Agri Intro Geta
Agri Intro Geta
Agri Intro Geta
Getachew Diriba
January 2020
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
ISBN 978-99944-54-72-3
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
Table of Contents
1. Introduction………………………………………………………….. 1
2. Challenges of Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia…… 2
2.1 A Brief Overview of Ethiopian Agricultural Policies and Programs 2
2.2. Obstacles to Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia 5
The Rising Tide of Hunger and Poverty…………………………… 5
Input and Output Price……………………………………………... 8
Constraints…………………………………………………………. 8
Property Right Dilemma…………………………………………… 10
Organizational Inefficiencies and Incoherence…………………….. 13
Fearful of the Creative Destruction………………………………… 14
2.3 The Agriculture and the Environment Nexus……………………. 15
2.4 Agricultural Growth without Transformation……………………. 17
The Crop Sub-sector………………………………………………. 17
The Livestock Sub-sector…………………………………………. 21
3. Framing the Processes of Agricultural and Rural Transformation…... 28
3.1. Conceptualizing Agricultural and Rural Transformation………... 28
3.2 Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Development Literature 32
3.3 Triggers of Agricultural and Rural Transformation………………. 37
4. A Call to Action: Incentives and Reform Considerations…………………. 39
4.1 Quadruple Sector Approach to Transformation…………………. 39
4.2 Sustained and Intergenerational Commitments to Transformation. 42
4.3 Legal and Regulatory Environment to Facilitate Transformation… 44
4.4 Decisive Agricultural Mechanization and Access to Inputs………. 45
4.5 Decisive Private Sector Lead in Agricultural and Rural
Transformation………………………………………………………… 47
4.6 Effective and Accountable Organizational Capacity……………… 48
4.7 Accessible Rural and Agricultural Financial, Credit Services and
Incentives……………………………………………………………… 48
4.8 Environmental Sustainability……………………………………… 49
References…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 51
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
List of Tables
Table 1: Number of Holders by Land size (ha) - 2014/2015…………… 12
Table 2: Cattle Holding Size in Main Crop Growing Areas by
Region, 2014-2015………………………………………………………. 23
Table 3: Livestock ownership in Pastoral Areas, 2014/2015…………… 24
Table 4: Total Livestock Resources of Ethiopia, 2014/15……………… 25
List of Figures
Figure 1: Emergency and Safety Net Program Beneficiaries:
1978 – 2017……………………………………………………………… 7
Figure 2: Value of Imported Cereals, Dairy Products, Edible Oil
and Cotton, 1993- 2016 (USD) …………………………………………. 7
Figure 3: Selected Crop Yield/ha: 1979/80 - 2017/2018………………... 18
Figure 4 : Selected Pulse Crop Yield/ha: 1979/80 - 2017/18…………… 20
Figure 5: Selected Oil Seeds Yield/ha: 1979/80 - 2017/18……………… 21
Figure 6: Processes of Agricultural & Rural Transformation: Triggers,
Indicators & Outcomes…………………………………………………… 30
mt – metric ton
ha – hectare
hg – hectogram
MOA – Ministry of Agriculture
SDG – Sustainable Development Goals 2030
USD – United States Dollar
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
1. Introduction1
The discussion paper is abridged from the author’s book: Overcoming Agricultural and Food
Crises in Ethiopia: Institutional Evolution and the Path to Agricultural Transformation. The
first edition was published in 2018 at the Master Printing, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and
Amazon, USA 2018. The second edition will be published later this year.
2 The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) identifies multiple deprivations at the household
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
MOA 2019: Transforming Ethiopian Agriculture: Power Point Presentation, Briefing for
Agricultural Scholar Consultative Forum, April 2019, Addis Ababa.
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
The eight program areas were: Program 1 - Farm inputs and agricultural production
consisting of farm machinery, feed; Program 2 - Agricultural Package programs; Program 3 –
Supplemental irrigation for agricultural production; Program 4 – Agricultural credit; Program
5 – Processing agricultural products; Program 6 – Marketing and export program; Program 7
– Improving agricultural techniques and technology; and Program 8 – Manpower resources
for agricultural development including skilled manpower needs, manpower supply and type
of training. See
As this is being prepared, the coalition front has been formed into a single Prosperity Party
consisting of three of the four original coalition members as well as extending membership to
five other regional parties; the TPLF, the principal founder of the coalition, opted out of the
Prosperity Party.
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
See GTP II introduction section which assesses GTP I performance.
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Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
unfolded. They failed to recognize the seriousness of the danger even when the
problems had actually revealed themselves; and they failed to take decisive and
bold action after the problems appeared at national level, along with human,
environmental, economic and political consequences. It demonstrated a real crisis
of vision, a total failure of understanding, naïvely assuming Ethiopia’s agriculture
could continue essentially in its present form and shape.
