Dynamics 1 - Handouts
Dynamics 1 - Handouts
Dynamics 1 - Handouts
936ft/s 2
-motion of a body moving in a straight line. C. −3.916ft/s 2 D. 3.916ft/s 2
+(sign) = body is speeding up (accelerating) 4. A policeman aimed his rifle at the bull’s eye
-(sign)= body is slowing down (decelerating) of a target 50m away. If the speed of the bullet
is 500 m/s, how far below the bull’s eye does
EXAMPLES: the bullet strike the target?
1. If a particle’s position is given by the A. 1.25cm B. 2.50cm
expression x(t)=3.4t^3-5.4t meters, what is C. 3.75cm D. 5.00cm
the acceleration of the particle after t=5
seconds? 5. A man driving his car at a constant speed of
A. 201 m/s^2 B. 102 m/s^2 42 mph suddenly sees a cow crossing the road
C. 210 m/s^2 D. 112 m/s^2 60 ft ahead. At what constant deceleration (in
feet/second^2) is required to avoid hitting the
2. An automobile moving at a constant velocity animal? Assume a reaction time of 0.3 second
of 15 m/s passes a gasoline station. Two before the man applies the brake.
seconds later, another automobile leaves the A. 15.9ft/s 2 B. 25.4ft/s 2
gasoline station and accelerates at a constant C. 45.7ft/s 2 D. 45.7ft/s 2
rate of 2m/s^2. How soon will the second
automobile overtake the first? 6. What is the acceleration of a body that
A. 18.768s B. 17.687s increases in velocity from 20m/s to 40m/s in
C. 16.787s D. 61.787s 3 seconds?
A. 6.67m/s 2 B. 4.56m/s 2
3. A boat man rows to a place 48 miles distant C. 3.45m/s 2 D. 2.17m/s 2
and back in 14 hours but find that he can row
4 miles with the stream in the same time as 3 7. How far does an automobile move while its
miles against the stream. Find the rate of the speed increases uniformly from 15kph to
stream. 45kph in 20 seconds?
A. 1mph B. 2mph A. 176m B. 167m
C. 3mph D. 4mph C. 156m D. 165m
+(sign) = body is speeding up (accelerating) 4. Using a powerful air gun, a steel ball is shot
-(sign)= body is slowing down (decelerating) vertically upward with a velocity of 80 meters
per second, followed by another shot after 5
g=9.81m/s^2=981cm/s^2=32.2ft/s^2 seconds. Find the initial velocity of the second
ball in order to meet the first ball 150 meters
EXAMPLES: from the ground.
4. A ball is thrown vertically upward from the A. 16.3m/s B. 31.6m/s
ground and a student gazing out of the C. 61.3m/s D. 36.1m/s
window sees it moving upward pass him at 5
m/s. The window is 10m above the ground. 5. A ball ¡s thrown vertically upward from the
How high does the ball go above the ground? ground and a student gazing out of the
A. 11.27m B. 21.71m window sees it moving upward pass him at 5
C. 14.56m D. 15.54m m/sec. The window is 10 m above the ground.
How high does the ball go above the ground?
5. A ball is dropped from a height of 60 meters A. 11.3m B. 14.7m
above ground. How long does it take to hit the C. 16.9m D. 18.9m
6. A ball is dropped from a height of 60 meters At the highest point or summit, vAy = 0.
above the ground. How long does it take to hit gx 2
the ground? y = xtan θ −
2vo 2 cos 2 θ
A. 1.5s B. 2.5s
C. 3.5s D. 4.5s voy 2
Projectile motion follows a parabolic t=
trajectory. The vertical component of g
projectile is under constant gravitational
acceleration and the horizontal component is At point C
at constant velocity. For easy handling, resolve x = R, y = 0, vC = vo, and vy = -voy
the motion into x and y components and use vo 2 sin2θ
the formulas in rectilinear translation. g
2voy 2vo sin θ
t= =
g g
-vy is positive if directed upward and negative
if directed downward
-At any point D below the origin O, the sign of
y is negative.
