15 CV 741
15 CV 741
15 CV 741
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Types of bridges
1.2Computation of discharge
1.3 Afflux
1.4 Scour depth
1.6 Assigininment Questions
1.7 Further study
Bridge Engineering
The first bridges were made by nature — as simple as a log fallen across a stream. The first
bridges made by humans were probably spans of wooden logs or planks and eventually stones,
using a simple support and crossbeam arrangement. Most of these early bridges could not
support heavy weights or withstand strong currents. It was these inadequacies which led to the
development of better bridges. The oldest surviving stone bridge in China is the Zhaozhou
Bridge, built from 595 to 605 AD during the Sui Dynasty. This bridge is also historically
significant as it is the world's oldest open-spandrel stone segmental arch bridge. The first book
on bridge engineering was written by Hubert Gautier in 1716. With the Industrial Revolution in
the 19th century, truss systems of wrought iron were developed for larger bridges, but iron did
not have the tensile strength to support large loads. With the advent of steel, which has a high
tensile strength, much larger bridges werenotes4free.in
built, many using the ideas of Gustave Eiffel.
Bridges are classified on the basis that how the four forces namely shear, compression, tension,
and moment are distributed in the bridge structure.
Generally speaking, bridges can be divided into two categories: standard overpass bridges or
unique-design bridges over rivers, chasms, or estuaries. This article describes features common
to both types, but it concentrates on the unique bridges because of their greater technical,
economic, and aesthetic interest.
A structure built to span and provide passage over a river, chasm, road, or any other physical
hurdle. The function required from the bridge and the area where it is constructed decides the
design of the bridge.
Bridges can be categorized in several different ways. Common categories include the type of
structural elements used, by what they carry, whether they are fixed or movable, and by the
materials used.
Structure type
Bridges may be classified by how the forces of tension, compression, bending, torsion and shear
are distributed through their structure. Most bridges will employ all of the principal forces to
some degree, but only a few will predominate. The separation of forces may be quite clear. In a
suspension or cable-stayed span, the elements in tension are distinct in shape and placement. In
other cases the forces may be distributed among a large number of members, as in a truss.
Beam bridges: are horizontal beams supported at each end by substructure units and can be
either simply supported when the beams only connect across a single span, or continuous when
the beams are connected across two or more spans. When there are multiple spans, the
intermediate supports are known as piers. The earliest beam bridges were simple logs that sat
across streams and similar simple structures. In modern times, beam bridges can range from
small, wooden beams to large, steel boxes. The vertical force on the bridge becomes a shear and
flexural load on the beam which is transferred down its length to the substructures on either side
They are typically made of steel, concrete or wood. Girder bridges and Plate girder bridges,
usually made from steel, are types of Beam bridges. Box girder bridges, made from steel,
concrete, or both are also beam bridges. Beam bridge spans rarely exceed 250 feet (76 m) long,
as the flexural stresses increase proportional to the square of the length (and deflection increases
proportional to the 4th power of the length)
A truss bridge: is a bridge whose load-bearing superstructure is composed of a truss. This truss
is a structure of connected elements forming triangular units. The connected elements (typically
straight) may be stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both in response to dynamic
loads. Truss bridges are one of the oldest types of modern bridges. The basic types of truss
bridges shown in this article have simple designs which could be easily analyzed by nineteenth
and early twentieth century engineers. A truss bridge is economical to construct owing to its
efficient use of materials.
Cantilever bridges: are built using cantilevers—horizontal beams supported on only one end.
Most cantilever bridges use a pair of continuous spans that extend from opposite sides of the
supporting piers to meet at the center of the obstacle the bridge crosses. Cantilever bridges are
constructed using much the same materials & techniques as beam bridges. The difference comes
in the action of the forces through the bridge
Arch bridges: have abutments at each end. The weight of the bridge is thrust into the abutments
at either side. The earliest known arch bridges were built by the Greeks, and include the Bridge.
With the span of 220 metres (720 ft), the Solkan Bridge over the Soča River at Solkan in
Slovenia is the second largest stone bridge in the world and the longest railroad stone bridge. It
was completed in 1905. Its arch, which was constructed from over 5,000 tonnes (4,900 long tons;
5,500 short tons) of stone
Tied arch :bridges have an arch-shaped superstructure, but differ from conventional arch
bridges. Instead of transferring the weight of the bridge and traffic loads into thrust forces into
the abutments, the ends of the arches are restrained by tension in the bottom chord of the
structure. They are also called bowstring arches.
