PDDS Laboratory Midterms Reviewer

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Experiment 4: Simple syrup Preparation of syrups

Syrup - Concentrated aqueous preparations of a Solution with the aid of heat

sugar or sugar substitute with or without added - application of heat to make the syrup
flavoring agents and medical substances. homogeneous
Types: - this method was used in the preparation of
-Simple Syrup - concentrate sucrose in purified simple syrup at school (experiment no.4)
water, use as flavoring as well addition of Solution by agitation
sweetness to the liquid petrolatum. Concentration is - also termed as simple solution. By just adding
85% NF/USP (sucrose) the solute and solvent.
-Medicated Syrup - syrups containing therapeutic Reconstitution
or medicinal agents. - is a method where in you add sucrose to a
ex. Dextromethorphan prepared medicament or flavored liquid.
Antihistamine syrup Percolation
Vitamin syrups - process of extraction where in there is a
-Flavored Syrup - intended to serve as a pleasant passage of solvent through a bed of sucrose.
tasting vehicle or flavorant for a medicine. Usually 1mL per minute.
ex. Ipecac syrup - this is used as an antiemetic
Advantages of syrups
Syrup/Simple syrup - nearly saturated solution of
sucrose (85% w/v or 65% w/v with a sp.gr. of 1.3)
-Palatable and sweet

No need for preservative if it is to be used soon

 -Commonly use as anti-oxidants. It means it
retards the oxidation because of the sugar
Sucrose sustitites: Sorbitol, Glycerine, Propylene
partly hydrolyzed into dextrose and levulose,
which is a reducing sugar.
 Prevents the decomposition of many
Nonglycogenetics: Methylcellulose, hydroxyl
 No need to add preservatives because simple
- If Nonglycogenetics prepartions is to be made
syrups acts as a preservative.
you will need to add 5 -10% ethanol to prevent
 Because it exerts high osmotic pressure it
bacterial growth
prevents the growth of microorganisms such as
bacteria, fungi, molds, and etc.
- An artificial sweetener example is Stivia.
 It makes preparations palatable and sweet.
Vehicle for bitter an non good tasting
preparations. When simple syrup is added.
 Prevents the decomposition of many vegetable
Experiment 5: Aromatic ammonia spirit Experiment 6: Sweet orange peel tincture
Spirits -also termed as essences Extractives
-approximately has 60% of alcohol content - These are preparations obtained from plants and
Alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions of volatile animals with the aid of a solvent.
substances - These preparations are commonly separated by
- When mixed with water or other aqueous medicinaly active portions from an inactive
preparation, the volatile substances in spirits component.
generally separate from solution and form milky - Extraction of the crude drug that has
preparation. pharmacological activity, this si considered as an
Preparation of Spirits
Methods of Extraction
1. Simple solution w/Agitation
- Aromatic ammonia spirit was made by the use of
 Allow the prepartion to stand for a period of
this prepartion.
2. Solution with Maceration
 Usually happen when there is a solid plus a
- Extraction technique where in you would want to
solvent, and put in a stoppered container and
get the extract of plant and animal sources.
let it stand for some time.
- Prepartions are allowed to stand for zevarl hours
or days and then filtered.
 Maceration w/gentle heat
- Example of this preparation is peppermint spirit
 Allows the prepation to stand but with heating,
3. Chemical Reactions
heat is used to speed up the extraction
- Double decomposition
process to get the extract.
- New formed ions or chemical compound
- Example of this preparation is Ethyl nitrite and
 A method to make the Ipecac syrup.
Amyl nitrite (used as anesthetic prepartion)
 Extraction of coffee from grains is percolation.
4. Distillation
 Is maceration with the use of a percolator.
 Brandy - Spiritus vini vitis. Fermentation of
 Boiling of water for 15 minutes to get the
 Whisky - Spiritus frumenti. Fermantaion of
active constituent.
malted grains
 Rhum - molasses
 Is maceration with the use of hot or cold
 Aromatic ammonia spirits are used to prevent
or treat fainting.
 Aromatic ammonia spirits are used externally,
hence it has a red label.
 Used by putting a small amount on a cotton
and inhaled through the nose approximately 4
inches away.
Experiment 7: Camphor water - Retention enemas
- Camphor water is a good example of aromatic - solution administerd rectally and locally with
water also termed as medicated water medication
- A clear saturated aqueous solution of volatile oils Categorize into three:
or other aromatic or volatile subtances  Nutritive
- Camphor water is used to manage skin infection. - supplies nutrients to the patient, rectally
Used as antifungal and antibacterial. induced
- Camphor water is commonly used to prevent the  Medicative
growth of bacteria amd fungi in the skin. - for systemic effect
- Wrote in a red label.  Diagnostic
- example of diagnostic enema is Barium
Preparation of aromatic Waters Sulfate enema (BaSO4) and fleet enema
1. Distillation/Cohobation
- stronger rose water NF Starch enema is a liquid treatment commonly used
2. Solution Method to relieve severe constipation.
- There is a preparation of volatile oil added to - helps to push out faeces from the rectum if you
water stand that for overnight, then filter with talc cannot do so on your own
- put the talc in the preparation then filter Experiment 10: Bentonite magma
3. Alternate Solution Method - Magmas are aqueous suspensions of insoluble
inorganic drugs. They differ from gels in the
suspended particles are larger. Magmas are thick
Experiment 9: Starch enema
and viscous it is important to add a suspending
-Enemas are also known as Clyster, they are rectal
agent with suitable preservatic and flavoring agent.
injections employed to:
1. Evacuate the bowel
2. To influence the general system by absorption
- Simple hydration
3. Affect locally the seat of disease
- Bentonite magma is done by this preparation
4. For diagnostic visualization of GIT
- Slowly sprinkle the bentonite magma in hot
- Enemas are characterized to be antihelmenthic,
- Chemical reaction
nutritive, sedative, stimulating, radio opaque
- add chemicals that will react and form magma
substance for the examination of the lower bowel
Two general type of enema:
Bentonite magmas are used as astringents and
- Evacuation enemas
adsorbent. Can also be used to treat diarrhea and
- rectal enemas employed to promote evacuations
intestinal inflammation and ulceration. Cosmetic
of bowel and to cleanse the bowel
- ex. fleet enema
starch enema Bentonite's main constituent is mont morillonite
Experiment 11: Liquid petrolatum emulsion Three type of emulsifying agents
Natural - Plant or animal source. Polysaccharide,
Types of Emulsions: sterols
-O/W - Oil is internal phase. Water is the external
phase Finely Divided
-W/O - Water internal, oil external
-Multiple emulsions -O/W/O or W/O/W 1- 10 A (size) Synthetic - the Anionic is commonly used for
-Microemulsions - appear transparennt or external. Cationic has antibacterial property
translucentand have droplet diameter in the nm size
range, thermodynamically and optically stable

Methods of preparation:
-Dry gum/Continental - 4:2:1 ratio 1 is the
emulsifier 2 is the water 4 is the oil . Order of
mixing, oil first second water third emulsifier rapi Liquid petrolatum emulsion is a laxative. Used to
actions aid the removal of bowel
-Wet gum/English- 4:2:1 ratio water first oil types of laxative:
second then slowly add emulsifier Osmotic laxative - relieves occasional
-Forbes Bottle Method- 3:2:1 or 2:2:1 . constipation by drawing water into the bowel, to
Compounding is for volatile oil so it is put in bottle soften the bowel, and increase the frequency of
-Nascent soap/ In Situ Method - alaline, bowel movement
Hydroxide(OH) , Potasium Hydroxide (KOH) (oft Stimulant laxative - makes the intestines to
soap), Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) (hard soap) contract and push the stool out of it. Examples is
Two parts of emulsion: Bulk forming laxative - contains fiber and uses
Dispersed phase - insoluble oils in suspended the water in the intestines to get bulkier. Larger
medium. Internal phase. Discontinous phase stool makes the bowel to contract and forces the
Dispersed medium - soluble . external phase. solid watse to come out
Continous phase Stool softener - helps to soften the dry or hard
Lubricant laxative - a good example is the liquid
petrolatum emulsion or mineral oil emulsion. It
coats the surface of the stool making it more fluid,
easier to glide.
Experiment 8: Acacia mucilage
- These are thick, viscid adhesive liquids prepared
by Dispersion of gums in water
- Acacia mucilage are nearly transparent, or
yellowish or viscid liquid
- Employed as soothing agent, inflammatory
conditions, respiratory, digestive and urinary tract.
- Useful for diarrhea and mesentery
- Label is color white
- Extraction of mucilage and its principles from
vegetable materials Prone to decomposition
(decrease in viscocity on storage) and they should
never be made in larger quantities that can be used
immediately, unless preservative (benzoic acid) is

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