7. A ball is thrown vertically upward with an
initial velocity of 3 m/s from the window of a
vox = vo cos θ tall building. The ball strikes the sidewalk at
the ground level 4 seconds later. Determine
voy = vo sin θ the velocity with which the ball strikes the
vBx = vox A. 36.24m/s B. 24.36m/s
C. 26.34m/s D. 34.26m/s
x = vox t
8. A baseball player throws a baseball upward
At any point B
with an initial velocity of 40 ft/sec and plans to
For the x-component of motion, acceleration is
catch it with a baseball glove. When will the
zero (constant velocity), thus ax = 0.
ball strike the glove? Assume the glove is
vBx = vox
position in the same elevation when the ball
x = vox t
left his hand.
A. 2.5s B. 1.5s
For the y-component of motion, ay = -g. Notice
C. 0.5s D. 4.5s
that the first three formulas that follow are
taken from motion with constant acceleration.
9. A projectile is fired at the top of a 30m
vBy = voy − gt
building at an angle of 20 degrees with the
1 horizontal. If the muzzle velocity of the
y = voy t − gt 2 projectile is 300 m/s, how long will it take for
the projectile to reach the ground?
vBy 2 = voy 2 − 2gy A. 21.208s B. 12.802s
C. 22.801s D. 18.201s
At point A
TEST YOURSELF: velocity of 100 m/s at an angle of 300 above
1. A ball is thrown at an angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal. How far from the throwing
the horizontal and lands on the top edge of a point will the ball attain its original level?
building 5m high. If the building is 20m away, A. 833m B. 838m
determine the initial velocity of the ball. C. 388m D. 883m
A. 20m/s B. 40m/s
C. 10m/s D. 25m/s 8. A plane dropped a bomb at an elevation of
1000 meters from the ground intended to hit
2. A baseball batter hits his home run ball with the target at an elevation of 200 meters from
a velocity of 110ft/s at an angle of 45 degrees the ground. If the plane was flying at a velocity
above the horizontal. If the ball hits the top of of 300 km/hr at what distance from the target
a screen at the 300ft mark and bounces to the must the bomb be dropped to hit the target.
crowd, how high above the ground is the top Wind velocity and atmospheric pressure to be
of the screen? disregarded.
A. 60.5ft B. 30.5ft A. 6401.2m B. 4016.2m
C. 20.5ft D. 10.5ft C. 1604.2m D. 1064.2m
3. From the top of a hill inclined at an angle of 9. The muzzle velocity of a projectile is 1500
30 degrees, a projectile is fired with a velocity fps and the distance of the target ¡s 10 miles.
of 50 ft/s. If the projectile is positioned The angle of elevation of the gun must be:
perpendicular to the surface of the hill, A. 42°32.4' B. 24°23.4'
determine its range down the hill. C. 42°23.4' D. 24°32.4'
A. 103.52ft B. 130.25ft
C. 125.30ft D. 152.30ft 10. A shot is fired at an angle of 45° with the
horizontal and a velocity of 300 fps. Calculate,
4. A golf ball leaves the golf club at an angle of to the nearest value, the range of the projectile.
60 degrees above the horizontal reference A. 392yd B. 239yd
with a velocity of 25m/s. How high does it go? C. 932yd D. 293yd
A. 14m B. 24m
C. 42m D. 41m 11. A projectile leaves a velocity of 50 m/s at
an angle of 30° with the horizontal. Find the
5. A projectile with a muzzle velocity of 500 maximum height that it could reach.
m/s is fired from a gun on a top of a cliff 420 m A. 31.86m B. 36.81m
above sea level. If the projectile hits the water C. 38.61m D. 31.68m
surface 48 seconds after being fired,
determine the horizontal range of the 12. A shot is fired with an angle of 450 with the
projectile. horizontal with a velocity of 300 ft/s .Find the
A. 21.4km B. 12.4km maximum height and range that the projectile
C. 41.2km D. 13.1km can cover, respectively.
A. 696ft, 2975ft B. 699ft, 2795ft
6. A ball is thrown vertically into the air at C. 699ft, 2597ft D. 966ft, 2795ft
120m/s. After 3 seconds, another ball is
thrown vertically. What velocity must the 13. A ball ¡s thrown from a tower 30 m high
second ball have to pass the first ball at 100m above the ground with a velocity of 300m/s
from the ground? directed at 20° from the horizontal. How long
A. 361m B. 316m will the ball hit the ground?
C. 163m D. 613m A. 12.2s B. 14.2s
C. 41.2s D. 21.2s
7. A baseball is thrown from a horizontal plane
following a parabolic path with an initial
14. A projectile is fired with a muzzle velocity 11. A car tire is 30 inches in diameter. How fast
of 300 m/s from a gun aimed upward at an in rpm does the wheel turn on the axle when
angle of 20° with the horizontal, from the top the automobile maintains a speed of 30 mph?
