Fundamentals of Money and Banking
Fundamentals of Money and Banking
Fundamentals of Money and Banking
This course is divided in two parts; money and banking. In the first part of this
course, the role and functions of money has been discussed. Money plays the
central role in the modern economic system and used as unit of measurement for
exchange of goods and services. From the ancient times, money has been a
medium of exchange and considered as a source of wealth and power. This course
has been developed by keeping in view the historic role of money together with
its application in the modern economies. The first four units of this course
discusses the various forms of money, value of money, financial markets and
international monetary system. In each unit, the basic concepts for understanding
the role and functions of money have been elaborated with examples.
The second part of this course covers the modern banking system in detail. The
modern economic system largely depends on the banks for the movement of funds
among different economic agents. In this part of the course, following concepts of
banking have been discussed in detail;
i. Basics of banking (forms of banks and credit creation)
ii. Functions of commercial banks (for businesses and individuals)
iii. Bank loans and advances (types and comparative analysis)
iv. Role and functions of the central bank in an economy
v. Growth of banking in Pakistan
Moazzam Ali
Assistant Professor
Course Development Coordinator
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Objectives ................................................................................................................... 3
Exercise....................................................................................................................... 8
Money is one of the outstanding greatest inventions of entire history of mankind. Money
is anything that is generally acceptable as a means of exchange, measure and store of
value. In this unit the concept of money, its characteristics and evolution of money will
be discussed. The development of money has progressed through the following stages,
commodity money, metallic money, paper money, credit money, and electronic money.
The purpose of this introductory chapter is to understand the concept of money and its
evolution stages and the role of money in performance of economic activities.
The word money is derived from Latin word ‘’Monet’’. Money used in economic
transactions and also serve as medium of exchange. Money can be defined as “Money
can be anything that is generally acceptable as a means of exchange that at the same time
acts as a measure of value.’’ (Crowther)
“Money is anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services or in the
repayment of debts”. (Mishkin)
In modern world, money is considered as a basic necessity. The benefit of the discovery
of money is to over comes the problems of barter system in which goods were exchanged
against other goods. As goods were of different quality and quality, a simple unit of
measurement was necessary for conducting the economic transactions. With the help of
money people can make payments. Producers buy raw material, plants and heavy
machinery with the help of money. Government realizes taxes, fees, and fines through
money. Economic growth cannot be possible without use of money.
Features of Money:
1. Medium of Exchange: It is accepted as medium of exchange for the settlement of
economic transactions.
2. Legal Tender: It is used as legal tender for repayment of debts, wages, interest,
profit etc.
3. Pricing: It is used as standard in the development of pricing mechanism for
economic activities
4. Unit of Measurement: It is used as accounting measure for different
5. Savings: It is used as a tool to save and store purchasing power for future period.
goods and service without using any medium of exchange like money in payment system.
Different forms of money used in different countries or regions are discussed below;
1. Commodity Money:
Commodity money is made up of valuable commodity like wheat, goats, etc.
people used these commodities for exchange purpose and fulfill their needs. As
time passed on, people faced many problems due to commodity money like storing
value, durability, divisibility etc.
3. Paper Money:
Paper currency is made up of paper and used for payment system and also used as a
medium of exchange. It consists of notes issued by the state or central bank. Paper
money can be;
a. Convertible paper money: It is converted into coins on demand e.g. gold and
silver certificates.
b. Fiat paper money: It is not converted into coins on demand and it is accepted in
transaction at its face value due to its unlimited legal tender.
5. Electronic Money:
The next stage in the development of payment system is Electronic money replaces
credit or bank money due to the expansion of technology. Electronic money is
consisting of ATM, debit card, credit card and online banking. People can make
payments and receive money through online banking system and save their time.
Money is anything that is widely used as a mean of payments and is generally expectable
in settlement of debts.
s. It is also used in economic transactions or medium of exchange
Primary Functions:
1. Medium of Exchange
Money is used as a medium of exchange and the sale and purchase of different
products can be made through money. It is the most important function of money.
People sell their products for money and use that money to purchase different
products to fulfill their needs.
2. Measure of Value
Money as a measure
sure of value means that money works as a common denomination,
the value of all goods and services are expressed in terms of money. As we
measures weight in kilograms or pounds and distance in kilometers, similarly we
measure the value of money in terms of money.
4. Store of Value:
Money is the most liquid assets from all the assets therefore it is easier to store
value in the form of money.
Secondary Functions:
1. Instrument for Lending:
People save money and deposit it in to banks. The banks advance these savings as
loans to businessmen and earn profit by charging interest.
2. Portability:
Good money has quality of portability means it can be easily and economically
transported from one place to the other. In other words it possesses high value in
small bulk.
3. Durability:
As money is passed from hand to hand and is kept in reserves it must not easily
deteriorate either in itself or as a result of wear and tear.
4. Homogeneity:
All potions of the substance used as money should be homogeneous that is of the
same quality so that equal weights have the same value. It is essential that its units
are similar in all respects.
5. Divisibility:
The money material should be capable of division and the aggregate value of the
mass after division should be almost the same as before.
6. Malleability:
The money material should be capable of being melted and given convenient
shapes. It should be neither too hard and nor too soft. It should also possess the
attribute of impressionability.
7. Recognizability:
One of the very much important essential of a good money material is that it should
be easily recognizable by the eye, ear or the touch. It should have certain distinct
marks which nobody can mistake.
8. Stability of Value:
Money should not be subject to fluctuations in value. The value of a material which
is used to measure the value of all the other material must be stable.
Q. 1 Give short answer to following questions:
1. Define money.
2. Write the functions of money.
3. What is barter system?
4. Write down the features of ideal money.
Q. 2 Collect the foreign currency notes of at-least five different countries and compare
their features.
References (Books)
1. Financial Markets and Institutions by Anthony Saunders
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Introduction ................................................................................................................. 11
Objectives ................................................................................................................... 11
2.4. Deflation............................................................................................................ 15
Summary .................................................................................................................... 17
Exercise....................................................................................................................... 17
In the previous unit, we have discussed the main role of money is to facilitate exchange.
This unit will discuss the value of money and different approaches given by the renowned
economists for its measurement. This unit also discusses the change in the value of
money due to inflation, deflation, and stagflation. The target of this unit is to enable
students to understand the concept of value of money and how it affects our daily life in
buying various products.
Value of money means the purchasing power and capacity to exchange the goods and
services. It refers to the strength of money in the market against which we can buy or sell
something. Money is a type of asset in an economy which is used to buy good and service
and it serve as store value in an economy. In daily life, we can observe that mere increase
in the supply of money does not make us rich rather it hurts the purchasing power of
consumers. To know how value of money is determined, we need to understand the
following theories:
On the other hand if the quantity of money is doubled, the price level will also be
double and the value of money will be one half. If the quantity of money is reduced
by one half, the level will also be reduced by one half and the value of money will
be twice. It is based on the assumption of full employment in the economy.
According to them, the value of money is determined by the demand and supply of
money for a particular time. People want to hold real income in cash balances for
different reasons i.e unexpected expenditures. The demand for money is that
portion of real income that people wants to hold in money form. Therefore, the
value of money depends on the cash holding requirements in a country.
c) Equities: Equities are defined as a claim for payment that are fixed in real units.
d) Physical goods: It includes inventories of producer and consumer goods.
e) Human capital: It includes skills, knowledge and experience possessed by an individual.
According to Friedman the demand for money is a function of the following factors:
a) Rate of returns on shares: if rate of return on shares increases, the demand for
money is decreases and vice versa.
b) Rate of return on bonds: If the rate of return on bonds is increased, the demand
for money is decrease and vice versa.
c) Liquidity: It means how quickly the assets can be converted into cash the liquidity
of assets also affects the demand of assets.
d) Degree of risk: Degree of risk is also affecting demand for an asset.
ii. Cost Push Inflation: Cost push inflation arises when the cost for production and
operations increases. There are many factors that create cost push inflation:
i. Increase in wages.
ii. Increase in cost of raw materials.
iii. Increase in the cost of important components.
c. Inflation based on Degree of Control: Inflation can be classified on the basis of
control as:
i. Open Inflation: In open inflation, general price level rises day by day and gets out
of control for the government.
ii. Suppressed Inflation: In this type of inflation government should take steps and
measures to control in the rise in general price level through different methods like
d. Inflation based on Rate of Inflation: Inflation on the basis of rate of inflation can
be classified as under:
i. Creeping Inflation: In creeping inflation situation the general price rises with slow
rate. In creeping inflation situation the general price level rises up to a rate of 2%
per annum.
ii. Walking Inflation: During walking inflation situation the general price level is
increased at lesser level as compared to the creeping inflation. On this inflation
situation general price level rises approximately 5% annually.
iii. Running Inflation: In running inflation situation the general price level rises
approximately 8% to 10% annually.
iv. Hyperinflation: Keynes calls hyperinflation as the final stage of inflation that type
of inflation arises after the level of full employment attained, but price level
increases rapidly.
i. Monetary Policy:
Monitory policy influences the economy through change of money supply and
availability of credit. Monetary policy is set by the central bank of a country who
adopts following methods to control the money supply i.e.
a. Variation in reserves requirements of commercial banks.
b. Variation in bank rates for lending.
c. Variation in margin requirements for banks.
d. Credit rationing for allocating capital in various sectors.
