auton- After all, autonomous driving is
driving? A study from Audi pro- omous driving. the subject of many highly charged
vides clarity. “The study is more than just a debates. Getting into a car that
welcome addition to our knowl- takes passengers to their destina-
Are you worried when the pilot edge of the autonomous driving tion on its own? Some people are
switches on the autopilot in a phenomenon,” says Dr. Luciano frightened of this idea, while to
plane? In the distant future, a Floridi, Professor of Philosophy others it sounds like the ultimate
feature that is well established in and Ethics of Information and vision of free mobility. But one
aviation and rail traffic will also be Director of the Digital Ethics Lab thing is certain: Audi has been
common in cars: conditional au- at the University of Oxford. Flo- working on autonomous vehicle
tomation. But are people ready to ridi is a member of the scientific technology for many years.
let go of the steering wheel? network of the “&Audi” initiative, The Audi AI:ME and Audi AI:CON
In a large-scale online study, which provided the framework for illustrate impressively how this
Audi investigated the readiness carrying out the study. “The study could work and what it could look
of 21,000 people from nine coun- is a necessary step for any poli- like in the future. They belong to the
tries on three continents. Many of cy and law-making decision and family of concept cars that began
the results were surprising, even every R&D and business strategy in 2017. Each of the visionary
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 54
Progress you can feel
Survey “The Pulse of Autonomous Driving”: What are the user types for self-driving cars?
In the cockpit,
drivers see not nience for drivers, increase traffic safety, and encourage a
only the current foresighted, economical style of driving,” says Andre Hainzl-
speed limit but maier, who heads development for Apps, Connected Services
also how fast
they must drive and Smart City.
to reach the
green light. But that’s not all: In return, Audi provides the traffic man-
agement system with anonymized data. Traffic planners see,
for example, whether vehicles have to stop frequently at
certain intersections or average waiting times are compar-
atively long. As a result, traffic lights can be switched more
efficiently and traffic flows better. “Ingolstadt is the first city
in Europe in which we are connecting our series-production
models with traffic lights. This shows how rigorously the city
is investing in a digital traffic infrastructure and how import-
ant a close partnership is. The service will help improve traf-
fic flows so that everyone in Ingolstadt benefits,” says Achim
Heinfling, a plant manager at Audi in Ingolstadt.
Reduce CO₂ emissions from the Audi EU new car fleet by 27 Reduce consumption by using new technologies 2020
percent (base year 2012) from the modular efficiency platform
Reduce environmental impact across the entire life cycle Prepare product-based life cycle assessments for new Continuous
compared with the predecessor model vehicle models; validate and certify life cycle assessments; development
publish the data
Significantly reduce fuel consumption for every new vehicle Switch 70 percent of new vehicles sold with combustion 2022
compared with the predecessor model engines to mild hybridization or plug-in hybridization [8]
Expand the range of electric drive concepts Expand the range of plug-in hybrids 2020
to seven Audi models
Ensure availability of charging systems for private charging Provide competitive charging lineup for electrified Audi models 2020 [10]
to coincide with the market introduction of the first fully for domestic charging, including:
electric series-production model from Audi – Charging equipment
– Smart charging functions, e.g., photovoltaic-optimized charging
– Joint projects on home energy management systems (HEMS)
– Innovative technologies
Ensure the availability of fast-charging infrastructure along Infrastructure expansion in cooperation with partners, e.g. 2022
the long-distance transport axes in Europe and the USA to IONITY joint venture in Europe and Electrify America in the US,
promote long-distance capability of electric vehicles as an incentive for electric vehicles
Extend the charging infrastructure at the Audi sites Set up and operate cross-site charging infrastructure at Audi sites 2022 [12]
for the start of production (SOP) of the Audi e-tron; additional
needs-based expansion for processes in the plant as well as
providing 10% electrified parking lots for company cars and em-
ployee leasing vehicles by the middle of 2022 [11]
Conserve resources through new recycling concepts for Development of a recycling process for traction-battery cells 2019
closing material cycles (completed)
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 59
Progress you can feel
Global protection and responsible handling of personal data Fine-tune the organizational processes to validate privacy Continuous
by design, privacy by default development
Expand the range to include fuel cell drive concepts under Continue to develop fuel cell technology, introduce 2022
the Audi h-tron umbrella brand a small series with fuel cells to the market [13]
Roll out fuel cell technology across the Group brands 2026 [14]
Provide carbon-neutral energy sources from renewable Promote the development of synthetic liquid fuels together Continuous
energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with suitable partners. Additional focus on the technology development
readiness of products within AUDI AG [17]
Integrate a CO₂ capturing plant (capturing CO₂ from the 2021 [16]
air) in a power-to-gas or power-to-liquid plant
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 60
Progress you can feel
Responsibility for the safety of customers and Portfolio of predictive assistance and safety systems Continuous
other road users development
Is “clean” industry
even possible?
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 62
Progress you can feel
Reduce, reuse, recycle, rethink: Not just a single closed
Audi is pursuing the vision of a circle, but several along
the entire automotive
holistic circular economy. Can value chain: Experts at
Audi identify and ana-
that succeed? In 2019, Audi re- lyze the potential and
searched a number of promising challenges of the circular
approaches – and came to the
conclusion that it is heading in
the right direction.
Thematic goals of
Agenda 2030
hen Dennis Christian the world’s population consuming terial procurement to production
Meinen talks about renewable resources faster than and marketing of products, use
his work, those lis- they can be regenerated and repro- and reuse,” says Meinen. “We pri-
tening quickly get duced by the earth and its ecosys- marily devoted ourselves in 2019
the feeling that he is trying to tems each year. to analyzing the topic of CE in its
“square the circle.” “One of the key entirety and preparing the next The transition to-
challenges of this century involves Closing the cycles steps.” Can the effort pay off? This ward an economic
and social lifestyle
decoupling economic growth from The problem is that an economic too is a frequently debated topic that respects the
excessive consumption of resourc- system based on growth and con- among economic experts. Numer- natural limits of our
es – while increasing average quali- tinuous and even rising extraction ous discussions highlight the planet can only suc-
ty of life and reducing emissions at of primary raw materials cannot be enormous economic potential of ceed if we change
our consumer habits
the same time.” And before anyone sustained on a planet with finite circularity. According to the Ellen and production
can ask, the circular economy (CE) resources. From Audi’s perspective, MacArthur Foundation, net savings technologies.
Linear economy
expert adds with a smile: “Yes, the circles need to be closed if a solu- of more than 600 billion US dol-
question of how to achieve a circu- tion is to be found that does not lars are predicted in the European The present business model
lar economy is occupying economic substantially reduce our standard Economic Area (EEA) through mea- of car manufacturers – and
experts all over the world. And it of living and enables continued sures such as ecological product likewise of companies in
has cost me a few sleepless nights economic growth and improved design, waste avoidance or reuse – other sectors – is based
too. But it’s worth it – because at social conditions in developing while reducing greenhouse gas fundamentally in terms of
Audi we want to find sustainable countries. In this respect, the par- emissions at the same time. This added value and scope of
business models that can be imple- adigm shift away from the linear will only be possible, however, if action on the principle of
mented to the ultimate benefit of economic system offers potential all the measures are also actually a linear economic model.
Measures to combat
all stakeholders.” from both an economic and an eco- implemented. Vehicles are developed and
climate change
Help in the form of good, new logical and social perspective. must be taken im- produced, delivered to the
ideas is vital, since the facts have “Audi’s sustainability strategy Focus on recycling rates mediately. This also customer, and disposed of
long since shown that something evaluates and follows diverse ap- There are clear laws on the socially requires contractual at the end of life. Separate
compliance, interna-
is out of balance. The consumption proaches for implementing a circu- important topic of recycling. The industries have generally
tional cooperation,
and behavior patterns that have lar system in the automotive value German End-of-Life Vehicle Or- and local commit- built up in the past around
prevailed since 1971 have led to chain: from development and ma- dinance, for example, requires ment. recycling and disposal.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 64
Progress you can feel
New power from old cells Volume of raw materials processed by Audi in since 2015 that, of the average Holistic business models
Battery recycling is a fundamen- vehicles in 2019: 2,855,162 t net weight of an end-of-life vehi- In the year under review, Audi an-
tal part of sustainable electric cle (ELV), at least 95 percent be alyzed all conceivable CE business
mobility for Audi. In the year subject to reuse or recovery rela- models throughout the entire life
0.9% <0.1%
under review, Audi successfully tive to the total number of ELVs cycle of the vehicle from social,
Electronics Special metals
pursued a strategic research 1.3% in a given year. ecological, and economic perspec-
partnership for battery recycling. Process polymers In essence then, no part of an tives in order to gain an under-
The result: Over 90 percent of ELV is useless. As environmental standing of the full potential of CE.
the cobalt and nickel from the awareness increases among many Based on the findings, scenarios
high-voltage batteries of the Non-ferrous metals
consumers – partly due to the rise are currently being discussed, for
Audi e-tron can be recovered. in public debate on the subject of example, for how the classic busi-
The company is therefore now 3.2% sustainability – the issues of recy- ness model within the meaning of
starting another phase and is Other cling and reuse have also increased the CE can soon be extended – to
testing a closed loop for cobalt in importance. Audi already has the benefit of all stakeholders.
and nickel: Together with a part- 4.7% a number of successful projects According to Meinen, “Direct,
ner, Audi is working toward using Operating fluids and under its belt in these areas, for end-to-end product responsibility
the raw materials recovered from ancillary materials example the Aluminum Closed throughout the entire product
battery recycling in new battery Loop in production (page 65) or life cycle is a basic condition for
cells. Audi and Volkswagen are 15.3% the industrial reconditioning of exploiting all the potential in the
developing a variety of other Light alloys used components to genuine-part spirit of sustainability.” In addition,
concepts for handling used quality. ensuring the environmental com-
high-voltage batteries. When Moreover, Audi is an active mem- patibility of the products can also
a battery has lost some of its ber of the Global Battery Alliance, enhance the positive image of the
charging capacity after years of which aims to establish a sustain- company. “What’s also great about
use in a vehicle, it can continue able value chain for batteries, from the CE in my view is that it drives
to be used outside of a vehicle, resource mining through to sus- innovation and has the potential to
for example. Among the many tainable recycling. encourage further initiatives.”
potential applications examined
by Audi in this regard, in the
year under review the company 18.6% 53.3%
investigated using such batter- Polymers and elastomers Steel and ferrous materials
ies in forklift trucks and tractor
units at the main plant in In-
golstadt as well as in stationary
energy storage devices at the Percentage of raw materials processed by Audi in
EUREF campus in Berlin. vehicles; presentation based on own analyses
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 65
Progress you can feel
Stronger together
As a large industrial corporation, Audi is mindful of its responsibility toward so-
ciety and the environment – and uses its impact to meet this responsibility along
the entire value chain. Safeguarding sustainability standards in the supply chain
is just one example of this.
What does consistently sustainable decision-making autonomy and in- cle’s life cycle, Procurement relies
mean in terms of sustainability terests. Furthermore, Audi only has on the Audi CO₂ program among
standards in the supply chain? “We business relationships with direct others. A recent challenge: The
take responsibility for the footprint suppliers, meaning that its direct rigorous electrification of the ve-
we leave in and with our supply influence is generally restricted hicle fleet has caused an increased
chain. Our goal is for the company to this first tier. However, a large percentage of the CO₂ emissions
to avoid a negative impact and to proportion of emissions are not created during the life cycle of the
create a positive one wherever pos- primarily produced by the direct car to arise in the supply chain and
sible,” explains Marco Philippi, Head suppliers, but rather deeper in the during production. “We estimate
of Strategy | Procurement at the supply chain depending on the ma- that, due to electrification, this will
Four Rings. “Audi is therefore work- terial and energy intensity of the account for almost one quarter of
ing toward improving the carbon processing stage. all CO₂ emissions by 2025,” says
footprint of its vehicles even before Philippi.
they travel the first few kilometers Pulling together
on the road.” “Procurement is active in 152 Great savings potential
countries around the globe. We are Lightweight construction with
Reducing CO₂ emissions the central interface between AUDI aluminum has been one of Audi’s
Reducing CO₂ emissions in the sup- AG and more than 16,000 suppli- greatest strengths for decades.
