Lec 4. Solid Solution - Phase Diagrams

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Course of Biomaterials for

Graduate Program

Chapter 3: Solid solution & Phase diagrams

Institute for Nanotechnology (INT)
Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCM)

Giảng viên Môn học: GS.TS Đặng Mậu Chiến

(dmchien@yahoo.com / dmchien@vnuhcm.edu.vn)

Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán

Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• The understanding of phase diagrams for alloy systems is extremely important because
there is a strong correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties.
• The development of microstructure of an
alloy is related to the characteristics of its
phase diagram.
• In addition, phase diagrams provide valuable
information about melting, casting,
crystallization, and other phenomena.

• In a sense the phase diagram for H2O (see

the Figure) is a map wherein regions for the
three familiar phases - solid (ice), liquid
(water), and vapor (steam) - are delineated
• A photograph located in each region shows
The graph above is the phase diagram for pure
an example of its phase - ice cubes, liquid H2O. Parameters plotted are external pressure
water being poured into a glass, and steam (vertical axis, scaled logarithmically) versus
that is spewing forth from a kettle. temperature
Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• Most people are familiar with three states of matter - solids, liquids and gases
- but there is one more that is less commonly known but just as important – plasmas.

• Solids, liquids and gases are three states of matter

(see Figure above):
- In solids, the particles are tightly packed
There are four (4) states of matter
- In liquids, the particles have more movement,
- In gases, particles are spread out.
Particles in chemistry can be atoms, ions or
Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams

Plasma is a state of matter that is often thought of as a subset of gases, but

the two states behave very differently. ... But unlike ordinary gases, plasmas
are made up of atoms in which some or all of the electrons have been stripped
away and positively charged nuclei, called ions, roam freely.

Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of

matter, and was first described by chemist
Irving Langmuir in the 1920s. It consists of a
gas of ions - atoms which have some of their
orbital electrons removed - and free electrons.
Plasma can be artificially generated by heating
a neutral gas or subjecting it to a strong
electromagnetic field to the point where an
ionized gaseous substance becomes
increasingly electrically conductive. Lightning is commonplace
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_(physics) generator of plasma
Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
For easier understanding (for Vietnamese students) some
contents in the slide is presented in Vietnamese.
• Trong vật rắn tinh thể (cristal solid) mỗi nguyên tử có vị
trí hoàn toàn xác định, không chỉ với nguyên tử gần (3)
nhất mà cả những nguyên tử bất kỳ rất xa, không gian
chung quanh các nguyên tử có cấu tạo đồng nhất =>
tinh thể có trật tự xa (long-range atomic order) (1)
• Trong chất lỏng (liquid) các nguyên tử luôn luôn chuyển
động do ba động nhiệt, vì vậy vị trí của chúng không
được xác định, nhưng trong một vùng không gian nhỏ
một số nguyên tử có sắp xếp trật tự => chất lỏng có trật
tự gần (short-range atomic order) (2)
• Trong chất khí (gas) các nguyên tử/ phân tử luôn chuyển (1)
động do ba động nhiệt, vị trí thay đổi theo quy luật ngẫu
nhiên; chất khí chiếm toàn bộ thể tích chứa nó, có thể The transition of three basic states:
nén được => chất khí không trật tự hoàn toàn (perfect solid/ cristal- liquid - gas
atomic disorder) (3) Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
Diagram showing the relationship between states of matter
and “distance of order in terms of the atomic radius ro
• For many alloy systems and at some
specific temperature, there is a maximum
concentration of solute atoms that may
dissolve in the solvent to form a solid
solution; this is called a solubility limit.
• The addition of solute in excess of this
solubility limit results in the formation of
another solid solution or compound that
has a distinctly different composition. (3) (2) (1) (0)
• Example: the sugar-water (C12H22O11–H2O) system: As
more sugar is introduced, the solution becomes more
concentrated, until the solubility limit is reached or the
solution becomes saturated with sugar.
- Perfect atomic order (0)
• In this case, the system consists of two separate - Long-range atomic order (1)
substances: a sugar-water syrup liquid solution and solid - Short-range atomic order (2)
crystals of undissolved sugar (at the bottom of the container - Dr.Habil.
Perfect atomicÑaëdisorder
ng Maäu Chieá
(3) n
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• Several terms relating to impurities and solid solutions deserve mention. With regard
to alloys, solute and solvent are terms that are commonly employed.
• Solvent represents the element or compound that is present in the greatest amount;
on occasion, solvent atoms are also called host atoms.
• Solute is used to denote an element or compound present in a minor concentration.
• Nếu trong dung dịch lỏng cấu tử nào nhiều hơn thì gọi là dung môi và ít hơn thì gọi là chất tan thì trong
dung dịch rắn cũng tương tự.
• Một cách khác, trong dung dịch rắn cấu tử nào giữ được kiểu mạng thì là dung môi, còn các nguyên tử
hòa tan sắp xếp trong mạng của cấu tử dung môi một cách đều đặn và ngẫu nhiên.
• Sự xâm nhập các nguyên tử hòa tan tuy không làm thay đổi kiểu mạng tinh thể dung môi nhưng sẽ làm
xô lệch mạng tinh thể ở xung quanh các vị trí mà chúng chiếm chỗ.
• It has been tacitly assumed that perfect order exists throughout crystalline materials on
an atomic scale. However, such an idealized solid does not exist; all contain large
numbers of various defects or imperfections.
• As a matter of fact, many of the properties of materials are profoundly sensitive to
deviations from crystalline perfection; the influence is not always adverse, and often
specific characteristics are deliberately fashioned by the introduction of controlled
amounts or numbers of particular defects. Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• Crystalline defect refers to a lattice irregularity having
one or more of its dimensions on the order of an
atomic diameter.
• Classification of crystalline imperfections is
frequently made according to geometry or
dimensionality of the defect.
• Several different imperfections are discussed,
including point defects (those associated with one or
two atomic positions), one-dimensional defects, and
interfacial defects, or boundaries, which are two-
• The simplest of the point defects is a vacancy, or
vacant lattice site, one normally occupied from which Two-dimensional representations of a
an atom is missing (see the Figure). vacancy and a self-interstitial.
• All crystalline solids contain vacancies and, in fact, it is not possible to create such a
material that is free of these defects. The necessity of the existence of vacancies is
explained using principles of thermodynamics; in essence, the presence of vacancies
increases the entropy (i.e., the randomness) of the crystal.
• A self-interstitial is an atom from the crystal that is crowded into an interstitial site, a
small void space that under ordinary circumstances is not occupied. Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• In metals, a self-interstitial introduces relatively large distortions in the surrounding lattice
because the atom is substantially larger than the interstitial position in which it is situated.
• Consequently, the formation of this defect is not highly probable, and it exists in very small
concentrations, which are significantly lower than for vacancies.
• A pure metal consisting of only one type of atom just isn’t possible; impurity or foreign
atoms will always be present, and some will exist as crystalline point defects.
• In fact, even with relatively sophisticated techniques, it is difficult to refine metals to a
purity in excess of 99.9999%. At this level, on the order of 1022 to 1023 impurity atoms will
be present in one cubic meter of material.
• Most familiar metals are not highly pure; rather, they are alloys, in which impurity atoms
have been added intentionally to impart specific characteristics to the material.
• Alloying is used in metals to improve mechanical strength and corrosion resistance.
For example, sterling silver is a 92.5% silver/7.5% copper alloy. In normal ambient environments, pure
silver is highly corrosion resistant, but also very soft. Alloying with copper significantly enhances the
mechanical strength without depreciating the corrosion resistance appreciably.
• The addition of impurity atoms to a metal will result in the formation of a solid solution
and/or a new second phase, depending on the kinds of impurity, their concentrations, and
the temperature of the alloy (The present discussion is concerned with the notion of a solid solution)
Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• A solid solution forms when, as the solute atoms are added to the host material, the
crystal structure is maintained and no new structures are formed.
• Perhaps it is useful to draw an analogy with a liquid solution. If two liquids, soluble in each
other (such as water and alcohol) are combined, a liquid solution is produced as the
molecules intermix, and its composition is homogeneous throughout.
• A solid solution is also compositionally homogeneous; the impurity atoms are randomly
and uniformly dispersed within the solid.
• Impurity point defects are found in solid solutions,
Two-dimensional schematic
of which there are two types: substitutional and representations of substitutional and
interstitial. For the substitutional type, solute or interstitial impurity atoms
impurity atoms replace or substitute for the host
atoms (see the Figure).
• Với dung dịch rắn thay thế, yếu tố quan trọng là sự gần giống nhau về
đường kính nguyên tử của hai cấu tử để bảo đảm sự ổn định (< 15%).
• Đối với dung dịch rắn xen kẽ thì yếu tố quan trọng là kích thước
nguyên tử hòa tan có khả năng nằm gọn trong lỗ hổng.
• Tùy theo nồng độ hòa tan lẫn nhau có hai loại:
- Dung dịch rắn hòa tan vô hạn (ít gặp),
- Dung dịch rắn hòa tan hữu hạn (thường gặp). Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• One of techniques to strengthen and harden metals is
alloying with impurity atoms that go into either nickel in copper
substitutional or interstitial solid solution. Accordingly,
this is called solid-solution strengthening.
• High-purity metals are almost always softer and
weaker than alloys composed of the same base metal.
• Increasing the
concentration of the
impurity results in an nickel in copper
attendant (associated/
related) increase in
tensile, yield strengths,
and ductility (%EL), as
indicated in Figures a, b, c nickel in copper
for copper-nickel alloys.