To be fair, and as briefly introduced above, Ethiopia has been tinkering
with the concept of agricultural and economy-wide ‘modernization’ since the turn
of the 20th century with limited success. Since 2000, efforts have been made to
develop infrastructural expansion - roads, educational facilities, housing
construction in major urban centers, hydro-electric generation plants, modest
expansion in manufacturing and service industries – though the emphasis has
been concentrated in Addis Ababa, the federal capital, and a few other regional
State capitals. Efforts to develop agriculture have also brought about a modest
quantitative growth, especially in cereal crop productivity per unit area. These
efforts have resulted in nearly two decades of 10% GDP growth, and the reduction
of income poverty from 45% in 1995 to 23% in 2018. While this might appear
impressive, the number of poor and food insecure population has remained very
high, with an estimated 25 million people at or below the threshold of survival.
And more specifically, the numbers of people on emergency and safety net
program assistance have been consistently increasing (Figure 1) over the past 40
years, 1978-2017. Not only has the aggregate number of people depending on
welfare assistance increased, there has also been a steady expansion in spatial
manifestations, now covering nearly all the Regional States. This is an underlying
trend that should alarm policymakers and development practitioners alike.
In addition, Ethiopia’s import of cereals (wheat, rice, barley), edible oil
and lint cotton, continues to rise dramatically, now costing over a billion dollars
every year (Figure 2). Given the foreign currency constraints the country is
grappling with, it is disconcerting to witness growing import demands for
products that could easily be home grown.
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
Figure 2: Value of Imported Cereals, Dairy Products, Edible Oil and Cotton,
1993- 2016 (USD)
1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015
The paradox is clear. At one level, there is a story that offers successful
production and productivity increases amongst (some) progressive farmers in Arsi,
Bale, part of Showa, parts of Tigray and Somali regional states and other areas. They
have invested their resources to ‘acquire’ agricultural lands, employ tractors and
harvesters, and optimized the use of agricultural inputs. They have succeeded in
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
increasing land and labor productivity. They have successfully improved their lives
and livelihoods. It is, however, a ‘success story’ that demonstrates the potential of
Ethiopian agriculture- if conditions are right. This is no more than a partial ‘success
story’, and represents no more than a tiny proportion of farm households which built
on the historical opportunities of rural development projects of the 1960/70s. At
another level, Ethiopia is desperate to export agricultural commodities to earn foreign
currency that are in critical demand even when some of the export commodities are
not competitive regionally and internationally. Most agricultural commodities are
exported without value addition (for example, sesame seeds or other pulse crops, and
live animals).
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
work on fragmented and declining landholdings, facing severe and chronic food
insecurity, unable to invest in agricultural inputs (chemical fertilizer, improved
seeds), or withstand seasonal risks of crop failure or animal deaths. They face
continuous poverty and hopelessness. Many are now forced to rely on welfare
assistance and depend on imported cereals (Figures 1 and 2).
The most persistent obstacle to Ethiopia’s agricultural and rural
transformation is insufficient appreciation of the magnitude of the danger or of the
consequences of the steadily increasing problems of agricultural and rural areas (see
Figure 6, Box 1). As already indicated, there has been a total lack of
intergenerational leadership recognizing the limits of the traditional techniques of
farming, the pitiful living conditions of the vast majority of rural populations near
or below subsistence and participating in agricultural practices that lead to extreme
environmental and natural resource degradation. This does not mean that these
problems are unknown - they are after all in the public domain. Numerous studies
have provided detailed analyses of ‘systemic bottlenecks’ in agriculture (see ATA
2014). These have been repeatedly expressed in terms of delayed agricultural input
deliveries, lack of access to agricultural machinery, absence of financial services,
poor agricultural extension systems, incoherent national agricultural research
systems, uncoordinated seed systems, and many other challenges (FAO 1986,
2018, 2019, ATA 2013-2016, Diriba 2018, UNIDO 2013, ILRI 2017, and
numerous other studies and project appraisal reports).
A WIDE7 study reveals changes taking place in rural Ethiopia: “…
increasing divisions and inequalities and disrupted long-standing relationships
between social categories: between the rich and the poor, between those with access
to land and/or capital and those with too little or none, and, in different respects,
between generations and gender. There are also growing disparities between better
connected and less well-connected communities, and between areas and households
within communities that are close or further from roads and urban centers. …. in
much of the country and four bridge communities, the difference between being
landless, having a quarter of half a hectare or more than one and, for the few who are
better off, two hectares or more, can mean the difference being destitute, barely
surviving, managing an independent livelihood or thriving and being part of the
wealthy elites” (Pankhurst and Dom, 2019: 13 - 16).