Deflation is opposite to the term inflation. Deflation is that state of the economy where
the value of money is rising, or prices are falling.
Causes of Deflation:
i. Level of investments decreases negatively affecting the economy as the demand
for goods fall down.
ii. Decrease in the people income also cause deflation in the economy. Due to
reduction in the income level the demand for goods and services decreases that
leads to decrease in price level.
iii. Increase in supply affects demand of goods negatively and the price level falls
Stagflation is the co-existence of inflation and unemployment. It is a process in which the
economy faces the serious problems at the same time i.e. unemployment and increase in
prices. Stagflation involves inflationary rise in prices and wages at the same time. The
people are unable to find jobs and firms are unable to find customers for what their plants
can produce. is very dangerous for economy then the inflation as output level decreases
and unemployment also decreases.
Causes of Stagflation:
There are many causes that help to create stagflation in an economy. The reduction in the
supply of goods is a main cause of stagflation. When the supply of goods decreases, the
general price level also increases and output and employment level decreases. The
decrease in the supply of goods occurs due to the following factors:
i. Cost of resources is increased due to lesser supply
ii. Shortage of labor due to changes in technology
iii. Rise in taxes especially indirect taxes
Effects of Depreciation/Devaluation:
Following are the effects of depreciation and devaluation of currency:
i. When the currency is devalued, the imports tend to be more expensive and exports
tend to cheaper.
ii. Devaluation discourages the investors for making investment in that country whose
currency devalued rapidly.
iii. Devaluation makes the country currency less attractive at international level.
iv. In devaluation exports increases and imports decrease, that make the balance of
payment favorable.
v. The increase in exports and decrease in imports reduced the current account deficit.
This unit has discussed the concept of value of money on the basis of two major theories
of finance; quantity theory along with its cash balance approach and modern theory of
value of money. This unit has also described the factors that causes changes in the value
of money; inflation, deflation, devaluation and depreciation of money. The key lesson of
this unit is to understand the value of money that affects the purchasing power of a
consumer. As a consumer, we need to understand the trends in inflation and the
purchasing power of a currency to make correct economic decisions regarding future.
Short Question:
1. What is meant by stagflation?
2. What do you know about the term devaluation of money?
3. Enlist any three types of inflation?
4. What is cash balance approach?
5. Difference between depreciation and devaluation of money.
Long Question:
1. Briefly explain the quantity theory of money.
2. Explain the modern theory of value of money in detail?
3. Describes the devaluation of money in detail.
References: (Books)
1. Financial Markets and Institutions by Anthony Saunders
2. Financial Institution Management by Helen P. Lange
3. Financial Institutions and Markets by Meir G. Kohn
4. Financial Markets and Institutions by Frederic Mishkin and Stanley G Eakins
5. Fundamentals of financial institutions management by Marcia Millon Cornett
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Introduction ................................................................................................................. 21
Objectives ................................................................................................................... 21
Exercise....................................................................................................................... 27
This unit will discuss the concept of financial assets and financial markets. Within
financial markets money and capital markets play vital role in the financial sector.
Similarly, the exchange rate plays a crucial role in an economy. In this unit, we will
discuss the concept of exchange rate and determination of exchange rate. The theories of
foreign exchange determination and trade cycle will also be discussed in detail.
A financial asset is a documentary claim that has a monetary value. In capitalism,
markets offer a mechanism to trade goods and services among the buyers and sellers at an
agreed price. There are many types of markets in an economy; fruits markets, cloth
markets, commodity markets, auto markets etc. The financial market is also a kind of
market that coordinates the activities of all other markets. The financial market is a
mechanism to trade financial assets among the buyers and sellers at a mutually agreed
price. The working in financial market is carried on by the financial institutions, as
mentioned above, to facilitate the buyers and sellers of the financial assets.
After going through the various types of financial assets, now, we are able to understand
the working of financial markets. These financial markets can be understood in several
different ways as highlighted below:
i. Classification by Nature of Claim:
a. Debt market is a market where debt instruments like bonds, debentures,
term finance certificates are traded among the buyers and sellers.
b. Equity market is a market where the equity instruments like common
shares, preferred shares etc. are traded among the investors.
Money Market Capital Market
Money market used for short term Capital markets are used for long term
borrowings borrowing.
Time period:
Money market lending and borrowing is In capital market lending and borrowing is
for short time one year or less than one made for more than one year.
Commercial papers, Repurchase Stock, shares, debentures, bonds, and
agreement, Certificate of deposit and government securities.
treasury bills
Central bank, commercial bank, National Stock exchange, commercial banks, and
financial institutions. insurance companies etc.
In money market risk factor is very small In capital market risk factor is more as
because time period is less than one year. compared to money market the reason
behind this is the time period.
Increases liquidity of funds in the Mobilization of saving in the economy.
To fulfill short term credit needs of the To fulfill long term credit needs of the
business. business.
Return on investment:
Return on money market less as compared Return on capital market is Comparatively
to capital market. high.
Economic experts have developed the theories of exchange rates to explain how the
foreign exchange rate among different currencies is established. There are many theories
for determining the foreign exchange rate and two of these theories are discussed below:
i. The Purchasing Power Parity Theory:
The purchasing power parity theory was developed by the Swedish Economist
Gustav Cassel in 1918. Purchasing power parity theory is (PPP) which states that
exchange rate of two currencies are in equilibrium when the purchasing power is
same in each of the two countries. The price level and changes in price level
determine the exchange rate of those countries’ currencies. The purchasing power
parity theory is based on the law of one price. The basic principle of this theory is
that the exchange rate between different countries expresses the purchasing power of
these countries. The change in the price level, means the exchange rate also change.
ii. The Balance of Payment Theory
The balance of payment theory of exchange rate is also known general equilibrium
theory of exchange rate. According to this theory, the exchange rate of a currency
depends upon the demand and supply of that currency in a region or country. The
demand of foreign currency arises from the debit side of balance of payment. It
equals to the payments made to the foreign countries by a country for the
purchase of goods and services. The supply of foreign currency arises from the
credit side of balance of payment. It equals to the payments made by the foreign
countries to a country against sale of goods and services.
The exchange rate is determined by the demand and supply of foreign exchange.
Exchange rate depends upon the debits and credits of a country. If exchange rate falls
below the equilibrium point, it means the balance of payment is unfavorable. On the other
hand, when the exchange rate rises above the equilibrium point it means the balance of
payment is favorable.
There are many other factors that influence the exchange rate:
i. Inflation rate affects the value of a currency in an economy thereby affecting the
determination of exchange rates.
ii. Interest rate also has an impact on the level of investments in an economy and
explains the level of investments in an economy. .
iii. Political stability affects the inflows and outflows of investments in an economy.
iv. Recession negatively affects the value of a currency as industrial production and
demand is down.
v. Industrial position: The structure and performance of the industrial sector also
affects the rate of exchange as investments are made or withdrawn on the basis of
economic performance.
Phases of the Trade Cycle:
There are four phases that involves in the construction of trade cycle .These are as under
i. Recovery.
Recovery is a turning phase in which economy moves toward boom or peak. In
recovery phase the economic activities, gross domestic product and the
employment level increases. This phase attracts the foreigners for making
investments as economy grows rapidly.
iii. Recession:
The recession phase opens after the ending of boom period. Recession slows down
the economic activities. The level of buying, selling, production and employment is
decreased. The prices of the products rise and wages of the consumers decreases
that leads to decrease in demand. Investors feel hesitation to invest in a country
having recession situation.
iv. Depression:
In this phase, the economic activities fall that leads to decrease in production. In
depression phase, the level of investment decreases sharply, and the employment
level decreases. The demand for consumers and capital goods also falls down that
leads to the lower living standard.
i. Money Supply affects the trade cycle as the increase in money supply enhances
the buying power of consumers and demand for various products is increased.
However, the decrease in money supply reduces demand and production in an
ii. Aggregate Demand is the total demand of personal and public goods in a country.
