1. The document outlines procedures auditors carry out to complete an audit, including identifying subsequent events, contingencies, and obtaining management representations.
2. Key procedures include reviewing for subsequent events, reading minutes and interim financials, inquiring about litigation, and obtaining a management representation letter.
3. The auditor must consider the entity's ability to continue as a going concern, evaluating events or conditions that cast doubt, such as losses, inability to pay debts, or loss of major markets.
1. The document outlines procedures auditors carry out to complete an audit, including identifying subsequent events, contingencies, and obtaining management representations.
2. Key procedures include reviewing for subsequent events, reading minutes and interim financials, inquiring about litigation, and obtaining a management representation letter.
3. The auditor must consider the entity's ability to continue as a going concern, evaluating events or conditions that cast doubt, such as losses, inability to pay debts, or loss of major markets.
1. The document outlines procedures auditors carry out to complete an audit, including identifying subsequent events, contingencies, and obtaining management representations.
2. Key procedures include reviewing for subsequent events, reading minutes and interim financials, inquiring about litigation, and obtaining a management representation letter.
3. The auditor must consider the entity's ability to continue as a going concern, evaluating events or conditions that cast doubt, such as losses, inability to pay debts, or loss of major markets.
1. The document outlines procedures auditors carry out to complete an audit, including identifying subsequent events, contingencies, and obtaining management representations.
2. Key procedures include reviewing for subsequent events, reading minutes and interim financials, inquiring about litigation, and obtaining a management representation letter.
3. The auditor must consider the entity's ability to continue as a going concern, evaluating events or conditions that cast doubt, such as losses, inability to pay debts, or loss of major markets.
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CHAPTER 10 Reviewing procedures management has
established to identify subsequent events.
Series of procedures are generally carried out to Reviewing the minutes of board of complete the audit (IIOP) directors and stockholders’ meetings. 1. Identifying subsequent events that may Reading the latest available interim affect the financial statements under audit financial statement as well as management 2. Identifying contingencies such as reports such as budgets and forecasts. litigation, claims and assessment. Inquiring of the entity’s lawyers 3. Obtaining written management concerning litigation claims, and forecasts. representation. THE AUDITOR SHOULD CONSIDER THE 4. Performing wrap-up procedures. ADEQUACY OF DISCLOSURE AND SHOULD SUBSEQUENT EVENTS MAY BE DATE THRE REPORT EITHER; CLASSIFIED AS: (RRPSE) 1. As of the date of the subsequent event Requiring Adjustment 2. Dual date the report Requiring Disclosure PSA 580, REQUIRES AN AUDITOR TO Procedures to Identify subsequent event OBTAIN SAE THAT THE ENTITY’S Subsequent events occurring after the MANAGEMENT report date but before the financial statement are issued. Has acknowledged that it has fulfilled its Effect of subsequent events on the date of responsibility for the preparation and the report representation of fair financial statements; and REQUIRING ADJUSTMENT Has approved the financial statement Settlement of litigation in excess of the REPRESENTATION LETTER FROM recorded liability. MANAGEMENT. THIS LETTER INCLUDES Loss on uncollectible receivables as a result of customer’s deteriorating financial A representation that management has condition. fulfilled its responsibility for the preparation and presentation of the REQUIRING DISCLOSURE: EXAMPLE financial statement as set out in the terms Issuance of stocks of bonds after the of the engagement; balance sheet date. A representation that the financial Loss on inventory due to fire that occurred statements are prepared and presented in in the subsequent period accordance with the applicable financial Loss on uncollectible receivable because reporting framework; of a major casualty suffered by that A representation that management has customer after the balance sheet date. provided the auditor with all relevant information agreed in the terms of the PROCEDURES TO IDENTIFY SUBSEQUENT engagement, and the all transactions have EVENTS; THESE ORDINARILY INCLUDES: been recorded and reflected in the financial (IRRRI) statement; Inquiring of management about any subsequent events. A representation that describes In addition, the auditor should evaluate management’s responsibilities as described management’s assessment of the entity’s in the terms of the engagement; ability to continue as a going concern. Other representation required by other EXAMPLES OF CONDITIONS OR EVENTS PSAs THAT MAY CAST SIGNIFICANT DOUBT BASIC ELEMTS OF A WRITTEN ABOUT THE GOING CONCERN MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATION ASSUMPTION INCLUDE: (NPC NSIL) The written representation should be Non-compliance with the terms of loan addressed to the auditor. agreements of other