Suspension bridges: are suspended from cables. The earliest suspension bridges were made of
ropes or vines covered with pieces of bamboo. In modern bridges, the cables hang from towers
that are attached to caissons or cofferdams. The caissons or cofferdams are implanted deep into
the bed of the lake, river or sea. Sub-types include the simple suspension bridge, the stressed
ribbon bridge, the under spanned suspension bridge, the suspended-deck suspension bridge, and
the self-anchored suspension bridge. There is also what is sometimes called a "semi-suspension"
bridge, of which the Ferry Bridge in Burton-upon-Trent is the only one of its kind in Europe
Cable-stayed bridges: like suspension bridges, are held up by cables. However, in a cable-
stayed bridge, less cable is required and the towers holding the cables are proportionately higher
1.3 Computation of discharge
Hydraulics is the essential feature of bridge design. Fair assessment of flood levels, maximum
flood discharge expected to occur at bridge site during design life of bridge, and maximum scour
levels are essential aspects of bridge hydraulics.
Faulty determination of these parameters may lead to failure of structures. While doing hydraulic
calculations attention should be paid to the following:
1. The river cross section should be truly representative. The cross section should not be vitiated
by artificial cuts etc. notes4free.in
2. If the bridge site is along the existing natural crossing, the cross section for hydraulics should
be across the nearby natural undisturbed channel. The cross section within 100 m U/S or D/S
may be quite useful.
4. Appropriate coefficient of rigidity should be used. The same rigidity coefficient should not be
used for bed and banks, as the nature of stream changes according to properties of material and
vegetation growth etc.
5. The reasonableness of computed velocity should be judged in relation to bed material for e.g
existence of boulders in the stream and low velocity of flow do not generally go together.
6. In tidal creeks the possibility of high tides and floods coinciding should be kept in view. In
such cases discharge by usual ways i.e. by Manning’s formula should be carefully worked out
and tallied with Inglis discharge.
7. The adoption of either the observed H.F.L. obtained by local enquiry or the computed H.F.L.
as design level should be done judiciously. The observed H.F.L. may be effected by obstructions
like rice fields, bunds, blocking of spill channels etc. Higher of the two values be adopted as
design H.F.L.
HFL (observed) Highest flood levels ever recorded. (50 years record)
HFL(Inglis) Flood level giving Manning’s discharge equal to Inglis discharge.
HFL(Modified Inglis) Flood level giving Manning’s discharge equal to Modified Inglis
O.F.L. Ordinary flood level. This is level of flood when cleared by bridge (without
submergence of bridge) that will not give more than permissible interruption to traffic
during floods.
9. Maximum permissible interruptions for various standards of roads are as follows- National
Highways – No interruptions.
1.4 Afflux
Bridges are built across a waterway and the structure may be of single span or multiple spans. In
a multiple span bridge piers need to be constructed in the river bed. These piers obstruct the
natural flow. If the obstruction is considerable, the level of water on the upstream rises slightly
compared to that at the downstream.
This rise in level is called afflux. Designer's calculate the afflux and incorporate the same in the
design of sub structure so as to keep the superstructure clear of flood water.
Afflux is defined as heading up of water when they hit any obstruction. In bridges the
water hit at u/s side. When hiring the water rises.
In design the height of bridge the afflux is taken into consideration with HFL. Hope u
will understand. This picture helps u for understanding
Afflux can be estimated by using several empirical equations e.g. IRC:89 (1985) Nagler (1918),
Rhebock (1921), Yarnel (1934), Rao (1997) etc.
IRC-SP 13 recommends use of wier /orifice formula for computing flow with known afflux or
vice versa. For shallow channels with wide flood planes (as observed in most of the rivers across
the bridges on this roadway a rough first approximation of finding afflux can be obtained from
the following expression, (Bradley 1970).
h *1 = 3( 1- M) V2n2/2 g
where M=Qb/Q
Qb =is that portion of the total discharge Q in the approach channel within a width equal to the
projected length of the bridge
Vn2 = Q/An2
An2 =is the gross area of waterway under the bridge opening below normal stream
depth corresponding to design flood discharge.