If the income of consumers is rising, then there will be higher demand leading to
the boom period in trade cycle.
iv. Political Situation also affects the future economic events and the investors plan
their production decisions based on political stability in future.
v. Uncontrollable Natural Events: Sometimes, earthquakes, epidemic or unusual
flood highly affects the production in an economy and may leads towards the
Short Questions:
1. Define exchange rates.
2. Define money market?
3. What do you know about capital market?
4. Enlist any three financial assets?
Long Questions:
i. Briefly explains the theories for determination of rate of exchange.
ii. What are the financial markets?
iii. Explain in detail the phases of trade cycle.
1. Financial Markets and Institutions by Anthony Saunders
2. Financial Institution Management by Helen P. Lange
3. Financial Institutions and Markets by Meir G. Kohn
4. Financial Markets and Institutions by Frederic Mishkin and Stanley G Eakins
5. Fundamentals of financial institutions management by Marcia Millon Cornett
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Introduction ................................................................................................................. 31
Objectives ................................................................................................................. 31
Summary ................................................................................................................. 37
International monetary system is a set of internationally agreed rules, conventions and
supporting institutions that facilitate international trade & investments across borders.
This unit will explain the concept of international monetary systems and its functions. As
the global financial system is a broader framework in which the domestic financial
system works, there is a need to understand the working of the international financial
system in order to know the links between the domestic monetary system and the global
financial system. We will discuss the role of international financial institutions i.e IMF,
World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank and Asian
Infrastructure Investment Bank.
After reading this unit you will able to;
1. know the international monetary system
2. understand the working and functions of IMF
3. know the working and functions of the World Bank
4. understand the working and functions of Asian Development Bank
5. know the functions of the Islamic Development Bank.
6. know the functions of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
The international monetary system is a set of agreed rules and frameworks that determine
the flow of funds among the different nations. These rules help to set the foreign
exchange rate for different currencies of the world. As the global trade and investments
occurs among different nations, the exchange of one currency against the other requires
setting commonly agreed rules. To overcome this problem, each country has introduced
the foreign exchange rate. Foreign exchange rate help to determine the value of Pakistani
currency with the other countries currency.
There are three types of foreign exchange rate system in the world:
i. Fixed Exchange Rate System:
Fixed exchange rate system is also known as pegged exchange rate system. In fixed
exchange system, exchange rate for currency is fixed by the government of a
country. The basic purpose of adopting this system is to maintain the stability in
foreign trade. In this system value of domestic currency is tied to the value of gold.
This system was based on the gold standards from 1880 to 1913. In this system,
countries value their currency according to the rate of gold.
ii. Floating Exchange Rate System: In flexible exchange rate system, the exchange
rate is determined by the forces of demand and supply of different currencies in
foreign market. The value of national currency is allowed to move freely with
respect to the demand and supply of other currencies. Exchange rate is not
influenced by the government. The value of currency is fluctuated according to the
change in demand and supply of the foreign exchange.
iii. Managed Floating System: In managed floating system, the exchange rate is
determined by the forces of market (demand and supply) and interventions of the
government or central bank. In this system the government and central bank
intervenes in the foreign exchange market to restrict the fluctuation in the exchange
rate within certain limits. This system was adopted by the world since 1971. Many
developing countries re using managed floating system in which central bank
intervenes to guide currency.
Formation of the IMF:
During the Bretton Wood Conference, a lot of agreements were signed to establish
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The international monetary fund was founded on 27thDecember 1945 by an agreement
signed by the 29 member countries. The IMF started their financial operations on
1stMarch 1947. The establishment purpose of IMF was to give financial assistance and
overcome the crises in any member country. Now the IMF has approximately 188
member countries.
Functions of IMF:
i. To Promote Exchange Stability: The IMF has the objective to promote exchange
rate stability and overcome the problems arises in the world trade system.
ii. Borrowing Facility: IMF provides borrowing facility to the member countries. If
member countries face any problem or crises. IMF provides loans according to the
IMF policies and overcome the member countries problems.
iii. Balance of Payment Stability: IMF helps the member nations to eliminate
disequilibrium in the balance of payment by selling and lending foreign currencies
to the member countries.
iv. Technical assistance: IMF also provides technical assistance to the member
countries by providing services of experts to the members of IMF on economic and
financial matters.
v. International monetary cooperation: IMF also helps to establish monetary
cooperation between member countries, and it provides assistance to solve
international monetary problems.
International bank for Reconstruction and Development is also known as the World
Bank. IBRD was established in 1944 and became operational in 1946 as the original
institution of the World Bank group. The IBRD head quarter is in Washington DC, USA
and approximately 15000 staff from the member countries. The structure of IBRD is like
cooperative society that is operated for the benefits of 188 member countries. All powers
of the bank are vested in its board of governors. The board meets annually in annual
board meeting. The board of Governors delegated most of its authorities to the executive
directors and the bank president elected by the executive directors.
Objectives of IBRD:
i. To assist the member countries.
ii. To promote foreign investment.
iii. To promote balanced growth of international trade.
iv. To provide loans for reduce poverty
All the IMF members are also members of IBRD. A country to want to hold its
membership must subscribe to the charter of the bank. If any country wants to resigns its
membership that country pay back all loans with interest to IBRD.
economic development. The bank has a board of governors, a board of directors, a
president and a vice president.
At the time of establishment 31 members, but ADB now have 67 members of which 48
members are from within Asia and the pacific and 19 outsides. The voting system is
distributed in proportion with member’s capital subscription. At the end of 2014, Japan
holds maximum proportion of share at 15.7%. The ADB lends loan to the member
countries and promote social and economic development
Sources of Finance:
i. ADB raises fund through bond issues in the world capital markets.
ii. Member’s contribution as subscription fee and raises the funds of ADB.
iii. ADB raises fund through lending operation, and the repayment of loans.
Functions of ADB:
i. ADB promote investment in the region of public and private capital for
development process.
ii. It provides loans for economic and social development of the member countries of
the region.
iii. It helps member countries in coordinating their development policies and plans.
iv. It provides technical assistance for the preparation, financing and executive of
development projects and program.
v. It provides financial and technical assistance to member countries for
environmental protection.
vi. It supports public resources mobilization and management to member countries.
vii. It acts as financial intermediary by transferring resources from global capital
markets to developing countries.
viii. It cooperates with the United Nations for getting investment and assistance.
The Islamic development bank (IDB) is a multilateral development financing institution
located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It was founded in 1973 by the finance ministers at the
Islamic conference (now called the Organization of Islamic Cooperation OIC) with the
support of the King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and started its activities on 20 October 1975.
There are 56 shareholding member states. In 2013 IDB tripled its authorized capital to
150 billion dollars to better serve Muslims in member and nonmember Countries.
The basic condition for membership is that the member country should be member of
organization of Islamic corporation (OIC), Saudi Arabia holds one quarter of the bank
paid up capital. The purpose of IDB is to foster the economic development and social
progress of member countries and Muslim communities individually as well as jointly in
accordance with the principles of Shariah i.e. Islamic law. The DB has a board of
governors, board of executive directors, president, Vice president and officers and staff.
The purpose of IDB is to foster the economic development and social progress of
member countries and Muslim communities individually as well as jointly in accordance
with the principles of Shariah i.e. Islamic law. The DB has a board of governors, board of
executive directors, president, Vice president and officers and staff.
IDB Groups
IDB has group of five entities;
i. Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
ii. Islamic Research and Training Institute. (IRTI)
iii. Islamic Corporation for Development of the Private Sector. (ICD)
iv. Islamic Corporation for Insurance of Investment and Export Credit (ICIEC)
v. International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation. (ITFC)
Functions of IDB:
i. To invest in economic and social infrastructure projects in member countries.
ii. To provide loans to private and public sector for the financing of productive
iii. To assist in the promotion of foreign trade.
iv. To provide technical assistance for economic growth in members countries.
v. To conduct operations according to the principles of Shariah i.e. Islamic law.
vi. To corporate with all international institutions having similar purpose.
vii. To participate in the productive projects in the member countries. To promote
savings and investments.
Beijing in October 2014. Presently it has 102 members and headquarter of the bank is in
Beijing. The bank started operation after the agreement entered into force on 25
December 2015, after ratifications were received from 10 member states holding a total
number of 50% of the initial subscriptions of the Authorized Capital Stock. The
Authorized Capital Stock of the bank is 100 billion US Dollars, divided into 1 million
shares of 100 000 dollars each. The allocated shares are based on the size of each
member country's economy (calculated using GDP Nominal (60%) and GDP
PPP (40%)), whether they are an Asian or Non-Asian Member, and the number of shares
determines the fraction of authorized capital in the bank. The ‘One Belt One Road’
program of China
There are many other areas for cooperation in the AIIB framework for social and
economic development of Pakistan. Many other infrastructure related projects are funded
by China in Pakistan through debt and equity investments besides AIIB financing.
