Nanomaterials Used For Water Purification

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Nanomaterials used for Water Purification

Kaveri Dattatray Jadhav
Engineering science and humanities.
Sandip Institute of Technology And Research Centre.
Nashik, India.

Abstract— Nano-substances have received unique interest the requirement to manage current water reserves on the way
in water-pollutants mitigation researches on account that to keep away from destiny water strain. Today availability of
ultimate decade. Two important properties make secure consuming water is a concern. For nearly all of the
nanoparticles especially beneficial as sorbents. On a mass water wishes of the country, groundwater is through a long
basis, they have much large floor regions as compared to way the maximum critical water resource. Worldwide, in line
macro particles. They also can greater with numerous with a United Nations Environment Programmed (UNEP)
reactor businesses to boom their chemical affinity closer to study over 2 billion human beings rely on aquifers for his or
target compounds. Nano filtration strategies extensively her consuming water [1]. Forty according to cent of the
used to eliminate cations, herbal natural matter, organic world’s meals is produce through irrigated agriculture that
contaminants, natural pollution, nitrates and arsenic from predicated largely on groundwater [1].
groundwater and floor water. Nano-membranes used to
treat infected water via way of means of filtration or Groundwater constitutes approximately ninety-five
separation strategies. Nano sorbents extensively used as according to cent of the freshwater on our planet (discounting
separation media in water purification to eliminate that locked withinside the polar ice caps), making it essential
inorganic and natural pollution from infected water. to human existence and economic improvement. Clean water
During the ultimate decade, titanium dioxide (TiO2) is the worldwide want and want of existence for all of the
nanoparticles have emerged as promising picture graph human kinds. However, the easy water assets infected in gift
catalysts for water purification. Consequently, time. Nanotechnology is a smooth and realistic technique to
extraordinary people had followed the methods which easy wastewater through the usage of special methods.
include chemical precipitation, sol–gel, vapour deposition, Different varieties of bacteria, poisonous chemical compounds
solvo thermal, solid-state response etc. for the synthesis of like arsenic, mercury etc., and sediments may be eliminated
a few nanostructured combined oxides, which can be through the usage of nanotechnology. Nanomaterial based
efficaciously use for groundwater treatment. gadgets are getting used for water purification. Nano filtration
technique has blessings over different traditional technique as
Keywords:- Nanomaterials, Pollutants, Sorption, Filtration, low strain is needed to pass the water via filters and those
Adsorption. filters may be wiped clean without difficulty through back
flushing. Smooth indoors of carbon nanotubes cause them to
I. INTRODUCTION handy for the elimination of just about all varieties of water
contaminants. Because of large floor place nanostructured,
A. Introduction substances have blessings over traditional micro dependent
Water is a legendary substance whose material life is substances.
secondary in comparison to the symbolic fee because it
manifested in our thoughts because the image of existence. II. METHODS FOR WATER TREATMENT
Sustainable resources of easy water are vital to the world’s
health, surroundings and economy. Currently the human Adsorption is a very common techniques used for water
society is dealing with a fantastic crunch in assembly growing treatment. Nanomaterials can be use adsorbents for water
needs of potable water because the to be had resources of treatment in various forms such as catalytic membranes,
freshwater are lowering because of prolonged droughts, biomimetic membranes and thin film nanocomposite
populace growth, decline in water excellent mainly of membrane etc. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) absorb chemicals
groundwater because of growing groundwater and floor water more efficiently than activated carbon. Organic compounds
pollution, unabated flooding and growing needs from a whole having functional groups like carboxylic, hydroxyl and amide
lot of competing users. Water being a prime herbal resource, a has tendency to form hydrogen bond with CNT surface which
primary human want and a treasured countrywide asset, its use donates electrons and CNTs have high capacity to adsorb
wishes suitable planning, improvement and management. metal ions that’s why good substitute of activated carbon.
Increasing populace coupled with overexploitation of floor Nano adsorbents are used in the form of either as powder or
and groundwater during the last few many years has ended in porous granules encumbered with nano-adsorbants.
water shortage in numerous components of the world.
Wastewater is growing substantially and withinside the  Nano membranes
absence of right measures for treatment and management, the Nano membranes modified with nanofibers are being
prevailing freshwater reserves polluted. Increased utilized for the removal of micronized particles. These
urbanization is riding a boom in according to capita water membranes are used in pretreatment method of reverse
intake in towns and cities. Hence, there is a want to understand osmosis. Inorganic Nano membranes doped with titanium

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
oxide have been reported for the degradation of chemicals
specially chlorinated compounds. Polymeric membranes
immobilized with titanium oxide are very effective for the  Iron Nanoparticles.
degradation of chlorinated compounds. Polymeric membranes Nano zero valent iron (nZVI) due to their small size and
doped with nanosilver are applied to inhibit biofilm formation large surface area have excellent absorption and reducing
on the membrane surface and to incapacitates viruses so can properties. These properties make these nano zero valent iron
reduce bio fouling. Because of unique properties nanocatalysts (nZVI )effective agents for the removal of large range of
are very effective for the removal of contaminants from water contaminants like halogenated, nitrogenous compounds, dyes,
shrieks. These catalysts are capable to degrade environmental phenols, inorganic ions ,heavy metals and radioactive
contaminants halogenated pesticides, herbicides and components. When these nano zero valent iron (nZVI) and
nitrogenous aromatic compounds. Biological nanoparticles contaminants come in contact, oxidation-reduction reaction
show great potential for waste water treatment. MgO takes place which oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+ so ferric hydroxide,
nanoparticles and Cellulose acetate (CA) fibers implanted with Fe(OH)3 will form and this Fe(OH)3 will facilitates the
Ag nanoparticles have been reported as antibacterial against removal of heavy toxic metals
gram positive as well gram negative bacterial so can also be
used in water treatment. B. Metal Oxides Nanoparticles

