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Professor Musleh Uddin Ahmed, PhD

Department of Public Administration
University of Dhaka
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

Correspondence address: Department of Public Administration

University of Dhaka
Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Tel.- 880-2-9661900-73 Ext. 6675 (Work)
Cell – 880 1552426747
Fax - 880-2-9667222

Date of Birth 05 October, 1958

Nationality : Bangladeshi by birth

Areas of Interest: Local Governance, Local Resource/Revenue Mobilization, Fiscal

Decentralization & Capacity building; Project Appraisal &
Evaluation; Training Need Assessment & Materials Development;
Public Sector & Human Resource Management.

Computer Knowledge: Working Knowledge on Word Perfect & MS Word


July 29, 2011 to till date Professor (Grade-1), Department of Public

Administration, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

August 20, 2000 to July 28, 2011 Professor, Department of Public Administration
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

(Task include teaching and research courses have been offering on governance and administrative
reorganisation, human resource management, management of banking and financial institutions
including financial management and local resource mobilisation, urban governance, administrative
law and ethics and project management, appraisal and evaluation. in final year honours semester and
post graduate level and Supervising M Phil and PhD students.)

December 14 to December 19, 2019: Visiting Special Speaker, Yamaguchi University, Japan
(Graduate School of Economics, Lecture on Contemporary
Issues of Public Administration, Public Policy & HR
management in Developed and Developing Countries for
Graduate Students)

December 16 to December 20, 2018: Visiting Special Speaker, Yamaguchi University, Japan

(Graduate School of Economics, Lecture on Local & Urban
Governance and Contemporary Issues of Public Administration
in Developed and Developing Countries for Graduate and
Under Graduate Students)

September 30 to December31, 2016 Visiting Professor, Yamaguchi University, Japan

(Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Master of Public
Administration 4 Credit Course on Human Resource
Management in Public and Private Sectors)

February 16 to March 02, 2013 Visiting Professor, Yamaguchi University, Japan

(Graduate School of Economics, Master of Public
Administration 2 Credit Course on Local Governance in
Developed and Developing Countries

February 14 to 29, 2012 Visiting Professor, Yamaguchi University, Japan

(Graduate School of Economics, Master of Public
Administration 2 Credit Course on Public Financial

January 2001 to June 2001 Guest Professor, Bangabandhu Agricultural University,

Joydebpur, Gazipur (Post Graduate Course on Project
Management under Faculty of Social Sciences )

May 1994 to August 2000 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, ity
University of Dhaka

November 1991 to May 1994 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration,

University of Dhaka

August 1989 to November 1991 Lecturer, Department of Public Administration, University of

Dhaka, Bangladesh
April 28, 2003 to
October 22, 2006: Vice Chancellor
Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology
Sylhet, Bangladeh
February 14, 2002
to April 27, 2003: Pro-Vice Chancellor
Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology
Sylhet, Bangladeh
January 01, 2005
to May 30, 2006: : President of the Association of Universities in Bangladesh (AUB)
– An apex body of Public Universities of Bangladesh.
Chairman of the Vice-Chancellors’ Standing Committee

Chairman of the Inter University Sports Board
Chairman of the Inter University Cultural Board
Member of the Council of Commonwealth Universities
February 2006 to
April 2006 : Coordinator of the Vice-Chancellors’ Committee of Unified
Grading Structure of Public and Private Universities of
Bangladesh constituted by the University Grants
Commission of Bangladesh for implementing unified
grading system of all the Public and Private universities.

2003: Member (part-time) of the University Grants Commission

(UGC) of Bangladesh

2004 : Member of the Finance Committee of University Grants

Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh
03 October 2005 to
21 October 2005: Government Delegate Member of the 4 (four) member
delegation team headed by Minister of Education,
Government of Bangladesh in the 33rd Session of UNESCO’s
General Conference Ministerial Round Table on Education
for All in UNESCO HQ, Paris.
February 1993 to
July 1996: Elected Member of Dhaka University Syndicate- A highest
administrative body of the University of Dhaka.
October 1994
to October 1996 : Member of the Finance Committee- A highest financial body
of the University of Dhaka.

August 2000 to till date: Member of the Academic Council- A highest academic body
of the University of Dhaka.

