DESIGN time.
- This requires primary data gathering and
SERVICES analysis.
- Scope of Work
Other items such as cost of transportation, living
and housing allowances of foreign consultants, An agreement on the general scope of the work is
out-of-town living and housing allowances of the necessary in order to set an equitable fee.
local consultants and the like, are all to be charged
to the Client. Lump Sum or Fixed
At the start of the commission, the Architect shall This method may be applied to government
make known to the Client the rate of professionals projects since they entail more paper work and
and personnel who will be assigned to the Project time-consuming efforts.
and the multiplier that has to be applied before
agreeing on this method of compensation. Per Diem,
Honorarium Plus Reimbursable
FORMULA Expenses
Assume: In some cases, a client may request an Architect to
do work which will require his personal time such
A = Architect’s rate / hour as:
C = Consultant’s rate / hour • Attending project-related meetings,
T = Rate per hour of Technical Staff, Researchers conferences or trips.
and others involved in the Project • Conducting ocular inspection of possible
project sites.
AN, CN, TN = No. of hours spent by Architect, • Conferring with others regarding
Consultants and Technical Staff prospective investments or ventures and
the like.
M = Multiplier to account for overhead and
reasonable profit. The value may range from 1.5 For these particular activities, the Architect as
to 2.5 depending on the set-up of the Architect’s agent of the Owner may be paid on a per diem and
office and the complexity of the Project. honorarium basis plus out-of-pocket expenses
such as but not limited to travel, accommodations
R = Reimbursable expenses such as and subsistence.
transportation, housing and living allowance of
Consultant, transportation, per diem, housing and
living allowance of local consultants and technical MIXED METHODS OF
staff if assigned to places over 100 km. from the COMPENSATION
area of operation of the Architect. The SPP provides for more than one method of
compensation on a project. Each project should be
Cost of printing of extra set of drawings, reports, examined to determine the most appropriate and
maps, contract documents, etc. Over the five (5) equitable method of compensation.
copies submitted to the Client, overseas and long
distance calls, technical and laboratory tests,
licenses, fees, taxes and similar cost items needed
by the Project.
Direct cost = AN + CN + TN
Fee = Direct Cost x M
• prescribes space plans, stacking Should the Client separately hire the services of
diagrams / sections and computations of Specialist Consultants (SCs), their professional
areas for the different activities and fee shall be for the account of the client.
spaces to be integrated in a building
The Architect is concerned not merely with a When the Architect is commissioned to do
building / structure but with its immediate physical planning for building sites such as
surroundings as well. In planning for a building, Industrial Estates, Commercial, Religious,
he studies its interrelationship with other Institutional and Government / Civic Centers,
structures, the surrounding environment, and their Sports Complexes, Tourist Centers / Tourism
effect and impact on the neighboring areas. Estates / Resorts, Amusement Parks, Educational
Facilities, Residential and Housing Subdivisions
If the Architect is commissioned to do physical and the like,
plans for specific site, he has to go beyond the
study of human behavior and activities and must The
undertake an in-depth study of the host site’s Architect:
economic systems, its laws and regulations, tax
structure, infrastructure, utilities, and all other - confers with the Owner/ Client on project
components that will have a bearing on the requirements, secures sufficient primary and
project. secondary data to generate reliable
projections and analyses which are to be
SCOPE OF SERVICES used as basis for the preparation of physical
All ideas and concepts have to be translated into
physical plans before they can be implemented. It - examines laws, ordinances, rules and
is the Specialist Architect who provides a multi- regulations affecting the project i.e. code
dimensional point-of-view to a 2-dimensional
searches, and considers the best industry Working as Consulting Architect for site and
practices applicable. physical planning services only.
If the Architect (an RLA) is separately qualified
and suitably experienced as an Environmental
SPP DOCUMENT 203.6 - Planner, the range of all services offered by the
COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT Architect from data base gathering, to the
preparation of environmental impact
PLANNING (CDP) assessments/statements (EIA/S), up to the
SERVICES formulation of the Comprehensive Development
Plan (CDP), may include the following
INTRODUCTION components:
Comprehensive Development Planning (CDP) Physical Component - land use and the changes
Services are based on the concept of expanded which occur within the physical environment
physical planning services to include other (within the space where such activities take
activities necessary for the proper handling of the place), represented mainly by the MDP.
numerous components considered in the Economic Component - the nation’s assets and its
formulation, implementation and realization of a management.