ply chain is one of the action areas ers,” says Marco Philippi. “Both The company has special expertise
set out in the corporate strategy individually and in cooperation in handling this material, which
and represents a challenging task: with our partners, Procurement can be seen in both the vehicle
The supply chain is globally distrib- therefore has enormous influence, itself and in the production of
uted, subject to constant change which we want to use in a positive components. Due consideration is
and highly complex due to the wide way.” Of global CO₂ emissions given to the topic of sustainability
array of process steps and mate- caused by humans, the Volkswagen throughout the different process
rials. In addition, it is often not Group is accountable for 1 percent steps. In the 2019 year under re-
possible to exert influence quickly, through its passenger cars portfo- view, the Audi CO₂ program in the
since suppliers ultimately are inde- lio. To effectively reduce emissions supply chain focused on the use
Audi is playing its part in conserving resources with the Aluminum Closed Loop process pendent companies with their own in the production phase of a vehi- of steel and aluminum, since
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 66
Progress you can feel
Involvement of suppliers
these materials are especially Closed Loop contributes signifi-
energy-intensive to manufacture. cantly toward using resources The Group extends the respon-
During more than 30 workshops sparingly – and it proves just how sibility for the environmental
conducted with suppliers, over 50 well the circular economy can work. effects of its vehicles to its
Thematic goals of
measures were developed, which In the 2019 year under review, this Agenda 2030 suppliers throughout the value
together identify a savings poten- way alone enabled Audi to save chain. The Volkswagen Group
tial of 1.2 metric tons of CO₂ per 150,000 metric tons of CO₂ on bal- has therefore been actively
vehicle. Total savings of 300,000 ance. The Ingolstadt plant joined involved in the Carbon Dis-
metric tons of CO₂ on balance were the Aluminum Closed Loop process closure Project (CDP) Supply
achieved in the 2019 year under in January 2020, and Győr is set to Chain Program (SCP) since
review, thanks to the actions taken follow in 2021. 2015 and also received a score
by Audi in the supply chain. of A- again for the reporting
Cooperation in initiatives year there. This corresponds to
At its Neckarsulm site, Audi The work in the deeper tiers of leadership status. In 2019, the
demonstrates just how effective the supply chain and beyond con- The goal is to ensure Against the back- Measures must be Group significantly expand-
that all people of drop of growing taken immediately
close collaboration can be when it tractual relations requires further all ages can live a social and economic to combat climate ed the number of suppliers
comes to enhancing sustainability involvement from Audi. The com- healthy life and to inequality, the pro- change and its surveyed as part of the SCP
in the supply chain. “To use even pany also achieves this through its promote their motion of equal op- impact. Effective cli- regarding responsibility for
less primary aluminum in manufac- cooperation in different initiatives. well-being. portunities helps to mate protection can climate and water to more
achieve sustainable only succeed if there
turing in future, Audi launched the In terms of aluminum, for exam- economic growth is an appropriately than 280 suppliers. That is
Aluminum Closed Loop three years ple, Audi has become a member of and strengthens high level of com- equivalent to more than 79
ago. This ensures that high-grade the Aluminum Stewardship Initia- social cohesion. mitment. percent of production-related
aluminum scrap is not sold for prof- tive (ASI). The ASI has developed a procurement spending (exclud-
it on the scrap metal market, but global standard for the handling of ing services, VW Brazil, Scania
is fed back into the material loop. aluminum, which lays down envi- and joint ventures in China).
The recycling rate is almost 100 ronment-related and social criteria According to suppliers’ self-
percent,” explains Johanna Klewitz, along the value chain. In 2018, assessments, they reduced
Team Leader Sustainability in the Audi became the first car manufac- their overall emissions by a to-
Supply Chain at Audi. “Compared turer to receive the Performance tal of 8.05 million tons of CO₂
with primary aluminum, up to 95 Standard certificate from the ASI compared with the previous
percent less energy is consumed for its responsible use of aluminum year. The suppliers put the pro-
during production.” So, how does for the battery housing on the Sustainable eco- The transformation The core principle portion of renewable electrical
nomic development toward a form of of Agenda 2030 is
this work? Excess aluminum offcuts Audi e-tron.* energy at 23 percent. Since
reconciles social, economic activity and that “nobody must
from the press shop in Neckarsulm environmental and lifestyle that respects be left behind.” 2016, the CDP has included
are returned directly to the sup- economic goals and the natural limits of Governments, civil science-based targets (SBTs) in
plier. The supplier can recycle the For more information about creates dignified our planet can only society and com- the questionnaire: 34 percent
sustainability in the supply chain and work for everyone. succeed if we change panies must work
scrap and use it to produce new of suppliers that responded
supplier management throughout our consumer habits together to imple-
material that Audi then uses again the Group as a whole, refer to the and production tech- ment the sustain- have set themselves SBTs or
in the press shop. The Aluminum Volkswagen Sustainability Report nologies. ability agenda. intend to do so.
management at Audi
Taking responsibility
Environmental protection at its production sites plays a decisive role in Audi’s
Sustainability Roadmap. The most important flagship projects in the four main
action areas of Mission:Zero are outlined here:
Water usage
Brussels Audi uses efficient processes and a water cy-
cle at its production sites for the sustainable
production of its cars. The San José Chiapa
site in Mexico is an example of a flagship
project where Audi produces cars almost
completely free of wastewater, the first pre-
Audi intends to operate all sites with a hall roofs. The second pillar is the use of mium manufacturer to do so worldwide. A
carbon-neutral footprint by 2025 to meet renewable energies to supply heat to the water treatment plant collects 100 percent
its goal of offering fully carbon-neutral site, also to heat the offices. The plant Ingolstadt of the wastewater generated here, cleans it,
premium mobility. Since 2018, the Audi covers this heating demand by means and feeds large quantities back into the wa-
plant in Brussels has served as a role of biogas certificates. Other emissions ter cycle at the plant.
model – as the world’s first certified car- that are generated, for example from the Audi achieved another milestone on the
bon-neutral volume production plant in operation of company vehicles, are offset road toward consistently sustainable pro-
the premium segment. by Audi Brussels through carbon credit duction of cars at its plant in Ingolstadt,
All production processes as well as all projects. where the company commissioned a new
other emissions generated at the plant Győr in Hungary will become the second process water supply center in 2019. To-
are covered by the site either through Audi site to operate with net-zero carbon San José gether with the former treatment plant,
renewable energies (around 95 percent) emissions in 2020. This is made possible, Chiapa a large proportion of the wastewater gen-
or through global environmental projects for example, by a geothermal system for erated at the site can be fed into a cycle
to offset the emissions. The Belgian site heat supply and Europe’s largest photo- and treated for reuse, thus saving up to
focuses on three main pillars. The first voltaic roof system, which is installed at 300,000 cubic meters of fresh water each
pillar is the switch to green electricity. the two logistics centers at the Hungari- year. The centerpiece of the process water
The largest photovoltaic system in the re- an site. It has a surface area of 160,000 supply center is the membrane bioreactor
gion is installed over a total surface area square meters and peak output of 12 as a core element of a three-stage water
of 89,000 square meters on the plant’s megawatts. treatment process.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 71
Progress you can feel
Less is more
Audi carefully analyzes the envi- environmental protection bodies AUDI AG is currently working with
ronmental aspects in its worldwide of the Volkswagen Group. It de- Volkswagen Group Logistics to
manufacturing network – with the velops overarching and strategic develop a uniform accounting
vision of building its cars in carbon- regulations and implements method to determine the CO₂
neutral plants by 2025. Along with these in practice. emissions of logistics operations.
emissions, Audi looks at all other Environmental protection at the The Group-wide accounting meth-
Audi works continuously on reducing its energy con- site-based environmental aspects sites comes under the responsibil- od has been developed in accor-
sumption and emissions .[106] In terms of both prod- of operational value creation. ity of the individual environmental dance with DIN EN 16258 and
ucts and site-based environmental activities, the focus The basis of environmentally protection officers. the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The
is on reducing energy consumption and the associated compatible production at Audi CO₂ emissions are evaluated using
emissions in production. is the environmental and energy Scope of the key figures impact factors such as distance,
management systems that the Unless otherwise indicated, the payload, equipment, and capacity
In addition to the ongoing optimization of processes, company has gradually introduced environmental key figures are utilization.
Audi also places particular focus on energy-saving mea- since 1995. The environmental determined on the basis of The scope of the environmental
sures when planning production and supply facilities as management system of the Eu- Volkswagen standard 98000. This key figures relates to the pro-
well as buildings. The company’s activities also concen- ropean Union, EMAS (Eco-Man- standard defines how operational duction sites of the Audi Group.
trate on generating energy from renewable sources and agement and Audit Scheme), is environmental data is to be de- Unless otherwise indicated,
improving energy efficiency. installed at almost all European termined within the Volkswagen these are the following plants:
car plants of the Audi Group. Six Group and its subsidiaries. The aim Ingolstadt, Münchsmünster,
Audi sites in Germany and seven is to collect and document all en- Neckarsulm, Brussels, Győr, San
internationally have management vironmentally relevant data from José Chiapa, Sant’Agata Bolognese
systems accredited according to all the plants in a comparable (Lamborghini), Bologna (Ducati)
DIN EN ISO 14001[117] or DIN EN manner. The environmental data is and Amphur Pluakdaeng (Ducati).
ISO 50001.[117] primarily based on measurements Only car-producing sites including
Energy intensity of Audi Group [in MWh/veh.] The Board of Management and calculations. Qualified esti- component manufacturing are
defines the environmental poli- mates or projections are used only considered for the specific key
2017 2018 2019 cy, which is binding for AUDI AG in exceptional cases. The environ- figures. In addition to the envi-
sites. Its requirements are re- mental key figures for the respec- ronmental data of the Audi Group
Energy intensity [116] 2.65 2.69 2.67 viewed periodically and amended tive current year are provisional (including Ducati motorcycle pro-
as necessary. data, which are replaced by the duction at Bologna and Amphur
It applies to all products, final result in the following year. Pluakdaeng), the environmental
services and activities, and is The values for 2019 are provi- data of the car production loca-
The energy intensity of the Group relating to automotive implemented at all levels of the sional in this report. The values tions (Ingolstadt, Münchsmün-
production including component manufacturing was 2.67 company. The Environmental Pro- for 2018 are year-end figures: ster, Neckarsulm, Brussels, Győr,
MWh/veh. for the year under review. tection organizational unit coor- This explains any deviations from and Sant’Agata Bolognese sites;
As part of energy management, various measures are dinates the Audi Group’s activities the figures for 2018 listed in the including San José Chiapa) is also
implemented at the individual sites to secure continuous in the area of ecology and is the Sustainability Report 2018, which shown separately for better com-
improvement in energy efficiency. central contact for the respective were provisional at the time. prehensibility.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 73
Progress you can feel
Energy consumption within the Group Direct (SCOPE 1) and indirect (SCOPE 2) CO₂-equivalent savings in
in total/by type (in MWh) [107] Greenhouse gas emissions by the Audi Group (in metric tons) logistics (in t) [111]
from renewable energy sources (in percent) 2017 2018 2019 13,712
13,571 13,525
Total CO₂ 727,294 619,140 572,804
2017 1,202,130
In the 2019 year under review, Audi recorded no major
2018 1,092,974 change in general in the total reduction in emissions in
Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions (in kg/veh.) the area of logistics from the “green train” with DB Car-
2019 1,066,205 go. However, there were deviations in both directions. An
2017 2018 2019
increase in emissions savings is primarily attributable to
Intensity quotients for 660 601 573 the relocation of production of the A3 Sedan from Győr
greenhouse gas emissions to Ingolstadt, among other reasons because this resulted
In the year under review, absolute energy consumption (Scope 1 and Scope 2) in additional transportation of bodies from Hungary to
within the organization amounted to 2,677,678 MWh. Germany. Counteracting this was a reduction in emissions
Compared with the previous year (2018: 2,775,442 savings at the Brussels, Ingolstadt, and Neckarsulm
MWh), this represents a reduction of around 3.52 percent. The intensity of greenhouse gas emissions relating to auto- plants. The main reason is the sharp-reduction in capacity
motive production including component manufacturing was utilization of the production locations, leading to reduced
572.99 kg/veh. for the year under review. material and FBU (Fully Built Up) transport. In order to
work systematically on cutting greenhouse gas emissions,
The reduction in intensity is due, among other reasons, to the Audi has been part of the CDP Supply Chain Program via
purchase of green electricity in Neckarsulm and Győr. Since the Volkswagen Group since 2015. Through this program,
January 1, 2020, 100 percent of the electricity taken from the greenhouse gas emissions are recorded along the entire
grid by all Audi sites is green electricity. value chain.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 74
Progress you can feel
Other air emissions (in t) Total volume of water discharge by destination (in m³) Total weight of waste by
disposal method (in t)
2017 2018 2019
2017 2018 2019
NOx emissions [110]
235 202 191 Disposable waste Total volume of waste
Volume of 2,258,579 2,382,498 1,866,952 (excluding scrap):
Recyclable waste
Sulfur dioxide (SO₂) 1.93 2.14 2.06 Metallic waste (scrap)
VOC emissions [109] 1,425 1,081 916 Audi meets all statutory requirements on monitoring and
permit conditions with regard to wastewater discharges. If
Total dust (PM) 37 58 41 necessary, wastewater is pretreated or discharged directly into
public sewerage systems.
measures other emissions that are generated by painting work, Recycling waste
by the operation of test rigs, or by existing power generating Audi closes material loops where possible in order to reduce
facilities, for example. The reduction in emissions can be ex- waste. Group-wide, a total of 107,389 metric tons of waste
plained by a lower production figure since less vehicle surface (excluding scrap) were generated in the year under review. Year
was painted (VOC and PM). on year, the total volume of waste only increased marginally by
0.29 percent.
the rinsing agents are recycled.
2017 2018 2019
Total freshwater 4,207,671 4,159,236 3,428,952 Audi is aware of the various conditions and local statutory
consumption requirements concerning the recycling of hazardous waste
(2019: 40,683 t) and complies with them.