July 27, 2012 to July 29, 2015 Chairman, Department of Public Administration,
University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
March 1995
to May 1998 House Tutor and also worked as Acting Provost
of Kabi Jasimuddin Hall, University of Dhaka

November 10, 2014 to March 09, 2015 (UNDP, UNCDF, EU & DANIDA): Worked as
Consultant/Researcher for the preparation of Joint Monitoring
and Backstopping Guidelines and Strategy for the local
government in south and south-east asian countries with special
focus on local government in Bangladesh and development of
training modules on strengthening local governance for pro

poor development for the training of high level government
officials, local government elected functionaries and
UNDP/UNCDF project personnel organized and funded by
the UNDP-UNCDF in cooperation with the Government of
Bangladesh (Ministry of Local Government, Rural
Development and Cooperatives).

November 21, 2013 to March 30, 2014 (HALG, Netherlands): Worked as Consultant & Trainer for the
preparation, development and delivery of training modules
on concepts and issues of decentralization, delivery of
public services, strengthening & capacity building of local
governance for pro poor development for the training of high
level government officials and UNDP/UNCDF project personnel
conducted by the Hague Academy For Local Governance
(HALG), Netherlands, organized and funded by the UNDP-
UNCDF in cooperation with the Government of Bangladesh
(Ministry of Local Government, Rural development and
Cooperatives). My assignment to prepare training module,
conducted/delivery training and workshop/panel
discussion session on Current State of Decentralization in
Bangladesh in a training course on Decentralization and
Local Development in Bangladesh from 21 November to 07
December and 8 December to 12 December , 2014.

March 15,2013 to July 15,2013 (NU, EU & Christian Aid): Worked as Team Leader/ Principal Evaluator of the
Project Evaluation Report on „Strengthening Citizen
Participation in Improving Local Governance‟ Project
Implemented by Nagorik Uddoyug (NU) from 15 March,
2010 to 14 March, 2013 under the technical and financial
support from European Union (EU) and Christian Aid.

February, 2011 to September, 2011 (UNDP) : Worked as National Consultant for Assessment of Local
Government Union Parishad Fund Flow Process. The
assignment to asses funds flow to Union Parishads is a study
commissioned by the Government of Bangladesh (Ministry of
Local Government, Rural development and Cooperatives) with
support from UNDP/UNCDF, to prepare for the successor
programmes to the Local Government Support Programme
(LGSP), and notably its Learning and Innovation Component
(LIC). Assessment of Union Parishads Fund Flows to map
out of the current fund-flow system reaching UPs through
various channels of Government and other projects and
programmes. The assignment is expected to provide context
and input into the design of the UP and UPZ fiscal grants under
LGSP/LIC successor programs. The specific objectives of the
Fund flow study are to provide a comprehensive overview
understanding of the various types of transfers to UPs and get a
better understanding of the various aspects of UP grants and
financing i.e., types and levels of available (financial) resources,
nature of the funds received, level(s) of fiscal autonomy of UPs,
funds flow mechanisms (including allocation mechanisms,
formula, time lines, requirements, etc) and interplay between
the various funding streams. The study was jointly conducted by
Gerhard van „t Land (task leader for this assignment) and
Jesper Steffensen (overall coordinator of the four studies).

July 2010 to November, 2010 (UNDP): Worked as National Consultant for conducting pilot in Local
Government Union Parishad Revenue/Resource Mobilization.
The assignment to Pilot Union Parishads
Revenue/Resource Mobilization with the developed
framework of Piloting Strategy and Action Plan for
Enhancing UP Revenue/ Resources, commissioned by the
Government of Bangladesh (Ministry of Local Government,
Rural development and Cooperatives) with the financial support
& cooperation of UNDP, UNCDF, EC and DANIDA which
prepared by myself for the Local Government Support
Programme (LGSP), and notably its Learning and Innovation
Component (LIC). Piloting is conducted on the basis of the two
Manuals, one on improved and effective methodology of Tax
Assessment, and another one on efficient Tax Administration
and Collection Procedure in Six LGSP-LIC Districts
implemented by the Local Government Division of the Ministry
of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives.

November 2009 to June 2010 (UNDP): Worked as National Consultant for the Development of Local
Government UP Revenue/Resource Mobilization Piloting
Strategy and Action Plan for enhancing local
revenue/resource mobilization; conducted and supervise
baseline survey of UP revenue and resource base and
exploration of new sources of taxes/rates; prepared two
training and operational manuals, one on improved and
effective methodology of Tax Assessment, and another one
on efficient Tax Administration and Collection Procedure
for UP chairmen, members, secretary, tax collectors, LGSP-
LIC project team members. The assignment also facilitate a
national level workshop for UNDP, UNCDF, EC, DANIDA,
functionaries of local government ministry and LGSP-LIC
project team to present strategy and action plan and several
other six district level workshops to get idea of comprehensive
overview and understanding of the strategy.