IRC:5 and 89 recommend use of Molesworth’s equation for computing approximate
afflux given below:
For minor and medium bridges, weir and orifice formula given in IRC:SP-13 can be used
for computing afflux depending on whether the flow under the bridge is choked or free.
For choked weir type flow: Q = Cd Leff (Du + u2 /2g)3/2 if h1*Dd > 0.25
For orifice flow : Q = Cd Leff Dd √2g. h1* if h1*/Dd <0.25
Where Cd & Co are the coefficients of discharges for weir and orifice type flows respectively.
Cd and Co values are given in the IRC code,
Scouring can be defined as a process due to which the particles of the soil or rock around the
periphery of the abutment or pier of the highway bridge spanning over a water body, gets eroded
and removed over a certain depth called scour depth. Scouring usually occurs when the velocity
of the flowing water increases or crosses the limiting value that the soil particles can easily
Scouring can be easily observed during the flood being passed through that water body. Scouring
is initiated at the nose of the piers or at the sharp bends. Estimation of scour depth is very
important for the design of foundation for abutment or pier. Scouring compromises the structural
integrity and thus causes failure of the structure. It has been estimated that over 60 % of the
highway bridges are being collapsed due to scouring.
When the discharge within the water body passes the allowed discharge; which is usually the
case when flood is there; the scour is initiated; the scour depth can easily be obtained after the
flood by finding the depth of the scour in reference with the surroundings or existing structures.
If this is not possible the mean depth of scour may be easily obtained by a mathematical formula
for natural streams in the alluvial depth
Where Ygs = general scour depth (ft), Ymax is maximum depth of flow, Vm is the average
velocity of flow(ft/sec), Yh is hydraulic depth of flow (ft) and Se is the energy slope (or bed
slope foruniformflow),(ft)From actual field measuring scour depth charts to estimate scour
depth,This method is applicable only for coarser sands where the bed slope ranges from 0.004 ft
to 0.008 ft. Other empirical methods are also there like Neil, Blench and Lacey for estimation of
the scour depth
1. Dead load
2. Live load notes4free.in
3. Impact load
4. Wind load
5. Longitudinal forces
6. Centrifugal forces
7. Buoyancy effect
8. Effect of water current
9. Thermal effects
10. Deformation and horizontal effects
11. Erection stresses
12. Seismic loads
1. Dead Load
The dead load is nothing but a self-weight of the bridge elements. The different elements of
bridge are deck slab, wearing coat, railings, parapet, stiffeners and other utilities. It is the first
design load to be calculated in the design of bridge.
2. Live Load
The live load on the bridge, is moving load on the bridge throughout its length. The moving
loads are vehicles, Pedestrians etc. but it is difficult to select one vehicle or a group of vehicles to
design a safe bridge.
So, IRC recommended some imaginary vehicles as live loads which will give safe results against
the any type of vehicle moving on the bridge. The vehicle loadings are categorized in to three
types and they are
This type of loading is considered for the design of new bridge especially heavy loading bridges
like bridges on highways, in cities, industrial areas etc. In class AA loading generally two types
of vehicles considered, and they are
This type of loading is used in the design of all permanent bridges. It is considered as standard
live load of bridge. When we design a bridge using class AA type loading, then it must be
checked for class A loading also.
This type of loading is used to design temporary bridges like Timber Bridge etc. It is considered
as light loading. Both IRC class A and Class B are shown in below figure.
3. Impact Loads
The Impact load on bridge is due to sudden loads which are caused when the vehicle is moving
on the bridge. When the wheel is in movement, the live load will change periodically from one
wheel to another which results the impact load on bridge.
To consider impact loads on bridges, an impact factor is used. Impact factor is a multiplying
factor which depends upon many factors such as weight of vehicle, span of bridge, velocity of
vehicle etc. The impact factors for different IRC loadings are given below.
If the length exceeds in any of the above limits, the impact factor should be considered from the
graph given by IRC which is shown below.
Bridge type A B
Apart from the super structure impact factor is also considered for substructures
4. Wind Loads
Wind load also an important factor in the bridge design. For short span bridges, wind load can be
negligible. But for medium span bridges, wind load should be considered for substructure design.
For long span bridges, wind load is considered in the design of super structure.