A major issue within Audi’s environmental policy is the No major discharges of chemicals, oils, or wastes to the envi-
efficient use of natural resources such as water. In 2019, ronment occurred during the reporting period.
the Audi Group reduced water consumption significantly in
comparison with previous years. One of the main reasons for More detailed figures for all topics are
this was the commissioning of a membrane bioreactor at the provided in the data appendix.
Ingolstadt plant.
Emissions sources
at Audi
Purchased goods Fuel and Employee
and services Capital energy-related commuting Transport and
goods emissions distribution
Investments Franchises
Scope 3 / Indirect / upstream activities Scope 1 / Direct / reporting company Scope 3 / Indirect / downstream activities
The Kyoto protocol – United Nations Framework Scopes are emissions categories de- Scope 2 emissions are produced, for A distinction is made in Scope 3 be- to-gate). Business trips and waste
Convention on Climate Change – lists six greenhouse fined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. example, from energy sources pur- tween upstream and downstream produced are also included in this scope
gases: Carbon dioxide (CO₂), methane (CH₄), and Scope 1 covers direct emissions from chased externally and consumed by the activities. Upstream activities relate, category. Downstream activities include,
nitrous oxide (N₂O), as well as the fluorinated green- combustion processes of stationary company: These are indirect emissions for example, to emissions generated on for example, emissions from transport-
house gases (F-gases): hydrogen-containing fluoro- and mobile systems, emissions from from purchased electricity and district the supplier side (from manufacturing ing products sold and those generated
carbons (HFC), perfluorinated hydrocarbons (PFC), processes, and emissions from vola- heating/cooling systems, and from pur- the product from raw materials up to by the end customer in the use phase of
and sulfur hexafluoride (SF₆) tile gases. chased steam. the point of delivery to Audi (cradle- sold goods.
Precision Ralf Hofmeister and his colleagues Dirk Zitterell and Rudolf Re-
inhard from the Audi Production Lab. “Our tool ‘Karosseriebau –
Using data correctly
The body shop’s ability to generate three million records is
Integrate sustainability into supplier relationships Training for all procurement employees to raise awareness Continuous
of sustainability standards in supplier relationships development
Integrate sustainability into the supply of raw materials Development of circular economy concepts for the supply chain 2020
(focus: aluminum and HV battery)
Successive decarbonization of the supply chain Performance of CO₂ workshops with selected hotspot Continuous
together with suppliers [113] suppliers to identify measures with potential to reduce development
CO₂ emissions [114]
Involvement of Sales in implementing Completion of a sustainable conference building (Audi Brand 2019
Audi’s sustainability strategy Center) at Munich Airport with an integrated photovoltaic system (completed)
to generate electricity, ultra-efficient building technology,
geothermal building cooling and heating, along with the use
of sustainable building components
Commissioning of an electric charging station at Munich Airport 2019
with six charging points (two rapid-charging stations, four stan- (completed)
dard-charging stations), supported by second-life-battery buffer
storage devices. Reuse of the e-tron meteorite as a building for the
electric charging station supplemented by sustainable materials
Reduction in disposable waste, freshwater consumption, Detailed planning and implementation of site-specific packages 2019
CO₂ and VOC emissions, as well as overall energy of measures for achieving Group-wide reduction targets (completed)
consumption at the production sites by 25 percent
per reference unit (base year 2010)
For the German sites Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm, we have Detailed planning and implementation of site-specific packages 2020
set ourselves a reduction target of 40 percent for CO₂ per of measures for achieving Group-wide reduction targets
reference unit through 2020 as part of energy supply
(base year 2010)
Achievement of the target figure for the environmental Detailed planning and implementation of site-specific packages 2025
impact reduction production per unit (UEP) of 35 percent. of measures for achieving Group-wide reduction targets
The environmental impact reduction production is a vehi-
cle-specific variable. From 2010 through 2025, the devel-
opment of the five key figures is analyzed: CO₂ emissions,
overall energy consumption, disposable waste, fresh water
consumption and VOC emissions.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 81
Progress you can feel
Expansion and development of measures for reducing Realization of water recycling at the Ingolstadt site using a mem- 2019
freshwater consumption at national and international sites brane bioreactor; reduction target for freshwater requirements: (completed)
30 percent [115]
Systematic reduction in energy consumption Reduction in overall energy consumption through targets Continuous
derived from prior-year consumption and the corresponding development
concrete, implemented and documented individual measures
in the operator and planning areas
All plants CO₂-neutral Detailed planning and implementation of site-specific packages 2025
of measures for achieving targets
Implementation of the performance standard/chain of Verification of the ASI performance criteria and implementation 2021
custody of the Aluminum Stewardship Initiative (ASI) of the necessary audit to renew the ASI certification of the alumi-
num components in the Audi e-tron high-voltage storage device
Integration of sustainability in the supplier chain and own Development of sustainability principles and support of the Continuous
added value of high-voltage storage devices at Audi establishment of standards for high-voltage batteries in the development
working groups “Circular Economy” and “Innovation” of the
Global Battery Alliance, hosted by the World Economic Forum
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 82
Progress you can feel
Is good work
good for everyone?
* Audi e-tron: Combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: 23.9–20.6 (NEDC); 26.3–21.6 (WLTP), combined CO2 emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 83
Progress you can feel
Audi embraces
Equal opportunity for everyone: Diverse backgrounds, competencies
and skills are what make success possible in the first place. Audi
aims to ensure that its employees can optimally unleash their
potential – at every level, regardless of cultural background or other
characteristics. How well are the Four Rings doing in this regard?
Five employees share their experiences:
Gertraud Grünwald
62, Head of Works Council Service
Thomas Hauser
Tiziana Ruiu 52, IT project manager
36, fuel cell development engineer
“People who fight for diversity and the future
Thematic goals
“I’m used to adjusting to changes. I grew of Agenda 2030 should never give up too soon. Sometimes you have
up in Sardinia, but traveled 800 kilome- to keep going even when all you want is to throw in
ters to Turin for my master’s degree. Then the towel. For instance, when I was young I really
I earned a doctorate in chemistry, but I wanted to take up a skilled trade. Then, at the age
soon realized I wouldn’t be able to find a of 15, I lost my left forearm in an accident and it
suitable job in Italy. So in 2012, I moved seemed like my dream was impossible. But now I
to Stuttgart, where I worked for the Ger- can say that this difficult situation has made me
man Aerospace Center – until I joined Audi even stronger. First I completed a classic appren-
in 2017 to work on basic fuel cell devel- ticeship and then I studied computer science. Since
opment. My early days in Germany were Promoting gender 1996, I have worked in the IT department at Audi,
equality and em-
hard; I had to learn the language and find where I have managed many exciting projects over
powering women is
my way around. But the changes and chal- an integral part of the years. And when problems arise, I still follow
lenges also motivated me. I feel very re- Agenda 2030, which the motto: If I have to, I’ll run into a wall 10 times
spected here at Audi. Every now and then seeks to create a or more – until it eventually gives way.”
diverse and inclusive
I visit my family in Sardinia. There are
community where
many places I call home.” gender makes no
Tobias Narr difference.
Flow of knowledge
Audi plans to bring dozens of electrified models
onto the market by 2025. That requires expertise –
which Audi employees acquire through specially
tailored training and development programs. A report
The Audi e-tron is up on the hy- methods and new content both
draulic lift with the hood open. But in training the next generation of
the car is not defective; it is just employees and in offering expe-
there for illustrative purposes. And rienced employees professional
for once, no apprentices or training development opportunities,” ex-
participants are crowding around plains trainer Rupert Kaindl.
the car at one of the training Audi trains young people world-
workshops at the Audi Academy in wide and provides advancement
Ingolstadt. Today, trainers Rupert for employees in all life phases by
Kaindl and Siegmund Singer are offering appropriate development
teaching their co-workers from and qualification options. But
Digitalization of Logistics Process- e-mobility is not the only field in
es how to de-energize an electric which Audi employees have been
vehicle – and they have decided to trained for many years.
transform the training content into The Audi Group’s comprehensive
a VR training session. range of competence development
and qualification programs is bun-
Individual and virtual learning dled at the Audi Academy, where
Apprentices and participants in all apprentices, employees and
professional development courses managers can take advantage of
will later be able to practice the them. “With the focus on electric
necessary steps on an electric car in mobility, a new age has dawned for
virtual reality. “The digital world us at the Audi Academy, too,” says
allows us to save real resources. Erich Schott, who is responsible for
Not only can we share more apprenticeships in the area of au-
knowledge with our employees, tomotive engineering. “We want to
we can do so in a very individual bring Audi employees up to speed
Trainer Rupert Kaindl explains to Audi employees Felix Fornoff and Leon Meka way. Digital learning opens up new with the numerous new activities
(from right) how the Audi e-tron* is disconnected from the battery.
* Audi e-tron: Combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: 24.3–21.0 (NEDC);
26.6–22.4 (WLTP), combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 86
Progress you can feel
joined forces with THI professors Ingolstadt University of Applied ments that enable employees to “There is a huge demand for qualifi-
to tailor the in-service qualification Science and the Technical Univer- gain specialized and interdisciplin- cations in the field of e-mobility.”
to the company’s requirements. sity of Munich, and also through ary qualifications throughout their
Erich Schott, Head of Vocational Training in
Thus Audi engineers are now able the partnership program with the entire working lives. Automotive Engineering
to broaden their knowledge in Baden-Württemberg Cooperative
THI’s lecture halls. The aim is to State University. Those graduating German standards worldwide
build up further strategic and tech- from these courses are guaranteed Whether electric mobility is ad- “With the help of the digital training
nical expertise in the field of elec- permanent employment at Audi. dressed in vocational training or world, every apprentice and course
tric mobility. Performance appraisals conducted professional development courses
participant can learn individually.”
Commercial partners are also regularly for all employees at AUDI – Audi’s international locations
receiving electric mobility training. AG play an important role here. are always on board. If necessary, Rupert Kaindl, trainer at the Audi Academy
Service technicians in more than Employees can use these appraisals the special training and develop-
40 markets are taking advantage to discuss their development oppor- ment programs can be adapted
of a specially developed VR training tunities. Together with the General to the particular requirements of
course to familiarize themselves Works Council, the management each country.
Successes of the Sustainability Academy
with the details of the high-voltage of AUDI AG has agreed on arrange-
battery in the Audi e-tron. To improve its sustainability performance even
more, Audi founded the Sustainability Academy
Audi promotes lifelong learning in 2016. All employees and apprentices can
Training and development play take part in classroom training or digital for-
an important role not only in the mats such as web-based training (WBT) on the
transition to electric mobility, but subject of sustainability. The focus here is on an
also in Audi’s overall transforma- internal transfer of knowledge – from co-workers
tion. The Audi Academy promotes for co-workers. Around 900 employees at-
lifelong learning and prepares tended training courses at the Sustainability
employees for future challenges in Academy in 2019.
a targeted manner – from voca-
tional education and dual studies
Education counts
to professional development
courses. Audi offers vocational In addition, other area-specific qualifications
training that enables talented exist throughout the company. For example,
young people to qualify in one there are training courses on topics such as
of 20 vocations. A dual course of procurement and logistics, or environmental
study gives students the opportu- protection and energy efficiency in production.
nity to combine theoretical studies A number of sustainability-related Web-based
with in-house practical phases. training courses were also introduced in 2019.
Under the “Audi dual” program, These formats are intended to create a com-
various study courses are available mon understanding of sustainability and raise
to prospective students at the Two experts for electric vehicles: trainers Rupert Kaindl (left) and Siegmund Singer. awareness among employees.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 88
Progress you can feel
Who we are?
Number of employees
We are Audi
Audi Group workforce[201]
A company is only ever as good as its employees. And good Lifelong learning
work requires good working conditions. That is why the To ensure the future viability of the company, Audi prioritizes
Human Resources and Organization division consistently the training and development of its employees. Lifelong
focuses on the employees and assumes responsibility – in learning is meant to contribute to the success of the Four
Proportion of line with the 2025 corporate strategy. Rings. Moreover, the brand has established a strategic re-
source and competence management system that enables
15% Making working hours and the place of work more flexible the Human Resources and Organization division to plan per-
and implementing agile structures and processes are sonnel requirements for future tasks and develop employees’
important aspects of the Audi Working World. This means competences in a targeted manner. In this way, Audi is opti-
considering the different phases of the employees’ lives mally prepared for the challenges of the future.
and promoting trustful cooperation.
The workforce in figures
At the close of 2019, the Audi Group employed a total of
Apprentices[201] 90,640 people (2018: 91,674), with an average of 90,783
2,585 employees (2018: 91,477) over the year. This represents a
year-on-year decrease of 1,034 employees (year-end figure)
or around 0.76 percent (annual average). Of the total of
New hires, Audi Group 4,214 (2018: 5,004) employees newly recruited within the
4,214 Audi Group, 1,310 (2018: 1,628) were taken on by AUDI AG.
41.5 55.1% market, and have good networks that are helpful for the fur-
ther development of their locations. The proportion of foreign
nationals[204] at AUDI AG was 8.3 (2018: 8.4) percent in 2019.