August 2009 to October 2009 (UNDP):Worked as National Consultant for the preparation and
development of training modules and operational manuals
on Office Administration, Local Resource Mobilization,
Financial Management, Development Plans and
Programmes, Environmental Management and Gender
related activities for the Training of Chair and Vice-Chairs
of newly created Upazia Parishad. The assignment to prepare
training manuals for NILG commissioned by the Government of
Bangladesh (Ministry of Local Government, Rural development
and Cooperatives) with support from UNDP/UNCDF.The
assignment is expected to provide context and input into the
design of the UZP successor programs.

May 1998 to July 2000 (UNDP): Worked as Senior National Consultant of UNDP for Local
Governance (Specific area: Training Specialist on Office,
Human Resource, Project Appraisal and Monitoring,
Financial and Credit Management of 4471 Union Parishad
and 209 Pourashava (Municipality) elected representatives
in a project on “Building Capacity for Local Governance” –
a UNDP and Government of Bangladesh jointly sponsored
project implementing by the National Institute of Local

Government (NILG), Dhaka. The major focus is on the survey of
organisational and training needs assessment for elected
representatives and other official functionaries of local
government institutions (LGIs) in Bangladesh for nationwide
training of elected local representatives and other functionaries
(4471 Union Parishad & 203 Pourashava elected representatives
and other functionaries as well as Upazila and Zila Parishad
elected representatives), conduct and facilitate participatory
consultations/workshops with male and female elected
representatives, monitor the gender aspects and sensitive to
gender mainstreaming of the training programme. The major
tasks also include writing, preparation and design of Local
Government Reference/Operational comprehensive user-
friendly Training Manuals for Union parishad and Pourashava
elected representatives and officials to conduct training courses
for ensuring good governance and strengthening institutional
capacity building of LGIs and NILG. Specific tasks also include
official procedures, conduct of business, local resource
mobilisation, local level planning and local budget preparation,
accounting and audit system, local micro-credit distribution and
credit management aspects of local representatives and officials.
It also involves conduct of orientation, basic training courses for
trainers of local government representatives and functionaries as
well as organize, supervise and monitor the training courses of
elected representatives and officials.
January 2005 to October 2006 (EU): Worked as Project Manager and Regional Coordinator of Code-
Witz Asian Link Project for better Project Management and
Programming Skills. Sponsored and Financed by European
Union (EU) Other International partners are University of
Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany and Tempere Polytechnic
University, Tempere, Finland.
April 2005 to October 2006 (EU): Worked as Regional Project Coordinator of Asia-Pro-Eco
INNWA Project on Waste Water Management and Pure
Drinking Water project. Sponsored and finance by European
Union (EU), other partners are University of Applied Sciences,
Karlsruhe (UASK), Germany Institute of Membrane Technology
at CNR (ITM), Calibra University, Italy and Jiangsu Polytechnic
University, Jiangsu, China.
December 1999 to June 2000 (IHS): Worked as Team Leader & Principal Researcher/Consultant of
Support for implementation of National Plans of Action (SINPA)
– Bangladesh under the Technical Assistance from the Institute
for Housing and Urban Development studies (IHS), The
Netherlands & Implemented by Rehabilitation and Development
Organisation for Landless (RADOL), Dhaka in a project on
“Organisational and Training Needs Assessment of Tangail
Pourashava” – funded by the Government of the
June 1999 to December 1999 (WFP): Team Leader and Principal Researcher (Gender Specialist)
for World Food Programme (WFP) Sponsored Research project
on “Elected Women Members of Local Government (Union
Parishad) in Bangladesh: A Socio-economic Study”.