statutory The date of the written representations requirements. shall be as near as practicable to, but not Pending major legal or regulatory after, the date of the auditor’s report. proceedings. The written representation should be Changes in legislation or government signed by the appropriate level of policy expected to adversely affect the management who has the primary entity. responsibility for the financial statement. Net liability or net current liability Substantial operating losses WRAP-UP PROCEDURES, THESE ICLUDES Inability to pay creditors on due dates Final analytical procedures Loss of major market, franchise, license or Evaluation of the entity’s ability to principal supplier. continue as a going concern MITIGATED BY MANAGEMENT’S PLANS Evaluating audit findings and obtaining TO MAINTAIN ADEQUATE CASH FLOWS client’s approval for the proposed BY adjusting entries. Disposal of assets ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES APPLIED IN Rescheduling of loan repayments; or THE COMPLETION PHASE OF THE AUDIT Obtaining additional capital SHOULD FOCUS ON EVENTS AFTER THE FINANCIAL Identifying unusual fluctuations that were STATEMENTS HAVE BEEN ISSUED not previously identified. Assessing the validity of the conclusions Subsequent discovery of facts reached and evaluating the overall Subsequent discovery of omitted financial statement presentation. procedures AUDITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY, CONSIDER SUBSEQUENT DISCOVERY OF FACTS THE APPROPRIATENESS OF MANAGEMENT Which existed at the date of the auditor’s GOING CONCERN ASSUMPTION report; and The auditor should consider whether there Which, if known at that date, may have are events or conditions which may cast caused the auditor to modify the report. significant doubt on the entity’s ability to A MATERIAL FACT, WHEN AUDITOR continue as a going concern. BECOMES AWARE OF THIS TYPE OF INFORMATION HE SHOULD; Discuss the matter with the appropriate Provide disclosure beyond those level of management and consider whether specifically required the financial statements need revision. Depart from a requirement of the Advise management to take the necessary framework to achieve fair presentation steps to ensure that the users of the IN FORMING OPINION, THE AUDITOR previously issued financial statements are MUST FORM JUDGMETN AS TO WHETHER: informed of the situation. 1. The accounting policies selected and SUBSEQUENT DISCOVERY OF OMITTED applied are consistent with the financial PROCEDURES reporting framework and are appropriate in AUDITOR SHOULD FOLLOW THESE the circumstances QUIDELINES; 2. The accounting estimates made by management are reasonable in the 1. Asses the importance of the omitted circumstances procedures to the auditor’s ability to 3. The information presented in the financial support his opinion. statements; including accounting policies, 2. Undertake to apply the omitted procedures is relevant, reliable, comparable and or the corresponding alternative understandable; and procedures. 4. The financial statements provide sufficient ASSESS THE IMPORTANCE OF THE disclosures to enable users to understand OMITTED PROCEDURES TO THE the effects of material transactions and AUDITOR’S ABILITY TO SUPPORT HIS events conveyed in the financial OPINION. statements.
REPORT Reviewing the working papers Discussing the circumstances with the (TAABRAOAAD) engagement personnel Reevaluating the scope of the audit. 1. Title 2. Addressee CHAPTER 11 3. Auditor’s Opinion AUDITOR’S REPORT on FINANCIAL 4. Basis for Opinion STATEMENT 5. Responsibilities for the Financial Statements Unmodified Report 6. Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of Modification to the Opinion the Financial Statements Emphasis of Matters and Other Matter 7. Other Reporting Responsibilities Paragraph 8. Auditor’s signature Key Audit Matters and Other Information 9. Auditor’s address Report on Group FS 10. Date of the report Special Purpose FS TITLE; THIS IS DONE IN ORDER TO: FAIR PRESENTATION FRAMWORK… REQUIRES COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FRAMWORK AND: To distinguish the auditor’s report from a) Management’s responsibility for the the reports that might be issued by other; preparation and fair presentation of the and financial statements. To emphasize the independence of the b) Responsibility of the management in auditor with respect to the client being assessing the entity’s ability to continue audited. as a going concern c) The responsibility of those charge with AUDITOR’S OPINION; THIS SECTION governance for overseeing the financial SHALL HAVE THE HEADING “OPINION” reporting process. AND SHALL; (ISIR) “AUDITORS RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE a) Identify the name of the entity whose AUDIT OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT financial statement have been audited; “AND THIS SHALL; b) State that the financial statements have been audited; a) State that the objectives of the auditor are c) Identify the title of each of the financial to: statements audited including the date and b) State that reasonable assurance is a high period covered by the financial statements; level of assurance but is not a guarantee and that an audit conducted in accordance with d) Refer to the summary of significant PSAs will always detect a material accounting