BRDB, Doc, Bard, Rda
BRDB, Doc, Bard, Rda
BRDB, Doc, Bard, Rda
Bangladesh Rural Development Board (BRDB) has been working as the biggest
agency responsible for operation of micro-credit program as well as social
mobilization work. The priorities and strategies of BRDB include a) improving the
access of the rural poor, particularly women to productive resources through social
mobilization, training, special credit programs and rural institution building, b)
support for off-farm domestic capital formation.
Cooperative movement is active in this part of the globe for over a century in a
varying texture of its operation. The focus of the movement is socio-economic
development through employment generation and poverty alleviation. The
Department of Cooperative (DOC) is the principal government organization
responsible for the promotion & development of cooperative societies in Bangladesh.
The DOC works directly under the supervision and control of the Rural Development
& Cooperative Division (RDCD) of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural
Development & Cooperatives. Broadly, DOC carries out the following responsibilities
and functions,
- administration of DOC, - organise regular training courses for the officers and
employees of the Directorate, cooperative society members and salaried personnel,
- formulate and implement development plans and projects with the approval of the
government .
There are 150,964 registered cooperative societies in the country (June 2005), out of
those 21 are national societies, 1,086 central societies, and 149,857 primary societies.
The number of members of primary societies is 7,791,328. These societies have
created a fund under different categories amounting to Taka 1064 crore (June 2005).
During the same period the amount of effective capital of these societies stood at Taka
3,175 crore.
The DOC is headed by a Registrar, who is a civil servant not below the rank of a Joint
Secretary to the Government of Bangladesh. There are four Additional Registers
below the Registrar. There are four Divisional Cooperative offices (at Dhaka,
Chittagong, Rajshahi and Khulna) throughout the country. Each of these offices is
headed by a Divisional Joint Registrar. There are sixty four District Cooperative
Offices throughout the country. Each of the districts is headed by a District
Cooperative Officer, who is the registering authority of all Primary Cooperative
Societies under that district. Furthermore, there are cooperative offices at each of the
479 Upazilas throughout the country. There is a National Cooperative Academy and 9
(nine) Cooperative Zonal Training Institutes under the DOC at various locations of the
Since its inception in 1959, BARD has been taking up valuable role in formulation
and/or revision of national rural development policy based on empirical data derived
through research and action research and received National Award in 1986 for its
remarkable contribution in Rural Development
The activities of the Academy carry out by its Faculty working in 9 Divisions, each of
which is headed by a Director. The Divisions are divided into two broad categories:
Service Divisions and Academic Divisions.
The Service Divisions include Training; Research; Project; and Administration. The
Academic Divisions are Rural Administration and Local Government; Rural
Economics and Management; Rural Education and Social Development; Rural
Sociology and Demography; and Agriculture and Environment.
RDA is an autonomous institution and its governing body is the Board of Governors
(BoG) headed by the Honourable Advisor/Minister in-charge of Local Government,
Rural Development and Cooperatives (LGRD&C). As a linkage to the Government of
Bangladesh, RDA is within the administrative jurisdiction of the Rural Development
and Cooperatives Division (RDCD) of the Ministry of LGRD & C.