April 1998 to January 1999 (UNESCO): Research Associates in UNESCO & ELOSS joint Research
Project on “Human Resources System Challenge” Study on
Human Settlement Development, (Specific Area :
Metropolitan Planning and Governance in South Asia : A
Case study on Dhaka Metropolitan City), Project Director
Professor Suskia Sassen of Chicago University.
July 1997 to Oct 1998: (LOS SENTERET): Team Coordinator, the Bergen-Dhaka Date Management
Project on „Violence in Local Union Parishad Election: Threat
to Local Level Democracy in Bangladesh‟, Sponsor: LOS
SENTERET and Department of Organisation Theory, University of
Bergen, Norway under The Bergen Dhaka Administrative
Development Project,.
July 1997 to May 1998 (UNCRD): Country Researcher, „Metropolitan Planning and Governance in
Dhaka Metropolitan Area‟ Sponsor : United Nations Centre
for Regional Development (UNCRD), Nagoya, Japan.
May 1997 to June 1997 (UNCRD): Contributed to the preparation of Bangladesh country paper on
Metropolitan & Municipal Governance Sponsor: United Nations Centre
for Regional Development (UNCRD), Nagoya, Japan and Asian &
Pacific Development Centre (APDC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
July 1993 to June 1997(LOS SENTERET):: Team Member, Local Level Institution Building Project
on „Preconditions and Forms of Local Democracy‟ Sponsor:
LOS-SENTERET and Department of Administration & Organisation
Theory, University of Bergen, Norway under The Bergen
Dhaka Administrative Development Project,.
July 1993 to Dec. 1993 (CARITAS):-- Research Associate in Research Project on Mentally Retarded
and Physically Handicapped Bangladesh: The study of a Thana”, - A joint Research Project with
CARITAS, Netherlands & Organisation for Development and Research (OSDER) a development NGO in
Bangladesh, Dhaka.
May 1979 to August 1988 Research Associate of Organisation for Development and Research
(ORDER) South Asia Bureau Chief of Los Angeles Times (USA
May 1986 to August 1988 Research Associate of South Asia Bureau Chief of Los Angeles
Times (USA
Tasks included questionnaire design, administering questionnaire and conducted interview with
different stakeholder related to community development.

i. Development Administration Concepts and Issues, Dhaka: ORDER Publication, 1988 & 2000
(1st & 2nd Edition), & RRS Publications (3rd Edition), 2014.
ii. Project Management & Bangladesh. Dhaka: OSDER Publications, 2000 (1st Edition), & RRS
Publications (2nd Edition), 2014
iii. Metropolitan & Urban Local Government in Bangladesh: Issues and Problems. Dhaka: RRS
Publications (1st Edition), 2014


i. “E-government Approaches to Facilitate the Process of Democracy in the
Administration of Bangladesh : Rhetoric or Reality” in Dr. Inderjeet Singh Sodhi (ed)

book on Trends, Prospects & Challenges in Asian E-governance. Hersey, USA: IGI
Publications, 2015. (co-author).
ii. “Local self-government System in Bangladesh”, in Prof. Abul Kalam (ed.), Bangladesh
Internal Dynamics and External Linkages, Dhaka : University Press Limited, August,
1996. pp. 73-89.
iii. “Metropolitan Planning and Governance in Dhaka Metropolitan Area’ Nagoya, Japa: United
Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD). May 1998.

48 Articles: 1 in Japan, 1 in Thailand, 1 in Hong Kong, 12 in India, 9 in Pakistan and 23 in

1. . „Local Government Decentralization Efforts for Revenue/Resource Mobilization in

Developing Countries: Rhetoric or Realities in Bangladesh’ in the Journal of East Asian
Studies, Yamaguchi University, June 2016.
2. “Financial Resources and Revenue Mobilisation of Rural Local Government Institutions in
Some Countries: The Case of Rural Union Parishad in Bangladesh, Dhaka. Society &
Change (Paper accepted for publication, 2019).
3. “Democratic Decentralization in Bangladesh: An Analysis” in Social Science Review, The
Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Dhaka, Vol. 27, No. 2 , December 2010, pp. 37-48 (Co-
4. “Rural Development Efforts, Agricultural Production, Land Ownership Pattern and Tenancy
Relationship in Bangladesh: An Overview”, in Thai Journal of Development Administration
(National Institute of Development Administration), Bangkok, Vol. 30, No. 2, April-June
1990. pp 78-93.
5. “Rural Development Programmes of Bangladesh : A Review” in Asian Profile, (Asian
Research Service, International Centre for Asian Studies), Hong Kong, Vol. 20, No. 6,
December 1992, pp 501-520.
6. “Issues and Problems of Local Government Finance in Bangladesh: A Study of Selected
City Corporations and Pourasavas” in Nagarlok (A Journal of Indian Institute of Public
Administration), New Delhi, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, April-June 1995, pp 67-83.
7. “Experimentation in Redesigning of Public Administration System: the Politics of
Administrative Reform in Bangladesh” in The Administrator _ A journal of the Lal Bahadur
Shastri National Academy for Administration, Vol. 42, No. 4, October-December 1997, pp
8. “Financial Management of Municipal Corporation in Bangladesh with Special Reference of
Dhaka Municipal Corporation” in Quarterly Journal of the All-India Institute of Local Self-
Government, Bombay, Vol. LX, No. 3, July-September 1989, pp 122-127.
9. “Role of Local Government Institutions in the Development Process of Bangladesh; An
Analysis”, in South Asian Studies, (University of Punjab), Lahore, Vol. 6, no. 1, January
1989. pp 1-11.
10. “Upazila System in Bangladesh: Financial Performance”, in Urban India (National Institute
of Urban Affairs), New Delhi, Vol. ........, No. 2, July-December 1991, pp. 83-91.