International monetary system binds together different nations to settle their transactions
as per commonly agreed rules. The IMF has mandate to facilitate member countries in
addressing their foreign exchange issues and balance of payments crises. The
International Bank for Reconstruction and development (IBRD) has been explained.
IBRD is established in 1944 and operational in 1946 as the original institution of the
World Bank group. Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a regional development bank
established on December 19, 1966 with an authorized capital of 58 billion dollars which
is headquartered in Manila, Philippines. The basic purpose of ADB is to promote social
and economic development in low income countries of Asia. Further the role of IDB and
AIIB has been explained to improve the understanding of students on multilateral bodies.
Short Questions:
i. What do you know IMF?
ii. Write three objectives of IBRD.
iii. Differentiate between AIIB and ADB.
iv. Write any three functions of IDB.
Long Questions:
1. Briefly explain IDB.
2. Briefly explain the organizational structure of ADB.
References: (Books)
1. Financial Markets and Institutions by Anthony Saunders
2. Financial Institution Management by Helen P. Lange
3. Financial Institutions and Markets by Meir G. Kohn
4. Financial Markets and Institutions by Frederic Mishkin and Stanley G Eakins
5. Fundamentals of financial institutions management by Marcia Millon Cornett
References (Websites):
1. IMF Website
2. World Bank Website
3. ADB Website
4. AIIB Website
Objectives ................................................................................................................. 41
Summary ................................................................................................................. 49
Exercise ................................................................................................................. 49
A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits and lends advances and provides
other related services. Banking sector plays very important role in the development of a
country. In this unit, the concept of banking, evolution of banking and characteristic of
banks will be discussed. Broadly speaking, banking system is a chain of financial
institution that provides financial services accepting deposits and lending to individual
and institution. Banks are divided into different kinds according to their functions they
perform. Banking system plays the role of an intermediary between the ones saving and
the ones who borrow money for investments.
The study of this unit will therefore enable you;
1. to understand the banking and its core concepts
2. to recognize stages of evolution of modern banking system
3. to know the different kinds of banks.
4. to explain the role of banks in economic development
5. to know the concept of credit creation and credit instruments
The banking system is a lifeline of an economy and as it plays very important role in the
development of any country. Banking sector have a significant influence in supporting
economic development through financial services. A bank is an institution which accepts
deposits and lends advances. It accepts deposits from general public and institutions and
lend money to the eligible investors for productive purposes. Protection of deposited
money of people is the major responsibility of banks.
A general definition of a bank is “Bank is an institution which gets loans to lend and, in
this way, creates credit”.
A bank is an intermediate party between the borrower and lender. It borrows from one
party and lends to another”.
Banking plays an important role in economic growth of any country. Major Development
for a country depends on banking sector as bank maintain the currency value and stability
of foreign exchange. People trust banks and deposit their surplus money in bank accounts
which banks used it for investment and making loans to needy.
Functions of Bank:
i. Acceptance of deposits:
Banks accepts money from the people in the form of deposits which are usually
repayable on demand and pays interest on deposited money after specific time
Advancing money:
The funds collected as deposits are then given as loan to the businesses and
individuals as per their requirements.
Banks are useful in following ways:
i. Money deposits in banks is safe and other precious good and documents in bank
ii. Banks provide credit facilities to needy people.
iii. Bank encourage the habit of saving by offering interest against deposited money.
iv. Bank provides safe way of transferring money from one place to other.
v. Foreign trade constantly increases through banks.
ii. Goldsmiths:
The next stage in the evolution of banking system was goldsmith who were also
considered as the trustworthy people due to their strong financial position and
heaving safe places or strong iron safe for the safety of valuable metals. Because of
these safety measures, people keep their metals like (gold, silver) with them. Most
of deposits with them rested idle and needy people requested them for money on
interest basis. Goldsmith started lending money to the needy people against interest
and with the passage of time they issued written receipts to depositor to get their
valuable back. These receipts are transferred from one to another for the settlement
of different transactions. The modern type of that receipt is now called cheque.
Gradually, this practice evolved over the time and shaped the modern form of
banking as present today.
Kinds of Banks
i. Central Bank:
Central bank does not deal directly with general public but acts as regulator of
other bank. Its main function is to regulate the monetary policy and to control the
working of all commercial bank for the proper regulation of monetary and
economic policy. A central bank has sole authority of issuing currency.
iv. Industrial Bank:
These banks are established for the promotion of industrial sector of country.
Provide loan for the setup of new industries or the extension of already existing
industries. Industrial development bank of Pakistan (IDBP) is an example of the
industrial banks in Pakistan.
v. Mortgage Bank:
These banks provide financing for buying property i.e. houses, flats, shops, etc. on
installment basis and charge interest on them. House Building Finance Corporation
(HBFC) is the major example of mortgage bank in Pakistan.
x. Domestic Bank:
These are owned by local shareholders and provide services in their own country of
origin as commercial or other type of bank.
Credit instrument is a document which is used as an evidence of debts. It is issued to
meet the deficiency of money, because currency money and metallic money are not
enough to meet the modern business requirements. It provides a written proof for future
references and acts as money for buying and selling purposes. It may specify the payment
process and parties involves in it. Cheque, bill of exchange, and bank draft etc. are used
as credit instruments.
Cheque is a credit instrument used in the banking system. It is a form of money through
which payments can be made to other parties thorough the banks. Banks issue cheque
books to their customers for using them instead of dealing in cash.
Parties to a Cheque:
Drawer: A drawer is the person who draws cheque upon a bank. He is account holder of
the bank who uses a cheque to withdraw amount from its accounts. The one who sign the
cheque is drawer who directed the bank to pay certain amount.
Drawee: A drawee is the branch of bank upon which cheque is drawn for payment. It is
the party to whom customers order to pay specific amount in the name of person written
on cheque or to the bearer of cheque.
Payee: A payee is the person who receives the payment from bank against cheque. He
might be drawer itself or any third party whose name is written on cheque. Other parties
involved in cheque are;
Holder: Holder is the person who has legal authority to receive amount of cheque. This
person may be bearer or any other party.
Endorser: Endorser is the person who transfers the rights of a cheque to other, transfer of
rights is also called endorsement.
Endorsee: An endorsee is that person to whom endorser transfer the rights of cheque.
Elements of Cheque:
i. Name of bank is written on the cheque.
ii. Cheque number is printed on the cheque in a series.
iii. The name of the person to whom cheque is to be paid is written on it. If cheque is
drawn by account holder itself, it should be write self.
iv. Date should be mentioned on cheque
v. Amount to paid write in figures and in words clearly.
vi. Account number is also printed on the cheque.
vii. At the end name of account holder is written where drawer sign the cheque.
Types of Cheque:
There are four basic kinds of cheque.
i. Order Cheque:
Order cheque is payable to particular person. The name of payee must be clearly
written on cheque. The order cheque is only paid by bank to payee if the bank is
satisfied about the identity of payee.
iv. Crossed Cheque: Holder of crossed cheque cannot enchased at counter of the
bank. The payment of crossed cheque is only made by credited the amount in the
account of payee whose name is written on cheque. Two parallel lines are drawn
across top left corner of the cheque.
Credit creation is the major function of a commercial bank. A bank can create credit by
advancing loans to a person and it results in increase in money in circulation. Usually, a
bank acts as a factory for the manufacturer of credit in a modern economy. The process
of credit creation is the central pillar of modern economies and therefore banking has got
a key position in the modern economic system. Without credit creation through banks,
the economic transactions in a modern economy will be reduced by at-least 70%-80%.
v. Level of Employment Increase:
A country economic development depends on the promotion of trade, agriculture,
industrial and communication sectors. Bank finance these sectors through
investment and it automatically generate employment opportunities.
Objectives ................................................................................................................. 53
Summary ................................................................................................................. 61
Exercise ................................................................................................................. 62
A commercial bank is a financial institution that is authorized by law to accept deposits
from businesses and individuals and lend money to them. The commercial baking is the
backbone of economy. Different types of accounts are offered by bank to attract
customers by offering attractive interest rates and saving schemes. They also perform
different services provides such as receiving money, advancing loan, and other agency
services on behalf of customer. Credit instruments are used instead of money like cheque,
bill of exchange and promissory note for the settlement of transactions in the commercial
baking. Generally, regarded as the central pillars of modern economy, commercial banks
are vital for economic growth and development.
