Colloidal Silver Eng
Colloidal Silver Eng
Colloidal Silver Eng
Salvatore de Salvo
Matityahu Gruberger
"We now know what "Wealth" is. Wea lth is the ability to re -generate forward life. How many
people can you take care of for how many days?"
Imagine that you have your own hospital. Not an ordinary hospital. By the way, the mortality
rate usually increases when health care personnel go on s trike.
Death caused by toxic drugs, unnecessary treatment, excessive ignorance and an ocean of
antibiotic-resistant bacterias substantiate the “devil playground” at the most hospitals.
I am talking about a hospital that only benefits people. Now, imagine t hat hospital exists,
without waiting rooms and lines, it is everywhere, has the size of a small radio set and fits into
a pocket of a shirt. Do you think it is impossible? No, it is not at all!
The only amazing thing about that, it’s that you haven’t yet g ot your own hospital!
Silver is a powerful prophylactic, a potent natural antibiotic that’s been used for thousands of
The antique Greeks used to make their cookware of silver, eat and drink with them as have
done many other cultures over the time. American western pioneers use to put a silver dollar
coin in a milk jar to help keep it fresh as they have no fridge by that time.
Have you ever wanted to know why the tableware used to be mostly made of silver?
One of the Silver properties it is that kills bacterias by simply touching them in six minutes or
Gold and silver were possibly used in the past as coins because their medicinal properties.
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In 1910, Dr. Henry Crooks, a chemistry pioneer wrote: “Some metals in colloidal state have a
highly germicide action, however are innocuous to humans, and may be applied with best
results in more concentrated form ulations to treat bronchial tuberculosis, staphylococcus and
several streptococcus, and other pathogenic organisms, which are destroyed between three to
four minutes; in fact, in laboratory experiments there’s no microbe that has not been killed
within six minutes. The colloid concentration is usually not greater than five part per million
In 1919, Alfred Searle, the founder of pharmacologic conglomerate of the same name, wrote in
his book “The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease”: “The application of colloidal silver in
humans, in a large range of cases, has produced positive and amazing results. For internal
use, oral or hypodermic, it has the advantage of being deadly to parasites in very short period
of time, without any harmful side effects , toxicity, or damage to the cells of the body, and can
stimulate significant growth of injured tissues.
Much later, near the year of 1970, when the first evidences that the antibiotics were losing
their efficiency, the colloidal silver regained its value.
Biomedical researches, at Washington University, St. Louis, USA, showed that no organism
capable to cause diseases – microbe, virus or fungus – could survive further than few minutes
at the presence, even little traces , of colloidal silver. An antibiotic may kills half a dozen of
different pathogenic organisms, however the colloidal silver kills about six hundred and fifty
types of it and, what’s more important, it won’t allow for the development of lineage resistant
to silver as it happens to the antibiotics.
Dr. Robert O. Becker, author of book The body Electric, acknowledged the correlation
between diseases and low level of silver in the body, and stated that lack of silver it is
responsible for the immune system malfunctioning.
In his experiments, Dr. Becker came to the conclusion that silver acts over the full spectrum of
pathogenic germs without any side effect or damage to the cells of the body.
He also stated that silver does more than just killing the organisms t hat cause disease, but
furthermore, it promotes the growth of the affected tissues.
The patients, victims of burnings, even the elders, report faster healing processes.
Dr. Becker says that all cancerous cells will return to their normal state.
All pathogenic germ chains that have become resistant to antibiotics are killed by colloidal
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The term “colloid” refers to substances in state of ultra fine particles that won’t dissolve, but
will remain in suspension, disperse in a continuous medium.
These ultra fine particles are formed by some atoms from the original material (silver),
however they are so small that they cannot be viewed by our naked eyes.
The colloidal silver it is a result of electromag netic process in which microscopic particles are
attracted by a great piece of silver soaked in a liquid such as water.
These microscopic particles are more penetrating and can more easily travel throughout the
Colloidal silver acts as a catalyzer so incapacitating the enzyme used by the unicellular
organisms, such as bacterias, virus and fungus, to metabolize the oxygen.
The suspension of colloidal silver, properly generated, consists of five part per million of
submicroscopic particles o silver ke pt in suspension in pure water by an infinitesimal electric
charge that each particle has.
In the true colloidal silver the size of the particles vary from a diameter of 0.005 to 0.015
One billion of these particles may fit in a cube of 0.025 mm 3.
Colloidal silver is the most powerful natural antibiotic known by the mankind. It is estimated
that it may kill over 650 pathogenic organisms (bacteria , virus, fungus and yeast) in about 6
Hippocrates, the father of the modern medicine, noticed that silver had beneficial healing
effects and disease prevention properties.