11. “External Assistance and its Impact on Bangladesh Economy” in Social Science Review,
The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Dhaka, Vol. XVI, No. 1, June 1999, pp. 183-202
12. “Local Government Fiscal Reform in South Asia: Some Lessons from Bangladesh”, in the
Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Dhaka, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, June, 1997, pp.
13. “Democracy and development”, in Journal of Administration and Development (BCS
Administration Academy), Dhaka, Vol. 5, No. 1, June, 1997. (Co-author).
14. “Three Decades of Rural development in Bangladesh” in Administrative Change, Jaipur,
Vol. XVII, No. 2, January-June 1990. pp. 9-35.
15. “Human Development in the Changing World: Western and Islamic Perspective”, in Social
Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Dhaka, Vol. XVII, No. 2, December
2000, pp.
16. “Redesigning of Public Administration System in a developing Country: The Case of
Bangladesh Administrative Reform from 1971 to 1995”, in Social Science Review, The
Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Dhaka, Vol. XIII, No. 2, December 1996, pp. 47-66.
17. “Rural Development Efforts in Bangladesh and Its Impacts: An Analysis‟, in Journal of
Rural Development and Administration (Pakistan Academy for rural Development, PARD),
Peshwar, Pakistan, Vol. XXII, No. 2, Spring (April-June) 1990, pp. 1-19.
18. “Financial Relation Between Government and local Authorities in Bangladesh and
England”, in Journal of Social and Economic Studies, New Delhi: Sage Publications, First
Issue, New Series, 1989. pp. 29-36.
19. “Political Motive of Administrative Reform in Bangladesh from 1972 to 1981”, in South
Asian Studies, Lahore, Vol. VI, No. 2, July 1989, pp. 1-12. (Co-author).
20. “Management of Municipal Authorities in Bangladesh” in Urban Management (Institute of
Local Government and Urban Studies, Govt. of West Bengal), Calcutta, Sixth Issue, August,
1993. pp. 43-52.
21. “Central-Local Relationship in Bangladesh” in Quarterly Journal of the All-India Institute
of Local Self-government, Bombay, Vol. LX, No. 2, April-June, 1989. pp 72-75.
22. “Training for Higher Civil Servants in Bangladesh: Issues and Problems”, in South Asian
Studies, Lahore, Vol. 8, No. 2, July, 1991. pp. 35-50.
23. “Dependency and Rural development Programmes in Bangladesh: An evaluation of the
Decades long Rural Development Programmes” in Social Science Review, Dhaka University
Studies, part-D, Dhaka, Vol. VI, No. 1 and 2, 1989. pp. 16-44.
24. “Local Government Fiscal Reform in Bangladesh: Some Issues and Problems”, Nagarlok-
Journal of the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, Vol. XX, No. 1,
January-March, 1998. pp. 17-23.
25. “Local Government Zila Parishad System in Bangladesh from Lord Ripon to General
Ershad: An Overview”, in South Asian Studies, Lahore, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1992. pp. 1-
13. (Co-author).
26. “Some Aspects of Pourashava Administration in Bangladesh”, in Journal of Local
Government, (National Institute of Local Government (NILG), Dhaka, Vol. 17, No. 2, July-
December, 1988. pp. 17-24.

