Teacher Said, Student Said

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Session 1: Our Educational Local Knowledge

Teacher Said, Student Said

Concept to Your (Teacher’s) How you (teacher) How my students actually interpret
Describe interpretation think students will these concepts
of the concept interpret the concept (Key words from students’ responses)
A teacher is teaching 1. A teacher is caring.
Teacher Prepare lesson them to learn and 2. A teacher helps students to learn
plans, Educating give hope to them. 3. A teacher challenged students to do
students & their best work and answer questions
show love and in class lectures.
care to students

1. The Feedback of student’s

Grades Feedback of The result of Students
2. An evaluation of student’s work
student’s Effort and
3. A teachers evaluation of students
achievement Achievement

1. A written or a practical test given

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Session 1: Our Educational Local Knowledge

Exams A test to show The stressful and to each students to evaluate their
the ability and challenging time for learnings and abilities.
knowledge of students is the exam 2. A test used to measure the
students to the knowledge of students
subject matter 3. An exam is administered by a

Performance Performance tasks 1. An activity that asks students to

Projects/ tasks and and projects call for perform based on their
Performance projects call for students to transfer knowledge and understanding
Tasks students to their learning to new 2. A learning activity given to each
transfer their situations students
learning to new 3. A portfolio about what they have
situations learned

Students worried 1. It’s a struggle on how to balance

about studying and their studies and other activities.
“Lockdown” Anxiety and
completing 2. Loneliness
challenging on
how to teach assignments at home 3. Challenging in learning.
during lockdown
our students
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Session 1: Our Educational Local Knowledge

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