 Titanium oxide Nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs)

Photocatalytic degradation method is the best method
now a days for the removal of contaminants from waste water.
Titanium oxide nanoparticles are using as an efficient catalyst
because of their photocatalytic activity, cost effective and
stability. These catalyst when come in the contact of
contaminants, gradually oxidize them into low molecular
weight products like CO2, H2O, NO3-, Cl- etc.. Titanium
oxide nanoparticles are selective degradation agents and used
for the degradation of heavy metals, cyanides, polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated organic compounds, dyes
and phenols. These nanoparticles are also effective
antimicrobials against a wide range of gram-negative and
gram-positive bacteria, fungi and viruses.The coupling
Fig 1. Nano-filtration Process technology of titanium oxide nanoparticles,(TiO2 NPs) with
membrane such as polyvinylidene fluoride, polyethersulfone,
III. NANOMATERIALS FOR WATER polymethyl methacrylate, and polyamide-imide is much more
TREATMENT promising to resolve the recovery problem of titanium oxide
nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs). By this coupling, titanium oxide
A. Metal Nanoparticles nanoparticles can easily be separated just using simple
filtration method.
 Silver Nanoparticles
Silver nanoparticles are strong antibacterial agents and  Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles (ZnO NPs)
highly toxic to different bacteria, viruses and fungi. This ZnO NPs are also very efficient photocatalysis agents for
antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticles make them waste water treatment due to their specific characteristics like
useful as disinfectant for water. Now days silver nanoparticles band gap in the near-UV spectral region, and oxidizing power.
are successfully applied as disinfectant in water treatment. Biocompatibility of these nanoparticles make them suitable for
Although direct application of these silver nanoparticles waste water treatment.
reduce their proficiency in long-term use and may cause
problems as they have tendency to aggregate in aqueous  Iron Oxides Nanoparticles
mediumlenhar, still filter materials incorporated with silver As iron oxides nanoparticles are simple and can easily be
nanoparticles are used as water disinfectant because of their synthesized so these are frequently being used now a days for
antimicrobial properties and cost-effectiveness. the removal of heavy metals. This is typical to recover
nanosorbent materials from contaminated water because of
From last two decades, silver nanoparticles doped their small size but magnetite and maghemite can be used as
membranes or ceramic materials are frequently used for the adsorbents because of their magnetic behavior. Because of
treatment of household water due to their disinfecting and magnetic behavior these iron oxide nanoparticles as a
antifouling behavior. For example ceramic filters prepared by nanosorbants can be recovered from solution by applying
clay and doped with silver nanoparticles are capable to external magnetic field. Therefore these nanoparticles are
enhance efficiency of removing E.coli. It was also observed being magnificently working as nanosorbents for removing
that filters having high porosity have greater tendency to heavy metal ions from water.
remove bacteria than filters with low porosit. It was reported
that silver nanoparticles upgraded the filter enactment and
increased the removal rate of E.coli up to 97.8% and 100%.

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Volume 7, Issue 11, November – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) are interesting adsorption
agents because of their structural and electronic properties. Nanomaterials can be fabricated by using basic two
Because of large surface area and selective nature for methods, one is bottom- up and other is top-down. Bottom-up
aromatics CNMs have advantages in wastewater treatment. is a single step approach while top- down is a twostep method.
CNTs, due to their structure are more efficiently being used One of the popular one-step approach is direct evaporation.
than other carbon nanomaterials. CNTs show specific Chemical reaction method can also be used for the same
adsorption capacity for cations, dyes and ethyl benzene etc. purpose. Two-step method is commonly use for the fabrication
Functionalization of CNTs enhance their adsorption capacity process due to the low cost of material. In this twostep, method
by increasing surface area and dispersibility. Nanocomposite nanoparticles are dispersed in base fluid. This process is most
adsorbent formed by the combination of CNTs having popular method for producing large scale of Nano fluids.
adsorption properties and iron oxide having magnetic
properties, are capable in removing chromium from water. V. CONCLUSION

D. Nanocomposites Although risks are involved with nanomaterials of high

Among nanomaterials, nanocomposites are the most reactivity due to large surface area to volume ratio but in case
prominent materials now days because of their magnetic of water purification done by nanotechnology no problem
properties and these properties make them easy to separate related to human health and environment has reported. These
from the solution. Nano filtration membrane can be prepared nanotechnology based chlorine free methods of water
by incorporating titanium oxide nanoparticles including the purification have advantage because chloramine or chlorine
fabrication of co-polyamide network on a polyimide backing. used in chlorine method produce carcinogenic byproducts. By
Nanocomposites also have specific binding capacity through improving water, quality economy of any developed country
chelation, ion exchange and play active role in the different can grow, as techniques of water purification like chlorination,
forms like polymer nanocomposites, carbon nanocomposites filtration and disinfection can give profit of 5-10 dollars for 1-
and metal oxide nanocomposites. dollar investment.

Dendrimers are monodispersed Nano sized distinct 3-D
macromolecules having symmetric core, inner shell and outer I am thankful to my parents and friends who helped me a
shell. More complex nano-structured materials can be lot in this research within limited time.
synthesized by using dendrimers as nanoscale building blocks,
e.g., dendrimer encapsulated NPs find use in materials REFERENCES
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