27. “Women and Development ij Bangladesh”, in Social Science Review, The Dhaka University
Studies, Part-D, Vol. XVI, No. 1, June, 1999. pp. 343-352. (Co-author).
28. “Development Responsibilities and Financial Abilities of the Upazila System in Bangladesh:
Some Field Level Experiences”, in Social Science Review, Dhaka University Studies, Part-
D, Dhaka, Vol. VII, No. 2, 1990. pp. 80-102. (Co-author).
29. “Legal Aspects of Municipal Administration in Bangladesh: The Case of Chittagong
Municipal Corporation” in Management Development (Management Development Centre),
Dhaka, Vol. 18, No. 1 & 2, 1989. pp. 23-44.
30. “Local Government Upazila System in Bangladesh: An Overview” in Quarterly Journal of
the All-India Institute of Local Self-Government, Bombay, Vol. LXII, No. 2, April-June,
1991. pp. 102-104. (Co-author).
31. “Local Government Upazila Parishad System in Bangladesh” in Quarterly Journal of the
All-India Institute of Local Self-Government, Bombay, Vol. LXIII, No. 1, January-March,
1992. pp. 53-55. (Co-author).
32. “Lord Ripon‟s Resolution for Local Government or of Contradiction”, in Social Science
Review, Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Dhaka, Vol. VIII, No. 1-2, January-December,
1991. pp. 107-120. (Co-author).
33. “Politics of Administrative Reform in Bangladesh from 1972 to 1992: A Review”, in Social
Science Review, Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Dhaka, Vol. IX, No. 2, December, 1992.
34. Bangladesh Public Service Commission: Issues and Problems”, in South Asian Studies,
Lahore, Vol. 9, No. 2, July, 1992. pp. 34-43.
35. “Issues and Problems of Local Government in Bangladesh with Special Reference to Some
City Corporations and Pourasavas”, in Journal of Rural Development Administration,
(Pakistan Academy for Rural Development), Peshwar, Pakistan, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, Autumn
(October-December) 1994. pp. 17-36.
36. “Problems of Urban Local Government in Bangladesh: A Review”, in Journal of
Administration and Diplomacy (Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Acadesmy),
Dhaka, Vol. II, No. 1, June, 1994, pp. 56-71.
37. “Local Government Personnel Management System in Bangladesh: A Study on City
Corporations and Pourasavas”, in The Journal of Local Government, Dhaka: NILG, Vol. 23,
No. 2, July-December, 1994. pp. 58-77.
38. “Training System in Bangladesh Civil Service: Some Problems and Suggestions”, in Dhaka
University Patrika (Bangla), Dhaka University, No. 50-52, October, 1994, June, 1995
(published in May, 1996). pp. 630-80.
39. “Central-Local relation in Bangladesh: A Study on Selected Pourasavas”, in South Asian
Studies, Lahore, Vol. II, No. 2, July, 1994.
40. “Urban Local Government Finance in Bangladesh: A Study on Dhaka & Chittagong
Corporations”, in Social Development Review, Dhaka, Vol. XI, No. I, 1995.
41. “Urban Local Government System in Bangladesh: Some Reflections on Nature and
Problems” in South Asian Studies, (University of Rajasthan) Jaipur, Vol. 30, No. 1, January-
June, 1995. pp. 45-69.

42. “Problems of Urban Local Government in Bangladesh: A Review”, in South Asian Studies
(An International Journal of South Asian Affairs) Lahore, Vol. 12, No. 2, July, 1995. pp. 1-
16. (Co-author).
43. “Administrative Reform/Reorganisation in Bangladesh (1971-1995): Politics, Change and
Consequences” in Administrative Change, Vol. 24, No. 1, July-December, 1996, pp. 59-73.
44. “Role of Parliamentary Standing Committee to Ensure Transparency and Accountability:
Some Observations in the Context of Bangladesh”, (in Bengali) in Babsay Proshashan
Journal (Journal of Business Administration, DU) Dhaka, Vol. 23, No. 5, december, 1997.
45. “Local Government System in Bangladesh”, (Bengali) in Unnayan Bitarka (Unnayan
Parishad), Dhaka, Vol. VII, No. 3-4, September-December, 1988. pp. 61-73.
46. “Development: A Conceptual Analysis” in LOK (Public) a multi-disciplinary Journal,
Dhaka, Vol. III, No. 4, October-December, 1987. pp. 62-75.
47. “Problems and Issues of Rural Local Government in Bangladesh”, in LOK (Public), Dhaka,
Vol. IV, No. 2, April-June, 1988. pp. 26-36.
48. “Control and Accountability of Local Government in Bangladesh”, in LOK (Public), Dhaka,
Vol. IV, No. 3-4, July-December, 1988. pp. 29-41.