of a building 30 m high above a level ground. A. 363.13rpm B. 313.63rpm
With what velocity will it hit the ground in C. 336.13rpm D. 136.33rpm
A.103m/s B. 130m/s TEST YOURSELF
C. 301m/s D. 310m/s 1. A wheel starting from rest is to accelerate to
reach an angular velocity of 30 rad/s in 6
15. A stone is thrown upward at an angle of 30° seconds. How many revolutions does it make
with the horizontal. It lands 60 m measured in the process?
horizontally and 2 m below measured A. 12.34 rev B. 14.32 rev
vertically from its point of release. Determine C. 13.42 rev D. 21.43 rev
the initial velocity of the stone in m/s.
A. 35.25m/s B. 22.55m/s 2. A flywheel turning with an angular speed of
C. 55.23m/s D. 25.35m/s 1800 rpm is brought to rest with a constant
acceleration. If it turns 60 revolutions before it
ROTATION stops, what time will elapse before it stops?
S=linear distance A. 1s B. 2s
𝜽=angular distance C. 3s D. 4s
V=linear velocity
w=angular velocity 3. A flywheel is rotating at the rate of 150 rpm.
A=linear acceleration Determine through how many radians does it
𝞪=angular acceleration turn in 5 minutes?
t=time; r=radius of the rotating body A. 1250πrad B. 1750πrad
C. 1500πrad D. 2000πrad
Relationship between linear and angular
parameters 4. The flywheel of a puncher is to be brought
S=r𝜽, V=rw, a=r𝞪 to a complete stop in 8 seconds from a speed
of 60 revolutions per minute. Compute the
-The relationship between linear and angular number of turns the flywheel will still make if
is always directly proportional. its deceleration is uniform.
Comparison between linear & angular A. 4 rev B. 2 rev
formulas: C. 6 rev D. 1 rev
Linear Formulas Angular Formulas
S = Vt θ = wt 5. What is the speed of a synchronous earth’s
1 2 1 satellite situated 4.5 x m from the earth?
S = V0 t ± at θ = w0 t ± αt 2 A. 18503.3 kph B. 15094.3kph
2 2
V = V0 ± at w = w0 ± αt C. 12035.6kph D. 11777.4 kph
V 2 = V0 2 ± 2aS w 2 = w0 2 ± 2αθ
6. A rotating wheel has a radius of 2 feet and 6
EXAMPLES: inches. A point on the rim of the wheel moves
10. A flywheel of a motor is rotating at the rate 30 feet in 2 sec. find the angular velocity of the
of 200 rpm. If it decelerates by 2 rad/s^2, how wheel.
long will it take to stop the flywheel? A. 3ft B. 2.5ft
A. 14.07s B. 10.47s C. 1.5ft D. 6ft
C. 41.70s D. 17.40s
7. A turbine started from rest to 180 rpm in 6
minutes at a constant acceleration. Find the
number of revolutions that it makes within the C. 608N D. 580N
elapsed time.
A. 405 rev B. 540 rev TEST YOURSELF:
C. 504 rev D. 450 rev 1. What force is necessary to accelerate a
30,000 lbs railway electric car at the rate of
8. A flywheel is 15 cm in diameter accelerates 1.25ft/s^2, if the force required to overcome
uniformly from rest to 500 rpm in 20 seconds. the frictional resistance is 400 lbs.?
What is its angular acceleration? A. 1654.59lbs B. 1465.59lbs
A. 6.22 rad/sec^2 B. 2.62 rad/sec^2 C. 1564.59lbs D. 1546.59lbs
C. 1.62 rad/sec^2 D. 0.26 rad/sec^2
2. A 3500kg car accelerates from rest. The
NEWTON’S SECOND LAW OF MOTION constant forward tractive force of the car is
The acceleration of any moving body is 1000N and the constant drag force is 150N.
directly proportional to the force acting on it What distance will the car travel in 3 seconds?
and is inversely proportional to the mass of A. 1.09m B. 9.01m
the body. The direction of acceleration is the C. 1.90m D. 0.91m
same as the force direction.