5. Longitudinal Forces
The longitudinal forces are caused by braking or accelerating of vehicle on the bridge. When the
vehicle stops suddenly or accelerates suddenly it induces longitudinal forces on the bridge
structure especially on the substructure. So, IRC recommends 20% of live load should be
considered as longitudinal force on the bridges.
Design Of Bridges
6. Centrifugal Forces
If bridge is to be built on horizontal curves, then the movement of vehicle along curves will
cause centrifugal force on to the super structure. Hence, in this case design should be done for
centrifugal forces also.
Centrifugal force can be calculated by C (kN/m) = (WV2)/(12.7R)
W = live load (kN)
V = Design speed (kmph)
R = Radius of curve (m)
7. Buoyancy Effect
Buoyancy effect is considered for substructures of large bridges submerged under deep water
bodies. Is the depth of submergence is less it can be negligible.
8. Forces by Water Current
When the bridge is to be constructed across a river, some part of the substructure is under
submergence of water. The water current induces horizontal forces on submerged portion. The
forces caused by water currents are maximum at the top of water level and zero at the bottom
water level or at the bed level.
The pressure by water current is P = KW [V2/2g]
9. Thermal Stresses
Thermal stresses are caused due to temperature. When the temperature is very high or very low
they induce stresses in the bridge elements especially at bearings and deck joints. These stresses
are tensile in nature so, concrete cannot withstand against this and cracks are formed.
When the bridge is to be built in seismic zone or earthquake zone, earthquake loads must be
considered. They induce both vertical and horizontal forces during earthquake. The amount of
forces exerted is mainly depends on the self-weight of the structure. If weight of structure is
more, larger forces will be exerted.
11. Deformation and Horizontal Effects
Deformation stresses are occurred due to change is material properties either internally or
externally. The change may be creep, shrinkage of concrete etc. similarly horizontal forces will
develop due to temperature changes, braking of vehicles, earthquakes etc. Hence, these are also
be considered as design loads in bridge design.
Erection stress is induced by the construction equipment during the bridge construction. These
can be resisted by providing suitable supports for the members.
Module 2
2.0 Introduction
Bridges in the area are typically composed of short spans with span lengths of approximately 15
m. Bridges are simple spans with expansion joints at each pier and supported on elastomeric
bearings with no continuity of the superstructure or any fixity at the intermediate diaphragms. L
shaped abutments are typical for all newer concrete and older masonry bridges. The substructure
of most bridges is wall piers supported on shallow foundations with no consideration for
ductility. Use of deep foundations is not prevalent, even though liquefaction and lateral
spreading is to be expected in the region in a seismic event. Both existing bridges and those
under notes4free.in
The behaviour of skew bridges differs widely from that of normal bridges and therefore, the
design of skew bridges needs special attention. In normal bridges, the deck slab is perpendicular
to the supports and as such the load placed on the deck slab is transferred to the supports which
are placed normal to the slab.
Load transference from a skew slab bridge, on the other-hand, is a complicated problem because
there remains always a doubt as to the direction in which the slab will span and the manner in
which the load will be transferred to the support.
It is believed that the load travels to the support in proportion to the rigidity of the various paths
and since the thickness of the slab is the same everywhere, the rigidity will be maximum along
shortest span i.e. along the span normal to the faces of the piers or abutments.
Though the span of the deck is the length BC or DE, the slab will span along AB or CD being the
shortest distance between the supports. Therefore, the plane of maximum stresses in a skew slab
are not parallel to the centre line of roadway and the deflection of such slab produces a warped
The effect of skew in deck slabs having skew angles up to 20 degrees is not so significant and in
designing such bridges, the length parallel to the centre line of the roadway is taken as the span.
The thickness of the slab and the reinforcement are calculated with this span lengths and the
reinforcement are placed parallel to the centre line of the roadway.
such cases, the slab thickness is determined with shortest span but the reinforcement worked out
on the basis of shortest span are multiplied by Sec.2 θ (θ being the skew angle) and are placed
parallel to the roadway as shown in Fig. 1, the distribution bars being placed parallel to the
supports as usual.
It is also a common practice to place the reinforcement perpendicular to the support when the
skew angle lies between 20 degrees to 50 degrees.
2. 3 Assiginiment questions?
1. Design a solid slab skew bridge having a clear span of 7.5 m along the roadway without
any footpath and a skew angle of 25 degrees with IRC loading for N.H. Standard. M20
grade concrete and S415 grade steel will be used.
