Part 1

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Second Semester
AcerJun G. Parafina/ BA Political Science 1-1
PART 1: Mathematics in Our World
A.Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World

I. Definition of Mathematics
A. Branches of Mathematics
II. Pattern in Nature
Ernst Haeckel
III. Discoveries in the 19th Century
IV. Biologist)in the 20th Century
A. Patterns adopted by W. Gary Smith
V. hundreds
Numbers of
in Nature
Marine organisms to
Definition of Mathematics emphasize their symmetry.
The study of relationships among numbers,
quantities, and shapes.
Branches of Mathematics D’Arcy Thompson (Scottish Biologist)
 Arithmetic  Geometry Pioneered growth patterns in both plants and
 Algebra  Statistics animals, showing that simple equations could
 Trigonometry  Calculus explain spiral growth.

Patterns in Nature D’Arcy on Growth and

Patterns in nature are irregularities found in the
natural order.
Plato, Pythagoras, and Empedocles are
three of the numerous mathematicians and
philosophers who studied patterns to explain
the order in nature, leading to the modern
understanding of visible patterns. Discoveries in the 20th Century
Discoveries in the 19th Century
Alan Turing (British Mathematician)
Joseph Plateau (Belgian Physicist) Predicted mechanisms of morphogenesis
Examined soap films leading him to formulate which gave rise to patterns of spots and stripes
the concept of minimal surface.
Turing Pattern
Soap Film

Aristid Lidenmayer (Hungarian Biologist) and

Benoit Mandelbrot ( French-American
showed how the mathematics of fractals could
create plant growth patterns.

A fractal is a never-
ending pattern. Fractals
are infinitely complex
patterns that are self-
similar across different Numbers in Nature
scales.  Numbers of Legs of an Insect
 Number of wings of a Bird
 Numbers of Hooves of a Cow
Patterns Adopted by W. Gary Smith  Numbers of petals of a Flower

 Scattered  Serpentine
 Fractured  Spiral
 Mosaic  Radial
 Naturalistic Drift  Dendritic

Scattered Serpentine

Fractured Spiral

Mosaic Radial

Naturalistic Drift Dendritic

B. Fibonacci Sequence
• A number that belongs to the Fibonacci
Sequence is called a Fibonacci
• If you divide two succeeding
Fibonacci numbers, you will come up
with a quotient that is approximately
equal to a particular number called “phi”
(pronounced as “fee”) whose notation is
Name: Leonardo Pisano Bogollo • This number, Φ , is called the Golden
Born: 1170 in Pisa, Italy Ratio.
Died: between 1240 and 1250
Known for: Fibonacci Numbers, Fibonacci
Sequence, and the spread of Hindu-Arabic
numerals in Europe • It can be noted that the bigger the
Fibonacci Numbers considered, the
What is the Fibonacci Sequence? closer the approximation.
An infinite sequence of natural numbers where
the first value is 0, and the next is 1, and from
there, each value is obtained by adding the Golden Spiral
previous two. • A logarithmic spiral whose growth factor
• It is also known as the “Golden Ratio.” is the Golden Ratio (Φ ).
• It grows wider or farther away from its
origin by a factor of 1.618034…
C.Patterns and Regularities in the World as organized by Mathematics
Natural Phenomena Which Can Be Fractal Pattern
Explained Mathematically
Rainbows Cloud Formation

Spiral Pattern

Leopard Spots Tiger Strips

Bilateral Pattern

The world consists of order and symmetry

from which similarity, predictability, and
regularity in nature and the world consequently

• Seasonal Cycle
• Day and Night Circular Spiral Pattern
• Sunrise and Sunset

• A free-falling object is an object that falls
under the sole influence of gravity. Its
Regularities motion obeys the equation of uniformly
accelerated vertical motion.
• The patterns and regularities in the
swinging motion of a pendulum can be
explained by mathematics. • For every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction.
• The regularity in sizes and distances of the
image of an object in a mirror can be
explained mathematically by the law of

D. Phenomena in the World as Predicted by Mathematics

Mathematical Modeling As models can be probabilistic,
Mathematics can not always accurately
Mathematical modeling is the art of translating
determine phenomena. But it can give
problems from an application area into
probabilities or benchmarks.
tractable mathematical formulations whose
theoretical and numerical analysis provides
insight, answers, and helpful guidance for the
originating application.

✘ is indispensable in many applications

✘ is booming in many further applications
✘ gives precision and direction for problem
✘ enables a thorough understanding of the
system modeled
✘ prepares the way for better design or Weather Forecasting
control of a system
✘ allows the efficient use of modern
computing capabilities

Researchers observe nature and

phenomena and try to make a mathematical
model that works for their observation, and that
makes sense. Basically, they try to generalize
or find a rule for what they observe. These
models can be used for simulation, which helps
predict what will happen. COVID 19 Forecasts in the Philippines:
Insights for Policy Making
Models range from simple to complex, from
deterministic to stochastic/probabilistic, from
time-dependent to not, and so on.

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