< 30 years
GRI 102-41
Detailed information on employee numbers
30 to 50 years
48.5 (2018: 48.4) percent of Audi Group employees were in
> 50 years
the production area and 48.5 (2018: 48.6) percent in the
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 89
Progress you can feel
non-production area at the end of 2019; the number of Men and women on parental leave [204]
relating to agency and temporary staff as well as the “Char-
apprentices was 2,585 (2018: 2,582). Within the employees ter on Temporary Work of the Volkswagen Group,” an agree-
in the non-production area, the proportion of academics[204] ment has been reached with employees’ representatives on
at AUDI AG was 51.4 (2018: 50.9) percent. The number the deployment of temporary workers. As well as extensive
of temporary employees in the Audi Group showed a year-on- 2,305 qualification options, it offers the prospect of being taken
year decline to 1,957 (2018: 2,527). The turnover rate[203] [204] on permanently subject to relevant internal factors.
at AUDI AG in 2019 was 0.7 percent (2018: 0.9).
1,448 Self-determined work
Fair conditions for everyone 1,229 Audi creates leeway for various different life phases to take
Through collective bargaining agreements involving the account of employees’ needs. The company offers many dif-
unions and management at all manufacturing sites, Audi ferent working hours models to give people maximum flex-
undertakes to ensure that part-time and full-time employees ibility for their personal path through life. In 2016, Audi’s
receive equitable and fair pay. At Audi, the activity alone de- management and General Works Council approved a works
termines remuneration. agreement that gives employees an entitlement to mobile
2018 2019 2018 2019
working if this is compatible with their work task. There
As an employer, Audi is also aware of its special responsi- is also a drive to make working hours in production more
bility toward temporary employees. Based on the collective
agreement for the metalworking and electrical industries
9 months flexible. In 2017, a pilot project was launched at Ingolstadt
to create greater flexibility in shifts and broaden the scope
Average length of parental leave in 2019 for part-time work in shift systems, so that employees can
Men on parental leave
achieve a better work-life balance. As of the end of 2019,
there were 4,448 (2018: 3,924) employees at Audi with
Women on parental leave
part-time contracts.
GRI 102-41
and Electrical Industries) and pension scheme, which being made between those reached on the further de- Audi restated its commitment to a family-friendly corporate
the IG Metall trade union. comprises both defined con- benefit systems financed velopment of partial retire- culture in joining the Family Pact for Bavaria in 2017. To ac-
Thanks to additional com- tribution and defined bene- through provisions and ment, for instance. tively promote the compatibility of family life and work, the
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 90
Progress you can feel
54.4% 23,073 ideas business models – presents major challenges for co-determi-
Implementation from Audi employees were
nation and thus for corporate culture. Both sides of the social
quota implemented in 2019
partnership have to work on a wide range of structural issues
as well as questions of corporate and collective bargaining
policy. A new, empowered co-determination culture 4.0 – i.e.,
Savings (in EUR million) one that is open, transparent, participation-oriented and
agile – adds direct employee participation to the established
form of institutional co-determination. Works Council and
company has a regular and steadily growing block of places AUDI AG “Stimmungsbarometer” in 2019. The results are trade union members, as well as the management at Audi,
at day care centers in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm. Audi also presented in the individual organizational units and dis- are called upon to take action in this area.
has partnerships with day care centers and schools at the inter- cussed with the employees.
national Audi sites in Győr (Hungary), Changchun (China) and In the course of the EdA project, various events took place
San José Chiapa (Mexico). In addition, the company enables Opportunities and risks of future forms of work under the title “Werkstatt Audi.” The sub-project “Developing
employees and their families to handle everyday errands The Audi Works Council plays an active role in shaping the new concepts for a participation-oriented corporate culture
(grocery shopping, postal and dry cleaning services) by digital transformation and thus the future at Audi. As part of in the digital working world” attempted to adapt traditional
using the Audi service lockers directly on the plant perime- the project “Vision Ingolstadt 2030: Digitalized work and the large-group methods to the respective organizational needs
ters. This saves them time and also helps to ease traffic future of co-determination” initiated by the employee rep- and action areas. Whether fishbowl discussions, BarCamps
loads around the plant. resentatives and the IG Metall Ingolstadt trade union, em- or world cafés – they all shared a common theme: participa-
ployees, shop stewards and Works Council members conduct tion orientation as a means of achieving more personal and
Optimal conditions for good ideas a dialogue with start-up ventures, politicians and scientists responsible empowerment at Audi. During the EdA project
Audi profits from the imaginativeness of its employees and be- about the digitalization and humanization of the working phase from 2017 to 2019, the Audi Works Council gathered
lieves it is very important to encourage employee involvement. world. This project has given the Audi Works Council the a wide range of experience and ideas on the topic of employ-
The Audi Ideas Program[204] collects suggestions for improving opportunity to take part in the EdA project – a joint initiative ee participation and empowerment in terms of both methods
existing processes. In 2019, around 54.4 (2018: 55.5) per- funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research en- and content. Much of this has since been incorporated into
cent of ideas put forward were realized, producing savings of titled “Empowerment in a digital working world – developing both the Audi corporate culture and the participation culture
around EUR 101.3 (2018: 109.1) million. sustainable concepts for digitalization.” Specifically, the Audi of the Works Council.
Works Council was in charge of the sub-project “Developing
The regular employee survey is another way in which Audi new concepts for a participation-oriented corporate culture
promotes employee participation. This survey gives Audi in the digital working world.”
employees a means of voicing their opinion anonymously
on various matters and highlighting potential improve- The sustained transformation of the automotive industry More detailed figures are provided
ments. 40,886 (2018: 42,173) employees took part in the – digitalization, globalization, electrification, disruptive in the data appendix.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 91
Progress you can feel
United for
your health YEARS
Accidents are extremely
rare at Audi: On average,
employees suffer an accident
at work every 105 years.
“Everyone has a
psyche”: Posters
from the internal
health campaign
Occupational health
and safety
Comprehensive health K E N NI N E N
management and an inte-
grated occupational safety
system are two of the
ways in which Audi seeks Weißt du, wer keinen Schmerz kennt?
the transfer of knowledge is mutual. Differ-
ent forms of cooperation are possible: For
example, a number of national and interna-
tional universities work with the company.
When business and science cooperate with each In addition to being involved in research
other, both sides benefit. That’s why Audi supports projects and giving scientific lectures, Audi
researchers and lateral thinkers – and gives them a at employees teach at universities. Audi con-
stage conferences where they can share their knowl- tributes towards extending research and
edge. Eight impulses for the world of the future: teaching into new fields through endowed
professorships. With all these activities,
Audi contributes to society and puts cor-
porate responsibility into practice. Audi
sees universities as special partners and is
actively involved through various initiatives
for a transparent, fair and honest cooper-
ation between industry and academia. For
example, a doctoral program enables young
scientists to conduct research in technical
and non-technical projects for Audi.
Local commitment
San José Chiapa
Győr Mexico
Responsibility means showing commitment. And Audi’s Hungary AUDI MÉXICO
Audi Hungaria Zrt. S.A. de C.V.
employees do so even outside their working hours. With a
large number of corporate citizenship projects, they help
shape the company’s locations worldwide. Here is a small
selection from 2019:
Audi Hungaria Audi México
TED x Győr TED talks are inspiring, in- Audi Habita Is learning to act sustainably easy? Yes, it is –
structive and entertaining. TED stands especially when you do it in a playful way. The Audi Habita
for Technology, Entertainment & Design. project in Mexico proves this. At its production location
How does Audi decide which direction its commitment takes? Originally, the term referred to creative in San José Chiapa, Audi actively promotes a sustainable
Every Group site has its own identity and its own require- conferences in California, where thought future. Specifically, children from the surrounding area
ments. Local corporate citizenship can therefore have various leaders, entrepreneurs, activists and artists learn in simple ways how important it is to treat nature in
different focal points. Audi has defined global principles for presented their projects and ideas in just a a sustainable manner. On two project days, 30 students
corporate citizenship as an orientation guide. Intended as few minutes. At the TED x Győr event spon- find out what it takes to make the production of cars
long-term parameters, they help with the selection and de- sored by Audi, the audience was particularly sustainable. For example, they use magnifying glasses to
velopment of targeted location development measures and interested in one expert: Dr. Hanula Barna, examine the water from the production site’s water puri-
clarify the common understanding that runs like a common who heads the Audi Hungaria Faculty of Au- fication system. There the kids discover microorganisms
thread through the various measures at the locations. tomotive Engineering at Széchenyi István that enable Audi to save 100,000 cubic meters of waste-
University and who spoke about energy and water each year.
Local activities at the sites are designed to promote the resources.
development of the respective region and enhance its attrac-
tiveness for businesses, employees and society. Audi stands
up for the disadvantaged and supports mobility projects as Corporate citizenship spending [210] [211] at Audi
well as activities that contribute to the education and train- (in EUR million)
ing of children, adolescents and adults. In the area of tech-
nology, Audi backs projects that allow the company to put its
know-how to good use. 20.6
Audi of
America Neckarsulm
America SCORES Do soccer and AUDI AG
poetry go together? Yes, quite
well, actually! And the organization
America SCORES proved this in
2019 thanks to support from Audi.
This non-profit organization works
Audi in
with public schools in low-income
communities and offers extracur-
ricular activities for elementary and Team Activities & Volunteer Day Audi Team Activities,
junior high school students. The which are part of Audi Volunteers, saw employees in In-
students not only play soccer, they golstadt and Neckarsulm supporting charitable institu-
also play with words, writing their tions throughout 2019. The employees were also encour-
own poems that they then perform aged by Audi in their endeavors. The aim is to promote the
at poetry slams. America SCORES is welfare of children, senior citizens, people with disabili-
helping more than 13,000 students ties and all those who need support, whether in small or
from 311 schools in 12 cities. About large ways. A positive side effect: Team Activities simulta-
85% of the participants live at or neously offer an excellent opportunity for team-building
below the poverty line. and strengthen the team spirit. Audi Volunteer Day in May
2019 was also a success: More than 300 Audi employees
volunteered to help out at 42 social institutions.
Herndon, Virginia
Audi in Neckarsulm
USA Doing good on the go What is plogging? An envi-
ronmental fitness trend from Sweden that combines
jogging and collecting garbage. The term plogging is
made up of the Swedish verb for picking something
up (plocka) and jogging.
In 2019, the Audi Environmental Foundation
brought the trend activity to Neckarsulm and invit-
ed employees and residents of the city to take part
Committed Audi employees helped out at a home for the elderly in plogging. The aim of the initiative was to raise
during the 2019 Volunteer Day awareness for environmental protection.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 98
Progress you can feel
Promote employee health Further development of occupational health & safety 2020
at international sites
Promote equal opportunity Increase in the proportion of women in the first management 2021
tier below the Board of Management to 8 percent and to 16
percent in the second management tier
Strengthen cultural diversity Expansion of the proportion of international managers within 2025
AUDI AG, global employee rotation, international young talent
programs, intercultural awareness and training
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 100
Progress you can feel
Further develop voluntary programs Needs survey through annual events/formats at the Audi sites Continuous
Promote a corporate culture along the lines of the Group-wide introduction of a role-model program for managers 2019
Volkswagen Group Essentials, the Audi corporate values and supervisors (completed)
and the Code of Cooperation
Provide access to education for the public Public “Wissenschaft im Dialog” (Academia in Dialogue) events Continuous
at the Ingolstadt & Neckarsulm sites development
Further develop research and teaching Support of universities through endowed professorships Continuous
in future-oriented fields at universities development
Promote flexible cooperation within the Creation and establishment of new cooperation formats, Continuous
company such as: agile process workshop, think tank in Berlin development
Extend attractive working conditions Implementation of the extended wage agreement (T-ZUG) 2020
with a choice between having the additional wages paid out
or converted to paid leave
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 102
Progress you can feel
AUDI AG has published the Sustainability Report since 2012. The Audi Sustainability Report
is published every two years at the time of the Annual General Meeting of AUDI AG. In the
intervening years, an update on the key figures and the sustainability program is published.
This report is a complete sustainability report covering the fiscal year 2019 (January 1,
2019 through December 31, 2019). The information in the report refers to the Audi Group.
If the report refers to individual companies, sites or brands only, this is noted accordingly.
Unless indicated otherwise, employment figures are as of the end of the respective year.
Since the Annual General Meeting is being postponed in 2020, this report is being pub-
lished in advance as an exception so that information on the 2019 reporting year can be
made public in a timely manner.
The report appears in German and English, and was released by the full Board of Man-
agement. It was prepared in accordance with the “core” option of the GRI standard of the
Global Reporting Initiative and confirmed by the organization with the GRI Materiality Dis-
closures Service. Audi conducted a comprehensive materiality analysis in 2019 to identify
material topics.