2.4Further reading
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/105105165/13
2. https://www.scribd.com/document/345712603/Design-of-Slab-Bridge
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Design of t-bridges
3.3 Problems
3.4 Course outcomes
3.5 Further reading
3.1 introduction
T-beam Bridge is composite concrete structure which is composed of slab panel, longitudinal
girder and cross girder. Present study is mainly focuses on design of longitudinal girder by IRC:
112-2011 and IRC: 21-2000. In India, till now girders are designed and constructed according to
Indian road congress guidelines as per IRC: 21-2000 code in which working stress method is
used. Recently Indian road congress has introduced another code IRC: 112-2011 for design of
prestress and RCC bridges using limit state method. In regards to this, present study has been
performed to know how design of IRC-112 differs from IRC-21 and an attempt is made to study
undefined parameters of IRC: 112-2011 such as span to depth (L/d) ratio.
A beam and slab bridge or T- beam bridge is constructed when the span is between 10 -25 m.
The bridge deck essentially consists of a concrete slab monolithically cast over longitudinal
girders so that the T-beam effect prevails. To impart transverse stiffness to the deck, cross
girders or diaphragms are provided at regular intervals. The number of longitudinal girders
depends on the width of the road. Three girders are normally provided for a two lane road
bridge. T-beam bridges are composed of deck slab 20 to 25cm thick and longitudinal girders
spaced from 1.9 to 2.5m and cross beams are provided at 3 to 5m interval
A typical tee beam bridge generally comprises the longitudinal girder, continuous deck slab
between the tee beams and cross girders to provide lateral rigidity to the bridge deck. It is
known that the bridge loads are transmitted from the deck to the superstructure and then to
the supporting substructure elements. It is rather difficult to imagine how these loads get
transferred. If a vehicle is moving on the top of a particular beam, it is reasonable to say that,
this particular beam is resisting the vehicle or truck load. However, this beam is not alone; it is
connected to adjacent members through the slab and cross girders. This connectivity allows
different members to work together in resisting loads. The supporting girders share the live
load in varying proportions depending on the flexural stiffness of the deck and the position of
the live load on the deck. The distribution of live load among the longitudinal girders can be
estimated by any of the following rational methods.
1. Courbon’s method
Courbon’s Method Among the above mentioned methods, Courbon’s method is the simplest
and is applicable when the following conditions are satisfied: The ratio of span to width of
deck is greater than 2 but less than 4. The longitudinal girders are interconnected by at least
five symmetrically spaced cross girders. The cross girder extends to a depth of at least
0.75times the depth of the longitudinal girders. Courbon’s method is popular due to the
simplicity of computations as detailed below: When the live loads are positioned nearer to the
kerb as shown below.
The center of gravity of live load acts eccentrically with the centre of gravity of the girder
system. Due to this eccentricity, the loads shared by each girder are increased or decreased
depending upon the position of the girders. This is calculated by Courbon’s theory by a reaction
factor given by
dx= Distance of the girder under consideration from the central axis of the bridge
The live load bending moments and shear forces are computed for each of the girders. The
maximum design moments and shear forces are obtained by adding the live load and dead load
bending moments. The reinforcement in the main longitudinal girders are designed for the
maximum moments and shears developed in the girders.
3.3 Problems
The slab is supported on four sides by longitudinal and cross girders which c/c spacing is as
shown in the figure above. The slab thickness is 250 mm and breadth and length respectively
are 2.5m and 4.5075 m. the effective span will be taken as the clear span of the slabs since
these are the continuous slabs. So effective width Beff = 2.1m and effective length Leff =
v 4.5075m
area of
2.5 m
Also dead load moment is to be computed and hence u/B = 1.0 and v/L = 1.0
Short span bending moment is given by, (taking continuity into account)
MB = 0.8350(0.089+0.20.019) = 25.984 kN-m
ML = 0.8 350(0.019+0.20.089) = 10.304 kN-m
As per IRC 6:2010, clause – 208.3, for tracked vehicles, the impact factor is 10% for spans up to
So MB = 28.58 kN-m and ML = 11.334 kN-m
W 1 = 37.5 kw
2253.75 mm
W 2 =W 3= 62.5 kw
1 2 3
150 W1 W2 W3
300 m 1000 mm
600 mm
2253.75 mm
4 5 6
W1 W2 W3
Also as per IRC 6:2014 specifications, no other vehicles can come on to the panel during the
above arrangement.