After reading this unit you will able;
1. to understand commercial banking and its scope
2. to know the functions of commercial banks
3. to know the different accounts offered by the commercial banks
4. to understand rights and duties of banker and customer
Commercial banks receive money from those who have surplus and lend it to those who
need them. The role of commercial banks is to provide financial intermediation services
to general public and business, ensuring economic and social stability of the economy. In
this respect, "credit creation" is the most important function of commercial banks. While
advancing loan to a customer, they do not provide cash to the borrower.
borrower. Instead, they
open a deposit account from which the borrower can withdraw. In other words, while
sanctioning a loan, they automatically create deposits, known as a "credit creation from
commercial banks". The central
entral bank is responsible for the oversight of the commercial
banking system of their respective countries. They will impose a number of conditions on
the banks that they regulate such as keeping bank reserves.. In Pakistan there are many
commercial bank e.g. National bank, Habib bank, Bank of Punjab, United ba bank, Allied
Bank etc. (A complete list is given at the end of the unit.)
statement on annual or semiannual basis which shows the details of deposit and
withdrawal during specific period.
ii. Saving Account: People with excess money deposit their money in saving
account. Bank pays interest on saving accounts. However, the banks normally
restricted account holder on their withdrawal. Zakat is deducted from saving
iii. Fixed Account or Term Deposits: In fixed account money is deposited for fixed
time period. People who want to deposit their excessive money for long period
prefer the fixed account. Terms and condition and time period decided at the
beginning to avoid any misunderstanding.
Advancing of Money: Bank receives deposit to lend it to the businesses and individuals
who want to fulfill their financing needs. Advancing money is more important function as
the strength of a bank is judged through soundness of its advances. Bank demands
different kinds of securities against loan i.e. shares, documents of property, gold, or
silver. The advancing of money may be in following ways;
i. Call Loans:
Call loans are the loans which can be recalled or demanded by the bank at any
time. Call loans are mostly advanced to those who have strong financial position.
Usually the time period of call loan is seven to fourteen days.
iv. Overdraft:
An overdraft is the extension of credit from bank to its customer when an account
is reached at zero balance. Overdraft means that banks allow its customer to borrow
a set amount of money. The interest is charged only on the negative balance which
the customers’ deposits back in time.
v. Discounting of Bills:
Banks provide loan to their customer by discounting their bills before the date of
maturity. Discounting the bills means bank accept bills as a security of loan by
deducting nominal amount as discounting charges from the total amount in order to
make payments.
Agency Services:
i. Transfer of Funds:
Banks helps its customer by transferring funds many from one place/person to
another with the help of credit instruments like cheques, drafts, mail transfer,
telephone transfer etc.
iii. Facilitation of Foreign Trade: Central bank authorizes some commercial bank to
deal in foreign exchange. Commercial bank sale and purchase foreign exchange on
behalf of customer which is helpful for promotion of international trade.
Utility Services:
i. Locker Facility:
Commercial bank provides locker facility to its customer for safe custody of
valuable, documents, gold, and silver. Bank charge commission against locker
ii. Draft:
Commercial bank provides the facility of traveler’s cheques to their customer to
avoid the risk of taking cash with them. Bank also issue Letter of credit which is a
security and surety of making payments to foreign traders by bank.
iii. Underwriters:
Commercial bank acts as an agent for sale and purchase shares & securities on the
behalf of its customer and charge nominal commission for its services.
iv. Govt. Services:
Banks also perform numerous other services that include accepting Govt. dues,
utility bills collection, Hajj applications collection, accepting tax payments etc.
Saving Account: Saving account are suitable for salaried person. It is an interest-bearing
account. Banks may limit the number of withdrawals from saving account.
i. Account holder can use cheque for the withdrawal of money.
ii. Bank pays profit after every six months.
iii. Bank issued passbook and cheque book.
iv. Zakat is deducted on saving account.
v. Certain withdrawal rules are determined by bank on saving account.
vi. Bank issued statement of account after regular interval.
Current Account: Current account is also known as running account. Current account is
generally suitable for businessmen because they withdraw money without notice. It is an
active account for frequent deposit and withdrawal by cheque.
i. Current account is suitable for businessmen.
ii. It is open with minimum amount fixed by bank.
iii. Cheques are used to withdraw money.
iv. There is no restriction of withdrawal.
v. Bank does not pay profit on current account.
vi. Overdraft facility is provided to current account holder on interest.
vii. Zakat is not deducted.
Fixed Deposit Account: The person who has surplus money for long period can deposit
it in fixed account. Banks offer high rate of interest on deposited amount. Amount can
only be withdrawn after maturity of fixed date.
i. It is suitable for people who have surplus money for long period.
ii. The amount deposited remains fixed for maturity period.
iii. Term deposit receipt issued to customer who contain amount and terms of deposit.
iv. Bank pay higher rate of interest as compared to other schemes.
v. Further deposits are not allowed amount is deposited and withdrawn only once.
Business Accounts: These accounts are offered to the corporate customers for providing
them various agency and facilitation services. Depending on the terms and conditions of
various schemes, business accounts can be customized as per the needs of individual
corporate customers to provide them better services. As corporate customers provide high
amounts to the banks, extra care and services are provided to these customers.
i. Selection of Accounts: There are different types of accounts. People open accounts
according to their needs, current account, fixed term account or saving account.
ii. Getting Application Form: Printed form is issued by bank to customer for
account opening. It is different for different accounts. It contains following.
a. Name of the bank.
b. Name of applicant.
c. Address and phone number of applicant
d. Identity card number of applicant
e. Profession
f. Name, identity card number, address, profession of introducer.
g. Nature of account.
h. Amount to be deposited by applicant.
i. Account opening date.
j. Signature.
iii. Documents required: Individual should attach copy of identity card with
application form. In case of partnership copies of all partners identity card, copy of
registration form of partnership is attached. In case of company Memorandum of
association, articles of association. List of directors and approvals for account
opening and certificate of incorporation are attached with application form.
iv. Specimen Signature Card (SSC): Bank issued specimen signature card and
obtain signature of account holder for future use. It contains name of bank,
Account number, and title of account, current date and account holder signature.
v. Deposit Slip: Deposit slip is a document which is used for the purpose of deposit
in the bank. Account holder makes initial deposit in bank when account is opened.
It contains title of account, account number, Deposited amount, date and signature
of depositor.
vi. Issuance of Cheque Book: When account is opened bank officer issued cheque
book. A cheque is in printed form heaving name, account number, date, and Bank
name on it. It is used by the customer for withdrawal or for payment purpose.
developed to safeguard the interests of the customers. Similarly, a bank is also legally
protected against all the frauds and other illegal means which a customer can inflict on it.
Therefore, both banker and customer are protected by the rules and regulations to ensure
their smooth functions.
Rights of Customer:
i. Customer has right to draw a cheque to the extent of his credit balance.
ii. Customer has right to receive statement of account after regular interval.
iii. Customer can sue a bank for dishonoring cheque by mistake.
iv. Customer has right to correct its record in case of wrongly debit or credit.
Duties of Customer:
i. Customer must present the cheque or any other instrument during banking hours.
ii. Customer should present the cheque within due date.
iii. A customer should keep his cheque book in safe place to prevent its misuse by
unauthorized person.
iv. Customer immediately tells bank if any cheque is lost or stolen for stop of
Duties of Banker:
Its duty of banker to make payment on customer behalf and should honor the cheque for
payment issued by customer.
i. Bank performs agency services on customer behalf according to customer
ii. It is the duty of bank not to disclose the financial position of customer to any other.
iii. Sale and purchase of securities on customer behalf as directed by him/her.
Rights of Customer:
i. Bank has right to charge interest on overdraft or any other facility.
ii. Bank has right to retain the securities until customer pays his debts.
iii. Bank has right to adjust debit and credit balances of customer.
