Cholinerv - DS
Cholinerv - DS
Cholinerv - DS
Name of Drug Indications Mechanism of Action Contraindication Adverse Effect
Generic Name: It is indicated for Citicoline repairs Hypersentivity to Adverse effects may Assess and Check if patient is
Citicoline the patient for neuronal membrance the drug include GI disturbances, allergic to the drug or any
Cerebral and damaged Kidney failure headache, tachycardia, component in it.
Brand Name: Insufficiency ((e.g., cholinergic neurons via bradycardia, and Assess vital signs to note any
CHOLINERV dizziness, memory synthesis of restlessness. changes related to the intake of
loss, poor phosphatidylcholine and the medication.
Dosage/Frequency: concentration, increase in strength of Side Effects of Monitor for adverse effects;
1g / TID disorientation) due nerve impluses and CITICOLINE; instruct patient/SO to report
to head trauma or production of Nausea immediately if he develops chest
Route: P.O brain injury; acetylcholine. Insomnia (trouble tightness, tingling in mouth and
sleeping) throat, headache, diarrhea and
It increases the activity Hypotension blurring of vision.
of the central nervous (decrease in blood The supplement should not be
system (brain and spinal pressure) taken in the late afternoon or at
cord. It improves Blurred vision night because it can cause
learning, memory, difficulty sleeping.
judging, and thinking Instruct patient or SO to Swallow
processes. It also it as a whole with water; do not
stimulates blood flow crush, break or chew it
and oxygen
consumption in the Advise patient to ask for help
brain. when taking the medication;
Instruct and encourage SO to
It can improve recovery assist the patient in medication
in patients with intake
disturbance in Instruct patient/SO to take the
consciousness in medication as prescribed.
patients with head injury Teach the patient/SO that
or any other problems citicoline may be taken with or
associated with the without food.
brain and who
underwent surgery.
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Cholinerv 1 G/Cholinerv injection. (n.d.). Search Drug Information, Interactions, Images, Dosage & Side Effects | MIMS