Since Pieguad’s curve is applicable to only symmetrical loading pattern, it cannot be used
directly for unsymmetrical loading. In order to calculate the moment, a dummy load having
equal magnitude will be arranged at equal distance as per real load from the center of slab or
from the vertical axis of the slab. The arrangement is shown in the figure.
370 mm
W1 0.31 m
450 mm 450 mm
600 mm 600 mm
The impact factor is taken as 18% as per clause-208.4 of IRC 6: 2014. It can be seen that the
moment along short span for tracked load is greater while the wheel load bending moment
along the longer span is severer. Hence the moment for tracked load will be taken along shorter
direction and moment along longer direction will be considered from wheel load in the design
Following IRC-112:2011 (B-3.3, Annex- B-3), the dispersion of load through wearing coat & slab
will be at 45°.
Hence dispersion of load is given by 0.85+2(0.08+0.25) =1.51m.
For maximum shear to occur , the load dispersion should be within face of girder.
So wheel load will be kept at least 1.51/2=0.755m from the longitudinal girder face; as shown in
the figure.
(Ast)B = ⌊ √ ⌋
As per clause - of IRC:112-2011
(Ast)min = 0.26 btd
From table -6.5 (Page-38)of IRC :112-2011
Fctm=2.8 N/mm2
Fyk= 415 N/mm2
Bt=1000 mm
D = 202 mm
(Ast)min=354.351 mm2
Also same clause specified
= 262.6mm2
=0.025 mm2
Spacing of bars as per clause- of IRC-2011 is,
smax< 2h = 2 250 = 500 mm
In our case,spacing of 16 mm bars is
=280.811mm> 250 mm
Also as per clause-15.2.1 (2) of IRC:112-2011,
The clear distance between the parallel main reinforcing bars should not be less than
dg+10=20+10=30 mm and 20 mm , whichever is greater
Dg= aggregate size = assumed 20mm for slabs, providing 16 mm- bars @ 225mm c/c
((Ast)B)provided =
=893.61 mm2
Also as per clause -12.2.2, page – 120 of IRC:112-2011, under rare combination of loads,the
maximum tensile stress limits to 0.8 fy is to avoid inelastic strain, undesirable
cracking/deformation of structure and also to account for long term creep.
We have calculated the steel area taking fyd=0.87fyk ( as per cl- IRC:112-2011)
Considering the worst case i.e rare combination of loads, additional steel area required =1
= 0.080 = 8% of required steel area.
(Ast)min=0.26 ( cl-16.6.1,IRC:112-2011)
S= =235.36mm
Hence providing spacing of bars @175 mm c/c & using 12mm bars
Also as per clause-15.2.1(2) of IRC:112-2011, the clear distance between the parallel main
reinforcing bars should not be less than dg+10=20+10=30 mm or 20 mm (larger value is taken).
Also asper clause-12.2.2,P-120 of loads ,the max tensile stress in steel is limited to 0.8fyk to
avoid inelastic stain ,undesirable cracking/deformation of structure & also to account for long
term creep.
Hence more area required is = (1 )(Ast)required
(Astl)required for creep cracking =480.53 38.44 =518.97 mm2< 646.30 mm2
(Ast)L.prov=646.30 mm2
deck slab
Self-weight=0.3×1.4×25=10.5 kN/m
Slab load will be distributed as shown below
45° 45°
2.5 m
4.5075 m
1.8 m
1.8 m
2.05m 4.5075 m
2.5 m 2.5 m
4.5075 m
Cl-10.3.2 of IRC:112-2011
VRdc=[0.12×1.33×(80×2.618×10-3×35)0.33×300×1600=147.831 kN
VRdc.min=0.281×300×1600=134.880 kN
Design shear VEd =1.5[186.75+35.125]=332.8125 kN
Extra shear to be resisted by stirrups is =184.98
Providing 8mm dia -4 legged stirrups
Asw =201mm2
Spacing(s)= 519.43mm,8mm ф 4-legged @300mm c/c
Again shear reinforcement ratio
= (cl-16.5.2 of IRC 112:2000)
Assuming )min ,
4-16 mmf
12mm f
side face reinforcement
4-20 mmf
As per the Clause -16.5.3 of IRC:112-2011,
The links will not to be of greater spacing of following
1/8 (perimeter of member)=487.5mm
or 350mm
Our provision of 300m (okay)
At the ends of girders,bearing available is only 450mm.hence standard 90 bend as per fig 15.2
of irc:112-2011 will be provided.