Variation with nickel content of (a) tensile strength, (b) yield

strength, and (c) ductility (%EL) showing strengthening. Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• Alloys are stronger than pure metals because impurity atoms that
go into solid solution ordinarily impose lattice strains on the
surrounding host atoms.
• Lattice strain field interactions between dislocations and these
impurity atoms result, and, consequently, dislocation movement is
restricted. Representation
• For example, an impurity atom that is smaller than a host atom for of tensile lattice strains
which it substitutes exerts tensile strains on the surrounding crystal imposed on host atoms by
a smaller substitutional
lattice, as illustrated in Figure a. Conversely, a larger substitutional impurity atom.
atom imposes compressive strains in its vicinity (Figure b).
• These solute atoms tend to diffuse to and segregate around
dislocations in a way so as to reduce (theo cách để làm giảm) the
overall strain energy - that is, to cancel some of the strain in the
lattice surrounding a dislocation. E.g., to accomplish this, a smaller
impurity atom is located where its tensile strain will partially nullify
(vô hiệu hóa) some of the dislocation’s compressive strain. of compressive strains
• In brief, a greater applied stress is necessary to first initiate and imposed on host atoms by
then continue plastic deformation for solid-solution alloys, as a larger substitutional
opposed to pure metals; this is evidenced by the enhancement of impurity atom.
strength and hardness. Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
 Component, System and Phase
• The term component is frequently used in this discussion; components are pure metals
and/or compounds of which an alloy is composed. For example, in a copper–zinc brass,
the components are Cu and Zn. Solute and solvent, which are also common terms,
were defined later.
• Another term used in this context is system, which has two meanings. First, system may
refer to a specific body of material under consideration (e.g., a ladle of molten steel). Or
it may relate to the series of possible alloys consisting of the same components, but
without regard to alloy composition (e.g., the iron–carbon system).
• Also critical to the understanding of phase diagrams is the concept of a phase. A
phase may be defined as a homogeneous portion of a system that has uniform physical
and chemical characteristics.
• Every pure material is considered to be a phase; so also is every solid, liquid, and
gaseous solution. For example, in the case of saturation, the sugar–water syrup solution
is one phase, and solid sugar is another.
Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
 Equilibrium state
• Equilibrium is another essential concept that is best described in terms of a
thermodynamic quantity called the free energy. Free energy is a function of the internal
energy of a system, and also the randomness or disorder of the atoms or molecules.
• A system is at equilibrium if its free energy is at a minimum under some specified
combination of temperature, pressure, and composition.
• In a macroscopic sense, this means that the characteristics of the system do not change
with time but persist indefinitely; that is, the system is stable. A change in temperature,
pressure, and/or composition for a system in equilibrium will result in an increase in the
free energy and in a possible spontaneous change to another state whereby the free
energy is lowered.
• The term phase equilibrium refers to equilibrium as it applies to systems in which
more than one phase may exist. Phase equilibrium is reflected by a constancy with
time in the phase characteristics of a system.
• It is often the case, especially in solid systems, that a state of equilibrium is never
completely achieved because the rate of approach to equilibrium is extremely slow;
such a system is said to be in a nonequilibrium or metastable state.
• A metastable state or microstructure may persist indefinitely, experiencing only
extremely slight and almost imperceptible changes as time progresses. Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn

For easier understanding (for Vietnamese students) some

contents in the slide below is presented in Vietnamese.

 Relation between microstructure & phase

• Many times, the physical properties and, in particular, the mechanical behavior of a
material depend on the microstructure. In metal alloys, microstructure is characterized
by the number of present phases, their proportions, and the manner in which they are
distributed or arranged.
• The microstructure of an alloy depends on such variables as the alloying elements
present, their concentrations, and the heat treatment of the alloy (i.e., the temperature,
the heating time at temperature, and the rate of cooling to room temperature).
• Cấu tử C (Component - C): là các nguyên tố (ví dụ: kim loại nguyên chất) hay hợp chất hóa học bền vững
tạo nên vật liệu (ví dụ: H2O, SiO2, Al2O3…..).
• Hệ (System): là một tập hợp vật thể riêng biệt trong điều kiện xác định hoặc là một loạt hợp kim khác nhau
với các cấu tử giống nhau (hệ Cu-Ag, hệ Pb-Sn).
• Pha (Phase - P): là tổ phần đồng nhất của hệ (hợp kim) có cấu trúc và tính chất vật lý, hóa học, cơ học xác
định (ví dụ: các dung dịch rắn, lỏng, khí là các pha khác nhau).
• Bậc tự do (Freedom - F) : là số lượng các yếu tố độc lập có thể thay đổi được trong thời gian xác định mà
không làm thay đổi trạng thái của hệ, nghĩa là không làm thay đổi số pha đã có (ví dụ: thành phần, nhiệt độ
của hệ hợp kim).
Các ví dụ:
• Nước ớ 0oC là hệ một cấu tử (H2O) và có hai pha: pha rắn là nước đá, pha lỏng là nước.
• Một chi tiết được làm bằng hợp kim Đồng-Niken là hệ hai cấu tử (Cu và Ni), nhưng chỉ có một pha (là
dung dịch rắn của hai kim loại). Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn

For easier understanding (for Vietnamese students) some

contents in the slide below is presented in Vietnamese.