policies and explanatory misstatement when it exists notes c) State that misstatement can arise from fraud and error BASIS FOR OPINION; THIS SHALL BE d) State that, as part of the audit is accordance PRESENTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE with PSAs, the auditor exercises OPINION SECTION AND SHALL; professional judgement and maintains a) State that the audit was conducted in professional skepticism throughout the accordance with the Philippine Standards audit on Auditing; e) Describe an audit by stating that the b) Refer to the section od the auditor’s report auditor’s responsibilities that describes the auditor’s responsibilities f) State that the auditor communicates with under the PSAs those charge with governance the planned c) Includes a statement that the auditor is scope and timing of the audit and independent of the entity and has significant audit findings including any fulfilled the auditor’s ethical significant deficiencies in internal control responsibilities; and identified during the audit. d) State whether the auditor believes that the DESCRIBE AN AUDIT BY STATING THAT audit evidence the auditor has obtained is THE AUDITOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for the auditor’s opinion. To identify and assess the risk of material misstatement of the financial statement RESPONSIBILITIES OF MANAGEMENT AND To obtain an understanding of internal THOSE CHARGE WITH GOVERNANCE FOR control relevant to the audit in order to THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT; THIS design appropriate audit procedure. SECTION SHALL DESCRIBE To evaluate the appropriateness of the 2. Determine which of these matters re accounting policies used and the quired significant auditor’s attention reasonableness of the accounting estimate 3. Which of these matters that required and related disclosure significant attention are the most To conclude on the appropriateness of significance to the audit of the current management’s use of the going concern period basis of accounting KEY AUDIT MATTERS To evaluate the fair presentation of the financial statements. Matters that were communicated with those charged with governance MATERIAL MISSTATEMENT OF THE Matters that required significant auditor FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MAY ARISE attention FROM Matters of most significance 1. Inappropriate accounting policy selected; EXAMPLE OF CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE 2. Misapplication of selected accounting THE AUDITORS MAY CONSIDER IT policy; or NECESSARY TO INCLUDE AN EMPHASIS 3. Inappropriate or inadequate disclosure. OF MATTER PARAGRAPH: THE FOLLOWING SUMMARIZED THE 1. Significant uncertainty MODIFICATIONS THAT SHOULD BE MADE 2. Early application of new accounting TO THE OPINION SECTION OF THE standard in advance of its effective date. AUDITOR’S REPORT; 3. A major catastrophe that has a significant Qualified Opinion Due To Material effect on the entity’s financial position. Misstatement 4. A subsequent discovery of facts affecting Qualified Opinion Due To Scope the previously issued opinion. Limitation 5. Financial statements prepared using a Adverse Opinion special purpose framework. Disclaimer Of Opinion CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH REQUIRE BASIS FOR OPINION, DESCRIPTION OF THE OTHER MATTER PARAGRAPH INCLUDES; MATTER GIVING ARISE TO THE Reporting on comparative information MODIFICATION Financial statements prepared using more Material misstatement (qualified or than one financial frameworks. adverse opinion Limiting the use of the auditor’s report. Omission of narrative disclosure (qualified Subsequent discovery of facts. or adverse opinion Two financial reporting frameworks for Scope limitation (qualified or disclaimer of comparatives opinion) Comparative financial statements THE AUDITOR’S DETERMINATION OF KEY Corresponding figures AUDIT MATTERS INVOLVES THREE STEPS REPORTS ON COMPARATIVE FINANCIAL 1. Categorized the matters that were STATEMENT CAN BE ILLUSTRATED communicated with those charged with UNDER THE FOLLOWING SCENARIOS. governance Prior period Financial Statements were WHETER A PARTICULAR ENGAGEMENT IS audited by a continuing auditor AN ASSURANCE ENGAGEMENT WILL Prior period Financial Statements were DEPEND UPON WHETHER IT EXHIBITS ALL audited by another auditor THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS Prior Period Financial Statement were not A three party relationship audited An appropriate subject matter; EXAMPLES OF SPECIAL PURPOSE Suitable criteria; FRAMEWORK INCLUDE Sufficient appropriate evidence; and A written assurance report. other comprehensive basis of accounting such as cash basis, modified cash basis, or ASSURANCE ENGAGEMENT INVOLVES other basis of accounting that has THREE SEPARATE PARTIES; authoritative support. An independent and competent Financial reporting provisions established professional accountant who adheres to the by government regulators such as SEC, IC fundamental principles required by the or BSP. code of Ethics. Financial reporting provision of a contract, The party responsible for the subject such as bond indenture, a loan agreement matter of the assurance engagement. or a project grant. The intended user to whom the CHAPTER 12 professional accountant usually addresses the report FOUR TYPES OFSERVISE THAT ARE