The kind of relationship between bankers and customer are of different forms and
i. Debtor and Creditor: The relationship between bank and customer is like debtor
and creditor customer deposit money in bank and withdraw at any time. The bank
is known as debtor and customer is creditor. The relationship is inverse when bank
advances loans.
ii. Bailer and Bailee: When customer deposit valuable in bank for safe custody the
bank become bailer and customer is bailee.
iii. Principal and Agent: The customer deposits cheque, drafts etc. for collection. He
also give instructions to the bank to purchase securities, payment of insurance
premium on customer behalf. When bank perform agency services for customer he
become an agent and customer is principal.
iv. Mortgager and Mortgagee: When bank accept immovable property as a security
against loan advance to customer. The customer becomes the mortgager and banker
is mortgagee.
v. Pawner and Pawnee: When customer pledges goods and documents as a security
against loan then he became Pawner and bank become Pawnee. Goods or document
are returns when debts are paid.
vi. Lessor and Lessee: When bank provides advances to customer based on lease
financing then customer become lessee and banker lessor.
vii. Trustee and Agent: The banks act as trustee when customer deposits his securities
for safe custody and when bank sells securities on customer acting as agent of the
i. Minor: Minor is a person who do not attain the age of 18 years. Bank can only
open minor account after the prior permission of guardian court. Court authorized a
person (Guardian) who operate the account and give his specimen signature. He
can withdraw after court permission and may not enjoy full banking services.
ii. Lunatic: Lunatic is a term used for person who is mentally ill. If he already have
account with bank. Bank immediately stop payment ad suspends account when
bank comes to know that customer lunatic. Account can only be operated after the
court evidence received from court.
iii. Illiterate Person: Illiterate person is one who cannot read or write. Illiterate person
can use thumb impression as a specimen signature. Photographs of customer are
posted on the signature card. Illiterate person do not make payment through cheque
he can only withdraw amount from account by himself.
iv. Purdah Nasheen Women: Purdah nasheen women are one who remains in
complete hijab. Bank is very careful while opening Purdah nashee women account.
A very close reference is required in case of married women his husband is used as
reference and natural guardian in case of unmarried girl.
v. Married Women: Married women can open account as other people. She can
perform all the function and operate account, but she has to write her husband
name and earning of her husband.
2. Joint Account: Joint account is an account which can be open and operated by two
or more person. And may include following
i. Partnership Firm: Partnership is an arrangement in which two or more people are
agreed to share profit of business. Partnership firm can open joint account of all the
partners. The account open and operated at the name of the firm not at individual
name. Bank obtains signature of all partners’ ad deceleration and consent of all that
who can operate the account. In case loan is obtained, the banker must require sign
document which shows the consent of all partners.
ii. Joint stock Company: Joint stock company can open current account company
nominates the directors who are authorizes to deal with the bank. Two or three
directors have to sign specimen signature card for future correspondence. They
provide name, phone number, identity card number, and address of director who
operate account, Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Certificate
of Incorporation, Certificate of Commencement and copy of resolution submitted
by partnership firm to bank.
iii. Trustee: Trustee is a person to whom property is legally committed to be
administered of any other person. Account should be opened in the name of trust
and opening form should contain signature of the entire trustee with a copy of trust
deed. Bank gets clear instruction that who can operate account. In case of death of
trustee, the power will be decided according to trust deed.
iv. Non-Profit Institutions: Individuals with activities other than trade is called
nonprofit institutions. E.g. clubs, hospitals, and college etc. Bank open account of a
society which is registered as corporative body under corporative society act. A
copy of memorandum of association and article of association should be submitted
to bank which help the banker to know the objectives and rues of society. A copy
of resolution which indicates that society authorized person for operating account
should also be submitted in bank.
This unit has explained the key concept of commercial banks and their functions.
Commercial banks perform many functions at the same time. They receive money from
those who have surplus and lend it to those who need it. Commercial banks contribute to
the growth of the economic development of any country by advancing loans to
underdeveloped sectors like agriculture, industrial sectors. This unit has also described
the various types of bank accounts offered by commercial banks to their customers. The
lasts section of the unit has discussed the banker-customer relationship, Duties and rights
of banker & customer in detail.
References (Books):
1. Financial Markets and Institutions by Anthony Saunders
2. Financial Institution Management by Helen P. Lange
3. Financial Institutions and Markets by Meir G. Kohn
4. Financial Markets and Institutions by Frederic Mishkin and Stanley G Eakins
5. Fundamentals of financial institutions management by Marcia Millon Cornett
References: (Reports)
1. State of Economy Report, SBP, 2019
2. Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2019-2020
Objectives .............................................................................................................. 65
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 75
In the previous unit you have learnt the function of commercial banks and its features.
The commercial banks accept deposit and lend money to the people who require it for the
various purposes. This unit will introduce the concepts of bank loans and advances. The
bank loan and advances granted by the commercial banks are highly beneficial to the
individual, firms and companies meeting their financing needs. The growth of business is
affected to a large extent by the quantity and quality of financing available on time.
After reading this unit you will able;
i. to understand the concept of running finance.
ii. to know the concept of cash and demand finance.
iii. to differentiate running finance, cash finance, and demand finance.
iv. to understand the precautions and procedure of loan/advances.
v. to understand letter of credit and its major types.
Primary function of a bank is to receive deposits and advances loans. Bank accepts money
from the holders of surplus funds and lends it to the needy people or invests for productive
purpose. Bank collects funds from different sources; deposits, paid-up capital, loans etc.
and distribute it to the eligible investors as per the agreed terms and conditions. Credit
analysis by a lender is used to determine the risk associated with making a loan. Regardless
of the type of financing needed, a bank or lending institution will be interested in both your
business and personal financials. While giving credit to a person or business, a bank
conducts the credit analysis in order to make the appropriate lending decisions.
Credit Analysis is governed by the “5 Cs:” character, capacity, condition, capital and
i. Character: Banks need to know the borrower and guarantors are honest and have
integrity. Additionally, the banker needs to be confident the applicant has the
background, education, industry knowledge and experience required to successfully
operate the business. Lending institutions may require a certain amount of
management and/or ownership experience. As history is the best predictor of the
future, a lender will examine the personal credit of all borrowers and guarantors
involved in the loan.
ii. Capacity (Cash flow): The banks want to know that a business is able to repay the
loan. The business should have sufficient cash flow to support its business
expenses and debts comfortably while also providing principals’ salaries sufficient
to support personal expenses and debts. Examining the payment history of current
loans and expenses is an indicator of the borrower’s reliability to make loan
iii. Condition: The lender will need to understand the condition of the business, the
industry, and the economy, which is why it is important to work with a lender who
understands the particular industry. The lender will want to know if the current
conditions of the business will continue, improve or deteriorate. Furthermore, the
lender will want to know how the loan proceeds will be used- working capital,
renovations, additional equipment, etc.
iv. Capital: The bank will ask what personal investment you plan to make in the
business. Not only does injecting capital decrease the chance of default, but
contributing personal assets also indicates that a person is willing to take a personal
risk for the sake of his business.
v. Collateral: A banker will consider the value of the business’ assets and the
personal assets of the guarantors as a secondary source of repayment. Collateral is
an important consideration, but its significance varies depending on the type of
loan. A lender will be able to explain the types of collateral needed for a loan.
The five components that make up a credit analysis help the lender understand the owner
and the business and determine credit worthiness. By knowing each of the “5 Cs,” a
business will have a better understanding of what is needed and how to prepare for the
loan application process.
Important Terms Used in Bank Credit:
i. Pledge:
Pledge means actual delivery of rights as well as possession of goods as security
against loan. Subject of pledge is returned to the customer when he has been paid.
In case of nonpayment bank has right to sell security to recover its losses.
ii. Mortgage:
It is a written agreement between mortgager and mortgagee. Customer transfer
legal rights of property to bank but possession of goods is remains with customer.
iii. Lien:
It is a right of the bank to retain the possession of property against loan until
customer repay loan along with interest.
iv. Hypothecation:
Under hypothecation neither ownership nor possession of goods transfer to bank. It
is just an agreement between banker and customer but in case of failure of
repayment bank approach court of law to receive full rights of selling the
hypothecated property.
v. Time period:
Time period for running finance is short may be number of days 30-90.
vi. Interest:
Bank charges interest on the amount which is withdrawn in access.
iii. Interest/Mark Up:
Bank charges interest against amount withdrawn. If customer does not withdraw up
to allowed limit. Then he has to pay interest on half of total amount or quarter of
amount. If customer withdraw half or more than half amount from sanction limit
than he has to pay full interest.
iv. Separate Cash Finance Deposit Account:
Bankers do not gave amount in form of cash. It open new account with the name of
cash finance deposit and transfers amount in that account and customer withdraw
money through cheque in lump sum or installments.
v. Security
Bank provides cash finance facility against security. If bank provide loan at
personal security than loan may be in secured and bank may face losses if customer
refuse to repay. Secured securities are demanded by bank to secured loan in case of
vi. Repayment of loan
Loan may be repaid in lump sum or in installment within due date as per the agreed
terms and conditions.
Limitations of Cash Finance:
Limitations of cash finance are;
i. Time period
Time period for cash finance is short for further loan customer has to renew his
deposit by bank.
ii. Interest/mark up
Customer must pay interest if he used only little amount of loan than pay interest
on half or quarter amount.
iii. Current account holder
Cash finance facility is only provided to current account holders. Other account
holder like saving and fixed deposits should not avail this facility.