Ever since the problems of agriculture and rural areas began to become
visible at the national level, Ethiopia’s leaders including relevant players in the
sector appear to have been preoccupied with other issues, making no more than
short-term responses for agricultural development and neglecting any radically
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
different possibilities. There has been a recurrent crisis of vision. The issue has
been clear enough: the prevailing systems of agricultural production have
produced numerous fissures and concerns for the environment, for human
wellbeing and for the national economy. It is a commonplace that some 20 million
or more people live in a chronic state of food deprivation at the most basic level;
more than 7.8 million are recipient of permanent welfare assistance under the
Productive Safety Net Program. These figures are steadily increasing both in
number and in area. Every year, another 3 to 5 million people have to be assisted
with emergency humanitarian food aid programs; the numbers that constantly
face risks and vulnerabilities are more numerous than the PSNP and emergency
assisted population combined. The cost of hunger and poverty remains
exceptionally severe for the economy and the population. A Cost of Hunger Study
(AU/WFP/ECA 2013) estimated that hunger cost Ethiopia $2.9 billion USD,
equivalent to 16.5% of GDP. This is expressed in lost productivity, poor
educational performance, healthcare and related expenditures; the environmental
and political costs of hunger, including social unrest, were barely documented in
financial terms. All this has increased in the last six years; and there has to be a
limit to Ethiopia’s costly neglect of agricultural and rural transformation.
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Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
Tigray 61,989 242,870 245,102 256,116 120,235 7,908 1,158 935,378 5.51
Afar 479 4,124 2,683 1,717 416 9,419 0.06
Amhara 315,832 924,145 1,089,212 1,423,634 718,963 35,558 2,033 4,509,377 26.57
Oromia 295,494 1,376,669 1,516,824 1,772,376 1,169,506 143,707 7,483 6,282,059 37.01
Somali 21,695 21,991 27,893 16,525 1,623 89,727 0.53
Benishangul Gumuz 27,008 55,186 46,041 47,057 37,393 5,958 1,172 219,815 1.29
SNNP 595,716 2,477,863 1,067,941 539,482 147,127 9,187 1,681 4,838,997 28.51
Gambela 9,184 20,227 7,399 3,931 1,190 41,931 0.25
Harari 1,328 9,309 8,239 5,167 989 5,032 0.15
Dire Dawa 646 9,033 9,345 3,772 22,796 0.13
Federal 1,307,676 5,141,121 4,014,777 4,081,145 2,212,344 203,941 13,527 16,974,531 100.00
%age 7.70 30.29 23.65 24.04 13.03 1.20 0.08 100.00
Source: Based on CSA data
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confined to areas of Arsi, Bale, Western Tigray and parts of Somali region
(IFPRI, 2017)8.
The traditional systems of crop and livestock production may have served
the nation for millennia but this was only with a smaller population and a largely
unaffected environmental system. Today, the same traditional tools and activities
are expected to cultivate extensive areas and feed over 100 million people. This
is not only impractical, but it is also inducing human and environmental disaster.
To continue to rely on the ard plow, or partial application of agricultural inputs,
is simply inadequate to meet expectations of agricultural productivity or
improvements in human condition. As a result of the absence of mechanization,
labor productivity has remained exceptionally low, even in comparison to other
developing economies. At best, household labor productivity, outside coffee or
cash crop growing areas, amounts to 1,750 kg of cereal for cereal-dependent
populations on an average 0.65 ha of land. In addition, youth unemployment has
become a major political and policy challenge for both the Federal Government
and the Regional States. Data on migration is hard to obtain, but it can be inferred
from both pull and push factors at work in Ethiopia. On the one hand, declining
land availability and absence of employment opportunities in rural area are
pushing the youth to urban centers; on the other hand, government authorities,
fearful of political implications, offer ‘promises of job creation’ pulling large
numbers of rural youth into major urban centers, especially Addis Ababa. The
significantly expanded primary, secondary and tertiary education levels are also
creating extensive unmet job expectations outside the agricultural sector and rural
areas. The educational system is not producing or encouraging talent and skills
that help or prepare graduates to create jobs, nor is there sufficient private sector
capacity to employ the tens of thousands of job seekers entering the labor market
each year.
