The document discusses replacing the underdrain system at Mexico's largest drinking water treatment plant with TETRA LP Block filter underdrains from Severn Trent Services. The original nozzle underdrain system was experiencing poor backwash distribution and frequent breakages. The TETRA system provides superior water and air distribution during backwashing while being lower profile and requiring no pumps.
The document discusses replacing the underdrain system at Mexico's largest drinking water treatment plant with TETRA LP Block filter underdrains from Severn Trent Services. The original nozzle underdrain system was experiencing poor backwash distribution and frequent breakages. The TETRA system provides superior water and air distribution during backwashing while being lower profile and requiring no pumps.
The document discusses replacing the underdrain system at Mexico's largest drinking water treatment plant with TETRA LP Block filter underdrains from Severn Trent Services. The original nozzle underdrain system was experiencing poor backwash distribution and frequent breakages. The TETRA system provides superior water and air distribution during backwashing while being lower profile and requiring no pumps.
The document discusses replacing the underdrain system at Mexico's largest drinking water treatment plant with TETRA LP Block filter underdrains from Severn Trent Services. The original nozzle underdrain system was experiencing poor backwash distribution and frequent breakages. The TETRA system provides superior water and air distribution during backwashing while being lower profile and requiring no pumps.
Dual parallel lateral filter underdrains selected to replace under
performing nozzle design at Mexico’s largest drinking water treatment plant.
Located about 78 miles (125 kilometers) west of Mexico
City lies the municipality of Villa de Allende, home of Mexico’s largest potable water treatment plant. The Los Berros water treatment plant was constructed in 1980 by the National Water Commission (Conagua), an agency of the Mexican government that manages the nation’s drinking water and wastewater treatment. The plant provides 396.3 million gal/day (1.5 billion l/day) of water to the country’s capital city, equivalent to approximately 25 percent of the total water supply of the western hemisphere’s most populace metropolitan area.
Part of the Cutzamala River system, the treatment plant
draws water from seven reservoirs and pumps it to Mexico City via a 79 mile (127 kilometer) aqueduct. Its treatment capacity is 547 mgd (24 m³/s). Los Berros consists of a tank for reception of raw wastewater, filters, chlorine dosing, a Parshall meter (where the coagulant is applied), flocculation, sedimentation and filtration. The original plant filtration system incorporated a nozzle underdrain system, which included five modules of 40 double bays.
For more information on TETRA® LP Block™ filter underdrains
Underdrain system experiences poor backwash water
distribution In 2010, Conagua decided to replace the nozzle underdrain system at Los Berros. The plant had been experiencing poor backwash water distribution as well as frequent nozzle breakages. This caused significant loss of sand media, which usually ended up in the sedimentation tanks. Replacing the lost media and emptying the sedimentation tanks, which wasted vast amounts of valuable water, had become a costly proposition. Conagua decided that refurbishment of the filter underdrain and replacement of the media were required. In searching for a replacement filter underdrain system, the agency sought a more reliable underdrain that would provide for better air and water distribution during the backwash operation and a system that did not require frequent parts replacement.
After investigating a number of filter underdrain
systems, Conagua selected the TETRA® LP Block™ low profile dual parallel lateral filter underdrain blocks with the GroutGrip™ design from Severn Trent Services. The installation also included sludge collectors and fiberglass reinforced plastic troughs for eight sedimentation basins and eight new double-bay filters. A total of 96 new filters were installed providing 25,696 ft² (7,834 m²) of filtration capacity. Commissioning of the refurbished plant took place in March 2012. The consulting engineer for the project was Servicios y Consultores S.C. (SEYCO) of Morelia, Mexico.
2 Severn Trent Services
Benefits of the LP Block technology The LP Block provides superior distribution for both Virgilio Martinez, regional manager for Severn Trent water and air, sequentially or concurrently. The blocks Services, said, “The LP block is about 5 inches (13 cm) cover the floor of the gravity filters, supporting the filter lower than the plant’s previous underdrain system, which media. Air is distributed evenly across the entire filter prevents the loss of media during backwash. The lower bottom area to scour the media and to provide an air lift profile also increases hydraulic head during filtration. which, with the water, removes the released solids from The system does not require pumps or elevated tanks the media. This dual backwash action provides intense often needed with some other systems, so it requires and extremely effective backwashing of the filter media. less power for operation.” Importantly, the nozzle-less design ensures there are no blockages that could potentially affect the performance According to Juan Daniel McNaught, manager of water of the filter. And the system’s absence of moving parts and wastewater distribution for Conagua, “Conagua eliminates wear and tear. performed a careful and complete analysis of available underdrain technologies, and we compared the The TETRA LP Blocks have become popular with plant advantages and disadvantages of each. With the TETRA owners throughout the world for their low profile, low LP Block technology, we believe we have made the best headloss and easy installation, either as a retrofit or choice in terms of performance and cost and based for new filter underdrain applications. The robust, yet upon the structural requirements and functionality of the lightweight blocks, are injection moulded and made from Los Berros plant.” high-density polyethylene. They are easy to assemble and ensure superior distribution of both air and water for effective backwash, exceptional installation strength and maintenance-free life.
The GroutGrip design helps to alleviate the buoyancy
inherent in conventional filter underdrain block designs. In fact, the LP Block features a pull-out strength one and three quarter times that of a conventional filter underdrain block design. Additionally, the wide, low- profile design requires the installation of fewer blocks to cover a filter floor. Therefore, fewer joints are created and less grout is needed.
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