Seatwork#1 Ans Key
Seatwork#1 Ans Key
Seatwork#1 Ans Key
1. Situation: In my town, it's rainy one third of the 6. The first side of a triangle is 2 inches shorter
days. Given that it is rainy, there will be heavy than the second side. The third side is 5 inches
traffic with probability of 1/2, and given that it is longer than the second. If the perimeter of the
not rainy, there will be heavy traffic with triangle is 33 inches, how long is each side?
probability of 1/4. If it's rainy and there is heavy 8,10,15
traffic, I arrive late for work with probability of
1/2. On the other hand, the probability of being 7. Doomtown is 200 miles due west of Sagebrush,
late is reduced to 1/8 if it is not rainy and there is and Joshua is due west of Doomtown. At 9 A.M.
no heavy traffic. In other situations, (rainy and no Mr. Archer leaves Sagebrush for Joshua. At 1
traffic, not rainy and traffic) the probability of P.M. Mr. Sassoon leaves Doomtown for Joshua.
being late is 1/4. If I pick a random day If Mr. Sassoon travels at an average speed 20 mph
A. What is the probability that it's not raining and faster than Mr. Archer and they each reach Joshua
there is heavy traffic and I am not late? 1/8 at 4 P.M., how fast is each traveling?
B. What is the probability that I am late? 11/48 65mph, 85mph
C. Given that I arrived late at work, what is the
probability that it rained that day? 6/11 8. Felicia left Rome at 8 A.M. and drove her
Ferrari at 80 mph from Rome to Sorrento. She
2. The probability of having a baby boy is 0.51 then took the boat to Capri for the day,
and 0.49 for baby girl. You’re a researcher returning to Sorrento 5 hours later. On the return
interested in large families. As part of your latest trip from Sorrento to Rome she averaged 60 mph
project, you’ve decided to interview 50 families and arrived in Rome at 8 P.M. How far is it from
in which there are exactly 8 children. What is the Rome to Sorrento? 240 miles
probability that, in at least one of the 50 families,
the children will all be of the same gender? 9. Forty liters of a 60% disinfectant solution are
A.0.6726 C. 0.3274 to be mixed with a 10% solution to dilute it to a
20% solution. How much of the 10% solution
B. 0.395 D. 0.605 must be used? 160
3. A problem in probability is given to three 10. A doctor orders 20 grams of a 52% solution
reviewees of mega, whose chances of solving it of a certain medicine. The pharmacist has only
are 1/3, 1/5 and 1/2. What is the probability that bottles of 40% and bottles of 70% solution. How
the problem will be solved? much of each must he use to obtain the 20 grams
of the 52% solution? 12, 8
A. 1/30 B. 29/30
B. 4/15 D. 11/15 11. Mario bought $21.44 worth of stamps at the
4. Engr. Og owns 11 pairs of shoes: six identical post office. He bought 10 more 4-cent stamps
black pairs, three identical brown pairs and two than 19-cent stamps. The number of 32-cent
identical gray pairs. If he picks two shoes at stamps was three times the number of 19-cent
random, what is the probability that they are the stamps. He also bought two $1 stamps. How
same color and that one is a left shoe and the other many of each kind of stamp did he purchase? 16,
is a right shoe? 7/33 26, 48
5. Mrs. Mahoney went shopping for some canned 12. Mrs. Smythe is twice as old as her daughter
goods which were on sale. She bought three times Samantha. Ten years ago the sum of their ages
as many cans of tomatoes as cans of peaches and was 46 years. How old is Mrs. Smythe? 22,44
two times as many cans of tuna as cans of
peaches. If Mrs. Mahoney purchased a total of 24 13. A Roman statue is three times as old as a
cans, how many of each did she buy? 4, 12, 8 Florentine statue. One hundred years from now
the Roman statue will be twice as old. Howald is
the Roman statue? 100, 300
SEATWORK #1 11/29/2019
Prepared by: Engr. A.C.BIBAT CE600
18. A lotto uses numbers 1 to 40. A winning 25. A certain 20 – item examination has only two
number consists of 5 different numbers in any choices per question. What is the probability of
order. What are your chances of winning it? getting exactly 15 correct answers?