3311 KV (1x5MVA) Sub-Staion - Tender BoQ
3311 KV (1x5MVA) Sub-Staion - Tender BoQ
3311 KV (1x5MVA) Sub-Staion - Tender BoQ
Carriage of all the concerning material from store center to JE's dump store &
1 from dump store to the site work including loading, unloading and proper
stacking at the site etc.
Material of 33/11 KV S/S
1 33/11 KV T/F 05 MVA No. 1
2 33 KV Pin Insulator No. 3
3 Bracing Angle 65x65x6mm No. 3
4 ACSR Weasel Conductor KM 0.25
5 33 KV Line Isolator Nos. 1
6 33 KV Bus Isolator Nos. 1
7 33 KV Post Insulator Nos. 12
8 33 KV Lightening Arrestor No. 6
9 90 LBS Rail Pieces for T/F & Gantry Mtr. 52.9
10 33 KV VCB No. 2
11 control panel I/C for 33 KV Single T/F Control Panel No. 1
12 control panel I/C for 33 KV Single Feeder No. 1
13 CT 200/100/1-1A No. 6
14 MS Angle 65x65x6 Kg. 300
15 Top Channel 100x50 Kg. 500
16 Ms Angle 50x50x6 Kg. 465
17 MS Channel 125x65 Kg. 1489
18 33 KV Disc Insulator 70 KN No. 36
19 MS Angle 75x75x6 Kg. 396
20 MS Round Bar 32 mm Kg. 4.47
21 ACSR Panther Conductor KM 0.16
22 11 KV VCB 600/300, 5A, 350 MVA I/C No. 1
23 11 KV Outgoing 200/100/5A 350 MVA No. 4
24 11 KV 3x300 sq.mm XLPE Cable Mtr. 60
25 11 KV 3x185 sq.mm. XLPE Cable Mtr. 240
26 11 KV Cable jointing kit 3x120 sq.mm I/D & O/D No 8
27 24 Volt Battery & Battery charger with cabinet No 1
28 63 KVA 11/0.4 T/F No. 1
29 PCC Pole 8.5 mtr. long No. 8
30 STP 11 mtr. long No. 4
31 LT Cable 3x5x70/3.5mm Mtr. 60
32 11 KV Pin Insulator No. 12
Construction of Toe wall around the outdoor Switchyard of the S/s of size 0.75
Mt.At Base and 0.23 Mt. At top as per RESSPO Norms by lst class bricks in
2 RMT 110
the ratio 1:6, Base concreting of the wall to be done in ratio 1:6:12 and plaster
12 mm thick in ratio 1:4.
Construction of plinth of size 3.46x3.46 Mtr. For 5 MVA T/F having 0.4 Mtr.
suitable for 10 MVA T/F. above ground level,0.5Mtr below ground level . The
work including excavation of foundation .base concreting in CC 1:6:12 ratio
(cement ,fine sand & brick ballast)first class brick work in cement morter of
ratio 1:4 foundation CC in 1:4:8 ratio (cement ,fine sand & brick blast) and
5 RCC working ratio 1:2:4 (cement ,coarse sand and store grit of 20mm gauge Job. 1
using MS Bars of 10mm dia( tor ) in reinforcement including its cutting
,bending &binding in required shape .The work also includes laying of 2 Nos.
3.46 Mts.Long each rail places complete with cutting welding & proper fitting
etc. The plinth will be made as per drawing and shall be plastered/ finished on
top and sides of the plinth.
(E) Construction a plinth 2x2x1.5 with RCC top of 63 KVA transformer. Job. 1
PLINTH FOR VCB Construction of plinth of size 2.0 mtr x 1.5 mtr x 0.9 mtr
suitable for erection of upper structure for 33KV VCB including grouting of
anchor bolts in proper alignment and level. Scope of work includes excavation
7 of foundation base concreting in CC 1:6:12(cement, fine sand & brick ballast), Job.. 2
1st class brick work in cement mortar of ratio 1:4 CC in ratio 1:4:8 and RCC
work in ratio 1:2:4(cement coarse sand and stone grit of 20mm gauge) as per
Earthing by way of boring and lowering of "B" class GI pipe 50mm dia from
(B) ground upto the water level (minimum 40 meter deep) as per standard practice Job.. 2
earthing including material supplied by contractor.
Fabrication and erection of cable support made of two pieces of M.S channel
100x50mm,3.0Mtr. long joined to each other by means of 5 Nos.M.S Flat
50x6mm places of size 150mm long each by welding at equal intervals as per
(D) drawing and grouting in a block of size300x300x700mm complete with one Job. 1
coat of ready mixed primer and two coats of aluminum paint. This includes
providing of four nos M.S clamp made of M.S flat holding the cable including
nuts and bolts and fixing of XLPE Cable.
Shifting carefully & safely 11KV I/C & O/G switchgear, 11 KV Bus Coupler
from outside of the switchgear room, including grouting the two
No.100x50x6mm channels pieces (each 800mm long including cutting to size)
15(A) and foundation bolts in 1;2:4 CC (including cutting of CC of the floor and Job. 5
finishing of floor)as per direction of Engineer in charge, placing and fixing of
switchgear on foundation providing G.I. Nuts & Bolts of proper size in proper
position and alignment and checking, complete work with Mounting of P.T on
incoming S/G.
