Forensic MCQs UHS
Forensic MCQs UHS
Forensic MCQs UHS
a. Whorls
b. Loops
c. Composite
d. Arches
2. pH of seminal fluid is
a. 6
b. 7
c. 7.4
d. 8.4
3. Poroscopy is
a. Counting pores of sweat glands only
b. Counting pores of both sweat and sebaceous glands
c. Counting number of ridges
d. Counting number of ridges and sweat glands
4. Tattoo marks destroyed, their presence can be inferred from presence of pigment in
a. Deep dermis
b. Subcutaneous tissue
c. Lymph nodes Regional
d. Underlying Muscle
c. Copper
d. Nicotine
a. Brain
b. Thorax
c. Abdomen
d. Pelvis
b. T12-L1
c. C6-C7
d. C1-C2
8. Most fixed part of intestine is
a. Duodenum
b. Jejunum
c. Colon
d. Ileum
9. After death blood usually remains fluid except in
a. Pneumonia
b. Septicemia
c. CO poisoning
d. Hypofibrinogenemia
b. Pyogenic abscess
c. Chronic venous congestion
d. Portal cirrhosis
b. 5 yrs
c. 7 yrs
d. 9 yrs
a. Overlapping of skull bones (Spalding’s sign)
b. Hyperextension of spine
c. Collapse of spinal column
d. Gas in aorta
13. For transplantation cornea can be removed from dead upto
a. 6 hrs
b. 12 hrs
c. 18 hrs
d. 24 hr
b. Superintendent police
c. First class magistrate
a. 10 minutes
b. 30 minutes
c. 3 hours
d. 6 hours
b. Fire accidents
c. Cyanide poisoning
d. Strangulation
18. Tardieu spots in hanging are common at all the following sites except
a. Scalp
b. Eyebrow
c. Chest wall
d. Face
c. Meningococcemia
d. All of the above
20. Earliest sign of death is
a. loss of skin elasticity
b. Corneal clouding
c. Cooling of body
d. Postmortem lividity
b. Flaccidity of eyeball
c. Wrinkled dusty sclera
d. Maggot growth
22. Rectal temperature does not appreciably fall till what time after death
a. 15-30 mts
b. 30-60 Mt's
c. 60-90 mts
d. none of the above
23. Postmortem caloricity seen in poisoning from
a. Arsenic
b. Strychnine
c. Cyanide
d. Organophosphorus
a. 2 hrs
b. 4 hrs
c. 6 hrs
d. 8 hrs
b. 4 hrs
c. 6 hrs
d. 8 hrs
b. 5%
c. 15%
d. 5%
c. Interstitial muscle
d. Eyelids
28. Cutis anserina of rigor mortis due to stiffness of
a. Erector pilorum
b. Biceps
c. Cremaster
d. Diaphragm
a. 9 mth
b. 7 mth
c. 6 mth
d. 8 mth
c. Mal developed penis
d. Psychogenic
a. Legs
b. Hands
c. Neck muscles
d. Involuntary muscles
b. 550C
c. 650C
d. 750C
b. B. fragilis
c. C.welchii
d. Staph aureus
34. Postmortem hemolysis due to bacterial enzyme
a. Lecithinase
b. Phospholipase
c. Streptokinase
d. Hyaluronidase
a. Umbilicus
b. Rt iliac fossa
c. Lt iliac fossa
d. Chest wall
b. Meta Hb
c. SulphmetHb
d. CarboxyHb
a. Nitrogen dioxide
b. Hydrogen sulphide
c. Methane
d. Carbon dioxide
38. Postmortem luminescence due to
a. Photobacterium fischeri
b. Armillaria mellea
b. Brain
c. Larynx / trachea
d. Kidney
40. Last organ to putrefy
a. Uterus / prostate
b. Testes
c. Ovary
d. Adrenals
b. Air
c. Soil
d. Cold-salt water
c. Buttock
d. Chest wall
a. Putrefaction
b. Mummification
c. Saponification
c. 30%
d. 40%
c. Offensive
d. Odorless
46. For embalming chemicals are injected into
a. Femoral artery
b. Abdominal cavity
c. Chest cavity
c. 8 – 12 hrs
d. 12 – 24 hrs
b. Amino acid
c. Urea
d. Uric acid
49. After death blood level of following decrease
a. Sodium
b. Potassium
c. Magnesium
d. None
b. Lightening burn
c. Sliding abrasion
d. Pressure abrasion
b. Incised wound
c. Both
b. Overhang margins
c. One margin under mined
d. Irregular margins
53. Cut-throat wound cause death by
a. Air embolism
b. Haemorrhage
c. Tracheobronchial aspiration
d. All of above.