Colloidal silver was largely used until 1938 when FDA (Food and Drug Administration) started
pushing synthetic antibiotics.
Although it is used by NASA on Shuttle missions and in ternational airlines, its use almost
stopped, except at the Intensive treatment units of specialized burn care hospitals.
A scientist group at Pharm Sci Mundial v. 19pp.197 -201 of August of 1997 referred to colloidal
silver as an antiseptic agent well know n because its powerful fungicide action.
It was also confirmed that the presence of silver in the bloodstream speeds up the healing of
fractured bones.
Over the time, small amounts of silver were also used to preserve food.
Nowadays, we have been threatene d by strong viruses such as Ebola and Hantavirus, and
necrophagic cells.
However, assuming that these virus and bacterias are also like any other ones, although
they’re more powerful, silver make these organisms ineffective as it does to any other
Now, you can carry out your private research with your own Colloidal Silver Generator, and
produce your own Colloidal Silver Supply.
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In Canada, Switzerland and the USA physicians use several types of silver solutions to treat a
wide range of infections.
In the USA colloidal silver is used for bone surgery and at 70% of the Burn treatment centers.
Naturopaths and chemotherapists use colloidal silver to fight against cryptosporidium.
Homeopathy, Chinese medicine and Hindu Ayurveda practitioners use colloidal silver regularly
for treatments.
Swiss biochemists have been studying the potentiality of colloidal silver to stop the HIV cellular
division in several stages.
Colloidal Silver Water filters have been approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency
and by the Swiss government for home and office use.
NASA uses a water purifying system for its shuttles and the Russians do the same.
The air companies such as Air France, Alitalia, British Airways, Cana dian Pacific, Japan Airlines,
KLM, Lufthansa, Olympic Airlines, SAS, American Airlines and Swissair use silver water filter to
prevent diseases brought about through water.
Colloidal Silver has been replacing Chlorine in the swimming pools with the advanta ge of not
irritating the eyes.
Japanese companies have been using colloidal silver to remove cyanide and nitric oxides from
the air.
To prepare a mother solution of colloidal silver it may be used tap water for exter nal or
industrial use, and distilled water or mineral water for internal applications and injections.
For oral use: Dilute the mother solution (5 ppm) with 4 parts of distilled or filtered water.
In 1 ppm concentration, a coffe e cup of the solution may be taken before each meal (including
breakfast, afternoon snack and dinner), keeping the solution in the mouth for about 30
seconds while swishing it in the mouth or gargling, and swallowing it afterward.
This procedure helps hygienize the mouth by preventing and healing gum infections, aphthas,
Do not ingest it excessively as to prevent the intestinal flora from being lessened .
Right after sipping colloidal silver the mouth tastes like metallic, which is characteristic of
silver, and the throat tastes a little bitter.
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Spray colloidal silver over pillows, towels, bed sheets, blankets of people kept in bed, surgery
room utensils, etc.
Literally, there are thousands of uses for colloidal silver, which is odorless, tasteless and it is a
largely beneficial and powerful bactericide, fungicide, disinfectant, and a nontoxic agent to
preserve health.
The future of colloidal silver
The future of colloidal silver is promising. We hope that, with the technological advances, we
will be able to avoid the past mistakes and be ben efited by its great advantages to prevent and
treat many diseases.
Although the uses of colloidal silver reports have spread over the last century, the researches
related to its recent use are still limited. However, an increasing number of physicians,
dentists, veterinarians, nutritionists and other satisfied users have been adding information on
the current use of colloidal silver.
If you have been under any medical treatment, do not ever stop this treatment or decrease
the medicine intake by yourself. Your physician is the o nly one to decrease or stop your
current treatment.
The following list is partial and only shows some diseases in which the treatment by
colloidal silver have succeeded:
Skin cancer
Candida albicans
Chagas’ Disease
Herpes Zoster
Anal itching
Whooping cough
Prostate disorders
Intestinal disorders
Ménière's disease
Legionnaires' disease
Blood poisoning
Parathyroid fever
Typhoid fever Page 7
Foot cracks
Eustachian tube infection
Cryptosporidium infection
Salmonella infection
Bacterial infections
Urinary bladder infection
Ear infection
Zymosis infection
Leavening infection
Staphylococcus infection
Streptococcus infection
Hansen's disease
Athlete's foot
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Typhoid fever
Acne rosacea
Peptic ulcer
Epstein-Barr virus
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Mailing address:
Rua Maldonado, 10 - São Pedro
CEP 30330-300 - Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais - Brasil
This document was originally written in Portuguese and translated into English by
the translator Mr. Gerdson Mourão at English Web Studio – Website: