Math Module 1

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Mathematics In the Modern World

1: The Nature of Mathematics Much of Mathematics is Discovered

 One of the early mathematical

discoveries which had a huge
OUTLINE impact in architecture and in the
Mathematics in our World history of the development of
mathematics itself is the
Mathematics as a Science of Pattern Pythagorean Theorem.
Fibonacci Number and the Golden Ratio o The theorem says that
given a right triangle with
legs a and b and
hypotenuse c, the sum of
Mathematics in our World a² and b² is equal to c².
 Mathematics is partly invented. o Succeeding propositions
Much of it is discovered. about prime numbers, the
 It is a system of knowledge. It is a properties that the arise
collection of objects whose from operations of
characteristics are discovered numbers, the remainder
through the accepted rules of when we divide a number
reasoning. by another, and many
more, all these, and all
Mathematics is Partly Invented properties contained in the
body of mathematical
 The beginning of mathematics is a
knowledge were
human invention and is nearly as
old as humanity.
o Began as a method to present What is Mathematics?
thoughts about quantity,
forms, patterns, and change.  Mathematics is the science of
o The concept of a number is an quantity. Aristotle (384-322 BCE)
early manifestation of the  It is the science of indirect
concept of quantity which measurement. Auguste Comte
gradually evolved into a (1798 – 1857)
primitive number system.  Mathematics is the science that
o Sexagesimal System of the draws necessary conclusions.
Sumerans were inventions of Benjamin Pierce ( 1809 -1880)
people who lived in ancient  All Mathematics is symbolic
Mesopotamia. logic. Bertrand Russel ( 1872 –
o The modern Binary System 1970)
was introduced by Gottfried Mathematics has two essential
Leibniz in 1679, and came to characteristics
be the foundation of binary
logic due in large part to  Mathematics is a Form of
George Boole. Language.
Mathematics In the Modern World
o As a language we use it to field study known as
name and describe objects phyllotaxis.
or events that reveal o Spiraling patterns on
quantity, form, pattern, pinecones, sunflowers and
and change. the hexagonally-shaped
 Mathematics is a Body of scales of pineapples also
Knowledge. showed Fibonacci number
o As a body of knowledge, pattern.
it is asset of concepts and  The Golden Ratio
relations among concepts o The Golden Ratio is a
whose properties and special number found by
characteristics are dividing a line into two
obtained through logical parts so that the longer
reasoning. part divided by the
smaller part is also equal
Where is Mathematics?
to the whole length
 We can see Mathematics divided by the the longer
everywhere in this world though part.
we sometimes ignore its presence. o It is symbolized by after
o To be able to see the 21st letter of the
Mathematics, we have to Greek alphabet.
observe to notice hints What is Mathematics for?
and clues: in nature, in
our daily routine, in our  Practical Uses of Mathematics
work, in people and o Mathematics helps
communities, and in organize patterns in the
events. world.
 The Fibonacci Numbers o Mathematics helps predict
o A Fibonacci number is an the behavior of nature and
integer in the infinite many phenomena.
sequence 1,1,2,3,5,8,13… o Mathematics helps control
of which the first two nature and occurrences in
terms are 1 and 1 and each the world for our own
of the succeeding term is good.
the sum of two o Mathematics has
immediately preceding. applications in many
o The numbers are named human endeavors.
after Fibonacci, also
known as Leonardo of Mathematical Breakthroughs
Pisa or Leonardo Pisano.
o These numbers are also
embedded in the leaf
arrangement on plants, a
Mathematics In the Modern World
 The 20th century saw many tools with different
breakthroughs in the fields of attitudes.
sciences and engineering which
Why is Mathematics important to know/
creatively and critically employed
o From the first personal  Math puts order in disorder.
computer named  Math makes us better persons.
Programa 101 that was  Math makes our world a better
released in 1965 to the place to live in.
first landing of man to the  Math teaches patience as children
moon on July 20, 1969. grow.
o The first Global  Math teaches us curiosity.
Positioning System (GPS)  Math can help us understand the
satellite launched in 1989 world around us.
for military use
 Mathematics makes up a large
 Today there 24 GPS satellites in part of your everyday life. You do
orbit helping people to locate their not study mathematics to become
travels via Google Map, or Waze a mathematician or an engineer,
on personal computers, tablets or but it will help you in your
cell phones. everyday life where you need to
 All of these show that think critically and analyze every
Mathematics plays a vital role in possibility so you can have the
the affairs of humanity. best solutions to a problem.
How is Mathematics done?