1. Social Science Review Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Dhaka University (January, 2013 to
December, 2014), Dhaka.
2. Society & Change- A Quarterly Journal of the Organisation for Social Development and
1. “Organisational and Training Needs Assessment for Tangail Pourashava” June 2000, Dhaka.
2. “Elected Women Members of Local Government (Union Parishad) in Bangladesh: A Socio-
economic Study” December 1999, Dhaka.
3. “Metropolitan Planning and Governance in Asia and the Pacific: A Case Study on Dhaka
Metropolitan Area” UNCRD, Japan, February 1998.
4. “Mentally Retarded and Physically Handicapped in Bangladesh: The Study of Gozaria
Thana” CARITAS, Netherlands, December 1993. with Mr. Firowz Ahmad.
5. “Participatory Development, Local Government and Rural Urban Realities in Bangladesh:
Some Preliminary Observations”, Dhaka: Department of Public Administration, University
of Dhaka and LOS-SENTERET, University of Bergen, Norway, June, 1995 (Joint
6. “Role of Participation in Project Performance Focus on City Corporation and Union
Parishad Sponsored Projects”, Dhaka: Department of Public Administration, University of
Dhaka and LOS-SENTERET, University of Bergen, Norway, Jan., 1996 (Joint Research).
7. “Participation and Development in Bangladesh: Observations and General Findings of Field
Studies”, Dhaka: Department of Public Administration, University of Dhaka and LOS-
SENTERET, University of Bergen, Norway, February, 1997 (Joint Research).

1. Summary of the paper on “Sustainable and Accountable Metropolitan Governance in South
Asia: A Case Study on Dhaka Metropolitan City in Bangladesh”, published in proceedings
book on “Accountability Across Levels of Governments Globalisation and
Decentralisation”, Brussels and Sunning Dale (UK): International Institute of Administrative
Sciences (IISA-IIAS), 1999.
2. Paper on “Metropolitan/Municipal Governance in Bangladesh: Focus on Central-Municipal
relationship”, published in UNCRD proceedings Series No. 27 on “Research and Training
on Decentralised and Developmental Governance”, Nagoya, Japan: UNCRD, March, 1998.
pp. 7-8.
3. Paper on “Metropolitan Planning and Governance : A Case Study on Dhaka Metropolitan
Area”, published in UNCRD Proceedings Series No. 28 on Research on Metropolitan
Planning and Governance in Asia & the Pacific, Nagoya, Japan: United Nations Centre for
Regional Development (UNCRD) June, 1998. pp. 91.
4. Summary of the Paper on “Failure of Local Government Reform in a South Asian
Developing Country, 1971-97: Rhetoric of Decentralisation”, Published in proceedings
book on „Administration and Society: Administrative Response to Globalisation and Socio-
Cultural Change‟, Brussels: International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IISA-IISA),
1995. pp. 78 & 106.
5. Summary of the two papers on “A Study on the Local Autonomy System in a South Asian
Country: The Politics of Decentralisation” and “Women and Their Role in Development:
Some Experiences from Bangladesh”, published in proceedings book on “Administration
and Society: Administrative Response to Globalisation and Socio-Cultural Change”,
Brussels: International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IISA-IISA),1995. pp. 78 & 106.

i. Participated in the International Seminar on “Human and Medical Sciences of Japan” in

Hamamatsu University of Medical Sciences in Hamamatsu, Japan from 11-23 November
ii. Participated in a seminar on “Information and Communication Technology of Developed
and Developing Countries”, sponsored by Code-Witz Asia Linkage Project and financed
by European Union held in University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany and
Tempere Polytechnic University, Tempere, Finland from 14-24 April 2004.
iii. Participated in a seminar on “Environment and Waste Water Purification” sponsored by
Asia-Pro Eco INWWA Project and financed by European Union held in University of
Applied Sciences, Karlsruhe, Germany from 28 November 2006 to 4 December 2006
under joint collaboration with Institute of Membrane Technology, Italy.
iv. Participated in the “First Specialised International Conference on Accountability Across
Levels of Governments: Globalisation and Decentralisation” and presented a research
paper on “The function of local authorities in development countries: Sustainability,
Accountability and Decentralisation, Organised by the International Institute of
Administrative Sciences, Brussels and the Civil Service College, Sunning Dale, England
in Sunning Dale, 12-15 July 1999.