• Quan hệ giữa số pha P, số cấu tử C và số bậc tự do F được xác
định bằng định luật Gibbs (công thức bên cạnh với N - số yếu
tố bên ngoài), công thức (1).
• Do việc sử dụng vật liệu thường được diễn ra trong khí quyển
nên áp suất được bỏ qua, chỉ còn lại một là nhiệt độ (N=1) (2).
• Cuối cùng quy tắc pha hay định luật Gibbs có dạng như (3).
F=C-P+1 (3)
Vài ví dụ về ứng dụng quy tắc pha:
• Khi số pha nhiều hơn số cấu tử là 1 (P=C+1), thì F= 0, hệ là vô biến, không có yếu tố nào có
thể thay đổi được. Đây là trường hợp đối với kim loại nguyên chất (C=1) khi nóng chảy hoặc
kết tinh tồn tại hai pha rắn và lỏng (P=2) => Kim loại nguyên chất kết tinh hay nóng chảy ở
nhiệt độ KHÔNG ĐỔI!
• Khi số pha bằng số cấu tử (P=C), thì F= 1, hệ là đơn biến, nghĩa là chỉ có một yếu tố có thể
thay đổi (hoặc là nhiệt độ, hoặc là thành phần) => Hợp kim có thành phần xác định kết tinh
hay nóng chảy ở MỘT KHOẢNG nhiệt độ!
• Khi số pha ít hơn số cấu tử là 1 (P=C-1), thì F= 2, hệ nhị biến, nghĩa là cùng lúc có thể thay
đổi hai yếu tố là nhiệt độ và thành phần => Hệ hai cấu tử (C-=2) ở trạng thái lỏng đều hòa
tan vô hạn vào nhau nên có một pha là dung dịch lỏng (P=1); do vậy ở trạng thái lỏng hệ có
thể đồng thời thay đổi ToC và % mà vẫn chỉ tồn tại một pha! Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn

The phase structure of a particular system is conveniently

and concisely displayed in what is called a phase
diagram, also often termed an equilibrium diagram.


One-component The three curves

phase diagram for Fe shown on the plot
(labeled aO, bO, and
L (liquid) cO) are phase
boundaries; at any
point on one of
Temperature, oC

these curves, the

two phases on either
side of the curve are
in equilibrium (or
coexist) with one
Pressure–temperature phase diagram for H2O.
Intersection of the dashed horizontal line at 1 atm pressure
with the solid-liquid phase boundary (point 2) corresponds
to the melting point at this pressure (T = 0oC). Similarly,
The vertical axis shows the temperature, Fe point 3, the intersection with the liquid-vapor boundary,
has 4 states: represents the boiling point (T = 100oC).
α (alpha) => γ (gamma) => δ (delta)=> L (liquid)
Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
The axes of the two-components
• Another type of extremely common phase (Binary) phase diagram:
diagram is one in which temperature and - Vertical axis: temperature

Temperature, oC
composition are variable parameters, and - Horizontal axis: composition
pressure is held constant - normally 1 atm.
• There are several different varieties; we will
concern ourselves with binary alloys -
those that contain two components.
• If more than two components are present,
phase diagrams become extremely
complicated and difficult to represent.
Composition, %B
• Binary phase diagrams are maps that represent the relationships between temperature
and the compositions and quantities of phases at equilibrium (see the Figure), which
influence the microstructure of an alloy.
• Many microstructures develop from phase transformations, the changes that occur when
the temperature is altered (ordinarily upon cooling).
• Binary phase diagrams are helpful in predicting phase transformations and the resulting
microstructures, which may have equilibrium or nonequilibrium character.
Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams

Schematic representation of the development of

microstructure during the equilibrium solidification of
The copper-nickel phase diagram. a 35 wt% Ni–65 wt% Cu alloy.Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• A type of common and relatively simple phase diagram found for binary alloys is shown
in Figure for the lead-tin system; this is known as a binary eutectic phase diagram.
Trường hợp điển hình của loại này là hệ chì - thiết
Do giản đồ pha loại này có hình dạng “đối xứng” qua điểm
Eutectic (nghĩa là dễ chảy với 61,9% Sn) nên ta chỉ cần
khảo sát các trường hợp tiêu biểu phía bên trái điểm này,
phía bên phải sẽ tương tự.
Trên giản đồ ngoài dung dịch lỏng L (Liquid), có 2 dung
dịch rắn hữu hạn: α – dung dịch rắn giàu Pb, β – dung dịch
rắn giàu Sn.