3. A 50-lb crate starting from rest slides down
a plane inclined at an angle of 30 degrees with
the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction
FNET = ma → Newtons 2nd law of motion between the crate and the inclined plane is 0.3,
FNET = P − FF how far will the crate move after 3 seconds?
FNET =net force or total force that causes A. 18.568ft B. 17.404ft
motion C. 15.468ft D. 19.230ft
m=mass of the body
W=weight of the body 4. A skier starting from rest has just begun
a=acceleration produced by the force descending a 30 degree slope. Assuming the
g=standard gravitational acceleration coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.10; calculate
P=external force applied the speed she will reach after 6.0 seconds.
FF =frictional or resistance force A. 42.3m/s B. 24.3m/s
C. 34.2m/s D. 43.2m/s
Static conditions can be applied in a body UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION
possessing acceleration by the addition of an -motion of any body moving in a circular path
imaginary force called the reverse effective with a constant speed.
force (REF) which is acting through the center
of gravity of the body, and parallel but
opposite in direction to the motion.
Centrifugal Force
mV 2 WV 2
W FC = =
REF = F = ma = a r gr
EXAMPLES: m=mass; W=weight
12. A car moving at 70 kph has a mass of r=radius of track
1700kg. What force is necessary to decelerate g=standard gravitational acceleration
it at a rate of 40cm/s^2.
A. 680N B. 860N
3. A stone with a mass of 0.2kg is tied to one of
a string 1.2m long and is whirled around in a
vertical circle. If the breaking strength of the
string in tension is 90N, what is the angular
velocity at which the cord will break?
Centrifugal Acceleration A. 36.57 rpm B. 75.36 rpm
V2 C. 63.75 rpm D. 57.36 rpm
aC =
Total Acceleration 4. Determine the super elevation for a highway
aTOTAL = √aC 2 + at 2 curve 183m in radius so that there will be no
“side thrust” for a speed of 72 kph.
A. 21.65° B. 12.56°
aC =centrifugal acceleration or normal
C. 51.26° D. 15.62°
at =tangential acceleration
5. A wooden block having a weight of 50 N is
aTOTAL =total acceleration
placed at a distance of 1.5 m from the center of
a circular platform rotating at a speed of 2
radians per second. Determine the minimum
13. A 200 gram object attached to a 1.5m long
coefficient of friction of the blocks so that it
string is whirled around a horizontal circle at
will not slide. Radius of the circular platform ¡s
a speed of 6 m/s. Determine the centripetal
3 m.
acceleration (in meters/second^2) of the
A. 0.14 B. 0.41
C. 0.61 D. 0.16
A. 12m/s^2 B. 21m/s^2
C. 24m/s^2 D. 42m/s^2
Ideal Banking: The road is frictionless
14. A man keeps a 1kg toy airplane flying
horizontally in a circle by holding onto a 1.5m
long string attached to its wing tip. The string
is always in the plane of the circular flight path.
If the plane flies at 10m/s, find the tension in
the string.
A. 66.66N B. 33.33N
C. 99.99N D. 22.22N
1. A car is moving at a speed of 25m/s around
θ=angle of banking of the road
a level curve of radius 100m. What is the
V=velocity of the moving body
minimum value of the coefficient of static
r=radius of hi-way curve or curvature
friction between the tires and the road
required to prevent the car from skidding?
Non Ideal Banking: With friction on the road.
A. 0.376 B. 0.637
C. 0.736 D. 0.622
15. An automobile goes around a slippery
curve of radius 52m. If the road is banked at an
angle of 18 degrees with the horizontal, at
what maximum speed in kph may the
automobile travel to avoid the tendency to
A. 64.643 B. 34.643
C. 46.346 D. 36.344
1. On a normal day, the speed limit of a hi-way
curve is 42 mph. If the curve has a radius of
600ft, at what speed will skidding impend if
the coefficient of friction between tires and
roadway is 0.25?
A. 64.929 mph B. 46.299 mph
C. 69.949 mph D. 96.469 mph