v. Participated in the “Twenty-fourth International Congress of Administrative Sciences on
Citizen Participation in Government and in the Administrative Function”, and presented
a paper on “Failure of Local Government Reform in a South Asian Developing Country,
1971-97 “Rhetoric of Decentralisation” Organised by the International Institute of
Administrative Sciences Brussels and the French Institute of Public Administration held
in collaboration with UNESCO, Paris, 7-11 September 1998.
vi. Participated in the “International conference of Administrative Schools and Colleges” as
a Panellist on the topic of “Local Government Training and Management”, organised by
the International Institute of Administrative Sciences Brussels and the Ecole Nationale
de Administration and the International Institute of Public Administration held at IIAP,
Paris, 14-17 September 1998.
vii. Participated in a Workshop on “Enhancing Planning and Governance of Changing
Metropolitan Areas in Asia and the Pacific” and presented a research paper on
“Metropolitan Planning and Governance: A case Study on Dhaka Metropolitan Area”,
Jointly organised by United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD),
Nagoya, Japan, Nagoya Centre for Urban Administration, Nagoya, Japan and National
Institute of Public Administration, Kuala Lumpur, 24-25 February 1998, NIPA
(INTAN), Kuala Lumpur.
viii. Participated in a Workshop on “Metropolitan Governance Research Partnerships” and
presented a Research proposal on “Metropolitan/Municipal Governance in Bangladesh:
Focus on Central-Municipal Relationships”, Jointly Organised by United Nations Centre
for Regional Development (UNCRD), Nagoya, Japan & Asian & Pacific Development
Centre (APDC), Kuala Lumpur, 26-27 June 1997, APDC, Kuala Lumpur.
ix. Participated in a Workshop on “Institutional Learning and Performance in Developing
Countries: The Case of Bangladesh” Jointly Organised by the Department of
Administration & organisation Theory, University of Bergen & LOS-SENTERET,
Bergen, 16-25 September 1997, Bergen, Norway.
x. Participated in the “Twenty-Third International Congress of Administrative Sciences”
and presented two papers titled “A Study on the Local Autonomy System in a South
Asian Country: The Politics of Decentralisation in Bangladesh & Women and their Role
in development: Some Experiences from Bangladesh”, Organised by International
Institute of Administrative Sciences, Brussels, 1-5 July 1995, Dubai.
xi. Participated in a Symposium on Asian Studies and Presented a paper on “Rural
development programmes in Bangladesh” Organised by International Centre for Asian
Studies, Hong Kong, 26-30 July 1992, Hong Kong.
xii. Participated and also worked as Rapporteur in the Seminar on “Quality Assurance in
higher Education” organised by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Vancouver,
Canada and the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, 18-20 July 1995, Dhaka.
xiii. Participated in a Seminar on “Local Government in Bangladesh” organised by LOS-
SENTERET, University of Bergen, Norway, 3-4 March 1997 BIISS, Dhaka.
xiv. Participated in a Workshop on “Database Management” jointly organised by the
department of Administration & Organisation Theory & LOS-SENTERET University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 23 August 1997, BIAM, Dhaka.

xv. Participated in “National Workshop on Review of Local Government Structure in
Bangladesh”, Organised by the Local Government Structure Review Commission,
Government of Bangladesh, 7-8 June 1992, NILG, Dhaka.
xvi. Participated in “National Seminar on Local Impact of Global Transformation with
Special Reference to Social Development Issues: Bangladesh perspective” organised by
the Bangladesh Social Science Research Council, ministry of Planning, GoB, 23
September 1995, Dhaka.

i. Working as Trainer/Facilitator on Human Resource Management & Development, Public

Service Innovation, Covil Service Traning, E- Governance in Public Sectors, Office
Management, Mergers & Acquisitions etc for Public Administration Training Centre
(PATC), Bangladesh Police Staff College, Bangladesh Civil Service (Administration)
Training Academy, National Institute of Local Government (NILG), Bangladesh Institute of
Management (BIM), Investment Corporation of Bangladesh Training Institute, Socil Islami
Bank Training Institute etc.
ii. Worked as Trainer/Facilitator on Office & Financial Management, duties and
responsibilities of elected local Govt representatives for National Institute of Local
Government (NILG) from 1997 to 2000 under UNDP funded Project.
iii. Worked as trainer for International Voluntary Services (IVS), Dhaka for their training
programme of elected local government (Union Parishad) representative regarding
awareness building funded by Asia Foundation, Dhaka in 1998.
iv. Worked as Trainer for Khan Foundation, Dhaka for their training programme of elected
local government (Union Parishad) representatives from 1998-99 and Non-formal education,
Credit distribution, duties and responsibilities of elected local representatives for
Organisation of development and Research- An NGO from 1989-98.
1. Member, International Institute of Administrative Science (IIAS), Brussels, Belgium.
2. Life Member, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
3. Life Member, Dhaka University Public Administration Alumni Association (DUPAAA)
4. Executive Director, Centre for Human Development (CHD), Dhaka.
5. Former Member, National Press Club, Dhaka.

Musleh Uddin Ahmed


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