Key figures 2019 and management approaches verified as part of the assurance
engagement on selected disclosures in the Audi Sustainability Report 2019 DELIVERIES TO CUSTOMERS Unit 2017 2018 2019
Revenue [100] EUR million 59,789 59,248 55,680 Outside Germany Cars 1,583,561 1,552,029 1,573,964
Operating profit EUR million 4,671 3,529 4,509 Lamborghini brand Cars 3,815 5,750 8,205
Profit before tax EUR million 4,717 4,361 5,223 Other Volkswagen Group Cars 223,164 263,183 55
brands [105]
Profit after tax EUR million 3,432 3,463 3,943 Motorcycles segment Motorcycles 55,871 53,004 53,183
Total capital investments EUR million 5,235 5,552 4,223 (Ducati brand)
ENERGY Unit 2017 2018 2019 FUELS Unit 2017 2018 2019
Total energy consumption [107] MWh 2,920,739 2,775,442 2,677,678 Total fuel use MWh 1,202,130 1,092,974 1,066,205
Automotive segment MWh 2,897,174 2,751,234 2,654,047 Automotive segment MWh 1,169,738 1,059,128 1,033,019
(incl. components) (incl. components) MWh/Veh. 1.07 1.03 1.04
MWh/Veh. 2.65 2.69 2.67
From renewable energy sources MWh 999,572 1,142,833 1,312,213 Natural gas MWh 1,051,055 961,486 946,095
Automotive segment MWh 998,756 1,140,530 1,310,019 Automotive segment MWh 1,020,819 929,858 914,967
(incl. components) (incl. components)
MWh/Veh. 0.91 1.11 1.32 MWh/Veh. 0.93 0.91 0.92
Electricity MWh 1,686,041 1,666,649 1,577,679 Heating oil MWh 11,438 8,782 6,813
Heating (incl. district heating) MWh 874,115 779,967 784,791 Diesel (test rigs) MWh 39,540 30,753 24,472
Automotive segment MWh 866,160 771,475 776,683 Automotive segment MWh 39,540 30,753 24,472
(incl. components) MWh/Veh. 0.79 0.75 0.78 (incl. components) MWh/Veh. 0.04 0.03 0.02
of which district heating MWh 364,612 340,474 351,292 Gasoline (test rigs) MWh 100,097 91,953 88,825
Automotive segment MWh 364,409 340,158 350,820 Automotive segment MWh 97,941 89,736 86,769
(incl. components) (incl. components) MWh/Veh. 0.09 0.09 0.09
MWh/Veh. 0.33 0.33 0.35
EMISSIONS Unit 2017 2018 2019 WATER Unit 2017 2018 2019
Total CO₂ emitted t 727,294 619,140 572,804 Total freshwater consumption m³ 4,207,671 4,159,236 3,428,952
t 722,459 615,009 568,792
Automotive segment Automotive segment m³ 4,133,952 4,091,377 3,360,283
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 660.08 600.57 572.99 (incl. components) m³/Veh. 3.78 4.00 3.39
Direct CO₂ emissions [108] t 246,276 202,031 198,418
Freshwater consumption m³ 2,557,949 2,609,368 2,057,909
t 242,997 198,564 195,097 internal catchment
Automotive segment
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 222.02 193.90 196.54 m³ 2,510,020 2,566,473 2,014,522
Automotive segment
Indirect CO₂ emissions t 481,018 417,110 374,386 (incl. components)
m³/Veh. 2.29 2.51 2.03
t 479,463 416,444 373,695 Rainwater used
Automotive segment m³ 337,343 394,041 165,207
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 438.07 406.66 376.45
Surface water from lakes, m³ 663,879 722,499 611,311
VOC emissions [109] t 1,425 [119] 1,081 916 rivers, oceans
t 1,425 [119] 1,081 913 Groundwater m³ 1,508,798 1,449,933 1,238,004
Automotive segment
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 1.30 [119] 1.06 0.92 Freshwater consumption, externally m³ 1,649,722 1,549,868 1,371,043
Direct NOx emissions [110] t 235 202 191
Automotive segment m³ 1,623,932 1,524,904 1,345,761
t 232 195 186 (incl. components)
Automotive segment m³/Veh. 1.48 1.49 1.36
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 0.21 0.19 0.19
Sulfur dioxide t 1.93 2.14 2.06
t 1.90 2.14 2.06
Automotive segment
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 0.002 0.002 0.002
Total dust t 37 58 41
t 37 58 41
Automotive segment
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 0.03 0.06 0.04
t CO₂ e 13,571 13,712 13,525
CO₂ reductions in logistics [111]
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 106
Progress you can feel
WASTEWATER Unit 2017 2018 2019 WASTE Unit 2017 2018 2019
Total volume of waste (excluding scrap) t 109,965 [119]
107,079 107,389
Volume of wastewater m³ 2,258,579 2,382,498 1,866,952
Automotive segment t 108,585 105,785 106,142
Automotive segment m³ 2,235,597 2,357,551 1,842,494 (incl. components) kg/Veh. 99.21 103.30 106.93
(incl. components) m³/Veh. 2.04 2.30 1.86 t 99,192 [119]
99,674 103,606
Recyclable waste
Automotive segment t 97,870 98,478 102,450
Direct discharge [112] m³ 4,193 11,228 18,529
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 89.42 96.17 103.21
Indirect discharge [112]
m³ 2,231,404 2,346,324 1,823,965 Other recyclable waste t 57,022 56,538 57,160
Automotive segment t 55,774 55,429 56,097
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 50.96 54.13 56.51
Hazardous recyclable waste t 35,758 [119]
37,553 40,683
Automotive segment t 35,732 37,506 40,631
WASTEWATER LOAD [112] Unit 2017 2018 2019 (incl. components) kg/Veh. 32.65 36.62 40.93
Chemical oxygen demand kg 634,543 617,759 241,286 Non-production-specific t 6,413 5,583 5,763
recyclable waste
Total phosphorous content kg 5,631 3,493 1,533 t
Automotive segment 6,364 5,544 5,722
as phosphorous (P)
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 5.81 5.41 5.76
Total nitrogen as nitrogen (N) kg 35,104 36,026 16,175 t
Disposable waste 10,773 [119] 7,405 3,784
Zinc kg 853 284 107 Automotive segment t 10,715 7,306 3,691
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 9.79 7.13 3.72
Other disposable waste t 257 289 413
Automotive segment t 233 244 381
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 0.21 0.24 0.38
Hazardous disposable waste t 10,001 [119] 6,116 3,182
Automotive segment t 9,977 6,063 3,121
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 9.12 5.92 3.14
Non-production-specific t 516 1,000 189
disposable waste
Automotive segment t 505 999 189
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 0.46 0.98 0.19
Metallic waste t 363,643 345,827 320,841
(scrap; completely recyclable)
Automotive segment t 363,081 345,228 320,247
(incl. components) kg/Veh. 331.73 337.12 322.61
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 107
Progress you can feel
EMPLOYEES AND SOCIETY AGE STRUCTURE [203] [204] Unit 2017 2018 2019
WORKFORCE Unit 2017 2018 2019 < 30 years Percent 17.3 15.7 14.3
Domestic companies [201] Total 59,448 59,754 60,083 30 to 50 years Percent 27.8 29.4 30.6
Ingolstadt plant Total 42,498 42,784 42,904 PROPORTION OF WOMEN Unit 2017 2018 2019
Neckarsulm plant Total 15,995 16,029 16,036 Audi Group [203] Percent 14.6 14.9 15
Foreign companies [201] Total 27,904 28,702 27,669 AUDI AG Percent 15.2 15.4 15.6
Total 2,656 2,768 2,922 of which apprentices Percent 29.1 27.2 25.5
Audi Brussels S.A./N.V.
Total 11,888 12,825 13,079 of which industrial apprentices Percent 26.3 24.2 22.3
Audi Hungaria Zrt. [202]
Total 6,211 5,682 5,268 of which clerical apprentices Percent 80.6 81.1 80.6
Audi México S.A. de C.V.
Management [212] Percent 10.1 10.9 11.9
Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Total 1,465 1,643 1,788
Audi Brussels S.A./N.V. Percent 6.5 6.7 6.9
Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. Total 1,240 1,278 1,290
Audi Hungaria Zrt. Percent 12.3 12.8 13
Apprentices [201] Total 2,618 2,582 2,585
Audi México S.A. de C.V. Percent 13.3 13.8 14.2
Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Percent 20.3 20.2 20.5
Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A. Percent 18.3 18.4 19
Temporary workforce, Audi Group Total 3,395 2,527 1,957
Average Years 17.0 17.5 17.9
length of service [203] [204]
Turnover rate [203] [204] Percent 0.8 0.9 0.7
New hires, Audi Group Total 6,125 5,004 4,214 Unit 2017 2018 2019
New hires, AUDI AG Total 1,445 1,628 1,310 Training time, total Hours 16.2 13.7 13
Average age [203] [213] Years 40.8 41.2 41.5 Production employees Hours 11.1 8.6 8.3
Share of production employees Percent 48.9 48.4 48.5 Non-production employees Hours 21.2 18.2 16.7
Share of production employees Percent 48.0 48.6 48.5 Employees in management positions Hours 19.3 21.1 23.8
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 108
Progress you can feel
European market
Deadline corrected from 2019 to 2020 due to a development delay.
Unit 2017 2018 2019 [11]
Specification of the deadline for the implementation of the 10%. However, ex-
pansion remains an ongoing and needs-based measure.
Audi profit share EUR 4,770 3,630 3,880 [12]
The planned expansion for 2019 was implemented. Adjustment of the target
per employee [208] deadline to completion of the entire measure.
Employee donations [209] [211] EUR 1,270,189 1,283,502 1,296,507 [13]
Introduction of a homologated small-series vehicle stopped due to changed
planning assumptions; however, further development of fuel cell technology
Expenditure on corporate EUR million 20.6 16.5 17.5
(module/tank development/production technology).
citizenship [210] [211] [14]
Deadline corrected from 2025 to 2026 due to changed planning assumptions in
Part-time employees [204] Total 3,703 3,924 4,448 the Group
Total 3,117 3,439 3,753
The market introduction of synthetic liquid fuels by AUDI AG is currently suspend-
Employees on parental leave [204]
ed owing to a change in strategic direction.
Number of female employees Total 1,107 1,229 1,448 [16]
Deadline corrected from 2019 to 2021 due to reprioritization of technological
on parental leave [204] supplementary measures at the PtG plant in Werlte
Number of male employees Total 2,010 2,210 2,305 [17]
Deadline corrected: The measure “Development and advancement of synthet-
on parental leave [204] ic liquid fuels under the Audi e-fuels umbrella brand (e-diesel, e-gasoline and
Average duration of Duration 9 9 9 e-ethanol)” from the 2018 sustainability report was amended due to a change in
parental leave [204] strategic direction.
ment property and other intangible assets according to the Cash Flow Statement
Implementation quota Percent 54.9 55.5 54.4
in relation to revenue.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 109
Progress you can feel
Net cash flow taking into account the transfer of the minority interest in The measure “Analyze CO₂ emissions in the supply chain and derive potential
Volkswagen Group Services S.A., Brussels (Belgium), to Volkswagen AG, measures for their reduction” from the 2018 sustainability report was defined in
Wolfsburg, in 2017 more detail for the 2019 program and thus cannot be found under this name. The
This includes Audi models built locally by the associated company planned measures for 2019 were implemented.
FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Company, Ltd., Changchun (China). Percentage decline from 40 to 30 percent due to change in the reference value (in-
This includes delivered vehicles built locally by the associated company crease in freshwater requirements at the Ingolstadt site)
FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Company, Ltd., Changchun (China). The energy intensity indicated refers to automotive production (incl. component
The deconsolidation of the multibrand sales companies took place as at manufacturing). This is calculated by dividing the overall energy consumption of the
January 1, 2019. Further information on this is provided in the Financial car and component plants by the number of cars built at the sites.
Report on page 8. ISO 14001: Neckarsulm, Győr, Brussels, San José Chiapa, Sant’Agata Bolognese,
Figures refer to the Ingolstadt, Münchsmünster, Neckarsulm, Brussels, Bologna and São José dos Pinhais sites; ISO 50001: Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm, Győr,
Győr, San José Chiapa (since 2016), Sant’Agata Bolognese (Lamborghini), Brussels, San José Chiapa, and Sant’Agata Bolognese sites.
Bologna (Ducati), Amphur Pluakdaeng (Ducati) (since 2017) sites. Only The prior-year figures of certain key financial figures have been adjusted to reflect
car-producing sites including component manufacturing are considered for the first-time adoption of IFRS 9 and IFRS 15 (see also the disclosures on IFRS 9
the specific key figures. The environmental key figures for the respective and IFRS 15 in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements)
current year are provisional data, which are replaced by the final result in Changes to figures for 2017 result from retroactive adjustments in 2019, which
the following year. In this report, the provisional figures for 2018 were were due to modified year-end figures
updated with the relevant figures as of year-end 2018.
Total energy consumption: This figure is made up of electricity and heat
consumption as well as the use of fuel gases for production processes and
externally supplied refrigeration at the plant.