• Low-melting-temperature alloys are prepared

having near-eutectic compositions. A familiar
example is the 60–40 solder, containing 60
wt% Sn and 40 wt% Pb,
• The Figure indicates that an alloy of this composition is completely The lead (Pb)-tin (Sn)
molten at about 185oC, which makes this material especially phase diagram
attractive as a low-temperature solder, because it is easily melted. Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
Đối với giản đồ trạng thái hệ chì - thiết (Pb-Sn), ta khảo sát 4 trường
hợp điển hình với thành phần Sn tương ứng là C1, C2, C3, C4 . (1)
• We consider an alloy of composition C1 (see Figure)
as it is slowly cooled from a temperature within the (2)
liquid phase region, say, 350oC; this corresponds to
moving down the dashed vertical line ww’ in the figure. (3)
Hình bên là trường hợp với Sn có thành phần là C1, ta khảo sát
khi làm nguội dung dịch từ vùng pha lỏng, lần lượt qua các
điểm a, b, c (từ nhiệt độ cao xuống thấp).
Schematic representations of the equilibrium
microstructures for a lead–tin alloy of composition C1
as it is cooled from the liquid-phase region
Sơ đồ diển tả vi cấu trúc (microstructures) ở trạng thái cân bằng
của hợp kim chì - thiếc có thành phần là C1 (với thành phần của
Sn rất nhỏ) khi được làm nguội từ vùng pha lỏng.
• Solidification reaches completion at the point where ww’
crosses the solidus line. The resulting alloy is polycrystalline
with a uniform composition of C1, and no subsequent
changes will occur upon cooling to room temperature. Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• Let us examine an alloy of composition C2 as it is
cooled along the vertical line xx’ in Figure. (1)
• Down to the intersection of xx’ and the solvus line,
changes that occur are similar to the previous case, (2)
as we pass through the corresponding phase regions
(as demonstrated by the insets at points d, e, and f ).
• Just above the solvus Phases on the diagram:
intersection, point f, the L – Liquid solution
microstructure consists of α – lead-rich solid solution
grains of composition C2. β - tin-rich solid solution (4)
• Upon crossing the solvus line, the  solid
solubility is exceeded, which results in the
formation of small -phase particles; these are
indicated in the microstructure inset at point g.
• With continued cooling, these particles will grow Schematic representations of the equilibrium
in size because the mass fraction of the phase microstructures for a lead–tin alloy of composition
increases slightly with decreasing temperature. C2 as it is cooled from the liquid phase region.
Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• The third case involves Eutectic α – dung dịch rắn
solidification of the eutectic α “cùng tinh” (18,3% Sn)
composition, 61.9 wt% Sn (C3 in Eutectic β – dung dịch rắn
Figure). β ”cùng tinh’ (97,8% Sn)
• Consider an alloy having this (1)
composition that is cooled from a
temperature within the liquid-
phase region down the vertical
line yy’ in Figure. (2)
• As the temperature is lowered, no
changes occur until we reach the
eutectic temperature, 183oC.
• Upon crossing the eutectic
isotherm, the liquid transforms to
the two  and  phases.
• The microstructure, represented schematically
in Figure, point i, is called a eutectic structure. Schematic representations of the equilibrium
• Subsequent cooling of the alloy from just below microstructures for a lead–tin alloy of eutectic
composition C3 above and below the eutectic
the eutectic to room temperature will result in
only minor microstructural alterations. Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• The 4th and final microstructural case
for this system includes all
compositions other than the eutectic
that, when cooled, cross the eutectic (1)
isotherm (the composition C4)
• Thus, the  phase will be present both (2)
in the eutectic structure and also as
the phase that formed while cooling (3)
through the  + L phase field.
• To distinguish one  from the other, (4)
that which resides in the eutectic
structure is called eutectic  while
the other that formed prior to crossing
the eutectic isotherm is termed
primary , both are labeled in Figure.
• It is sometimes convenient to use the
term microconstituent - that is, an
element of the microstructure having an Schematic representations of the equilibrium
identifiable and characteristic structure. microstructures for a lead–tin alloy of composition
• E.g., in the point m inset, there are two microconstituents - C as it is cooled from the liquid-phase region
namely, primary and the eutectic structure.
Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams

A good example of this kind is the For easier understanding (for Vietnamese students)
lead-antimony system (Pb-Sb). some contents in this slide is presented in Vietnamese.