7.2.3 Demand Finance
Demand finance is formal form of bank loan. Bank advances large amount for fixed
period. Loan is repaid after fixed time period or on demand.
v. Interest:
Interest is paid on whole/full amount of loan doesn’t matter either customer
withdraw whole amount or not.
vi. Purpose of Demand Loan:
Usually, the purpose of demand finance is to meet the requirements of working
a. Interest
The customer must pay full amount of interest against loans no matters that
withdraw half or full amount.
b. Renewal
The loan is not is renewed if customer has additional loan requirements.
c. Security
Security should be provided against loan if one cannot provide security it may not
avail loan facility.
Medium- and long-term loans are called term finance. Term finance is issued for more
than one year and payment of this loan is spread over larger period. These loans are
advances for the purpose of starting new business or the expansion of existing business.
Term finances are secured against mortgage of property or machinery.
i. Car Finance:
Car finance is issued for financing a car for individual and corporate customers
usually for a period of one to five years. These loans are provided against secured
streams of incomes (i.e. salary) to the individual customers and carry an interest rate.
ii. House Finance: House finance loan is provided for building or renovating a house
to the eligible customers. Generally, the house loans are provided for longer period
i.e. five to ten years and carries higher rates of interest. The repayment schedule
and installment are worked out at the start of the loan period and the house remains
property of the bank till the repayment of all installments with interest.
iii. Asset Finance: Asset finance facility is provided to the corporate clients for
meeting the financing needs for new plant, machinery, vehicles, buildings etc. As
these assets require huge amount of funds, banks finance businesses for their longer
term needs on higher rate of interest along with other terms and conditions.
iv. Infrastructure Finance: A bank also support the development of physical
infrastructure i.e bridges, roads, airports, seaports, large govt. projects etc.
Generally, in infrastructure finance, a bank works jointly with other banks by
forming a syndicate or consortium and jointly advance funds to the clients based on
their needs.
A letter of credit is a letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer’s payment to a seller
will be received at proper time and against correct amount. In case buyer unable to make
payment on purchases the bank will be required to cover the full or remaining amount of
the purchase. It is a document issued by third party to make sure that in case of failure of
payment by buyer it may liable for payments. Banker’s letter of credit is of two types.
i. Commercial LOC.
ii. Personal LOC.
Commercial letter of credit is issued for business purposes.
Kinds of Commercial Letter of Credit
Kinds of commercial letter of credit are as follows.
i. Clean LOC:
It is letter of credit in which no conditions are attached.
ii. Documentary LOC:
It is letter of credit which requires document to be attached with it.
iii. Fixed LOC:
Letter of credit issued for some specific transaction and automatically cancels after
those transactions.
iv. Revolving LOC:
Revolving letter of credit is renewed automatically after payment of transaction.
v. Confirmed LOC:
It is letter of credit which is properly attested by bank and after its issuance bank is
liable for payment to exporter in any condition.
vi. Revocable LOC:
Revocable letters of credit may be canceling at any point due to any reason.
vii. Negotiable LOC:
Negotiable letter of credit is one whose receiver has right to transfer it to any other
party and instruct its bank to transfer rights in partial of full.
ii. Facility for Importer:
It is the bank who pay debts to exporters the importer does not worry about
payment at spot he can make payment in installment. Burden is lowered Importer
has to pay interest against letter of credit facility.
iii. Facility for Exporter: Exporter also facilitated through letter of credit because it is
assured that payment is made against goods he/she sold which is not possible
without involving bank
The loan process refers to those set of activities which are required to be performed by
the lender to grant the loan. When a business wants to obtain a loan from a bank or any
other financial institution, it has to fulfill certain procedures to get the required funds.
These tasks are performed by the business to raise the desired debt capital activities.
These include the necessary steps to be taken by the business to get the loan from a
financial institutional. A set of these activities is given below to understand the steps and
documents required for a loan application:
Funds Demand
Products Information
Bank Selection
Documents Preparation
Loan Approval
analysis performed by the finance manager to obtain the loan. The selection of a bank is
generally made by comparing the terms and conditions of the loan with the other banks
and the most favorable bank are selected for applying the loan.
This unit has elaborated the concept of bank advances and loans. Bank advances are
usually of short term nature and include cash finance, running finance and demand
finance which carries lower interest rates with shorter maturity periods. The bank loans
are medium to long term financing arrangements and include car finance, house finance,
asset finance, infrastructure finance etc. Both bank advances and loans are given by a
bank after careful credit analysis and observing the principles of lending.
Test Questions
1. Write a detail note on running finance.
2. Write about characteristics of cash finance.
3. Detail note on principle of bank lending.
4. What is credit analysis?
References (Books):
1. Financial Markets and Institutions by Anthony Saunders
2. Financial Institution Management by Helen P. Lange
3. Financial Institutions and Markets by Meir G. Kohn
4. Financial Markets and Institutions by Frederic Mishkin and Stanley G
5. Fundamentals of Financial Institutions Management by Marcia Million
References (Reports):
1. State of Economy Report, SBP, 2019-2020
2. Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2019-2020
Objectives ................................................................................................................... 79
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 86
Exercise....................................................................................................................... 87
Central bank is a bank which manages the money supply, national currency and interest
rates in a country along with overseeing the commercial banking system. A central bank
controls monetary policy and flow of currency within country and maintains value of
local currency in foreign exchange market. It sets rules and regulations for all commercial
bank and all banks are required to follows instructions of central bank. A central bank
also provides different facilities to commercial banks in the form of liquidity support and
inter-institutional transactions. The State Bank of Pakistan is the central bank of Pakistan
and in this unit we will describe its key functions.
After reading this unit you will able;
i. to understand monetary policy and instruments of monetary policy.
ii. to explain central bank and its functions.
iii. to know the difficulties in controlling credit in economy
iv. to elaborate the role of the state bank of Pakistan
A central bank is an independent institution that manages a state currency money supply
and interest rates. The goal of central bank is to stabilize the national currency by keeping
unemployment low and inflation at lowest possible levels. A central bank has authority to
supervise the activities of the commercial bank.
“A central bank is to help, control and stabilized the monetary and banking system’’
In simple words central bank is the bank which controls the monetary policy and
regulates the banking sector in a country. It is owned by the government of country in
which it established. Central bank has sole authority of note issue. It made policies for
commercial banks and give advices to government which in important for economic
development. It can contract or expand supply of money in economy to control inflation
or deflation. Central bank provide many other services to banks like clearing house, cash
reserve etc.
ii. Bank of Government:
A central bank acts as a banker of government. The govt. makes deposit with the
central bank. It provides loan to government for different developing purpose. It
makes payment on the behalf of government. A central bank also gives different
advices to government to improve economic development. Central bank represents
government in international market.
“Monetary policy is the attitude of the political authority towards the monetary system of
the community under its control”. (Paul Einzing)
“It is a policy of central bank to control the supply of money with the aim of achieving
macroeconomic stability’’ (Harry G. Johnson)
v. Investment Increased:
Through changes in interest rates in the monetary policy a central bank encourage
both private and public sectors for investment which is helpful for the growth of
economic development.
Quantitative Controls:
ii. Open Market Operations:
It means sale and purchase of securities in the financial market. When central bank
wants to increase the volume of money it purchases securities from open markets
and for reduction of volume of money supply, the central bank sales the securities.
iii. Change in Reserve Ratio:
Central bank affects the supply of money by changing the reserve ratio. Every bank
has to maintain the specific reserve ratio (in the form of cash) with central bank. A
central bank may increase or decrease the reserve ratio to change the money supply
in the economy.
Qualitative Controls:
i. Margin Requirements:
It is the difference between value of securities and the value of loan advanced by
the central bank. The rate of margin may affect the amount of loans disbursed by a
commercial bank.
ii. Direct action
If commercial banks do not follow the directions and orders of the central bank
then the central bank may take direct action in the following situations;
a. By refusing to discount bills
b. Does not provide the facility of clearing house.
c. May increase the cash reserve ratio.
d. May charges fine or penalties
Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’’ issued the order for the establishment of State Bank of
Pakistan on 1st, July 1948. This order has been substituted by the State Bank of Pakistan
Act 1956.
v. Distribution of Credit:
The SBP develops policies for the allocation of credit among different sectors of
economy to develop a balanced economy. It also helps government to implement is
credit plans and goals. It advances subsidized loans through other banks for the
development of underdeveloped areas in country.
vi. Training
Staff training is very important for stable growth of banking industry. The SBP
through its training institution, National Institute of Banking and Finance, provides
training to employees according to modern technology requirements.