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Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
FAO and the Ethiopian government in 1986 under the auspices of the Ethiopian
Highlands Reclamation Study. The study, completed more than three decades
ago, concluded that the increase in population had extended farming to
increasingly vulnerable land areas and reduced available fallow periods. In fact,
feudal and other forms of dependent land tenure, coupled with day-to-day
preoccupations with survival, had, over the centuries, led the growing highland
population to farm the land in ways inappropriate to its sustained use. This had
inevitably led to land degradation, typified by excessive deforestation and soil
erosion, and by worsening water storage and flow regimes, and reduced the
potential productivity of land. It had become a spiral of degradation. The study
estimated that over 1900 million tons of soil were lost from the highlands of
Ethiopia annually. These were losses of productive top soil and for all practical
purposes irreversible as it takes many years to generate a ton of top soil. Soil
erosion was gradually undermining the natural agricultural heritage of the
country, and as a result, the highlands of Ethiopia contained one of the largest
areas of ecological degradation in Africa, if not in the world. Environmental
conditions had worsened to such an extent that in some parts of the highlands,
millions were now scarcely able to subsist even in years of good rainfall while
years of poor rainfall threatened famines of increasing severity and extent. Other
highland areas were being gradually degraded, and it was only a question of time
before the degradation spiral threatened livelihoods in all these areas too. This
process of degradation threatened millions of Ethiopians then and even more in
the future. It posed the greatest long-term threat to human survival, and the
greatest challenges facing the Ethiopian people and Government.
These prognoses could hardly have been more apt drawing attention to
urgent action. And since the study was conducted, Ethiopia’s population has
increased 2.6-fold putting massive pressure on the already degraded lands. No
other in-depth study has been conducted, but it is quite evident that the situation
of most watersheds and their surroundings have moved far beyond the picture
painted more than three decades ago. There has been continued expansion of
agriculture into marginal and high-risk areas, seriously increasing land
fragmentation, declining land use per capita and a significant increase in virtual
landlessness. There has, in effect, been no effort to reverse the dangerous trends
observed thirty years ago. Outside of the highland areas, in pastoral and agro-
pastoral areas of the country, an equally dangerous environmental deterioration
is at work. Despite data scarcity, it is evident that crop production has expanded
into the pastoral and agro-pastoral zones creating a perfect storm for
environmental deterioration on the one hand, and conflict between livestock and
crop production on the other.
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Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
wheat production9 at 6.18% and yield has remained at 2.4% per annum during the
same period. Wheat is milled into flour for traditional bread, and use in bakeries,
for pastries and pasta as well as being mixed with other cereals to make enjera.
The growing number of milling companies in and around Addis Ababa, and in
Arsi, Shewa and other regions, is a testimony of the growing demand for wheat.
In addition, a significant quantity of wheat is imported each year to supply the
national shortfall, accounting for 9% of national total cereal production (see
Diriba 2018).
Barley: Accounts for 9.3% of total cereal area and 7.7% of total cereal
production. The area under barley has grown at a rate of 0.57%, total production
by 2.19% and yield by 1.62% per annum.
It is estimated that only 70-73% total volume of wheat enters consumption with 27-30%
affected by impurities. These include desiccated grains, damaged grains by pests, grains in
which the germ is discolored, sprouted grains, miscellaneous impurities such as extraneous
seeds, extraneous matter, husks, ergots, decayed grains, dead insects, and other undesirable
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
20.0 Pulses
Field peas
1979/80 1983/84 1987/88 1991/92 1995/96 1999/00 2004/05 2008/09 2012/13 2016/17
Sesame: 39.4% of total area and 23.2% of the production of oilseeds. The area
under sesame grew at 15.34%, production at 18.48% and yield at 2.72%.
Neug (Niger seed): 31.1% of the total area dedicated to oilseeds and 29.3% of
total production in 2017/18.Growth rates have been 2.62%, production 5.15% and
yield 2.47% per annum.
Groundnuts (peanuts): 8.6% of area and 13.2% of total oilseeds production.
Growth rates have been 11.22% for area, production 13.49% and yield 2.04%.
Linseed (flax): 8.5% of area and 8.0% of production. The area grew at 1.71%,
production at 3.87% and yield at 2.12%.
Fenugreek: 3.5% area and 4.0% of total output of oilseeds. Area grew at a rate
of 3.77%, production at 8.05% and yield at 4.12% per annum.
