Chapter 6 Morpholgy
Chapter 6 Morpholgy
Chapter 6 Morpholgy
1. a green house
2. a greenhouse
A. Stress
a green house (a house that is green)
a greenhouse (a glass structure; not usually green in color!)
Ø If the stress is on the last word, items are generally classified as phrases
Ø If the stress is on the first element, the items are generally classified as compounds
• this stress pattern applies consistently only to compound nouns, not to compounds in other word
B. Semantic
a compound tends to have a meaning that is more or less idiosyncratic
or unpredictable.
Ø the type with the preposition over as its first element that seems most productive, in that new
adjectives of this type, with the meaning ‘too X’, are readily acceptable
Ø In overactive
Ø the head of the compound is the adjective active derived from the verb act
Ø In structure, therefore, this adjective is not a mere string of morphemes (over + act + -ive), but
rather a nested structure: [over[act-ive]].
Ø However, other such compounds scarcely exist. This reflects the relative reluctance of verbs to
participate in compounding generally in English
Ø The fact that hair restorer, butterfly net and mosquito net are spelled with a space does not affect the fact that
they each constitute one complex word.
Ø almost any pair of nouns can be juxtaposed in English so as to form a compound or a phrase
Ø Does each one have a precise interpretation that is clearly the most natural, on the basis of the meanings
of their two components?
• hair restorer (a substance for restoring hair growth).
• hairnet, butterfly net and mosquito net ?
• Arriving at the precise meanings of these compounds depends on our knowledge of the world rather than on purely
linguistic knowledge.
• restorer in hair restorer is derived from a verb (restore). Verbs, unlike most nouns and adjectives, impose
expectations and requirements on the noun phrases that accompany them in the sentence.
• when the head of a NN compound is derived from a verb, as restorer is, the most natural way to interpret
the whole compound is quite precise:
• the first element expresses the object argument of the verb (that is, the person or thing that undergoes
the action). For example, an X-restorer, whatever X is, something or someone that restores X.
A primary or root compound: a NN compound like hairnet or mosquito net, in which the right-hand noun is
not derived from a verb and whose interpretation is therefore not precisely predictable on a purely linguistic
A secondary or verbal compound: a NN compound like hair restorer in which the first element is
interpreted as the object of the verb contained within the second (Yet another term sometime used is
synthetic compound.)
although verbs are relatively rare as elements in compounds in English (the swearword
pattern is unusual), verbal compounds, in the sense just defined, are common.
1. Blackboard
2. Faintheart
Ø There are some headless nouns in which the second element is not a noun at all – and
headless adjectives in which the second element is not an adjective.
Ø As for headless adjectives, there are quite a number consisting of a preposition and a noun:
(21) overland, over-budget, etc.
• The adjectival status of these compounds can often be confirmed by their appropriateness in
comparative contexts and with the modifier very/more:
• This year’s expenditure is even more over-budget than last year’s.
exocentric endocentric
• The most extreme kind of truncation that a component of a blend can undergo is
reduction to just one sound (or letter), usually the first. Blends made up of initial
letters are known as acronyms.
• In other words, acronyms are words derived from the initial letters of different
• e.g. RAM (for random access memory) “pronounced ramm”
• Intermediate between an acronym and a blend is sonar (from sound navigation and
• The use of capital letters in the spelling of some of these words reflects the fact that
speakers are aware of their acronym status.
• It does not follow that any string of capital letters represents an acronym.
• If the conventional way of reading the string is by pronouncing the name of each
letter in turn, as with USA and RP (standing for the ‘Received Pronunciation’ of
British English), then it is not an acronym but an abbreviation.
Blending and acronyms differ from derivational affixation and normal compounding in
• being more or less self-conscious
• and are concentrated in areas where the demand for new noun vocabulary is
greatest, such as (currently) information technology.
There are complex items that function as words, yet whose internal structure is that of
a clause or phrase rather than of a compound.
There is no standard term for these items, so I will introduce the term phrasal words.
• e.g. jack-in-the-box
Plural form?
1. book on the shelf
2. jack-in-the-box
Ø Contrast this with another item which is at least as idiosyncratic in meaning and which has a
superficially similar structure: brother-in-law.
Ø A crucial difference is that brother-in-law forms its plural by affixing -s not to the whole
expression but to the head noun: brothers-in-law.
Ø Despite its hyphens, therefore, brother-in-law is not a word at all but a phrase.
• Can phrases other than noun phrases constitute phrasal words? The answer is yes.
Adjectival example: couldn’t-care-less (as in a couldn’t-care-less attitude).
• couldn’t-care- less structure is that of a verb phrase, but its behaviour is that of an
adjective (e.g. Your attitude is even more couldn’t-care-less than hers!).
• How do they form their plural: like attorney generals, or like attorneys general? If you prefer the
former, then these items may seem at first like further phrasal words
• It seems better, therefore, to treat them as examples of something that we have not so far
encountered: endocentric words which, untypically, have their head on the left rather than on the
• On the other hand, if you prefer the latter sort of plural (attorneys general), they seem more akin to
brother(s)- in-law: not words but lexicalized phrases.
• If, finally, neither kind of plural sounds quite right to you, that is not surprising, because however
these items are analyzed, their structure is unusual.
• This chapter has illustrated various ways in which an English word may itself be
composed of words.
• We have seen that at least one syntactic relationship can be expressed within
compounds just as well as within sentences, namely the verb–object relationship (or
perhaps one should say the action–goal relationship), as in hair restorer.