So modified lb.net will be
lb.net =0.7×lb×1=0.7lb
lb =903mm(for 30mm ф bars)
lb =843mm(for 28mm ф bars)
(lb.net)O.G =632mm
(lb.net)I.G =590mm
Module 4
4.1 Introduction
4.1 Introduction
Box culverts are the ideal solution to a wide range of construction applications. Their traditional
use is for diverting watercourses. Available in a wide range of sizes, the versatility of these
structures has seen them used for many other applications. These include attenuation tanks,
pedestrian subways, access shafts, service tunnels, sea outfalls, road crossings and a variety of
other applications. In all cases where strength, durability and economy are of paramount
A culvert is a structure that allows water to flow under a road, railroad, or similar obstruction. Typically
embedded so as to be surrounded by soil, a culvert may be made from a pipe, reinforced concrete or
any other material. Box Culverts are cross-drainage structures built beneath roadways which are box
shaped as the name suggests. They are less than or equal to 6m in span along the longitudinal direction
of the road
The basic design data required for analysis of the structure is as follows:
1. Clear span
2. Clear height
3. Dimension of Box Culvert
4. Depth of fill and wearing coat
5. Width of carriage way
6. Soil Properties
The critical case is taken for maximum shear force and maximum bending moment condition at the
critical sections
The effective depth for the top slab, bottom slab and side wall are calculated by deducting
the clear cover and depth of stirrup and diameter of the reinforcement bar.
The effective depth required is calculated as per the following procedure and the depth is
checked if safe or not. If not section dimensions need to be revised.
j = 1 – (k/3)
k = (280/(3 σcbc)) / (280/(3 σcbc) + σst)
σcbc & σst are the permissible flexural strength in steel and concrete respectively
The area of steel required is calculated as per the following formula and adequate steel is
provided and spacing of bars are computed. The steel provided has to be greater than the
minimum steel required that is 0.12% of the gross area of section.
The critical cases for shear force in the maximum bending moment and maximum shear
force conditions are considered at the critical sections 2, 5, 8 & 9.
The design shear stress is computed as follows (Cl. 304.7 IRC 21-2000):
The value of design shear stress must be less than the maximum shear stress allowed in the
section as per IRC 21-2000 table 12A. The permissible shear stress, τc is determined based
on the percentage of steel provided as given in table 12B IRC 21-2000, and the shear
reinforcement is computed for the unbalanced shear force.
Vs = V - τc x b x d
2 Design a reinforced concrete box culvert having a clear way vent way of 3m by 3m.the super
imposed load dead load on culvert is 12.5kn/m2. The live load on the culvert is 50kn/m3.Density of soil
at the site is 18kn/m3 angle of repose =30° adopt M 20 grade concrete and Fe415 steel for steel
1. https://precast.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Box_Culvert_Presentation.pdf
2. https://fpmccann.co.uk/box-culverts
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Bearings
5.3 Piers
5.4 Assiginiment Questions
5.5 Further Reading
5.1 Introduction
Bearings can be termed as the mechanical part of a bridge structure. The earliest bridges were
built of high mass of stones, bricks or timber material. Temperature difference accounts for
expansion and reduction in these bridges, but with small temperature gradients because of the
high mass of the bridge material. Bridges made of timbers reacts more to moisture content and
weather conditions than thermal actions from temperature difference, but timber bridges are
constructed with several joints which enables sectionalized movement in the bridges. With
sophistication in the design and construction of bridges coupled with demands of bridges for
heavy loads, large volume of traffic, longer life span, high durability, difficult barriers etc. lead
to bridges being constructed with steel, reinforced and prestressed concrete or composite
material. To aid the movement in the present type of bridge structures bearings have been
adopted. The earliest types of bridge bearings are made of steel, but with problems of durability,
degradations, flexibility and maintenance different types of bridge bearings have been developed
to suite different designs and requirements. Current studies are aimed towards further
development of bridge bearings to support and transfer larger forces with higher level of
durability for lifespan that matches the bridge lifespan whilst enabling bridge flexibility at a cost
effective means.