Rapeseed accounts for 1.9% of area and 3% of oilseed production. Area grew at
a rate of 0.52%, production at 2.2% and yield 1.67%
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
Oil seeds
Oil seeds
6.0 Oil seeds Neug
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Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
Table 2: Cattle Holding Size in Main Crop Growing Areas by Region, 2014-2015
Number of Households by Cattle Holding Size
not owners 1-2 Head 3-4 Head 5-9 Head 10-19 Head 20-49 Head 50-99 Head 100-199 Head total Owners
Tigray 287,353 263,330 335,260 267,238 70,967 13,729 1,481 103 952,108
Afar 87,705 29,204 32,232 52,270 38,498 15,908 2,941 171,053
Amhara 1,003,187 1,387,062 1,349,692 953,993 132,376 11,283 1,389 3,835,795
Oromia 1,355,894 1,455,720 1,368,273 1,423,287 419,686 57,115 2,371 144 4,726,596
Somali 48,097 23,708 26,888 31,019 14,750 4,041 196 100,602
Benishangul-Gumuz 127,592 32,028 26,625 30,093 13,925 4,754 161 107,586
SNNP 772,980 1,105,073 979,778 634,189 90,814 22,156 4,574 1,339 2,837,923
Gambela 34,299 7,850 5,172 4,657 4,971 4,033 413 68 27,164
Harari 5,904 10,024 6,821 2,986 397 20,228
Dire Dawa 8,822 10,560 6,638 1,765 97 19,060
Ethiopia 3,731,833 4,324,559 4,137,379 3,401,497 786,481 133,019 13,526 1,654 12,798,115
%age 29.16 33.79 32.33 26.58 6.15 1.04 0.11 0.01
Source: Based on the CSA data, CSA 2016
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Tigray 4,578,181 1,817,305 4,255,290 3,543 3,754 753,450 55,921 6,189,848 250,598
Amhara 14,710,911 10,024,277 6,064,944 420,760 157,213 2,677,429 66,364 18,031,121 1,361,329
Oromia 22,925,730 9,715,587 7,849,924 1,222,760 156,331 3,007,027 239,357 20,076,129 2,864,320
Benishangul-Gumuz 659,587 104,547 440,719 1,672 1,936 67,702 1,151 1,375,326 218,616
SNNP 11,215,636 4,580,220 5,092,628 382,927 78,334 630,492 2,865 10,433,773 1,127,618
Dire Dawa 49,880 86,545 209,982 137 18,699 6,670 86,617 2,278
56,706,389 29,332,383 29,112,963 2,033,118 398,328 7,428,036 1,164,106 56,866,719 5,885,263
Source: CSA 2015, Agricultural Sample Survey, 2014/15
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
Animal feed is one of the defining challenges for both the traditional and
the commercial livestock sector. The traditional open grazing system faces steep
competition from crop production, and studies point out that the major constraints
for the very low production and productivity of livestock in Ethiopia are the poor
quality and inadequate quantity of available feed. The commercial sector lacks
sufficient feed production, and FAO (2019) and Bediye et al (2018) have
identified some of the challenges facing the commercial feed sector in Ethiopia.
The most common problems for animal feed production in Ethiopia can
be summarized:
a) Seasonality, shortage and high prices of feed ingredients that limit
sustainability and affordability of compound feeds;
b) The commercial feed sub-sector and livestock production face severe and
unfair taxation. For example, a 15% value added tax (VAT) is charged on
feed ingredients and on compound feeds, leading to double taxation for feed
ingredients and formula/compound feeds for ruminants. For poultry, the
government has recently taken the positive measure of removing VAT on
poultry feed ingredients and formula feeds, as most of the feed supplements,
especially premixes, are imported from abroad;
c) Ensuring feed safety and quality is one of the key challenges in the
commercial feed sector to avoid high aflatoxin levels in oilseed cakes and
compound feeds;
d) The response to the demand for compound feeds has not yet reached the
desired level as most of the feed processing plants are operating below
e) Capacity to manufacture remixes, minerals and vitamins remains low and
importation is costly in terms of price and of foreign currency;
f) Technical services, both in terms of research and extension facilities, for
promotion of the commercial feed sector remain very weak or non-existent;
g) Feed processing plants are currently facing serious challenges in lack of
analytical services mainly because of high cost and inadequate service
delivery; and
h) The Ethiopian Animal Feed Industry Association (EAFIA), established in
2008, is still a young institution and it has not yet reached the desired level of
operation. It is facing technical, financial, and organizational challenges.
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
Molasses is used for ethanol production, but all the other by-products can play an
important role in the feeding of livestock, mainly in urban and peri-urban
livestock systems. There are around 300 wheat milling plants, of which 140 are
located in and around Addis Ababa; and some 202,134 tons of oilseed cake, from
niger seed (noug), groundnut, sesame, cotton, and safflower, are produced
annually. A substantial quantity of oilseeds is exported without value addition,
decreasing the availability of oilseed cakes for use for livestock. The offal
produced in the Addis Ababa Abattoir is processed into meat meal and bone meal
for poultry feed. Breweries produce useful by-products and the total from
domestic and modern breweries amounts to 635,343 tons of which 515,097 tons
comes from domestic brewing and distilling in the Oromia and Tigray States
alone – details of the contribution of other regions was unavailable.