Master Development Plan (MDP). Comprehensive Socio-Cultural Component - the people, their
Development Planning (CDP) covers the range of living conditions and the seeking of ways to
all services from primary data gathering through ameliorate it.
the formulation of the MDP and the parallel Transport Component - road and transit
preparation of the environmental impact networks, land-sea-air linkages, the movement of
assessment / statement (EIA/S). people and goods from one place to another.
While the planning team is multi-disciplinary, the Legal and Administrative Component - the
CDP Services may place heavy emphasis on the relationship of adopted development proposals
non-physical / non-engineering components of the and policies to existing laws.
development plan i.e. financial, economic / market Comprehensive Development Planning (CDP)
demand / forecast, administrative-political- calls for the detailed study of physical, social,
institutional-legal, socio-cultural, environmental, economic and administrative components and as
and the like. In contrast, MDP Services puts a such requires the expertise and knowledge of
premium on the physical planning and Specialist Consultants (SCs).
engineering components of the development plan, When the Consulting Architect is commissioned
which are the direct or sequential physical to do a Comprehensive Development Planning
translations of the inputs from the initial stages of effort, he performs the following:
the CDP effort. - identifies existing land use, resources, social
If suitably trained and experienced, the Architect’s behavior and interaction;
ability to synthesize and organize into a whole - undertakes environmental analysis,
(the various information relating to the user’s demographic analysis and feasibility studies;
needs, perception and expectations, site and - examines existing laws, ordinances,
climatic conditions, construction technology, political/ social constraints;
materials, cost and other information) qualifies - prepares the conceptual development plans,
him to take the lead role in an undertaking that policies, implementing strategies to arrive at
cuts across various disciplines.
the desired comprehensive and/or master normally recommended by the Architect based on
planning solution/s. their performance, and hired by the Owner. They
are answerable to both the Owner and Architect.
The Architect may enter into contract with the Quality Control
Owner in two possible ways: Evaluation of Construction Work
Working in a dual capacity as Architect-of- Preparation of Daily Inspection Reports
record and as Consulting Architect for Filing of documents
comprehensive development planning the detailed tasks shall be as specified
services. under the Architect’s Guidelines.
Working as Consulting Architect for
comprehensive development planning
MANNER OF There are two ways by which the Architect may
COMPENSATION enter into contract with the Owner:
Compensation for the foregoing specialized
architectural service shall be through man-months Working in a dual capacity as Architect-of-record
i.e. 22 man-days multiplied by 8 man-hours, and and as Consulting Architect for fulltime
multiplied by a factor to cover other direct and supervision services or as the Construction
indirect costs e.g. overhead, etc. or as prescribed Supervision Group (CSG). As the Architect-of-
by the Architect’s Guidelines. record (Aor) of the project, the Aor is in a better
SPP DOCUMENT 204 - A - FULL TIME position to interpret his drawings and documents
SUPERVISION SERVICES (REPLACING THE and to assure conformity by the Contractor. He
1979 UAP DOC. 204-A) can assign his staff to undertake the fulltime
supervisory work to perform the works as
INTRODUCTION enumerated in the Architect’s Guidelines.
For the past 50 years, four principal members
were involved in the design and building Working as Consulting Architect for fulltime
construction process: supervision services only or as the CSG.