Regional Offices:
The sixteen (16) Field Offices of the BSC-Bank are structured into the following three
In this unit central bank and its functions has been explained. Central bank control and
stabilized the monetary and banking system. The central bank plays vital role in
economic development of country. One of the fundamental responsibilities of the
central bank is regulation and supervision of the financial system to ensure its
soundness and stability as well as to protect the interests of depositors. The central
bank acts through the issuance of the monetary policy to affect the growth of the money
supply. The purpose of establishment of State Bank of Pakistan was the issuance of
independent currency and controls the flow of that currency. The SBP performs many
functions it provides services to all banks as well as government and it controls the
working of all commercial banks.
References (Books):
Reference (Reports):
Page #
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 91
Objectives ................................................................................................................... 91
In this last unit, the growth and development of banking sector in Pakistan will be
discussed. Starting from the 1947 when banking sector was in its infant phase, the
commercial banking made a lot of progress in 1950s and 60s. Then came the he
nationalization program in 1972 with the vision to promote the economic democracy,
liberalization and maintain goal to put Pakistan in line with state modernism. Reversing
nationalization, the privatization of banking sector was made with objectives of making it
efficient and responsive. Lastly, the new trends of Islamic banking, micro-finance banks
and digital banking will also be discussed briefly.
After reading this unit you will able;
i. to know the history of banking in Pakistan
ii. to understand the objectives of nationalization
iii. to know the objectives of privatization
iv. to understand the evolution of Islamic banking in Pakistan
v. to know the growth of digital banking in Pakistan
Banks plays an important role in the economic development of a country. The banking
system in India was started during the time of British colonialism. When Pakistan was
declared a separate state in 14th August 1947 large number of non-Muslims migrated
from Pakistan to India which negatively affected the number of bank branches in
Pakistan. Habib Bank Limited and Allied Bank Limited were major private sector banks
of that time. Later on National Bank of Pakistan was created. As the business of banking
was controlled by Hindus, their emigration to India left the banking sector of Pakistan in
shambles. The Govt. sector cooperative banks were ill-equipped to deal with such
Effects of Nationalization of Banks:
Objectives of Privatization:
i. To provide better standard of services to general public.
ii. To improve performance of banking sector improved.
iii. To promote competition among different sectors.
iv. To develop capital market
v. To increase deposits and saving habits.
Advantages of Privatization:
i. Efficiency Improved: Efficiency and productivity of banking sector was improved
as private sector strives for profit and cuts cost.
ii. High competition: Competition is improved in private sector that results in
improved service standards and improved customers dealings
iii. Political interference Decrease: Privatization decreased the political interference
as private banks are not fully owned by state. People have concern about profit and
quality services so they cannot take any government pressure.
iv. Pressure of shareholders: private sector has pressure of shareholders to perform
efficiently because if firm is inefficient than firm could be takeover.
v. Quick decision: Quick decision making is only possible through private sector
banking that improves credit allocation and improves customer satisfaction.
“An institution which carries on any activity, whether for profit or
otherwise, with or without any Government funding, with the purpose of
promoting development in the industrial, agricultural, commercial or other
economic sector, including the provision of capital or other credit facility;
and for the purposes of this definition, “development” includes the
commencement of any new industrial, agricultural, commercial or other
economic venture or the expansion or improvement of any such existing
The Company started operations in August 2007 after its notification as a Development
Finance Institution.
Pak Libya Holding Company (Pvt.) Limited - It is a joint venture between Pakistan
and Libya symbolizing the ever strengthening relationship between the two countries. It
was founded as a joint stock company on 14 October 1978.
The micro-finance institutions are established to provide the financial support in the
form of small loans and other financial services to the economically poor segments of the
society. Generally, a micro-finance institution works to extend the micro loans to the
poor on easy conditions in order to enhance their incomes. Unlike the commercial banks,
the micro-finance banks do not ask for some security or pledge of an asset to seek a loan.
Instead of this, microfinance institution has designed some other criteria to secure the
repay ability of the granted loan. For seeking loan from a micro-finance institution, a
poor person has to declare his/her conditions openly with a promise to utilize the amount of
loan in a productive manner to ensure its timely repayment. The structure of a micro-
finance institution may be the in form of a non-government organization or a bank. In case
of micro-finance bank, it will have to get license from the State Bank of Pakistan and all
operations of the micro-finance banks are monitored by the State Bank of Pakistan.
v. Financial Inclusion:
The participation of poor individuals and micro enterprises in the financial system
through the MFBs provides a way for enhancing the financial inclusion in the
country. A large majority of poor has no bank account in Pakistan and this impacts
their ability to access the formal financial markets. The MFBs fills this gap and
increases the overall financial inclusion of the poor in the financial system.
ii. Management: According to Musharaka principles all partners have a right to take
part in its management and work for partners. But it depends on partners if they
agreed that affairs of management are managed by one of them than other partner’s
only share profit up to their investment.
iii. Distribution of Profit or Loss: The ratio of profit or loss for each partner must be
determined according to profit or loss earned by business. Fixed lump sum is not paid
to anyone. Sharing is made according to agreed ratio fixed at the time of agreement.
Modaraba: Modaraba means a business in which some partners contribute capital and
the Modarab (manager) contribute his managerial skills. Profit sharing among partners is
done according to the contribution made by each partner and the ratio mentioned in the
Features of Ijarah:
i. Tangible asset: To lease the specific goods or assets like property and transport etc.
ii. Labor: To lease out the Self Skills. Workers that work only for the interest of
particular employer or contractor and does not have rights to work for other during
that time.
iii. Description of assets: Asset is described in advance. Asset is not available during
contract it must be delivered at some specific date.
Now customer demands 24 hours banks at anywhere. Due to internet technology entire
banking structure has been changed. Banking services become economical due to
technology. There is a saving time and money by using E. banking. Online banking
facility has been provided by large number of commercial bank. All banks provides
number of facilities to attract customer. The banks are quite aware the changing needs of
customers. They realize that if they compete they shall provide facilities of electronic
banking to their customers.
Forms of E-Banking:
i. Internet Banking:
It refers to the provision of funds receipts and payments services through internet
on the particular website of the bank. In this age of IT, almost all commercial
banks have developed the interactive websites for facilitating customers to access
their accounts through website from their homes and make desired transactions in
online mode.
ii. Mobile App Based Banking:
Mobile application-based banking is modern concept of digital banking in which a
specialized mobile application is developed and customers can install that
application on their mobile phones. This application enables the customers to
access their accounts from their mobiles and receipts and payments can be made
through this mode.
iii. Phone Banking:
Phone banking enables customers to access their accounts from mobiles through
special interfaces developed with the help of telecom companies. It is relatively
older concept than the app-based banking and majority of banks are now shifting
their digital operations towards app-based mobile banking discussed above.
iv. ATM:
The Automated Teller Machines (ATM) are used for many banking services. Usually
installed at bank branches and shopping malls, these machines disburse cash to the
desired customers and funds can be transferred through them in an easy way.
Benefits of Electronic Banking:
Internet banking is also called online or home banking. It is started with the use of
proprietary software. Following are the advantages of electronic banking.
v. Payment of Utility Bills: Utility bills like gas bill, electricity bills and telephone
bills paid to the concerned department even sitting in any other country through
internet banking.
vi. Market Expansion: Due to electronic banking, both national and international
market has expended as we can make payment through internet by purchasing
anything from other countries.
This unit has briefly discussed the concepts of nationalization of banks in 1970s and their
privatization in 1990s. A comparative analysis has been made for both nationalization
and privatization programs. DFIS and Micro-Finance banks and their functions have been
discussed to improve the students’ ability to understand different forms of banking.
Lastly, Islamic banking and digital banking concepts have been discussed. All these
banking forms have increased the capacity of banking sector and have improved services
for the customers.
Short Questions:
1. Define Islamic banking.
2. Explain any four advantages of nationalization.
3. What are the DFIS?
4. What are the MFBs?
Long Questions:
1. Detail note on Islamic banking and its modes.
2. Why Islamic banks are important for Pakistan development?
References (Books):
1. Financial Markets and Institutions by Anthony Saunders
2. Financial Institution Management by Helen P. Lange
3. Financial Institutions and Markets by Meir G. Kohn
4. Financial Markets and Institutions by Frederic Mishkin and Stanley G Eakins
5. Fundamentals of financial institutions management by Marcia Millon Cornett
References (Reports):
1. SECP Annual Report (latest) available on
2. Economic Survey of Pakistan (Latest ) available on
3. State of Economy Annual Report, State Bank of Pakistan (Latest) available on