5.2 Bearings
Role of bridge bearings
Bridge bearings are connections that transfer forces between the bridge superstructure (deck) and the
substructures (pier, viaduct or abutment). Temperature difference such as increase in temperature
causes the bridge structure to expand/elongate along its length, thereby causing movements in the
bridge structure and vice versa, decrease in temperature causes the bridge to reduce in length. During
seismic occurrence the bridge foundations take up forces and transfer to the entire bridge structure
causing rigorous vibration and movements of the bridge. The bridge structure also vibrates and moves in
reaction to forces from heavy traffic (trains, vehicles etc.). Creep, shrinkage and elastic deformation all
result in movement of the bridge structure.
According to support principle - Fixed or clamped bearing; permits rotation but no transverse or
longitudinal movement –
Hinge or pin; permits rotational movement while at the same time preventing longitudinal
movement –
Movable bearing; permits both rotational and translational movements - Guided bearing; permits
only translational movements
According to material –
Steel bearing - Rocker/Linear bearing
Roller bearing
Sliding plate bearing
o Combined roller and rocker bearing
o Rubber and combined bearing
o Laminated elastomeric bearing
o Plain elastomeric bearing
o Lead rubber bearing
3. According to design
Pot bearings
Spherical bearings
Elastomeric bearings
Disc bearings
ILM (incremental launch) bearings
Lifting and measuring bearings
Deformation bearings
Special bearings
4 Seismic isolation bearings
Friction pendulum bearings
Lead rubber bearings
High damping rubber bearings
5.3 Piers
Any bridge structure is a combination of two components: substructure and super structure. For
bridges with bearings, all the components which transfer the loads from bearing to the ground is
called substructure. Substructure consists of bridge pier, abutments, wing walls, piles etc. while
the superstructure consists of deck, girders or any part on which the traffic moves safely such as
road way, girders, arches, etc. In this article we try to discuss about the piers, its function and its
Bridge Pier support the spans of the bridge and transfer the loads from superstructure to the
foundation. Piers should be strong enough to take the both vertical and horizontal load. Its main
function is to transfer the load from the bridge superstructure foundation below it. They are
subjected to huge axial loads and bi-axial moments and shear forces in transverse and
longitudinal direction. Said that, pier are usually compression elements of a bridge. Piers are
referred as Bents as well.
Bridge piers are designed for following design limit states; Service Limit state – Crack
width, Stresses in concrete and steel; Ultimate limit state – Ultimate flexure capacity, shear;
Extreme Events – Earthquake, Vessel and vehicle impact, fatigue
Bridge Pier support the spans of the bridge and transfer the loads from superstructure to the
foundation. Piers should be strong enough to take the both vertical and horizontal load. Its main
function is to transfer the load from the bridge superstructure foundation below it. They are
subjected to huge axial loads and bi-axial moments and shear forces in transverse and
longitudinal direction. Said that, pier are usually compression elements of a bridge. Piers are
referred as Bents aswell.
Bridge piers are designed for following design limit states; Service Limit state – Crack width,
Stresses in concrete and steel; Ultimate limit state – Ultimate flexure capacity, shear; Extreme
Events – Earthquake, Vessel and vehicle impact, fatigue
1. Solid piers
2. Open piers
1. Solid piers:
These piers have solid and impermeable structure. The generally used materials used for the
construction of these type of piers are bricks, stone Masonry, mass concrete or RCC, etc. They
may be further classified as:
The solid piers which are constructed with the reinforcement are called RCC piers. These piers
are generally rectangular in cross-section and are generally used where the height of the piers are
more and the solid masonry piers will not be strong enough to bear the load and can be
2. Open piers
The piers which are open i.e which allows the water to pass through the structure are called as
open piers. Open piers can be classified into the following types:
Cylindrical piers
Column bents
Trestle piers or Trestle bent
Pile bents
Special or typical framed piers
Cylindrical piers:
The piers which are constructed with the mild steels or cast iron cylinder in which the concrete
are filled are known as cylindrical piers. These are used for bridges having moderate height.
Sometimes horizontal and diagonal steel bracing are also provided for additional stability.
These are generally used for the bridges of large height. These are generally constructed over
barge services.
5.4 Assiginiment Questions
1. Explain different types of bearing?
2. Explain different types of piers?