FA Ingenium Content
FA Ingenium Content
FA Ingenium Content
A l c h e m y o f t h e m A g i c A l m i n d
TaDehent Books
Ingenium: Alchemy of the Magical Mind
Copyright 2022 © Frater Acher.
Preface 7
chAPter i
The Way of the Adept 11
Introduction 12
The Way of the Adept (Part 1) 15
The Uprooted Tradition: 21
¶The Four Demon Kings 24
¶The Four Kings in Ancient Practice/Catching the Wind 37
¶The Four Kings in the Hygromanteia 43
Pragmatic Conclusions 54
chAPter ii
Radical Otherness 63
chAPter iii
On the Inner Tools of Magic 105
chAPter V
Becoming Ingenium 205
his is a book about human qualities. Tendering to the risk
and likelihood that these do not exist in the plural, it is a
book about the human quality.
The human being is a person composed of myriads of non-hu-
man persons. Much of this book is devoted to explaining this idea
and putting it into practice. It is not a new idea but neither an old
one. It is a timeless discovery. One that does not need to be handed
forward in time from one human to another. Instead, it’s a discov-
ery that wants to be pulled out of your own flesh, that wants to be
drunken from your own blood, inhaled from the surface of your
own skin. It is a quintessentially sensual discovery. Or so I hope to
show in this book.
Now, who are these non-human persons that make up the hu-
man person?
Many bees together form a hive. In a single season, thousands
of bees die, thousand new ones are born, and during winter their
colony is reduced to a small bundle of survivors keeping each other
alive on their own body heat. Yet the hive always remains a hive. Its
mutability is the source of its stability; its resistance to committing
to a single form, or even to repeating itself once, is the secret of its
cyclical life. As we shall see, such a mode of being cuts quite close
to the human quality.
However, in another respect, these persons that constitute the
human person are quite different from bees. Because they do not
represent or descend from a singular species. They are legion. In
this regard we will fare better by comparing humans to a forest, a
lake, or a mountainside: That is, to a topography that forms the habitat
8 ingenium
Frater Acher