MKT Case Study (MKT Positioning)
MKT Case Study (MKT Positioning)
MKT Case Study (MKT Positioning)
i) Price
A product's sale price reflects what consumers are willing to pay for it, and this pricing is
usually based on the cost to market, distribute, and sell a product, as well as the profit
margin the company hopes to achieve. TFP should have penetration and discount
pricing. In addition to discounting, TFP can persuade customers to come to their
business by giving sales, seasonal prices, rebates and coupons, and other appropriate
markdowns. TFP's use of this strategy will increase store foot traffic while also
attracting more price-conscious customers and offloading unwanted goods. TFP is a
grocery store that offers grocery-related products, and most of the products have a
shorter shelf life, thus using this discount technique will help to get rid of products with
a shorter shelf life, preventing the company from losing money. This discount pricing,
however, should not be used too frequently because it may give the impression of being
a cheap merchant and deter buyers from purchasing items at regular prices.
TFP might also use a penetration pricing approach for newly launched items into its
stores. Essentially, penetration pricing is selling at a lower price for a limited time in
order to launch new things and increase market share. Many new enterprises are willing
to make the trade-off of more profit for increased client recognition in order to get their
foot in the door.
ii) Product
Products are items or services that are created to meet the wants and desires of the client.
In order to effectively market a product or service, it is necessary to establish what
distinguishes it from other products or services. TFP operates a grocery chain that sells
groceries products to customers. To make the business more appealing to clients, the
corporation can strive to advertise it through social media outreach. Social media updates
may appear insignificant, but these modest daily reminders of in-store goods are a
terrific way to impact customers. In terms of TFP, having a social media outreach is a
low-cost approach to market what is going on in the stores, such as events, special
specials, or even holiday hours. By having this social media, it will not only be able to
communicate with a bigger number of potential customers, but it will also help in
growing revenue and remarketing chances. Social media updates may appear
insignificant, but these modest daily reminders of in-store goods are a terrific way to
impact customers. In terms of TFP, having a social media outreach is a low-cost
approach to market what is going on in the stores, such as events, special specials, or
even holiday hours. By having this social media, it will not only be able to communicate
with a bigger number of potential customers, but it will also help in growing revenue and
remarketing chances. TFP can also promote their premium grocers by offering products
that appeal to the same market. For example, TFP can offer various types of imported
products that are specific to certain members of its targeted market, such as premium
dark chocolate that is difficult to find in regular grocery stores.
iii) Place
When defining distribution zones, it is critical to examine the sort of product sold.
Knowledge of the target market assists a corporation in determining the optimum place
for a product to be sold, which is more than just selecting the proper retailers for
distribution; it is also a study of where the product should be put within the store itself.
To ensure that the business grows, TFP must evaluate the ideal site to create or establish
a new store. The location is one of the factors that TFP must consider when launching
new stores. The placement of the firm must be strategic so that customers can easily
access it. Customers frequently buy items or services near their homes, thus businesses
that choose a site near the targeted audience are more likely to succeed. For example,
TFP should consider opening stores near the neighbourhood, and because TFP provides
an imported product, it is better for TFP to set up the store in the city region rather than
the rural area, as customer purchasing behaviour is more likely to be impacted by
lifestyle and affluence. So, by establishing grocery stores in urban regions, the business
is more likely to grow and maintain over time, as people in cities are more likely want to
buy imported products for daily consumption than individuals in rural areas. In
conclusion, people in cities have greater purchasing power when purchasing imported
goods than people in rural areas.
Aside from that, TFP must pay attention to product placement in the store. Many large
retail businesses charge a premium for end-cap placement, which means that if the
product wants to be in the most popular spot in the store, it must give the company a
better wholesale price. For example, in most stores, many imported products, such as
herbs, are located at eye level, allowing moms to readily see and access them without
having to scan the aisle for their favourite herbs.
iv) Promotion
Aside from that, TFP must ensure that they present a variety of information ranging from
opening hours to recipes, food safety tips, and more. In order to market their grocery
stores, TFP can also offer and advertise easy delivery services. Nowadays, over half of
all consumers buy groceries online at least once a week, therefore providing a well-
managed delivery service is an important grocery shop marketing technique for enticing
people to place an order. Distributing personalised flyers to customers advertising
delivery services and containing the company branding, as well as considering putting a
special offer such as a discount on their first orders, is another way that TFP can take to
promote their business in new locations.