ET Syylabus
ET Syylabus
ET Syylabus
UNIT I DC MACHINES : Principle of operation of DC Machines- armature windings-EMF equation Types of generators Magnetization and load characteristics of DC generators-applications UNIT II D.C. MOTORS : DC Motors Principle of operation of DC Motor-Types of DC Motors Back EMF Equation torque equation -Characteristics of DC motors 3-point starters for DC shunt motor Losses and efficiency Swinburnes test Speed control of DC shunt motor Flux and Armature voltage control methods.-applications UNIT III TRANSFORMERS : Principle of operation of single phase transformer types Constructional features , Ideal Transformer and Practical Transformer, Phasor diagram on No Load and Load Equivalent circuit UNIT IV PERFORMANCE OF TRANSFORMERS : Losses and Efficiency of transformer and Regulation OC and SC tests Predetermination of efficiency and regulation (Simple Problems). UNIT V THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR : Principle of operation of three-phase induction motors Slip ring and Squirrel cage motors Slip-Torque characteristics Efficiency calculation Starting methods.-applications. UNIT VI ALTERNATORS : Alternators Constructional features Principle of operation Types - EMF Equation Distribution and Coil span factors Predetermination of regulation by Synchronous Impedance Method OC and SC tests.-Synchronous-motor principle and operation -starting methods UNIT VII SINGLE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS : Principle of operation - Shaded pole motors Capacitor motors, AC servomotor, AC tachometers, Synchros, Stepper Motors Characteristics. UNIT VIII ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS : Basic Principles of indicating instruments Moving Coil and Moving iron Instruments (Ammeters and Voltmeters)
3. Brake test on DC shunt motor. Determination of performance characteristics. 4. OC & SC tests on Single-phase transformer (Predetermination of efficiency and regulation at given power factors and determination of equivalent circuit). 5. Brake test on 3-phase Induction motor (performance characteristics). 6. Regulation of alternator by synchronous impedance method. Note: Any TEN of the above experiments are to be conducted