NORMALLY PERFORMED IN CONNECTION SUBJECT MATTER OF AN ASSURANCE WITH THE ENTITY’S FINANCIAL ENGAGEMENT MAY TAKE MANY FORM STATEMENTS. Data Audit System and processes Review Behavior Compilation Physical characteristics Agreed-upon Procedures OTHER ENGAGEMENT FREQUENTLY THESE ARE ALSO AUDIT PROCEDURE BUT PERFORMED BY PROFESSIONAL USUALLY APPLIED ONLY TO SPECIFIC ACCOUNTANTS THAT ARE NOT ACCOUNTS OR ELEMENTS OF A ASSURANCE ENGAGEMENTS INCLUDE FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Agreed-upon procedures Inquiry and analysis Compilation of financial or other Recomputation, comparison and other information; clerical accuracy checks Preparation of tax returns when no Observation conclusion is expressed and tax consulting; Inspection Management consulting; and Obtaining confirmations. Other advisory services TYPES OF ASSURANCE ENGAGEMENTS TWO GEERAL TYPES OF PROSPECTIVE FINANCIAL INFORMATION Reasonable assurance engagement Limited assurance engagement Forecast Projection A member of the engagement team being, or having recently been, a director or CHAPTER 13 officer of the client. CODE OF ETHICS; IS DIVIDED IN THREE A member of the engagement team being, PARTS; or having recently been, an employee of the client in a position to exert direct and Part A- General Application significant influence over the subject Part B- Professional Accountants in Public matter of the engagement. Practice Performing service for a client that directly PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS HAVE TO affect the subject matter of the engagement OBSERVE A NUMBER OF PREREQUISITES Preparation of original data used to OR FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. generate financial statements or preparation of other records that are the Integrity subject matter of another engagement. Objectivity Reporting on the operation of financial Professional Competence and due Care systems after being involved in their Confidentiality design or implementation. Professional Behavior The discovery of a significant error during THREATS TO COMPLIANCE WITH THE revaluation of the work of the professional FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES (SSAFI) accountant in public practice.
Self-review Dealing in, or being a promoter of, share or Advocacy other securities in a client; and Familiarity; and Acting as an advocate on behalf of client in Intimidation litigation or in resolving dispute with third EXAMPLE OF CIRCUMSTANCE THAT MAY parties. CREATE SELF-INTEREST THEAT FAMILIARITY THREAT A direct financial interest or material A member of the engagement team having indirect financial interest in a client. an immediate family member or close A loan or guarantee to or from a client or family member who is a director or officer any of its directors or officers of the client. Undue dependence on total fees from a A member of the engagement team having particular client an immediate family member or close Concern about the possibility of losing the family member who, as an employee of the engagement assurance client, is in a position to exert Having a close business relationship with a direct and significant influence over the client subject matter of the engagement Potential employment with a client A former partner of the firm being a Contingent fees relating to an engagement director, officer of the client or an EXAMPLE OF CIRCUMSTANCE THAT MAY employee in a position to exert direct and CREATE SELF-REVIEW THREAT INCLUDE significant influence over the subject matter of the engagement Long association of a senior member of the The nature of the engagement engagement team with the client The range of possible fee amounts Acceptance of gifts or preferential The basis for determining the fee treatment, unless the value is clearly Whether the outcome or result of the insignificant, from a client, its directors, transaction is to be reviewed by an officers or employees. independent third party
AND RULING, MAY SERVE AS GUIDELINES Being threatened with litigation TO PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS; Being threatened with dismissal or replacement over a disagreement with the Financial interest application of an accounting principle. Loans and guarantees Being pressured to reduce inappropriately Close business relationship the extent of work performed in order to Family and personal relationship reduce fees. Past employment with an assurance client Serving as an officer or director on the SAGEQUARDS FALL INTO TWO board of assurance clients CATEGORIES Long association with assurance clients Safeguards created by the profession, Fees-overdue legislation or regulation Contingent fee safeguards in the work environment Gifts and hospitality Actual or threatened litigation SAFEGUARDS CREATED BY THE PROFESSION, LITIGATION OR REGULATION DHUAWDOUDIYADIAW Educational, training and experience requirements for entry into the profession Continuing education requirements Corporate governance regulations Professional standards and monitoring and disciplinary processes External review of a firm's quality control system SAFEGUARDS IN THE WORK ENVIRONMENT CONSIST OF; Firm-wide safeguards Engagement specific safeguards CONTINGENT FEES GIVE RISE TO SELF- INTEREST THREAT TO OBJECTIVITY. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SUCH THREATS WILL DEPEND ON FACTORS