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M 504: Android-InsecureBankv2
(60 pts extra)
What You Need for This Project
An Android emulator connected to Drozer and Burp, which you prepared in
previous projects. I used a Genymotion Google Nexux 6 device running Android 8.

To practice using DSrozer on a variety of vulnerabilities.

Server and App Setup

The server depends on Python 2, so I recommend using a Debian 10 server operating
system, not Kali.

On your Linux system, with adb connected to your Android device, execute these

sudo apt update

sudo apt install curl git -y
git clone https://github.com/dineshshetty/Android-
cd Android-InsecureBankv2
adb install InsecureBankv2.apk
cd AndroLabServer
pip2 install -r requirements.txt
pip2 uninstall backports.functools_lru_cache
pip2 install backports.functools_lru_cache==1.2.1
python2 app.py

On your Android device, launch the InsecureBank app.

M 504: Android-InsecureBankv2 (60 pts extra) 1

At the top right, tap the three-dot menu icon, then tap Preferences.

Enter your Debian machine's IP address, as shown below, and click Submit.

M 504.1: Insecure Network Transmission (10 pts)

Configure Burp to proxy the network traffic from your Android
device.In the InsecureBankv2 app, enter these credentials, as
shown below.
Username: jack
Password: Jack@123$
Click the Login button.

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In Burp, in the server's response, find the text covered by a green
box in the image below. That's the flag.

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M 504.2: Insecure Logging (10 pts)
In the InsecureBank app, at top right, tap the three-dot menu icon,
then tap Restart.
Open a second Terminal window to your Linux server and execute
this command to monitor the Android log:
adb logcat
In the InsecureBankv2 app, enter these credentials, as shown
Username: jack
Password: Jack@123$
Click the Login button.In the log, find the text covered by a green
box in the image below. That's the flag.

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M 504.3: Insecure Exported Activities (10 pts)
In the InsecureBank app, at top right, tap the three-dot menu icon,
then tap Restart.
Connect with Drozer.
Execute these commands to see the package name, its attack
surface, and details about the exported activities:
run app.package.list -f bank
run app.package.attacksurface com.android.insecurebankv2
run app.activity.info -a com.android.insecurebankv2

As shown below, none of the activities require any permissions.

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On your Android device, tap the Home button to minimize all
You can launch the Login activity with this Drozer command:
run app.activity.start --component
Try launching all the activities. Obviously, some of them should not
be available before logging in.
Find the screen containing the flag, covered by a green box in the
image below.

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M 504.4: Insecure Broadcast Receiver (10 pts)
In Drozer, execute this command to see the exported broadcast
receiver and its intent filter:
run app.broadcast.info -a com.android.insecurebankv2 -i
As shown below, the receiver name is MyBroadcastReceiver and
it processes actions with the name theBroadcast.
No permission is required to send an intent to this receiver.

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To understand this receiver, we need to examine the source code.
Open the InsecureBankv2.apk file in jadx-gui, which you prepared
in a previous project.
View the source code for MyBroadcastReceiver, as shown below.
The flag for M 504.4 is covered by a green box in the image

Look at the code outlined in red in the image above.

The Intent contains two string values: phonenumber and newpass.
The receiver sends an SMS message using these values.

M 504: Android-InsecureBankv2 (60 pts extra) 8

Execute this Drozer command to trigger the intent (this attack is
called intent injection):
run app.broadcast.send --action theBroadcast --extra string
phonenumber 12345 --extra string newpass PASSWORD2
As shown below, this sends an SMS from your device. This could
be used to trick you into using a premium rate service and losing

If you were logged in, the action you performed above changed
your password. To get back to the original state, remove and
reinstall the application.

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M 504.5: Intent Sniffing (5 pts)
In Drozer, execute this command to monitor the intents sent with
action theBroadcast:
run app.broadcast.sniff --action theBroadcast
On your Android device, in the InsecureBankv2 app, log in and
execute the Change Password action. The flag is covered by a
green box in the image below.

M 504.6: Root Detection (15 pts)

On a rooted Android device, such as Genymotion,
the InsecureBank app and log in. You see a message saying
"Rooted Device!!", as shown below.

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The root detection searches for two files,
named su and Superuser, outlined in blue in the image below.

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Decompile the app with apktool, and change those two filenames
to tu and Tuperuser.
Rebuild and sign the app. Uninstall the original app, install the
modified one, and sign in.
You will see a different message, covered by a green rectangle in
the image below. That's the flag.

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