Biliran Province State University
Biliran Province State University
Biliran Province State University
By: Dexter Salpura
Biliran Province, Philippines- School is now an open new normal session, coming from
an advisory of the office of the university president to implement the first cycle of limited
face to face classes which start to commence on January 10, 2022 and others yet to
announce. The Biliran Province State University (BiPSU) is one of the select few
universities on the region to open face-to-face classes to chosen program since CHED
and IATF allowed it in other low risk areas.
The designated program that are deemed fit to return in open class as per
recommendation of the BiPSU Crisis Management Committee are the school of
engineering (SOE). For the School of Nursing and Health Services (SNHS) shall return
to their schedule of face-to-face classes this Monday, which already started last
For the meantime students under the School of Arts and Sciences are advised to stand
by for further advisory on the limited face-to-face classes sticking to flexible learning
instead. Some subjects or courses in other program that needed the use of universities
laboratory and equipment were allowed in a given time after granted the request.
With the start of the new semester this March 21, 2022 for the second semester many
students allow student to visit the campus to finalize their grades before the given date.
Faculty members and staff were directed to observe extra precaution and follow from
universities to government safety health protocols being implemented. As for the
student stock in their own home, they still not lost hope to return the class back to
In light with the recent development on COVID-19 cases and per recommendation of the BiPSU
Crisis Management Committee, only the School of Engineering (SOE) has been deemed fit to
implement the first cycle of the limited face to face classes which shall commence on January 10,
2022, Monday, as scheduled. School of Nursing and Health Sciences (SNHS) shall also resume its
face to face classes, which started last December.
Meanwhile, students under the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) are advised to stand by for further
advisory on the limited face-to-face classes. Faculty members of the said school are directed to
conduct flexible learning classes instead.
Faculty members and staff are also directed to observe extra precaution and strictly follow the safety
and health protocols being implemented by the university and local IATF.