In total, agro-industrial by-products simply do not produce anywhere
near the necessary quantity of feed. One reason is that most agro-industries are
running below capacity, in part because of insufficient or intermittent availability
of raw materials, including wheat, oilseeds etc., and water and/or power. In
addition, there are problems of proper storage of by-products at the production
site or on farms, of transport to users quickly enough and in proper containers,
plastic or metal with a cover and without leakage, or of proper loading and
unloading of by-products from vehicles. Linking the industries that produce by-
products with the feed industries, without intermediaries, and the introduction of
drying technologies at production sites to increase shelf-life, building the capacity
to properly manage the storage and handling at the production sites and on-farm,
would all help to reduce wastage. Equally important is enhancing awareness of
the importance of these by-products as animal feed, and inculcating the idea that
these are valuable resources.
The FAO’s study of feed availability and feed balance, which was
conducted in 2018, the first of its kind for Ethiopia, also underscores that the main
factors behind pastoral destitution in Ethiopia has been feed and water scarcity,
as the natural resource base in the rangelands is shrinking fast. Institutionalization
of a feed security system is therefore a necessity. It is needed to fully identify
needs, resource availability, gaps, implications and ways to fill those both in
Ethiopia and the region. This is required to make feed interventions in the country
effective in immediate, medium and long-term as well as provide solutions for
the region.
Another study, ILRI 2017, identified three key livestock commodity
value chains – poultry for chicken meat and eggs, crossbred cattle mainly for
milk, and red meat-milk from ruminants, indigenous cattle, sheep, goats, and
camels. These comprised smallholder families and commercial production
systems organized across lowland grazing, including both pastoral and agro-
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Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
too-often simply emphasize quantitative crop production growth and ignore the
absence of any improvement in the conditions of life of millions of Ethiopians
and the lack of structural change which might offer new economic, technological,
organizational and production possibilities. The differing perceptions about
transformation trajectories raise three basic questions: first, what ‘measures’
agricultural and rural transformation; that is, how do we know if ‘transformation
is happening’? Second, are there verifiable efforts that link agriculture/rural
transformation to the manufacturing, services and urbanization at a decentralized
level? Thirdly, will Ethiopia be able to induce transformation at the necessary
speed and scale to end hunger and poverty by 2030 as called for in the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG) and save environmental catastrophe?
To be clear from the outset: agricultural and rural transformation is
expressed here as the process of change from: a highly fragmented, risk and crisis-
laden production system, rain-dependent, relying on traditional tools, with
substandard conditions of life; to: one which is vibrant, wealth-creating, modern,
system devoted to the improved wellbeing of the population, capable of
producing for markets and supplying surplus for national demands for
consumption, manufacturing and export earnings, by fully employing modern
agricultural inputs, environmentally sustainable practices, and adopting farm
machineries commensurate with the 21st century’s technological and digital
innovations. Implicit in agricultural and rural transformation is the desire and the
necessity to improve human condition in all its forms, and at all times.
To clarify and depict this definition, four integrated processes are considered
to trigger and measure progress towards agricultural and rural transformation:
performance, institution, structure, and time, the period necessary for the evolution
of Ethiopian agriculture (Figure 6, Box 2).
The starting point of agricultural and rural transformation in Ethiopia is
to remove the many obstacles discussed above, herein referred to as systemic
triggers (see Figure 6, Box 1). As has been discussed above, principal triggers
include: i) sustained and intergeneration commitments and leadership, ii)
continuously adapted constitutional, legal and regulatory conditions that facilitate
the transformation processes at speed and scale; iii) shared responsibility between
private sector and the State, with the state providing the means necessary for a
decisive private sector leadership of the transformation process; iv) availability
of a technological and innovation option that expands and delivers agricultural
mechanization; v) commitment to the creation of human talent and skills to
effectively and accountably implement agricultural and rural transformation; vi)
facilitation and where necessary creation of rural and agricultural financial and
credit services and banks, and vii) early and extensive work on environmental
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
Source: Diriba, 2018. Overcoming Food and Agricultural Crises (and an expanded second
edition, forthcoming).
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
change and equilibria within and among the factors that make up the national
economy. These and additional elements discussed below will serve as integrated
indicators of transformation.
Another indicator of transformation is structural change (see Figure 6,
Box 2) which measures progress towards agricultural transformation; it measures
changes from the traditional systems of production, relying on ard-plow and
rainfall, to modern production systems that utilize mechanized practices, allows
significantly enhanced land and labor productivity, and offers a shift in the relative
proportion of agriculture within the broader national economy, as well as changes
in the living standards of the population. In a broad sense, structure is the most
important input of social and economic transformation. For this reason, structural
change is complex and it is central to accelerating and/or constraining agricultural
transformation over time.
The third process is about measuring outcomes of agricultural
transformation, that is ‘performance’, being measured in terms of improvements in
the wellbeing of the population, and it is assessed in the following five ways, which
characterizes their definition of food security for Ethiopia (see Figure 6, Box 3).