 Mathematics is done with Patterns in Nature

curiosity, with a penchant for
seeking patterns, and generalities, Mathematics is an Art of Patterns
with the desire to know the truth,
What are Patterns?
with trial and error, without fear
or facing more questions and  Patterns are regular, repeated or
problems to solve. recurring form or designs, such as
the layout of floor tiles, designs of
Who uses Mathematics?
skyscrapers, and the way we tie
 Mathematicians (pure and our shoelaces.
Types of Patterns in Nature
 Scientists (natural and social)
 Generally, everyone in the world  Symmetry
uses Mathematics.  Fractals
o But different people use  Spirals
different Math at different  Fibonacci Patterns
times, for different
purposes using different Symmetry
Mathematics In the Modern World
 Symmetry is when different sides sequence, follow the proportional
of something are alike. increase of 1.61.
 Symmetry indicates that you can  Fibonacci Pattern can be observed
draw an imaginary line across an in a stunning variety of
object and the resulting parts are phenomena in nature.
mirror images of each other.  The total number of petals of a
o Bilateral Symmetry flower is often a number present
o Rotational/Radial in the Fibonacci sequence, as with
Symmetry irises and lilies.
o Spherical Symmetry  Most pineapples have either five,
eight, thirteen or twenty-one
Fractals spirals; these are also Fibonacci
 Fractals are objects whose smaller numbers.
parts look similar to the bigger  Fibonacci Tree
part. o The black numbers to the
 Computer programmers use right indicate how many
fractals to generate the in-game branches there are at each
environment of many computer time step. This sequence
games. of numbers is known as
the Fibonacci sequence,
Spirals and the next number is the
sum of the previous two.
 Spirals are a curved pattern that
focuses on a center point and a Frequently Observed Patterns in Nature
series of circular shapes that and the World
revolve around it.
 Examples of spirals are pinecones,  Honeycomb
pineapples, hurricanes. o Nest built by bees. It is
 The reason for why plants use a made from beeswax, and
spiral form like the leaf picture it compose of shells in the
above is because they are same shape of hexagon,
constantly trying to grow but stay sometimes pentagon or
secure. heptagon.
 Tiger stripes
o The stripes on the tiger
Fibonacci Pattern are, in general, evenly
spaced and perpendicular
 A Sunflower displays many
to the spine. The stripes
patterns, seed heads of sunflowers
help with camouflage,
optimize the packing of seeds by
they allow the tiger to
growing florets in a spiraling
blend with its
pattern connected to the golden
ratio and Fibonacci sequence.
 Hyena’s spots
 Nautilus shells, one of the most
o The spots on Hyenas are
iconic examples of the Fibonacci
shaped and distributed in
Mathematics In the Modern World
a pattern that helps also in  The Logic Pattern
camouflage.  Symbol Patterns
 Weather Patterns  Number Patterns
o Weather is observed to  Word Patterns
repeat a pattern for days,
weeks or months after Logic Patterns
which a new weather sets  Logic Patterns deals with the
in. characteristics of various objects.
o This sequence of weather Another kind deals with order.
patterns produces a cycle, Some pattern appears in sequence
such as, dry monsoon while some possess similar
seasons, summer-autumn- attributes.
winter-spring seasons, o These types of patterns
habagat-amihan wind are common in aptitude
patterns. tests.
 Human Populations  To construct or solve a pattern:
o The demographic o Find the rule for the
distribution of people in pattern
human populations is o Understand the nature of
observed to follow a
the sequence
pattern. Poor nations
o Analyze the difference
display a pyramid-shaped
between the two
demography with the
successive terms.
young occupying a
prominently large section Number Patterns
of the population.
o But as nation progresses  Mathematics is very useful in
economically, the base making predictions.
thins out in favor of the  Number Patterns is list of numbers
older segments of the that follow a certain sequence or
population. pattern.
 Human Productivity  Recognizing number patterns
o Human productivity in enable students develop their
many organizations is problem-solving skill.
observed to follow the 80:
20 rule. Twenty percent of
the members produce Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio
80% of the organization’s
Who is Fibonacci?
total output.
 A Famous Mathematician
Mathematics as a Science of Patterns
 Fibonacci (117-1250) is a short
Some of the most commonly used patterns for the Latin “filius Bonacci”
in mathematics today: which means “the son of Bonacci”
Mathematics In the Modern World
but his full name is Leonardo Nautilus increase in size with a
Pisano. ratio of 1.618.
 He introduced the Hindu-Arabic
The Golden Ratio in Art
number system into Europe.
 Fibonacci observed numbers in  Mona Lisa’s face is a perfect
nature. His most popular golden rectangle, according to the
contributions is the number that is ratio of the width of her forehead
seen in the petals of Flowers. compared to the length from the
 These are the Fibonacci Numbers. top of her head to her chin.
Leonardo Da Vinci called it the
The Golden Ratio
“divine proportion”.
 The Golden Ratio is an irrational Relation between Fibonacci Sequence and
mathematical constant the Golden Ratio
approximately equals to
1.6180339887  Binet’s Formula uses the Golden
 The Golden Ratio is often denoted Ratio in finding the nth term in the
by the Greek letter 𝝋 (Phi) Fibonacci Sequence.
o 𝝋 = 1.6180339887  A more simplified form of Binet’s
 The Golden Ratio is also known Formula can be used:
as: o f n
o Golden Section n = 𝝋_
o Divine proportion √5
o Divine section o n = nth term
o Mean of Phidias o 𝝋 = 1.618
o Extreme and Mean ratio o √5 = 2.236
o Medial section
 Formula
o 𝝋 = 1 + √5 = 1.618
o One interesting thing
about Phi is its reciprocal
o 1/𝝋 = 1/1.618 = 0.618
o It is highly unusual for the
decimal integers of a
number and
o its reciprocal to be exactly
the same.
The Golden Ratio in Nature

 Nautilus shells, one of the most

iconic examples of the Fibonacci
sequence, the chambers in the

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