Divine Word College of Laoag Requirement Format
Divine Word College of Laoag Requirement Format
Divine Word College of Laoag Requirement Format
1. What or who made the greatest impact in your life thats why you are in the
teaching profession. Or why did you not chose a teaching career? Explain
2. What is your philosophy in teaching? Relate its relevance in the DepEd Vision
and Mission. For those who are not in the teaching profession, whats your
philosopy in life and what is relevance to the vision and mission of your working
As a public servant, specifically as a Barangay Secretary in my barangay, my
philosophy in life goes this way, “I believe a person lives to serve. A person is
dedicated to learning, and making the future the best possible place for all of us
to live”.
The relevance of this philosophy to the vision and mission of my working
environment is that as a public servant it is my responsibility to serve with m y
barangay mates following governing laws of being in the government to maintain
the right service a constituent can have. I also used my learnings in the field of
business in dealing clients to have an eloquence of delivering answers to the
queries of my clients. I also eagerly and willingly learn from my colleagues as
they also learn with me in dealing matters. With this philosophy, I try to treat all
people with dignity and respect, for I understand that everyone has individual
differences. I then constantly try to ask questions for which there are no right
answers, for being a questioner using effective use of questions is the most
powerful strategy to dealt with your clients and in the working environment.
3. How do you adopt and adjust your teachihg principles and teaching strategies to
the "new normal"in the educational landscape? For the non-teaching, and
unemployed, how do you adopt yourself to the new normal that we have.
As a public servant, personally, I am having a hard time in adopting myself on the
so called “new normal”. But this pandemic revealed on me the true serviced that I
can offer to my barangay mates as one of the frontliners. This is the time that
people really appreciate the sacrifices of our doctors, nurses, and all public
service workers.
Little by little, I now adopting on this new normal by embracing CHANGE. I need
a new way of thinking and being. The old normal wasn’t working for everyone. In
fact, it only worked for a select few. It’s time to create and embrace a new
4. Conmpare and contrast the folllowing: a. Psychological foundation of education
vs. Philosophical foundation of education; b. Anthropological foundation of
education vs. Historical foundation of education; c. Sociological foundation of
education vs. Psychological foundation of Education:
a. Psychological and Philosophical Foundation of Education
Psychological Philosophical
The psychological foundation of The philosophical foundation of
curriculum and instruction has curriculum helps determine the
continued to expand, especially with driving purpose of education, as well
exponential growth in neuroscience as the roles of the various
research. The 1990s had been titled participants. While all foundations
the Decade of the Brain (Clemons, propose to set goals of curriculum,
2005), and great strides have been philosophy presents the manner of
made in the psychology of learning. thinking from which those goals are
One might argue that it is the created. One’s driving philosophy
psychological foundations of suggests if education should
curriculum which hold the greatest develop the individual or enforce
importance because it is here that group norms (Ornstein & Hunkins,
we understand how students learn; pp. 34-36); if it is to enforce group
how to increase student motivation norms, it further defines if that
and satisfaction; how to achieve should be the norms of the current
educational “success” in its many set or a move towards changing
definitions. However, curriculum those norms. Philosophies vary in
decisions and current educational perception of truth, ranging from
practices in many schools do not yet absolute to relative, and from
fully embrace the current research moralistic to scientific (34-37). In all
due to the prevailing philosophies of this, one’s philosophy defines the
held by those in administrative role of the teacher, ranging from all-
power in the field of education. knowing authoritarian to that of a
Again, it is the philosophical mentor, and the role of the student,
foundation that holds the greatest ranging from an obedient vacant
importance because it holds the vessel to an individual worthy of
greatest power. To gain acceptance actively engaging in one’s own
of research-based educational educational process. As we look
practices, we must not just show the through the lens of history, we see
success of those practices, but also how philosophies have gained and
work toward changing the prevailing waned in popularity in society, and
philosophies that influence the how even psychological research is
attitudes of society. Also, reaching embraced, ignored, or even rejected
back to the historical foundation of based on philosophical standings of
curriculum study, we should caution the time.
ourselves that current research is
just that: current. Future
psychological research may yield
new information. By adopting a
guiding philosophy, one does not
become married to a particular
psychological or sociological
foundation of thought, which history
reminds us is ever-changing, and
one can instead remain fluid in how
one’s philosophically-based goals
are met.