- The Owner who orders for the
implementation of a project; METHOD OF COMPENSATION
- The Architect and his Specialist The Architect’s compensation is based on the
Consultants (SCs) who render plan / Architect’s / architectural firm’s talents, skill,
design services and limited inspection experience, and on the type and level of
work; professional services provided. Compensation for
- The Contractor who performs the Fulltime Supervision Services may be based on
construction work; one or more of the following:
- The individual or group of
individuals who assist in the supervision and Percentage (%) of Project
delivery of the work. Construction Cost (PCC)
The Architect’s Fee for Fulltime Supervision as
The Architect-in-charge of construction based on the PPC shall be detailed in
(AICC) is directly and professionally responsible the Architect’s Guidelines.
and liable for the construction supervision of the
project. Multiple of Direct Personnel
When projects were still manageable in size, the This cost-based method of compensation is
Architect was then assisted by a construction applicable only to non-creative work such as
inspector, traditionally called Clerk-of-Works. accounting, secretarial, research, data gathering,
As projects became more complex, it became preparation of reports and the like. This method of
necessary for a construction supervision group to compensation is based on technical hours spent
do the full-time inspection at the project site. and does not account for creative work since the
value of creative design cannot be measured by
The Construction Supervision Group (CSG) is the length of time the designer has spent on his
work. The computation is made by adding all where there is continuing relationship involving a
costs of technical services (man hours x rate) and series of projects. It establishes a fixed sum over
then multiplying it by a multiplier to cover and above the reimbursement for the Architect’s
overhead and profit. technical time and overhead. An agreement on the
general scope of the work is necessary in order to
The multiplier ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 depending set an equitable fee.
on the office set-up, overhead and experience of
the Architect and the complexity of the Project. Lump Sum or Fixed Fee
This method may be applied to government
Other items such as cost of transportation, living projects since they entail more paper work and
and housing allowances of foreign consultants, time-consuming efforts.
out-of-town living and housing allowances of the
local consultants and the like, are all to be charged Per Diem, Honorarium Plus
to the Client. At the start of the commission, the Reimbursable Expenses
Architect shall make known to the Client the rate In some cases a Client may request an Architect to do
of professionals and personnel who will be work which will require his personal time such as:
assigned to the Project and the multiplier that has - attending project-related meetings,
to be applied before agreeing on this method of conferences or trips;
compensation. - conducting ocular inspection of possible
project sites; and
FORMULA - conferring with others regarding
Assume: prospective investments or ventures and
A= Architect’s rate / hour the like.
C= Consultant’s rate / hour For these particular activities, the Architect as
T= Rate per hour of Technical Staff, Inspectors agent of the Owner may be paid on a per diem and
and others involved in the Project honorarium basis plus out-of-pocket expenses
AN, CN, TN= No. of hours spent by Architect, such as but not limited to travel, accommodations
Consultants and Technical Staff and subsistence.
M= Multiplier to account for overhead and
reasonable profit. The value may range Mixed Methods of
from 1.5 to 2.5 depending on the set-up Compensation
of the Architect’s office and the complexity The SPP provides for more than one method of
of the Project. compensation on a project. Each project should be
R= Reimbursable expenses such as examined to determine the most appropriate
transportation, housing and living method of compensation.
allowance of Consultant, transportation, per
diem, housing and living allowance of local LIMITATION OF
consultants and technical staff if AUTHORITY
assigned to places over 100km. from area The Construction Supervision Group (CSG),
of operation of the Architect. which may be a qualified architectural firm, or
which the Architect is only part of, shall not
Cost of printing of extra set of drawings, reports, assume the responsibility of the Contractor’s
maps, contract documents, etc. over the seven (7) project superintendent.
copies submitted to the Client, overseas and long
distance calls, technical and laboratory tests, The CSG shall not make decisions on matters that
licenses, fees, taxes and similar cost items needed are the sole responsibility of the Architect-of-
by the Project. record (Aor).
If the Aor (and Eors) and the Contractor are sued - Coordination and Supervision
by an Owner for civil liabilities due to the - Cost and Time Control
performance or non-performance of certain acts - Quality Control of Work
traceable to the CSG, the Aor and Eors may file - Keeping of Records
cross claims against the CSG.
The Construction Manager (CM) may hire the
QUALIFICATIONS CSG to be under his employ or may supervise the
Inspectors of the Construction Supervision Group CSG hired directly by the Owner.
(CSG) must have the following:
- A Bachelor of Science in Architecture LIMITATION OF
(B.S. Arch.) Degree AUTHORITY
- Extensive experience in design and
building construction and must be The Architect as the
very knowledgeable in building materials Construction Manager shall not:
and construction detailing.