✓ First, agricultural performance must be evaluated in terms of its capacity to
provide food security, at the most basic level, for human nutrition and
survival requirements for producing and consuming units. Nutritional
requirements can be met directly from farm products and/or from markets in
exchange for farm /labor income.
✓ Second, agricultural performance must also be assessed in terms of its capacity
to meet the social, personal and communal, and economic necessities of life
such as shelter, clothing, medical, educational and locally determined
communal expenses including the capacity to pay for leisure activities, even if
these are rare for most Ethiopians. In other words, agricultural performance
assessment must be expressed in terms of cash income that can pay for health,
educational and other related social obligations for the participants in the sector.
✓ Third, agricultural performance must go beyond the maintenance of life; it
must serve as a business enterprise where farmers invest in innovation and
technological change to enhance land and labor productivity. Agricultural
performance should be measured in terms of its capacity to afford producers
the ability to purchase farm inputs and tools including fertilizer, seeds,
pesticides, and the replacement of tools including maresha, hoes, racks, and
investments in mechanization, hay-making, milk-processing and beef
production, afford agricultural machine rental or purchase investment in
irrigation to reduce the risks of dependence on rainfall as well as investment
in modern livestock rearing and animal product processing.
✓ Fourth, agricultural performance must also be assessed by capacity of
households, the producing units, to mitigate risk in the event of crop failure
or animal deaths. Risk can be mitigated by savings put aside from agricultural
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10 See Staatz, 1994. The Strategic Role of Food and Agricultural Systems in Fighting Hunger
Through Fostering Sustainable Economic Growth. See also Timmer 2007 in Handbook of
Development Economics, Volume 1.
Dominance of agriculture is expressed in the number of people it employs, geographical
dispersion, number of households, and as the principal supplier of national consumption,
manufacturing and export earnings.
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
A field visit to Arsi and the adjoining areas is a regular exercise of the author in part to
inform the write up of this discussion paper and preparation of the second edition of his
“Overcoming Food and Agricultural Crises in Ethiopia”.
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
increases are comparable to the globally motorized farms, then it may be feasible
to anticipate transmission of the productivity gains in agriculture to other sectors
of the national economy in the form of savings, lowered price of agricultural and
manufactured commodities for consumers, and capital flows from agriculture to
urban areas for investment in services or manufacturing sectors without being
“squeezed”. In an economic equilibrium, the value of the agricultural surplus is
capitalized in and outside agriculture; and land is capitalized as agricultural land,
through aggregation and consolidation, with expanding urbanization offering
lucrative land values. This also assumes State facilitation of decentralized
urbanization, rural industrialization, agro-processing, technical assistance for
skills development, credit and financing arrangements, property rights, and
national educational systems that can respond to emerging talent demands across
all sectors. These natural process of capital flows, from agriculture into the
manufacturing and service sectors, cannot however occur if the agricultural sector
remains traditional, with low productivity, and living standards of the population
near or below subsistence as is the case in Ethiopia. If agriculture is forcibly
“squeezed” by State intervention, it creates stagnation, not transformation.
Implicit in the processes of agricultural transformation are greater
performance of institutional and structural changes through time that will bring
about resolution of national food concerns, induce voluntary resource outflows
from agriculture, and bring about the adoption of technologies without passing
through the historically costly processes of technological invention. Agricultural
and rural transformation induce quantitative, structural and technological
transformation of largely traditional and subsistence agriculture, and can be
expected to improve living conditions. Indeed, Ethiopia has sought for this, in
policy terms, as when the EPRDF administration introduced the Agricultural-
Development-Led-Industrialization (ADLI) policy to provide an underpinning for
developmental architecture. The ADLI has, however, had difficulty in getting off
the ground in the spirit expressed by its designers; it is now necessary to revamp an
integrative framework of transformation in the light of Ethiopia’s present context
offered in the concluding section of this discussion paper.
It is important to keep in mind that rural and agricultural transformation are
inseparable and they offer inclusive development opportunities for all Ethiopians. As
important, in the short and medium term, is the fact that most growth opportunities
will continue to come from agriculture: food production, employment in agriculture
and allied sub-sectors, food manufacturing, food services, and agriculturally based
trade. These can and will make significant contributions to the non-agricultural
growth processes including employment generation.
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Ethiopia’s rural development policy document was developed in 2004, There has not,
however, been any meaningful or practical action to realize it.
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livestock production must aim at increased milk processing and packaging, meat
processing and value addition activities. Cotton production should be fully linked
to textile manufacturing.