Direct CO₂ emissions: This figure is made up of CO₂ emissions generated by [201]
nnual average figure.
the use of fuel at the plant and CO₂ emissions produced by the operation of [202]
With effect from January 1, 2017, the fully consolidated Audi Hungaria Motor Kft.,
test rigs. Győr (Hungary), was merged with the fully consolidated Audi Hungaria Services Zrt.,
VOC emissions (volatile organic compounds): This figure is made up of Győr, and renamed Audi Hungaria Zrt., Győr.
emissions from the paint shops, test rigs and other facilities. Excluding apprentices
Direct NOx emissions: This figure is made up of NOx emissions caused by AUDI AG
the boiler houses at the plant, by paint shops and by the operation of test The attendance rate is calculated using the formula 100 − (sick days/payment-rele-
the North Sea coast; since October 2012, also from Neckarsulm; since 2015, more days’ work lost occur per million hours worked.
the figure is given in t CO₂e. Since July 2017, rail transport in Germany has With respect to non-production employees
dischargers: Ingolstadt, Münchsmünster, Neckarsulm, Brussels, Győr, including donations; not including sponsorship and research
Sant’Agata Bolognese (Lamborghini), Bologna (Ducati), Amphur Pluak- [211]
Included respectively in the year 2019: Company top-up to the Christmas donation
daeng (Ducati) sites (since 2017) EUR 257,984.00
The measure “Successive decarbonization of the supply chain together with [212]
Excluding leave on partial retirement phase
suppliers” from the 2018 sustainability report was defined as a target for Excluding fixed-term employees
the 2019 program and supplemented by additional measures. With respect to non-production employees
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 110
Progress you can feel
Fuel consumption and emission figures Model Combined fuel consumption Combined CO2 emissions
[l/100 km] [g/km]
As at: January 2020 (All data apply to features of the German market.)
Audi e-tron Current consumption 0–0
24.3–21.0 kWh/100km
Model Combined fuel consumption Combined CO2 emissions Audi e-tron Sportback Current consumption 0–0
[l/100 km] [g/km] 23.9–20.6 kWh/100km
Audi TT Coupé 7.0–6.0 161–137 The specified fuel consumption and emissions data have been determined according to the mea-
surement procedures prescribed by law. Since September 1, 2017, certain new vehicles are already
Audi TT Roadster 7.3–6.3 166–143 being type-approved according to the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP),
a more realistic test procedure for measuring fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Starting on
Audi A4 Sedan 6.7–3.7 157–98
September 1, 2018, the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) will be replaced by the WLTP in stages.
Audi A4 Avant 6.8–3.8 160–100 Owing to the more realistic test conditions, the fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions measured ac-
cording to the WLTP will, in many cases, be higher than those measured according to the NEDC. For
Audi A4 allroad quattro 6.8–5.0 164–132 further information on the differences between the WLTP and NEDC, please visit www.
We are currently still required by law to state the NEDC figures. In the case of new vehicles which
A5 Sportback 6.8–3.7 158–98 have been type-approved according to the WLTP, the NEDC figures are derived from the WLTP data.
It is possible to specify the WLTP figures voluntarily in addition until such time as this is required by
Audi A5 Coupé 6.7–3.7 158–98 law. In cases where the NEDC figures are specified as value ranges, these do not refer to a particu-
lar individual vehicle and do not constitute part of the sales offering. They are intended exclusively
Audi A5 Cabriolet 7.0–4.0 163–106 as a means of comparison between different vehicle types. Additional equipment and accessories
(e.g. add-on parts, different tire formats, etc.) may change the relevant vehicle parameters, such as
Audi Q5 7.5–4.4 172–46 weight, rolling resistance and aerodynamics, and, in conjunction with weather and traffic conditions
and individual driving style, may affect fuel consumption, electric power consumption, CO₂ emis-
Audi A6 Sedan 7.4–4.0 170–39 sions and the performance figures for the vehicle.
Audi A6 Avant 7.6–4.1 174–108 Further information on official fuel consumption figures and the official specific CO₂ emissions
of new passenger cars can be found in the “Guide on the fuel economy, CO₂ emissions and power
Audi A6 allroad quattro 7.6–5.8 174–152
consumption of all new passenger cars models,” which is available free of charge at all sales deal-
Audi A7 Sportback 7.5–4.4 172–40 erships, from DAT Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1, 73760 Ostfildern,
Germany and at
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 111
Progress you can feel
Three-pillar Traveling safely
Thanks to brand diferen-
approach tiation, Audi intends to on the
Operating without ethics
become number one for
customer experience. Then
data highway
and a sense of proportion the plan will succeed.
does not work. An overview Data protection in harmony with
GRI criteria
of how compliance, integri- the law and legislation: Audi com-
ty and culture provide guid- plies fully with applicable national
ance at Audi and ensure laws on personal data, data protec-
the company’s long-term tion and personal rights to privacy.
success. An overview of the various data pro-
tection measures.
tation (oekomRating
Down to the c con
, SIS)
last detail Hol
Better safe than sorry
To become the leading car-
There is a reason why people feel safe while
ta n
bon-neutral premium pro-
vider, Audi is optimizing all driving an Audi: It is safe! We owe that in
part to the work of the experts at the Audi
parts of its value chain. An
Accident Research Unit (AARU). A report.
overview of key improve-
ments and initiatives.
c on
rity ion
f co
Sustainability Down to the
w it
Ethic ation
and a pro
is o
RI s
i nd
Co m
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Top topics Governance
the materiality
analysis ety
Consistency in Full of power
n se
sustainability Operations En Veh
, de
When it comes to drive systems,
& Audi is pursuing a holistic approach:
ns a
e (CO
The interview Hildegard Wortmann,
io as
from e-tron to the expansion of the
rat ce
Board Member for Sales and Market-
with consistency last detail
charging infrastructure, from solu-
ing, and Peter Kössler, Board Mem-
le o erna
tions for the last mile to refueling with
ber for Production and Logistics,
green electricity, from hybrids to hy-
ustai te gov
talk about how they are responsible
tive drogen cars. The most important key
Pro &
for sustainability. Top topics Alterna logies
techno parameters.
the materiality drive
tion o
basis for s
SUSTAINABLE Transparency
Integrated and
resources and
life cycle assessment
well thought out
Soc ne fo
Thinking consistently from start
pl tion
to finish: The life cycle assess-
(So us is
ment of a vehicle shows where its
So & ee ea environmental footprint arises.
cia on
e Cr& on
ciet s The most important facts about
l oppon and Circu
rit rain
ti the complex analyses.
Equa ratio
ia ing
integ sity omy
diver m Em
To become the leading car-
an e
d av Pr ro
ene iss
de al lp rgy
ve ue d tra the
ma s and
lo eu
pm river Viable
₂-n fac nag
Audi embraces diversity ent for A
nt (
CO tor
.) udi. em
me y
value creation
ety onal
The most varied career paths,
saf ati
Sustainrds in the
Not just a single closed circle, but
standa chain
an cup
nationalities and biographies: employees re-
a difference, then Audi’s responsibil-
ng condi-
port on their work at Audi several along the entire automotive
ng forms rn
– from a very personal perspective. value chain: Experts at Audi analyze
bon-neutral premium provid-
and identify the opportunities and
risks of a circular economy.
Less is
og no
en co
ox re more
id la
ed accidents and improving health
resources for its workforce.
Stronger together
of its value chain. An overview
Flow of knowledge
As a large industrial corporation, n
tw ta
This is how employees of the Four Rings be- Audi is mindful of its responsibility Is
GR come fit for the future of electric mobility – toward society and the environ- GR
Is visiting training measures on site. ment – and uses its impact to meet ith
ta t w
n this responsibility along the entire en
da nt
rd value chain.
Story that documents the com- and Peter Kössler, Board Member for initiatives
mitment of Audi. For example, the Production and Logistics talk about
section "Operations & Integrity" their responsibility. The interview
Sustainability Roadmap
Comparison with the targets of
the sustainability program SDG
Sustainable Development Goals
Top topics
from the (SDGs): Allocation of the 17 global
materiality analysis goals for sustainable development
expect from Audi? Selection of the most im-
Strategy portant results of the materiality analysis
Three-pillar Traveling safely
Thanks to brand diferen-
approach tiation, Audi intends to on the
Operating without ethics
become number one for
customer experience. Then
data highway
and a sense of proportion the plan will succeed.
does not work. An overview Data protection in harmony with
GRI criteria
of how compliance, integri- the law and legislation: Audi com-
ty and culture provide guid- plies fully with applicable national
ance at Audi and ensure laws on personal data, data protec-
the company’s long-term tion and personal rights to privacy.
success. An overview of the various data pro-
tection measures.
tation (oekomRating
Down to the
, SIS)
isti c con
last detail Hol
Better safe than sorry
To become the leading car-
There is a reason why people feel safe while
ta n
bon-neutral premium pro-
vider, Audi is optimizing all driving an Audi: It is safe! We owe that in
part to the work of the experts at the Audi
parts of its value chain. An
Accident Research Unit (AARU). A report.
overview of key improve-
ments and initiatives.
c on
rity ion
from customers’
f co
w it
Ethic ation
and a pro
is o
RI s
i nd
Co m
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Top topics Governance
the materiality
analysis ety
Consistency in Full of power
n se
sustainability Operations En Veh
, de
When it comes to drive systems,
& Audi is pursuing a holistic approach:
ns a
e (CO
The interview Hildegard Wortmann,
io as
from e-tron to the expansion of the
rat ce
Board Member for Sales and Market-
charging infrastructure, from solu-
ing, and Peter Kössler, Board Mem-
le o erna
tions for the last mile to refueling with
ber for Production and Logistics,
green electricity, from hybrids to hy-
ustai te gov
talk about how they are responsible
tive drogen cars. The most important key
Pro &
for sustainability. Top topics Alterna logies
techno parameters.
the materiality drive
tion o
basis for s
Traveling safely
SUSTAINABLE Integrated and
resources and
life cycle assessment
well thought out
Soc ne fo
Thinking consistently from start
pl tion
to finish: The life cycle assess-
(So us is
ment of a vehicle shows where its
So & ee ea environmental footprint arises.
cia on
e Cr& on
ciet s The most important facts about
rit rain
ti the complex analyses.
Equa ratio
ia ing
integ sity omy
diver m Em
an e
Pr du
ene iss
d av ro in ion
de al lp rgy
ve ue d tra the
ma s and
lo eu
pm river Viable
₂-n fac nag
Audi embraces diversity ent for A
nt (
CO tor
.) udi. em
me y
value creation
ety onal
The most varied career paths,
saf ati
Sustainrds in the
Not just a single closed circle, but
standa chain
an cup
nationalities and biographies: employees re-
ng condi-
port on their work at Audi several along the entire automotive
ng forms rn
– from a very personal perspective. value chain: Experts at Audi analyze
worki and mode
and identify the opportunities and
risks of a circular economy.
Less is
og no
en co
ships with its customers.
ed accidents and improving health
resources for its workforce.
Stronger together
connected vehicles and services. As
Flow of knowledge
As a large industrial corporation, n
This is how employees of the Four Rings be- Audi is mindful of its responsibility Is
GR come fit for the future of electric mobility – toward society and the environ- GR
Is visiting training measures on site. ment – and uses its impact to meet ith
ta t w
Thanks to a brand-differen-
n this responsibility along the entire en
da nt
rd value chain.
s co
is on
Story that documents the com- ethics and a sense of tiating customer experience their personal data being safe – re-
proportion does not
mitment of Audi. For example, the work. But what does
(CE), the company intends gardless of whether it is in the vehi-
to become number one for
section "Operations & Integrity" ethical operation mean customer experience.
cle, in the cloud or on Audi servers.
for Audi?
Three-pillar Traveling safely
Thanks to brand diferen-
approach tiation, Audi intends to on the
Operating without ethics
become number one for
customer experience. Then
data highway
and a sense of proportion the plan will succeed.
does not work. An overview Data protection in harmony with
GRI criteria
of how compliance, integri- the law and legislation: Audi com-
ty and culture provide guid- plies fully with applicable national
ance at Audi and ensure laws on personal data, data protec-
the company’s long-term tion and personal rights to privacy.
success. An overview of the various data pro-
tection measures.
Full of power
tation (oekomRating
Down to the c con
, SIS)
last detail Hol
Better safe than sorry
To become the leading car-
There is a reason why people feel safe while
ta n
bon-neutral premium pro-
vider, Audi is optimizing all driving an Audi: It is safe! We owe that in
part to the work of the experts at the Audi
parts of its value chain. An
Accident Research Unit (AARU). A report.
overview of key improve-
ments and initiatives.
c on
rity ion
f co
w it
Ethic ation
and a pro
is o
RI s
i nd
When it comes to drive sys-
Co m
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Top topics Governance
the materiality
analysis ety
Consistency in Full of power
n se
sustainability Operations En Veh
, de
When it comes to drive systems,
& Audi is pursuing a holistic approach:
ns a
e (CO
The interview Hildegard Wortmann,
io as
from e-tron to the expansion of the
rat ce
Board Member for Sales and Market-
charging infrastructure, from solu-
ing, and Peter Kössler, Board Mem-
le o erna
tions for the last mile to refueling with
ber for Production and Logistics,
green electricity, from hybrids to hy-
ustai te gov
talk about how they are responsible
tive drogen cars. The most important key
Pro &
for sustainability. Top topics Alterna logies
techno parameters.
the materiality drive
tion o
Better safe Integrated and
basis for s
listic approach: from e-tron to
SUSTAINABLE Transparency
Integrated and
resources and
life cycle assessment
well thought out
Soc ne fo
Thinking consistently from start
pl tion
to finish: The life cycle assess-
(So us is
ment of a vehicle shows where its
So & ee ea environmental footprint arises.
cia on
e Cr& on
ciet s The most important facts about
the expansion of the charging
l oppon and Circu
rit rain
ti the complex analyses.
ia ing
integ sity omy
diver m Em
an e
d av Pr ro
ene iss
de al lp rgy
ve ue d tra the
ma s and
lo eu
pm river Viable
₂-n fac nag
Audi embraces diversity ent for A
nt (
CO tor
.) udi. em
me y
value creation
ety onal
infrastructure, from solutions
The most varied career paths,
saf ati
Sustainrds in the
Not just a single closed circle, but
standa chain
an cup
nationalities and biographies: employees re-
ng condi-
port on their work at Audi several along the entire automotive
ng forms rn
– from a very personal perspective. value chain: Experts at Audi analyze
worki and mode
and identify the opportunities and
risks of a circular economy.