c. Chest
d. Scalp
a. Abrasions
b. Incised wounds
c. Contusions
d. Lacerations
b. Inner table
c. Sutural line
d. None
a. At site of impact
b. At a site opposite to impact
c. At a site tangential to impact
a. Superior sagittal sinus
b. Middle meningeal artery
c. Dural sinus
d. None of above.
a. Haemorrhagic shock
b. Respiratory failure
c. Cardiac failure
d. Neurogenic shock
60. Rupture of berry aneurysm commonly produces
a. Subarachnoid bleed
b. Intracerebral sued
c. Subdural bleed
c. Congenital
d. Syphilitic endarteritis
a. Hyper flexion
b. Hyperextension
c. Lateral flexion
d. Atlanto-axial dislocation
c. Jejunum
d. Transverse colon
64. In drowning, the epidermis of the hands and feet is separated in the form of gloves and
stocking after:
a. 2 minutes
b. 2 hours
c. 2 weeks
d. 2 months
b. Increased vaginal mucous secretion
c. Blue colouration of vagina
b. 50 ml
c. 100 ml
d. 250 ml
a. Atropine
b. Succinylcholine
c. Pancuronium
68. Hypothermia is said to exist when Rectal / oral temp less than
a. 35° C ✔️
b. 30° C
c. 25° C
d. 20° C
a. – 10° C and below
b. – 2.5° C and below
c. 2 – 4° C
d. 5 – 10° C
a. Lips
b. Nose
c. Cheeks
d. Hair
b. 2nd degree
c. 3rd degree
b. 44° C
c. 50° C
d. 60° C
a. 20 %
b. 30 %
c. 50 %
d. 70 %
b. 50° C
c. 60° C
d. 80° C
75. Satyriasis is
a. Excessive inclination for sex
b. Dislike for sex
c. Sexual perversion
76. The most reliable method for personal identification is:
a. Photography
b. Handwriting
c. Anthropometry
d. Dactylography
a. 7 years
b. 18 years
c. 21 years
d. 30 years
78. A person died from a stab wound in the aorta, in winter. His rectal temperature was 31 °C.
The post-mortem interval is:
a. 2 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 4 hours
d. 8 hours
79. The presence of tache noire is suggestive that the time since death is:
a. One hour
b. 2 hours
c. 3 hours
d. 8 hours
80. The last organ to putrefy in the young girls is:
a. Uterus
b. Bladder
c. Ovary
d. Heart
b. Burning of a dead body
c. Getting the dead body from the grave
d. Aseptic autolysis of a dead body
b. Rigor mortis is complete
c. Putrefaction begins
d. Cadaveric spasm occurs
83. A person died in a hospital 2 weeks after burning of his abdominal and chest walls and
upper-extermities, the most probable cause of death is:
a. Traumatic asphyxia
b. Pulmonary fat embolism
c. Perforation of an acute duodenal ulcer (curling’s ulcer)
d. Suprarenal haemorrhage
a. Comminuted fracture
b. Fissure fracture
c. Depressed fracture
d. Cut fracture
b. Muscles
c. Bones
d. Blood and body fluid
a. Hemorrhagic shock
b. Respiratory failure
c. Cardiac failure
d. Neurogenic shock
87. A 32 year-old farmer received abdominal trauma, after 2 hours the pulse reached 136/min,
blood pressure 70/40. The cause is:
a. Shock
b. Sympathetic shock
c. Internal haemorrhage
d. Air embolism
88. The most important sign for identification of contact firearm inlet is:
a. Loss of substance
b. Presence of two wounds
c. Muzzle imprint around the wound margin
d. Abraded inlet
89. A person with a head injury can talk normally and tell about the circumstantial evidence in
case of:
a. Lucid interval
b. Concussion
c. Retrograde amnesia
d. Automatism
90. Tear in the intima of the carotid artery with bleeding into its wall is seen in cases of:
a. Smothering
b. Antemortem hanging
c. Postmortem hanging
d. Traumatic asphyxia
91. One of the following is a sure external sign of drowning that can be found in postmortem
a. Goose skin
b. Washer woman’s hands
c. Peeling of the skin
d. Fine froth at the mouth and nostrils
92. One of the following is not the immediate cause of death in criminal abortion:
a. Hemorrhage
b. Septic instrumentation