• Giản đồ pha loại này gần giống với loại

“dung dịch rắn hòa tan hữu hạn”, chỉ

Temperature, oC
khác ở chỗ không có hai dung dịch rắn
hữu hạn ở 2 đầu mút của giản đồ.
• Ở đây các pha rắn (mà trong trường
hợp trước đây được ký hiệu là α, β) là
các cấu tử nguyên chất Pb, Sb -
KHÔNG biến đổi thành phần khi thay
đổi nhiệt độ.
• Khi nung nóng đến nhiệt độ cao
(600oC) hệ là dung dịch lỏng, nhưng
khi làm nguội xuống nhiệt độ thấp
(200-100oC) hệ gồm 2 cấu tử rắn (nằm Lead-antimony (Pb-Sb) phase diagram.
cạnh nhau, xem dấu mũi tên màu đỏ).
Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
• Of all binary alloy systems, the one that is possibly the most important is that for iron and
carbon. Both steels and cast irons, primary structural materials in every technologically
advanced culture, are essentially iron-carbon alloys.
• Pure iron, upon heating,
experiences two changes in Giản đồ pha Fe-C chỉ trình bày đến
crystal structure before it melts. thành phần của “Cementite” (Fe3C)
với 6,67 %C nên còn gọi là Giản đồ
At room temperature the stable pha Fe-Fe3C (Iron-Iron Carbide).
form, called ferrite, or -iron, has
a BCC crystal structure.
• Ferrite experiences a
polymorphic transformation to
FCC austenite, or γ-iron, at
912oC. This austenite persists to
1394oC, at which temperature the
FCC austenite reverts back to a
BCC phase known as δ-ferrite,
which finally melts at 1538oC.
• The composition axis extends only to 6.70 wt% C;
at this concentration the intermediate compound Iron-Iron Carbide phase diagram
iron carbide, or cementite (Fe3C), is formed. Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn
C h a p t e r 3: Solid solution &
Phase diagrams
For easier understanding (for Vietnamese students)
some contents in this slide is presented in Vietnamese.

• Khi đưa C vào Fe, trước tiên nó hòa tan

trong Fe tạo nên các dung dịch rắn xen kẽ và
làm thay đổi nhiệt độ chuyển biến thù hình.
• Khi vượt quá giới hạn hòa tan thì lượng C
thì lượng carbon dư sẽ kết hợp với Fe tạo
thành Fe3C .
Photomicrographs of (a) -ferrite (90 x)
and (b) austenite (325 x).
Các tổ chức một pha trên giản đồ Fe-Fe3C:
- Ferrite (α, F, α-Fe (C)): là dung dịch rắn xen kẽ của C trong α-Fe với %C rất nhỏ: 0,006% ở
nhiệt độ thường và 0,02% ở 727oC, nên có thể xem nó là α-Fe.
- Austenite (γ, A, γ-Fe (C)): là dung dịch rắn xen kẽ của C trong γ -Fe, với lượng hòa tan đáng
kể: 0,8 %C ở 727oC và 2,14 %C ở 1147 oC.
- Cementite (Fe3C): là pha xen kẽ với kiểu mạng phức tạp có công thức Fe3C và 6,67 %C.
- Graphite: chỉ được tạo thành trong hợp kim Fe-C cao và chứa lượng Si đáng kể, là pha quan
trọng trong tổ chức vật liệu Gang.
Dr.Habil. Ñaëng Maäu Chieán
Viện Công nghệ Nano (INT) - ĐHQG TP. HCM - 37 2468 23/32 - Ext. 101/102 - www.hcmint.edu.vn

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