Less is
og no
ed accidents and improving health
resources for its workforce.
Stronger together
Flow of knowledge
As a large industrial corporation, n
tw ta
This is how employees of the Four Rings be- Audi is mindful of its responsibility Is
GR come fit for the future of electric mobility – toward society and the environ- GR
Is visiting training measures on site. ment – and uses its impact to meet ith
Story that documents the com- Unit (AARU) does im- are the most important key vehicle, we can see where
mitment of Audi. For example, the portant work in the area parameters and projects from the burdens for the envi-
the 2019 drive strategy.
section "Operations & Integrity" of accident avoidance – ronment arise. The most
and not just in terms of important facts about the
vehicle technology. complex analyses:
tion of resourc
Conserva es
Sustainability Roadmap
Comparison with the targets of
the sustainability program SDG
Alternative Sustainable Development Goals
drive tech- (SDGs): Allocation of the 17 global
nologies Transparency
Vehicle safety for resources
goals for sustainable development
and life cycle
ent (e
lectrification of
f en
Materiality analysis
nm siv
v iro e) What concerns stakeholders, what do they
Products Products
expect from Audi? Selection of the most im-
portant results of the materiality analysis
& Services
ESG criteria
Chapter reference for the capital-market-
In the area of "Products & Services," according to relevant criteria of Environment, Social
the materiality analysis (page 22), the greatest and Governance (ESG)
relevance is afforded to the topic of "vehicle safety,"
followed by "alternative drive technologies" and
Core model lines
"transparency with respect to resource conservation
Three-pillar Traveling safely
Thanks to brand diferen-
approach tiation, Audi intends to on the
Operating without ethics
become number one for
customer experience. Then
data highway
and a sense of proportion the plan will succeed.
does not work. An overview Data protection in harmony with
GRI criteria
of how compliance, integri- the law and legislation: Audi com-
ty and culture provide guid- plies fully with applicable national
ance at Audi and ensure laws on personal data, data protec-
the company’s long-term tion and personal rights to privacy.
success. An overview of the various data pro-
tection measures.
tation (oekomRating
Down to the sidera
, SIS)
Less is more
isti c con
last detail Hol
Better safe than sorry
To become the leading car-
There is a reason why people feel safe while
ta n
bon-neutral premium pro-
vider, Audi is optimizing all driving an Audi: It is safe! We owe that in
part to the work of the experts at the Audi
parts of its value chain. An
Accident Research Unit (AARU). A report.
overview of key improve-
ments and initiatives.
c on
rity ion
f co
w it
Ethic ation
and a pro
is o
RI s
i nd
Co m
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Top topics Governance
the materiality
analysis ety
Consistency in Full of power
Audi works continuously on
n se
sustainability Operations En Veh
, de
When it comes to drive systems,
& Audi is pursuing a holistic approach:
ns a
e (CO
The interview Hildegard Wortmann,
io as
from e-tron to the expansion of the
rat ce
Board Member for Sales and Market-
charging infrastructure, from solu-
ing, and Peter Kössler, Board Mem-
le o erna
tions for the last mile to refueling with
ber for Production and Logistics,
green electricity, from hybrids to hy-
ustai te gov
talk about how they are responsible
tive drogen cars. The most important key
Pro &
for sustainability. Top topics Alterna logies
reducing its energy consump-
techno parameters.
the materiality drive
tion o
basis for s
SUSTAINABLE Transparency
Integrated and
resources and
life cycle assessment
well thought out
Soc ne fo
Thinking consistently from start
pl tion
to finish: The life cycle assess-
(So us is
ment of a vehicle shows where its
So & ee ea environmental footprint arises.
cia on
e Cr& on
ciet s The most important facts about
l oppon and Circu
rit rain
ti the complex analyses.
Equa ratio
ia ing
integ sity omy
diver m Em
Pr du
₂-n fac nag
Audi embraces diversity ent for A
nt (
CO tor
.) udi. em
me y
value creation
ety onal
The most varied career paths,
saf ati
As a large industrial cor-
Sustainrds in the
Not just a single closed circle, but
standa chain
an cup
nationalities and biographies: employees re-
ng condi-
port on their work at Audi several along the entire automotive
ng forms rn
– from a very personal perspective. value chain: Experts at Audi analyze
environmental activities, one
and identify the opportunities and
risks of a circular economy.
Less is
og no
en co
re more
ed accidents and improving health
resources for its workforce.
Stronger together
consumption and the associat-
Flow of knowledge
the vision of a comprehen-
As a large industrial corporation, n
tw ta
This is how employees of the Four Rings be- Audi is mindful of its responsibility Is
GR come fit for the future of electric mobility – toward society and the environ- GR
Is visiting training measures on site. ment – and uses its impact to meet ith
ta t w
this responsibility along the entire
ed emissions in production.
Value Creation
v s)
En Value creation expect from Audi? Selection of the most im-
& portant results of the materiality analysis
& Production
ESG criteria
Chapter reference for the capital-market-
In the section "Value Creation & Production," relevant criteria of Environment, Social
the following three topics are the most import- and Governance (ESG)
ant for Audi stakeholders according to the ma-
teriality analysis performed (page 22): "circular
Core model lines
economy," "emissions and energy management
Three-pillar Traveling safely
Thanks to brand diferen-
approach tiation, Audi intends to on the
Operating without ethics
become number one for
customer experience. Then
data highway
and a sense of proportion the plan will succeed.
does not work. An overview Data protection in harmony with
GRI criteria
of how compliance, integri- the law and legislation: Audi com-
ty and culture provide guid- plies fully with applicable national
ance at Audi and ensure laws on personal data, data protec-
the company’s long-term tion and personal rights to privacy.
success. An overview of the various data pro-
tection measures.
tation (oekomRating
Down to the c con
, SIS)
last detail Hol
Better safe than sorry
To become the leading car-
There is a reason why people feel safe while
ta n
bon-neutral premium pro-
vider, Audi is optimizing all driving an Audi: It is safe! We owe that in
part to the work of the experts at the Audi
parts of its value chain. An
Accident Research Unit (AARU). A report.
overview of key improve-
ments and initiatives.
c on
rity ion
f co
United for
w it
Ethic ation
and a pro
is o
RI s
i nd
Co m
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Top topics Governance
the materiality
analysis ety
Consistency in Full of power
n se
sustainability Operations En Veh
, de
When it comes to drive systems,
& Audi is pursuing a holistic approach:
ns a
e (CO
The interview Hildegard Wortmann,
io as
from e-tron to the expansion of the
rat ce
Board Member for Sales and Market-
your health
charging infrastructure, from solu-
ing, and Peter Kössler, Board Mem-
le o erna
tions for the last mile to refueling with
ber for Production and Logistics,
green electricity, from hybrids to hy-
ustai te gov
talk about how they are responsible
tive drogen cars. The most important key
Pro &
for sustainability. Top topics Alterna logies
techno parameters.
the materiality drive
tion o
basis for s
SUSTAINABLE Transparency
Integrated and
resources and
life cycle assessment
well thought out
Soc ne fo
Thinking consistently from start
Audi embraces
pl tion
to finish: The life cycle assess-
(So us is
ment of a vehicle shows where its
So & ee ea environmental footprint arises.
cia on
e Cr& on
ciet s The most important facts about
l oppon and Circu
rit rain
ti the complex analyses.
Equa ratio
Audi employs an integrated
ia ing
Flow of knowledge
integ sity omy
diver m Em
an e
d av Pr ro
ene iss
de al lp rgy
ve ue d tra the
ma s and
lo eu
pm river Viable
₂-n fac nag
Audi embraces diversity ent for A
nt (
CO tor
.) udi. em
me y
value creation
ety onal
The most varied career paths,
saf ati
Sustainrds in the
Not just a single closed circle, but
standa chain
an cup
nationalities and biographies: employees re-
ng condi-
port on their work at Audi several along the entire automotive
ng forms rn
– from a very personal perspective. value chain: Experts at Audi analyze
worki and mode
and identify the opportunities and
risks of a circular economy.
Less is
og no
en co
ox re more
ed accidents and improving health
management system to min-
resources for its workforce.
Stronger together
launch dozens of electrified
Flow of knowledge
As a large industrial corporation, n
tw ta
This is how employees of the Four Rings be- Audi is mindful of its responsibility Is
GR come fit for the future of electric mobility – toward society and the environ- GR
Is visiting training measures on site. ment – and uses its impact to meet ith
ta t w
this responsibility along the entire en
Story that documents the com- and improve the health biographies: employees
requires expertise – which
mitment of Audi. For example, the Audi employees acquire resources for its workforce. report on their work at
section "Operations & Integrity" through specially tailored Audi – from a very person-
training and development al perspective
programs. A report
ircular economy (use of
u rces/c s ec
of reso ond
Sustainability Roadmap tion ym
rva ate
nse ria
Comparison with the targets of Co l)
the sustainability program SDG
Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs): Allocation of the 17 global
Fair working
and safety
Equal goals for sustainable development
conditions opportunity,
and modern integration
working forms and diversity
come a value drive Materiality analysis
ia be ng and develo r for A
iter ini pmen u
l cr s on tra t.) di.
si What concerns stakeholders, what do they
(S e focu
Employees On Employees
expect from Audi? Selection of the most im-
portant results of the materiality analysis
& Society
ESG criteria
Chapter reference for the capital-market-
According to the materiality analysis (page 22), relevant criteria of Environment, Social
Audi stakeholders afford the utmost priority in the and Governance (ESG)
section "Employees & Society" to the topic of "fair
working conditions and modern working forms."
Core model lines
To AUDI AG, Ingolstadt Responsibilities of the Executive Directors Independence and Quality Control of the Practitioner’s Responsibility
We have performed a limited assurance en- The executive directors of the Company are Audit Firm Our responsibility is to express a limited as-
gagement on the disclosures denoted with responsible for the preparation of the Report We have complied with the German profes- surance conclusion on the disclosures deno-
“√” in the table “Audi Sustainability Key Figu- in accordance with the principles stated in sional provisions regarding independence as ted with “√” in the table “Audi Sustainability
res” as well as on the management approa- the Sustainability Reporting Standards of the well as other ethical requirements. Key Figures” as well as on the management
ches on product-related CO2 emissions and Global Reporting Initiative (hereinafter the Our audit firm applies the national legal re- approaches on product-related CO2 emissi-
employer attractiveness in the Sustainability “GRI-Criteria”) and for the selection of the quirements and professional standards – in ons and employer attractiveness in the Re-
Report 2019 of AUDI AG, Ingolstadt (herei- disclosures to be evaluated. particular the Professional Code for German port based on the assurance engagement we
nafter the “Company”), for the period from Public Auditors and German Chartered Audi- have performed.
1 January to 31 December 2019 (hereinafter This responsibility of Company’s executive tors (“Berufssatzung für Wirtschaftsprüfer
the “Report”). directors includes the selection and applica- und vereidigte Buchprüfer”: “BS WP/vBP”) Within the scope of our engagement we did
tion of appropriate methods of sustainability as well as the Standard on Quality Control 1 not perform an audit on external sources of
reporting as well as making assumptions and published by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprü- information or expert opinions, referred to in
estimates related to individual sustainabi- fer (Institute of Public Auditors in Germany; the Report.
* PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH has performed a
limited assurance engagement on the German versi- lity disclosures, which are reasonable in the IDW): Requirements to quality control for
on of the Sustainability Report 2019 of AUDI AG and circumstances. Furthermore, the executive audit firms (IDW Qualitätssicherungsstan- We conducted our assurance engagement in
issued an independent assurance report in German directors are responsible for such internal dard 1: Anforderungen an die Qualitätssiche- accordance with the International Standard
language, which is authoritative. The following text
control as they have considered necessary rung in der Wirtschaftsprüferpraxis - IDW on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 (Re-
is a translation of the independent assurance report.
** The Sustainability Report 2019 of AUDI AG pre- to enable the preparation of a Report that is QS 1) – and accordingly maintains a compre- vised): “Assurance Engagements other than
sented for the issuance of the Independent Practitio- free from material misstatement whether hensive system of quality control including Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial In-
ner’s Report is available on the webpage of AUDI AG: due to fraud or error. documented policies and procedures regar- formation”, issued by the IAASB. This Stan- The Company is
ding compliance with ethical requirements, dard requires that we plan and perform the
responsible for its website. Accordingly, we assume
no responsibility for any changes in the presentati- professional standards and applicable legal assurance engagement to allow us to conclu-
on of content subject to the assurance procedures and regulatory requirements. de with limited assurance that nothing has
described in this Independent Practitioner’s Report
that occurred after the date of this Independent
Practitioner’s Report.