SPP DOCUMENT 204 - B - Involve himself directly with the work of the
CONSTRUCTION Contractor such that it may be construed that he is
assuming the Contractor’s liability as provided for
MANAGEMENT in Article 1723, etc. of the Civil Code.
Through the control process, you can catch when The project planning phase is your chance to build
things don’t go as planned and quickly course project controls into the bedrock of your project.
correct to keep your project on track. The more detailed your plan is, the less control
management you’ll need to do later on.
Project risk management is a crucial project
control to proactively identify and prevent risks
from derailing your project. The best way to do
this is with a risk register, where you rank
potential risks by priority and assess how to
manage them accordingly.
Change control is one of the best ways to prevent
project scope creep, which can lead to timeline
delays, increased budget, and project defects.
When you implement a change control process,
you’ll feel prepared for any project changes that
come your way.
Construction risk management is the process of Here are the five steps of
evaluating and implementing procedures to reduce the risk management
the impact of risks in construction projects. process.
• • Identification: First, make a list of every
This risk management process involves thorough possible issue that could arise.
planning to create a risk management plan that • Assessment: Not all risks are equal. Some
allows project managers to identify, monitor, and are more likely to occur, others less
mitigate risks as they arise. so.
• Mitigation: This is where you implement
Types of Risk in Construction Projects a contingency plan that will reduce
• Safety Risk: the likelihood and impact of the
Your crew is your most valuable resource. risks you identified earlier.
• Monitoring: This step is always ongoing,
• Financial Risk: as you attempt to identify these
Without money, nothing happens. risks when they show up.
• Reporting: Your construction risk
• Legal Risk: management plan should be
Managing a construction project involves analyzed and shared with the
more than the constraints of time, cost, crew and stakeholders.
and scope.
• Project Risk: DISPUTES
Project risks are universal project Managing risk is crucial for the avoidance of
management risks associated with commercial disputes. Risk can take many forms,
managing any project. including poor communication and delivery,
inadequate or no contract drafting, and ineffective
• Environmental Risk: risk management procedures. While businesses
AKA an “act of God,” such as face pressure to keep costs, including legal
floods, earthquakes, and other kinds of spending, down, the importance of taking a
natural disasters. proactive approach towards risk management
cannot be overstated in mitigating cost and
management time in the long term.
Early Analysis parties seek legal advice,
The risk of a dispute escalating will be reduced if by:
an early analysis of the legal issues is completed. • Ensuring the instruction is clear that legal
This can be achieved by collating the essential advice is being sought.
documents in an organized/chronological format • Identifying who will have responsibility
and preparing a detailed description of the case by for managing instructions to lawyers.
identifying and speaking to the individuals • Ensuring any advice on the commercial
involved. aspects that could be deemed as not giving
legal advice is separated into standalone
It is recommended that legal advice is sought at documents.
an early stage. Formulating a strategy and • Seeking advice before asking staff to
spending money early will reduce the risk of undertake research or investigative work
higher, long-term expenditure and risk, should the connected to the instruction of their legal
dispute be left to escalate. Well-trained staff and advisers to preserve privilege.
encouragement of a “no blame” culture will also • Guidelines should be circulated at the
aid such investigations. outset to all managers and employees
involved in the dispute explaining the
Contractual Documents extent of the disclosure obligations and the
Your business needs written documents on which implications.
it can rely which set out the terms agreed between • Keeping communications with lawyers on
the parties, whether this is a contract, your terms, a separate file marked 'privileged and
and conditions, invoices, a Shareholders’ confidential.
Agreement, or employment contracts. Terms • Seeking immediate legal advice if a
should regularly be reviewed to ensure that they request is received for information from a
are up to date with current law and are regulatory authority or you become a party
enforceable. to an inquiry.
You should also retain all correspondence INSURANCE
between the parties leading up to any agreement
being finalized as in the event of a dispute, this A response to certain risks such as fire, property
can prove very helpful in determining the damage, or personal injury (i.e., pure risks) is to
intention of the parties. It is without exception, far purchase insurance. Insurance exchanges an
easier, quicker, and cheaper to resolve a dispute if unknown cost impact of a known risk for a known
there are clear written terms in place. cost impact.