A decline in the share of primary agricultural products will occur
gradually as modernization and mechanization become firmly rooted, as farm
sizes begin to consolidate, as land and labor productivities significantly increase,
and manufacturing and processing industries expand. So, in order for agricultural
transformation to be sustainable, it must be pragmatically but firmly linked to
developments in the manufacturing and service sectors of the economy. Finding
an equilibrium between the agricultural, manufacturing and service sectors is the
most important political and technical decision Ethiopia will have to make. It is
important to keep in mind that owners of manufacturing and service sector
industries, the elite, have proximity to the political power that can influence
policy choices and other decisions in their favor. This might lead to the
withdrawal or significant reduction in investment in agriculture and rural areas,
so undermining and/or delaying agricultural and rural transformation. This
possibility calls for serious political arbitrage through, for example, exemplary
and dedicated governance to support a transformation agenda, both at federal and
regional state levels, private sector and active civil society voice. An economy-
wide structural transformation can manifestly lead to greater employment across
all sectors, especially in agriculture and allied rural activities, at least initially. It
will also lead to improved incomes, especially as the price of food drops
following surplus production that exceeds domestic demands, coupled with better
and expanded services for housing, water and electricity as well as educational
and health facilities.
Agricultural and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia Policy Working Paper 01/2020
ownership or entitlement, in fact, must allow farmers to either stay on the farm or
move to urban areas where he/she might invest in business activities using the
income from land liquidation. The liquidation process, with appropriate
valuation, must offer access to capital and the opportunity for consolidating
fragmented land holdings. Land property rights is one of the transformative areas
of institutional change that can spur agricultural growth and develop other sectors
by turning “dead capital” into investible and transformative funds.
Importantly, the consolidation process must also protect smallholder
farmers from the greed of the elites and rent-seekers, as well as from eviction by
creating a legal mechanism for equity, and the determination of a ‘fairer land
value’ system based on its relative location. It must consider the specific context
of land within pastoral areas under special arrangements and facilitate investment
in water drilling and pasture land management, as well as the clearing of bushes
to minimize and reverse desertification. It should classify land in crop areas
keeping in mind commercial and irrigation potential and feasibilities for
expansion; and differentiate land in suburban areas and areas of urban expansion
with the highest land value.
Policies and programs for land property rights must help reverse
declining land availability, fragmentation, and land degradation. A crucial
element for land consolidation must be to ensure farmers’ access to and ability to
employ technology to enhance productivity. The debate about farm-size, of small
versus commercial farms, is based broadly on ideological rather than practical
considerations. Farm size aggregation will pave the way to link the development
of agriculture, manufacturing, services and urbanization and the accompanying
investment in infrastructural development. If legal and constitutional conditions
are met, farm size aggregation becomes a matter of individual choice rather than
elite-motivated political calculation. It also helps eliminate duality of land system
between rural and urban populations. Overall, land property rights can facilitate
the emergence of small and medium scale investments in agricultural activities
by providing the legal means for land transfer on a long-term basis (whether by
lease, sale, mortgage, or rent). This calls for amending the constitution, as well as
the provision of an acceptable legal and regulatory environment.
No one can foretell how farm households will respond to full ownership
rights, and meaningless pontification is of no help. Nevertheless, farm size
aggregation will certainly pave the way to link the development of agriculture,
manufacturing, services and urbanization and the accompanying investment in
infrastructural development.
4.4. Decisive Agricultural Mechanization and Access to Inputs
The immediate and supreme priority for the 21st century Ethiopian is
adoption of agricultural mechanization and involvement in the ‘creative
destruction’ of technology. Maresha and hoe cultivation system must gradually
be replaced with mechanized crop and livestock husbandry. Agricultural
transformation entails a transition that links smallholder farmers to a progressive
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in the agricultural sector has been recognized as having one of the largest impacts
on reducing poverty. In China, transformation in the agricultural sector is estimated
to have been 3.5 times more effective in reducing poverty than anything else. In
Latin America, the figure is 2.7 times. Successful rural transformation is, therefore,
the key to reducing poverty as a majority of the poor are to be found in rural areas.
Building on the successful experience of a quantitative growth of crops, and the
opportunities to expand the potential of the livestock sector, Ethiopia must now aim
to double, triple or even quadruple its present productivity levels by introducing
mechanization and other actions that will facilitate structural transformation. Labor
and land productivity, if combined with increasing utilization of mechanization and
other agricultural inputs, are the proven indicators of agricultural transformation. In
this sense, labor productivity is closely linked with household income and poverty
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suitable for beef, should be put to work, offering immediate economic gains for
livestock owners and specialty markets. Animal feed industries must be supported
and expanded, commensurate with the growing demands for animal protein and
animal products.
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urgent action is needed to prevent crossing the threshold beyond which lies the
collapse of the country’s very structure and civilization.
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