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The key takeaways are that the book explores the idea that humans are composed of many non-human persons or consciousnesses, and seeks to rediscover the mysterious human quality.

The book is about exploring the idea that humans are composed of many non-human persons or consciousnesses, and aims to rediscover the mysterious human quality of being human through the lens of magic.

According to the author, the human quality is the mysterious essence of being human that cannot be reduced, even when life cuts away and shatters a person.


A l c h e m y o f t h e m A g i c A l m i n d


TaDehent Books
Ingenium: Alchemy of the Magical Mind
Copyright 2022 © Frater Acher.

All rights reserved.

Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved

above, no part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise)
without prior permission of the copyright owner and
the publisher of this book.

Published by TaDehent Books 2022, Exeter UK.

Copyedited by Frater U∴D∴.
Typesetting, layout & cover design by Joseph Uccello.
All artwork by Joseph Uccello.

Preface 7

chAPter i
The Way of the Adept 11

Introduction 12
The Way of the Adept (Part 1) 15
The Uprooted Tradition: 21
¶The Four Demon Kings 24
¶The Four Kings in Ancient Practice/Catching the Wind 37
¶The Four Kings in the Hygromanteia 43
Pragmatic Conclusions 54

chAPter ii
Radical Otherness 63

Breaking the idol. Raising the demon. 63

Exorcising Colonialism. Experiencing Otherness. 75
A Model of Radical Otherness 84
The Undermining Power of Pathos 94

chAPter iii
On the Inner Tools of Magic 105

Magic as Walking on a Tightrope 105

The Door we See in Blindness 107
Imagination, Inspiration and Inner Vision 113
Clearing the Glass of our Soul 121
Speculatio — Fantasy or Inner Vision? 129
chAPter iV
Paracelsian Magic 139

You, Paracelsus 139

Foundations of Animistic Spirit Practice: 150
¶The Human Constitution 152
¶The Inner Ascendant 156
¶An Ecosystem of Spirits 163
The Plow we Pull 168
The Planetary Cocoon 173
The Practice of Scientia & Magica 182
Celestial Inclinations 187
Seeing the Light of Nature 198

chAPter V
Becoming Ingenium 205

The Book of M and the Ens Astrale 205

Learning Demon-Language 220
Black Fire upon White Fire 239
The Way of the Adept (Part 2) 242
Apodosis 250

APPendix 1: Addendum to a Model of Radical Otherness 256

APPendix 2: Working with the Void, by Josephine McCarthy 258
Bibliography 261

his is a book about human qualities. Tendering to the risk
and likelihood that these do not exist in the plural, it is a
book about the human quality.
The human being is a person composed of myriads of non-hu-
man persons. Much of this book is devoted to explaining this idea
and putting it into practice. It is not a new idea but neither an old
one. It is a timeless discovery. One that does not need to be handed
forward in time from one human to another. Instead, it’s a discov-
ery that wants to be pulled out of your own flesh, that wants to be
drunken from your own blood, inhaled from the surface of your
own skin. It is a quintessentially sensual discovery. Or so I hope to
show in this book.
Now, who are these non-human persons that make up the hu-
man person?
Many bees together form a hive. In a single season, thousands
of bees die, thousand new ones are born, and during winter their
colony is reduced to a small bundle of survivors keeping each other
alive on their own body heat. Yet the hive always remains a hive. Its
mutability is the source of its stability; its resistance to committing
to a single form, or even to repeating itself once, is the secret of its
cyclical life. As we shall see, such a mode of being cuts quite close
to the human quality.
However, in another respect, these persons that constitute the
human person are quite different from bees. Because they do not
represent or descend from a singular species. They are legion. In
this regard we will fare better by comparing humans to a forest, a
lake, or a mountainside: That is, to a topography that forms the habitat

8 ingenium

for a multitude of different species, and that, by offering itself as a

dwelling, becomes itself.
Some of the persons that make up the human person are tiny
fragments, hardly holding a consciousness of their own. Others are
rousing and unruly, fully fledged consciousness-organs in them-
selves, ready to pull our minds, our hearts and hands into constant
assimilation. Some of these persons or consciousnesses have been
with us from birth, others we have picked up along the way.
Yet, the common denominator amongst all of these persons is
that they are not us. They are a whole world, a microcosm that has
been implanted in us. Or, more correctly, I should say that we our-
selves have been implanted into. But none of these persons consti-
tute what I would like to term the human quality.
That is a truly marvellous thing about humans: life can cut away
at them, take away from them, make them bleed, shatter them, and
reduce them to fragments of what they once used to be. And yet, life
cannot reduce their quality of being human. Humans have a wolf
under their skin and you can kill that wolf. Humans have a hare
under their skin and you can kill that hare. Humans hold dreams,
bonds, vows, memories under their skin and you can take them all
away. And yet, you have reduced nothing of their mysterious qual-
ity of being human.
Catching a glimpse of this most elusive being, the human, has
been one of the deepest mysteries since the emergence of our spe-
cies. This book is an invitation, to seek it out and see it.
It’s the irony of our current civilisation that we have to come
together in a book on Magic — a subject considered most peripheral
to modern human society—to rediscover what might actually be at
the heart of the human quality. Perhaps we are a species that has for-
gotten itself? Or perhaps we are simply gifted far beyond what we
know to take responsibility for? This book aims to show pathways
to discover your personal answer.
Now the journey of this book will deliberately labyrinthine. The
reason being that in all things natural, the straight line is always a
Preface 9

This journey will lead us to a new appreciation of what the path

and function of the magical adept might be. It will guide us into
the rough topography of Radical Otherness, where we will find the
offer to perceive the world without value judgment, to let it come
into its own and speak genuinely in its voice of otherness. For only
when we have listened can we respond with purpose. From there,
our journey will take us into a mystical cave where we will discover
a black door, a mirrored door, one that is waiting to be unlocked. In
the presence of these doors, magical tools are waiting to be touched
by us and to be made our own again. And, in the midst of the depths
of our expedition, we will find ourselves again in the cherished pres-
ence of Paracelsus. That man whom we have already encountered
in Holy Heretics (scarlet imprint, 2022). He is patiently waiting on
the pages of this book for us: to take us by the hand again, as Virgil
took Dante by the hand, and to lead us deeper into the mystery of
being human.
It is also from Paracelsus that I took the title of this book. The
root of the word ingenium is taken from the Greek γίγνομαι, and the
Latin gigno, which translates as to bring forth as a fruit of myself, or more
generally as born or begotten. Traditionally, ingenium then was read as
the gifts that were begotten to us from birth, the seeds that were
placed inside the soil of our selves. As we will see, Paracelsus has a
lot to say about these.
I place this book into your hands, therefore, steeped in Paracel-
sian spirit: in the hope that it will assist you in placing good seeds
into yourself and in bringing forth good fruits of yourself. In the
hope that it will assist you in learning how to give the wolf what
is of the wolves, and the hare what is of the hares, and the human
what is of the humans.

Frater Acher

May the serpent bite its tail.

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