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 117
Progress you can feel
come to our attention that causes us to Obtaining an understanding of the struc- Assurance Conclusion
believe that the disclosures denoted with “√” ture of the sustainability organization and Based on the assurance procedures perfor-
in the table “Audi Sustainability Key Figures” of the stakeholder engagement med and assurance evidence obtained, no-
as well as the management approaches on Assessment of the management approach thing has come to our attention that causes
product-related CO2 emissions and employer on product-related CO2 emissions and the us to believe that the disclosures denoted
attractiveness in the Company’s Report for management approach on employer at- with “√” in the table “Audi Sustainability Key
the period from 1 January to 31 December tractiveness against the requirements of Figures” as well as the management appro-
2019 have not been prepared, in all materi- the GRI Standards pursuant to Disclosures aches on product-related CO2 emissions and
al aspects, in accordance with the relevant 103-1, 103-2 and 103-3 employer attractiveness in the Company’s
GRI-Criteria. Inspection of relevant documents and in- Report for the period from 1 January to 31
quiries of personnel regarding the data December 2019 have not been prepared, in
In a limited assurance engagement, the as- collection and consolidation processes of all material aspects, in accordance with the
surance procedures are less in extent than the selected disclosures in the Report as relevant GRI-Criteria.
for a reasonable assurance engagement well as the internal control system relating
and therefore a substantially lower level of to these processes Intended Use of the Assurance Report
assurance is obtained. The assurance proce- Analytical evaluation of selected disclosu- We issue this report on the basis of the en-
dures selected depend on the practitioner’s res in the Report gagement agreed with the Company. The
judgment. Evaluation of the implementation of cent- assurance engagement has been performed
ral management requirements, processes for purposes of the Company and the report
Within the scope of our assurance engage- and specifications regarding data collecti- is solely intended to inform the Company as
ment, we performed amongst others the on through on-site visits at selected sites to the results of the assurance engagement.
following assurance procedures and further of the Company: The report is not intended to provide third
activities: parties with support in making (financial)
AUDI AG, Ingolstadt, Germany decisions. Our responsibility lies solely to-
AUDI AG, Neckarsulm, Germany ward the Company. We do not assume any
AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt., Győr, Hungary responsibility towards third parties.
GRI 101: Foundation 2016 GRI 102-7: Scale of the organization 4, 88, 107
GRI 102: General Disclosures 2016 GRI 102-8: Information on employees and other 88, 107
Organizational profile
GRI 102-9: Supply chain 11, 65ff
GRI 102-1: Name of the organization 4
GRI 102-10: Significant changes to the 35ff
GRI 102-2: Activities, brands, products 4 organization and its supply chain
and services GRI 102-11: Precautionary principle or approach 35ff
GRI 102-3: Location of headquarters 4
GRI 102-12: External initiatives 21
GRI 102-4: Location of operations 4
GRI 102-13: Membership in associations 21
GRI 102-5: Ownership and legal form 4 and other interest groups
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 119
Progress you can feel
GRI 102-40: List of stakeholder groups 20f, 22f GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016
GRI 102-41: Collective bargaining agreements 40, 89 GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f. 25,
topic and its boundary 35ff, 41, 112
GRI 102-42: Identifying and selecting 20
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 25, 35, 41
its components
GRI 102-43: Approach to stakeholder engagement 20
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 102-44: Key topics and concerns raised 15ff, 22f GRI 201-1: Directly generated and 35ff, 103
Reporting practice distributed economic value
GRI 201-2: Financial implications and other 6ff, 10ff,
GRI 102-45: Entities included in the consolidated FR (p. 201) risks and opportunities due to climate change 35ff, FR
financial statements
GRI 201-3: Defined benefit plan obligations and FR (page
GRI 102-46: Defining report content and topic 14, other retirement plans 166)
boundaries 22f, 111ff
GRI 202 Market Presence 2016
GRI 102-47: List of material topics 14,
22f, 111ff GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 4, 14, 22f,
GRI 102-48: Restatements of information 14, 102, topic and its boundary 88ff
111ff GRI 103-2: The management approach and 4, 88ff
GRI 102-49: Changes in reporting 14, 22-23, its components
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 102-50: Reporting period 102
GRI 202-1: Ratios of standard entry level wage by The bargaining part-
GRI 102-51: Date of most recent report 102 gender compared with local minimum wage ners consider the ratio
of the entry level wages
GRI 102-52: Reporting cycle 102 to the statutory local
minimum wage when
GRI 102-53: Contact point for questions 20, 126 structuring compen-
regarding the report sation as part of the
collective bargaining
GRI 102-54: Declaration on reporting in 118 process.
accordance with the GRI Standards
GRI 202-2: Proportion of senior management hired 88
GRI 102-55: GRI content index 118ff from the local community
GRI 102-56: External assurance 116f
GRI 203: Indirect Economic Impacts 2016 GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 35, GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 25ff
topic and its boundary 93 topic and its boundary
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 35, 93 GRI 103-2: The management approach and 25ff
its components its components
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37 GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 203-1: Infrastructure investments and 35ff, 70ff GRI 205-1: Operations assessed for risks related to 25ff
services supported corruption
GRI 203-2: Significant indirect 35ff, 62ff, GRI 205-2: Communication and training about 27ff
economic impacts 85ff anti-corruption policies and procedures
GRI 204: Procurement Practices 2016 GRI 205-3: Confirmed incidents of corruption 26
and actions taken
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 62ff,
topic and its boundary 65ff, 114 GRI 206: Anti-competitive Behavior 2016
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 62ff, 65ff GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 25ff,
its components topic and its boundary 41
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37 GRI 103-2: The management approach and 25ff, 41
its components
GRI 204-1: Proportion of spending on 35ff
local suppliers GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 301: Materials 2016 GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 62ff, GRI 103-1 (GRI 103: Management approach 2016): 14, 22f, 6ff,
topic and its boundary 78f, 114 Explanation of the material topic and its boundary 69, 72, 80,
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 62ff, 78f
its components GRI 103-2(GRI 103: Management approach 2016): 6ff, 69, 72,
The management approach and its components 80f
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 103-3(GRI 103: Management approach 2016): 20f, 37
GRI 301-1: Materials used by weight or volume 64 Evaluation of the management approach
GRI 301-2: Recycled input materials used 62ff, 65ff GRI 303-1: Interactions with water as a shared re- 74, 106f
GRI 301-3: Reclaimed products and 62ff, 74 GRI 303-2: Management of water discharge-related 70, 74
their packaging materials impacts
GRI 302 Energy 2016 GRI 303-3: Water withdrawal 70, 74
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 6ff,
topic and its boundary 69, 72, 81, GRI 303-4: Water recirculation 70, 74
114 105-106
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 6ff, 69, 72, GRI 303-5: Water consumption 70, 74
its components 81 105-106
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37 GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016
GRI 302-1: Energy consumption within 72ff, 104f GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 69ff,
the organization topic and its boundary 114
GRI 302-2: Energy consumption outside of 72ff, 104f GRI 103-2: The management approach and 69ff
the organization its components
GRI 302-3: Energy intensity 72ff, 104f GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 302-4: Reduction of energy consumption 69, 72, 104f GRI 304-1: Operational sites owned, leased, managed 69ff
GRI 302-5: Reductions in energy requirements 72ff
or adjacent to protected areas and areas of high biodi-
of products and services
versity value outside protected areas
GRI 304-2: Significant impacts of activities, 69ff
products, and services on biodiversity
GRI 304-3: Habitats protected or restored 71
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 123
Progress you can feel
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 69ff, GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 25ff,
topic and its boundary 72ff, 80f, topic and its boundary 51, 69, 72ff,
114 112, 114
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 69ff, 72ff, GRI 103-2: The management approach and 25ff, 51, 69,
its components 80f its components 72ff
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37 GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 305-1: Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 73, 75 GRI 307-1: Non-compliance with environmental laws 19, 25ff
105 and regulations
GRI 305-2: Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions 73, 75, 105 GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016
GRI 305-3: Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions 75, 105 GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 65ff,
topic and its boundary 78, 114
GRI 305-4: GHG emissions intensity 72ff, 105
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 65ff, 78
GRI 305-5: Reduction of GHG emissions 72ff, 105 its components
GRI 305-7: Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), 74, 105 GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
and other significant air emissions
GRI 308-1: New suppliers that were screened 65ff
GRI 306: Effluents and Waste 2016
using environmental criteria
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 69, GRI 308-2: Negative environmental impacts in the 65ff
topic and its boundary 80, 114 supply chain and actions taken
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 69, 80
its components
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 401: Employment 2016 GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 88, GRI 103-1 (GRI 103: Management approach 2016): 14, 22f, 91f,
topic and its boundary 99ff, 115 Explanation of the material 99ff, 115
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 88, 99ff topic and its boundary
its components GRI 103-2 (GRI 103: Management approach 2016): 91f, 99ff
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37 The management approach and
its components
GRI 401-1: New employee hires and 88ff, 107 Information by age GRI 103-3 (GRI 103: Management approach 2016): 20f, 37
employee turnover group and gender is Evaluation of the management approach
not currently avail-
able. GRI 403-1: Occupational health and 91f, 108
safety management system
GRI 401-2: Benefits provided to full-time employ- 88ff
ees that are not provided to temporary or part-time GRI 403-2: Hazard identification, Information by age
employees risk assessment, and incident investigation group and region is not
currently available.
GRI 401-3: Parental leave 88ff, 108 Information on return
to work rate by gen- GRI 403-3: Occupational health services 92
der is not currently
available. GRI 403-4: Worker participation, consultation, and 91f
communication on occupational health and safety
GRI 402: Labor/Management Relations 2016
GRI 403-5: Worker training on 91-92
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 38ff, occupational health and safety
topic and its boundary 89, 115 GRI 403-6: Promotion of worker health 91f
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 38ff, 89
its components GRI 403-7: Prevention and mitigation of 91f
occupational health and safety impacts directly
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37 linked by business relationships
GRI 403-8: Workers covered by an 91f
GRI 402-1: Minimum notice periods regarding In the event of oper- occupational health and safety management
operational changes ational changes, the system
company undertakes
to inform the em- GRI 403-9: Work-related injuries 91f, 108
ployees of these in a
timely manner. GRI 403-10: Work-related ill health 91f, 108
Audi Sustainability Report 2019 125
Progress you can feel
GRI 404: Training and Education 2016 GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment 2016
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 85ff, GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 25ff,
topic and its boundary 99ff, 115 topic and its boundary 65ff
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 85ff, 99ff GRI 103-2: The management approach and 25ff, 65ff
its components its components
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37 GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 404-1: Average hours of training per year per 107 Information by gen- GRI 412-1: Operations that have been subject to 65ff
employee der is not currently human rights reviews or impact assessments
GRI 412-2: Employee training on human rights 10ff, 25ff
GRI 404-2: Programs for upgrading 28, 85ff policies or procedures
employee skills and transition GRI 412-3: Significant investment agreements and 65ff
assistance programs contracts that include human rights clauses or that
GRI 404-3: Percentage of employees receiving regular 87 underwent human rights screening
performance and career development reviews GRI 413: Local Communities 2016
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 96ff
topic and its boundary
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 29f,
topic and its boundary 83ff, 88ff, GRI 103-2: The management approach and 96ff
99ff, 115 its components
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 83ff, 88ff, GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
its components 99ff
GRI 413-1: Operations with local community 21, 96ff
engagement, impact assessments, and development
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016 GRI 417-1: Requirements for product and service 110
information and labeling
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 10ff,
65ff, 78, 114 GRI 417-2: Incidents of non-compliance AUDI AG never provides
topic and its boundary
concerning product and service information general information
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 10ff, 65ff, 78 and labeling on the scope of field
its components measures.
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37 GRI 417-3: Incidents of non-compliance 26
concerning marketing communications
GRI 414-1: New suppliers that were screened using 65ff
social criteria GRI 418: Customer Privacy 2016
GRI 414-2: Negative social impacts in the 65ff GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 31f,
supply chain and actions taken topic and its boundary 41, 58f, 113
GRI 416: Customer Health and Safety 2016 GRI 103-2: The management approach and 31f, 41, 58f
its components
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 43ff,
topic and its boundary 57f, 112, GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 418-1: Substantiated complaints concerning 32
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 43ff, 57f
breaches of customer privacy and
its components
losses of customer data
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 419: Socioeconomic Compliance 2016
GRI 416-1: Assessment of the health and safety 43ff
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material 14, 22f, 25ff,
impacts of product and service categories
topic and its boundary 35ff, 41, 111
GRI 416-2: Incidents of non-compliance concerning 19, 28f, FR
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 25ff, 35ff, 41
the health and safety impacts of products and services (p. 102ff)
its components
GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling 2016
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37
GRI 103-1: Explanation of the material topic 6ff, 14, 22f
GRI 419-1: Non-compliance with laws and regulations 25ff
and its boundary
in the social and economic area
GRI 103-2: The management approach and 6ff
its components
GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach 20f, 37