c. Reflex vagal inhibition of the heart
d. Air embolism
c. Step-parents are rarely involved
d. Slight tendency towards male child
b. 2 months
c. 6 months
d. 12 months
a. Hot liquid or steam
b. Flame or hot metals
c. Deep x-ray or UV-rays
d. Strong acids or alkalies
96. One of the following is not a manifestation of shaken baby syndrome:
a. Burns
b. Retinal haemorrhage
c. Rib fracture
d. Subdural haematoma
97. One of the followings produce toxic hypothermia:
a. Salicylates
b. Anticholinergics
c. Antidepressants
d. Opioids
98. The best method to avoid aspiration of fluids during gastric lavage in a comatose patient is
by :
a. Putting the head of the patient at a lower level than his feet
b. Putting the patient in the left lateral position
c. Introduction of a cuffed endotracheal tube before lavage
d. Continuous suction of the fluid from the trachea
99. Surgical interference may be needed especially in children after poisoning by:
a. Hydrocyanic acid
b. Caustic potash
c. Hydrochloric acid
d. Carbolic acid
100. One of the following solvents is not metabolized in the body to cyanide
a. Isopropanol ✔️
b. Nitroprusside
c. Acetonitrile
d. Acrylonitrile
101. In poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, nitrates are given in order to:
a. Reduce cyanide
b. Induce vasodilatation
c. Produce methaemoglobin
d. Oxidise cyanide
102. After skin contamination, the patient passed into coma with miosis and finally acute
nephritis, the poison is:
a. Oxalic acid
b. Nitric acid
c. Hydrocyanic acid
d. Carbolic acid
103. The dose of Na thiosulphate for treatment of cyanide poisoning in children is:
a. 112.5 mg/kg IV over 10-20 min.
b. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 10-20 min
c. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 2 min
d. 412.5 mg/kg IV over 5 min
104. An old traffic policeman in a busy street of Cairo is liable to suffer from:
a. Spastic gait
b. Tremors
c. Masked face
d. Wrist and ankle drop
105. Blue line in the gingival margin in case of lead poisoning is due to deposition of:
a. Lead chromate
b. Lead sulphide
c. Lead subacetate
d. Lead iodide
106. In iron poisoning, poisoning, bloody vomiting and diarrhea, massive fluid loss in GIT, renal
failure and death occur in:
a. Stage 1
b. Stage 2
c. Stage 3
d. Stage 4
a. DMSA.
b. Deferoxamine
c. EDTA.
d. Penicillamine
b. Oliguria
c. Urine incontinence
d. Anuria
a. Parathion
b. Warfarin
c. Paraquat
d. Zinc sulphide
110. The second stage of acute acetaminophen toxicity is characterized by:
a. Abnormalities of liver function tests
b. Bleeding tendencies due to coagulation defect
c. Nausea and malaise
d. Right upper quadrant pain and tenderness
111. Which of the following is specific antidote for acute acetaminophen toxicity:
a. BAL
b. Mucomyst
b. Increasing serotonin
c. Increasing the activity of GABA
d. Decreasing the activity of GABA
c. Formed in the intestine
d. Formed in the canned food before consumption
114. A 4 year old boy accidentally ingested a clear fluid, vomited twice then started to cough
with tachypnea, 24 hours later he developed fever of 39 °C due to bronchopneumonia. The
possible diagnosis is:
a. Phenol toxicity
b. Kerosene toxicity
c. Ethanol toxicity
d. Methanol toxicity
c. Methanol
d. Ethanol
a. Euphoria and sense of well-being
b. Marked muscular incoordination
c. Increased confidence
d. Aggressive behaviour
117. In case of acute CO poisoning, coma and death with lively red colour occur at a carboxy
haemoglobin level of:
a. 10-20%
b. 20-30%
c. 30-40%
d. 50- 60 %
118. Pathological jealousy is diagnostic of:
a. Cocaine intoxication
b. Cannabis intoxication
c. Alcoholic intoxication
d. Tobacco