Fixing and making bus bar connections in between all switchgears after
cleaning and tapping with H.T. Tape, empire tape and PVC tape properly,
(B) providing and fixing of 6 mm thick Bakelite separators and plugging of all Job. 1
opening & holes with plastic compound complete work including cost of all
material (except copper Bus Bars) strictly to the satisfaction of site in- charge.
Fabrication and erection of exposer type D/P for 11 KV line, on 11m long ST.
pole with fixing of necessary clamp & other accessories like one no. Top
18 channel 100x50.-1.3m long ,Angle 65x65x6mm , its grouting 300mm above Job. 4
ground Level, painting of pole contractor shall provide necessary clamps&
other accessories like GI pin TPMO , Fuse set Disc fitting etc.
Laying & dressing of 11KV,3X185 sqmm. under ground cable in the trench
450 mm wide,900mm deep providing 150mm fine sand, cushion beneath and
150mm fine sand cushion above the cable. The cable shall be duly protected by
(B) Mtr. 240
Ist class bricks/stone slab. The work includes supplying of fine sand & bricks
& stone slab and refilling and ramming of the left out soil and leveling. Spare
cable shall be left and buried in the trench in the shape of rings at both ends.
Fixing of 11KV,3x185 sqmm. XLPE Cable out door jointing kits after
carefully removing the insulation of the cable duly plumbing and taping of
(C) cable providing, fixing and crimpling of proper size good quality lugs and Job. 4
complete work including cost of material such as insulating tapes, cotton tape,
plumbing material and lugs etc.
Hosting of 11kv cable with 100 mm Dia ,3.5mtr. Long MS Pipe on the feeder
cable before mounting the cable on the double pole,lifting,mounting and
clamping of 11KV feeder cable boxes on the feeder double pole structure and
(E) Job. 4
making connection including supply of cable mounting clamps The work
includes the sealing of GI Pipes lower end of the Pipe is to be buried into the
earth by about one foot. MS pipe supplied by contractor
22(A) Erection of 11 Mt. STP after excavation of earth in any type of soil and Job. 4
grouting of CC in ratio 1:4:8 (cement coarse sand & brick ballast) as per
RESSPO Drg. With plinth.
Fixing & supply of 250 watt. sodium vapor lamp complete fitting and of
(B) standard quality ISI mark with water light fittings, elbow etc. complete in all Job. 4
respect and suitable for above supports.
Supply & Laying of 3.5 x 70/35 Sq.mm PVC LT cable from 11/.04 kv,63KVA
T/F to LT Distribution Board in switchgear room after digging the trench,
(C) Job. 1
laying cable and refilling of trench including connection at both ends after
providing and crimpling of lugs of proper size, complete work.
Supply and laying of 2 x 6 sq. mm. aluminum cable from S.G. room to street
light supports after digging of trench, laying of cable, providing a brick on top
(D) Job. 1
of cable , refilling of trench, making connections at poles with street light
fittings, complete in all respect.
Construction of welded frame type control cable trench cover 0.5 M long
24 RMT 160
suitable for trench including cost of MS/Torr Bar.
Date :
Signature of contractor with seal
Place :
Bill of quantity against Tender No.07-CE(LZ)/Works/2016-17 for construction of 33 KV & 11 KV Line of 33/11 KV
(1x5MVA) Sub-staion, RTO Hardoi due to be opened on 6.06.2016
SI.NO Particular Item Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Part A- 33KV
Safe loading carriage including unloading & proper stacking of
1 following store materials from ESC Hardoi/JE Store to Site of
i STP-SP-55 No. 32
ii 33 KV "V" type cross Arm No. 50
iii 33 KV Pin Insulator No. 177
iv 9 Mtr. PCC Pole No. 36
v MS Angle Iron 65x65x6mm bracing with 4 clamps No. 18
vi MS Channel 125x65x3200 mm No. 13
vii 11 KV Disc Insulator B&S Type 70 KN No. 168
viii 33kvx300 XLPE cable Mt 200
ix GI Wire 6 SWG Kg. 70
x stay wire7/8 kg 300
xi Earth wire 16 swg kg 150
xii MS channel 75x40 kg 544
xiii ACSR Dog Conductor Km. 10.815
xiv 33 KV 3x300 sq. mm. O/D Kit No. 4
11 Stringing and sagging of 3 Phase 33 KV line on ACSR Dog Ckt. K.M 3.5
conductor as per RESSPO Norms.
12 stringing and sagging of two nos. Earth/GI wire with RMT 500
caddieguarding of above 33 kV line as per RESSPO Norms
13 Providing and fixing of earth red as per norms No. 63
14 nozeling and grouting of stay set (All the civil material and stay job 56
set will be arranged by the contractor)
ii Double circuit in RCC pipe( All the material required for laying Mtr 0
will be supplied by the cotractor except 33 KV XLPE cable)
iii Cable laying by drill method single circuit Mtr 0
11 stringing and sagging of two nos. Earth/GI wire with RMT 1000
caddieguarding of above 11 kV line as per RESSPO Norms
12 nozeling and grouting of stay set (All the civil material and stay No. 82
set will be arranged by the contractor)
i Mtr 0
Laying of 11 KV 3x185 sq.mm. cable pacca metallic road.
ii Single cable laying in M.S. Pipe size 150 mm dia. Mtr 0
14 Fixing of H.S type cable jointing kits ST/Th end termiantion size No. 0
11 KV 3x185 sq.mm.
15 Providing and fixing of eatrh rod per norms No. 77
Date :
Signature of contractor with seal
Place :