It will pay off to invest the money upfront in the In the example of a risk of fire, the cost impact of
preparation of the documents to ensure the terms the risk is unknown depending on the extent of the
and both parties’ obligations are watertight. fire. But when insurance is purchased, the cost
impact of a risk of fire becomes known; it is the
Management of Documents cost of the insurance.
A consistent pitfall is the inadequate management
of documents when carrying out investigations Mitigating the risk by purchasing insurance does
and ensuring that companies/businesses maintain not eliminate all impacts. There may still be
any legal advice and/or litigation privilege. residual risks. For example, there can still be
schedule delays on the project caused by the fire.
Legal advice privilege relates to confidential
communications between a client and lawyer and The Perks of Insurance to Risk
enables the exchange of information between a Management
lawyer and client in a frank and open manner Insurance should be a crucial cornerstone in risk
without fear of the communications being relied management programs because it brings so much
on by the opposing party. to the table. Risk Management Monitor recently
discussed some of the core benefits of risk
Care should therefore be taken when carrying management:
out internal inquiries and the basis on which • Protection from financial loss
For young businesses, a multitude of
things can go wrong, from natural disasters Interpersonal
to theft and burglary. relationships teach us
who we are. From a very
• Better reputation young age, the people
– around us form key
New businesses are always looking for aspects of our
financial support, whether it’s from angel personalities and value
investors or banks. systems. They can help
give us a sense of purpose
• Protection from financial loss and direction. They’re also a key component to
– overall physical and mental well-being. There’s a
For young businesses, a multitude of strong link between relationships and emotional
things can go wrong, from natural disasters health. That’s why it’s vital to surround yourself
to theft and burglary. with people who give you joy, support, and
• Better reputation
New businesses are always looking for PERSONAL
financial support, whether it’s from angel RELATIONSHIP
investors or banks. There are different types of interpersonal
relationships. They’re all equally important but
• Improve liability – each is unique. They depend on individual
General liability insurance protects connection and the expectations of the
entrepreneurs against unforeseen everyday relationship.
threats, whether it’s someone slipping on
their floors or getting their fingers jammed 1. FAMILY
in the door on the way out. Family can include our parents, siblings,
grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, caregivers,
and guardians. These are the first relationships we
ever form. We often have close ties to family
INTER - members. These bonds can last a lifetime.
RELATIONSHIP While you don’t get to choose your family, you do
get to choose your friends. Some friendships are
INTER - PROFESSIONAL even more important than family connections.
Sometimes mutual attraction evolves from “I like
Professional relationships involve people working you” to “I like you and I love you.” This is a
together to achieve a common goal for the benefit romantic interpersonal relationship. A romantic
of their company or organization. These relationship can sometimes start as a friendship,
relationships can vary greatly depending on the but they are different.
personality traits and intentions of the individuals
involved. 4. WORK
You may see your co-workers more than you see
Learning about professional relationships can help your own family, so it’s normal to form strong
prepare you to form your own workplace bonds with your work peeps. Your shared
connections. In this article, we discuss what a experiences can create relationships that impact
professional relationship is, review different types the workplace dynamic.
of professional relationships and present five tips
to help you build effective professional Here are some helpful tips for workplace
relationships. friendships:
• Set boundaries.
Why they are so • Keep office conversation about the work.
• Find an appropriate balance between Strategic
personal and professional. alliances can come in many sizes and
• Save the lengthy conversation and hot goss forms:
about last night’s Tinder disaster for happy
hour. • An oil and natural gas company might
form a strategic alliance with a research
INTER - laboratory to develop more commercially
ALLIANCES viable recovery processes.
Alliance is an arrangement between two • A clothing retailer might form a strategic
companies to undertake a mutually beneficial alliance with a single manufacturer to
project while each retains its independence. The ensure consistent quality and sizing.
agreement is less complex and less binding than a • A website could form a strategic alliance
joint venture, in which two businesses pool with an analytics company to improve its
resources. marketing efforts.