DCCN Project FNL 5
DCCN Project FNL 5
DCCN Project FNL 5
LAN switches are widely deployed in enterprise networks, including university campus networks.
Many enterprise networks primarily use LAN switches to interconnect LANs, using IP routers only
to connect the enterprise network to the public Internet.
The term bridge was coined in the early 1980s. Today, when referring to data link layer
interconnection devices, the terms LAN switch or Ethernet switch (in the context of Ethernet) are
much more common. Since many of the concepts, configuration commands, and protocols for LAN
switches in Lab 6 use the old term bridge, we will, with few exceptions, refer to LAN switches as
This lab covers the main concepts of LAN switching in Ethernet networks: how packets are
forwarded between LANs and how the routes of packets are determined. In Part 1 you learn how to
configure a Cisco router as a bridge. Parts 2, 3, and 4 explore how forwarding tables of bridges are
set up. You learn about the concepts of learning bridges and transparent bridges, as well as the
operation of the spanning tree protocol that enables loop-free routing between interconnected
LANs. Part 5 of the lab explores issues that arise when IP routers and bridges operate in the same
In this lab, we will first show you how to configure a Cisco router to operate as a bridge. All bridges
henceforth in this lab will be Routers configured as bridges. In Part 5 we will use both routers and
bridges (routers operating at bridges).
In telecommunications, a repeater is an electronic device that receives a signal and retransmits it.
Repeaters are used to extend transmissions so that the signal can cover longer distances or be
received on the other side of an obstruction. Some types of repeaters broadcast an identical signal,
but alter its method of transmission, for example, on another frequency or baud rate.
There are several different types of repeaters; a telephone repeater is an amplifier in a telephone
line, an optical repeater is an optoelectronic circuit that amplifies the light beam in an optical fiber
cable; and a radio repeater is a radio receiver and transmitter that retransmits a radio signal.
A broadcast relay station is a repeater used in broadcast radio and television.
A bridge in a computer network is a device used to connect multiple LANs together with a
larger Local Area Network (LAN).
Uses of Bridges
• Bridges are used to divide large busy networks into multiple smaller and
interconnected networks to improve performance.
• Bridges also can increase the physical size of a network
• Bridges are also used to connect a LAN segment through a synchronous modem relation
to another LAN segment at a remote area.
A bridge performs in the following aspect –
• A bridge receives all the packets or frame from both LAN (segment) A and B.
• A bridge builds a table of addresses from which it can identify that the packets are
sent from which LAN (or segment) to which LAN.
• The bridge reads the send and discards all packets from LAN A sent to a computer
on LAN A and that packets from LAN A send to a computer on LAN B are
retransmitted to LAN B.
• The packets from LAN B are considered in the same method.
A repeater is a dynamic network device used to reproduce the signals when they transmit over a
greater distance so that the signal’s strength remains equal.
Uses of Repeater:-
Repeater simply allows to facility for making network interconnection.
• The primary function of repeater is to receive the signals for one LAN terminal cable and
then to regenerate and retransmit the all signals as its original form over other cable
• A repeater ensures that the amplified signals are not discard or weak before arriving the
destination point.
• Mostly, repeater is capable to regenerate the signal strength but it is done before
• A repeater works at the physical layer of OSI model and transparent to all protocols which
are operating in the layer above the physical layer.
• With using of repeater, network can be scaled the size limit of a single, physical, cable
• The number of repeaters that can be used intended is generally limited by a particular LAN
implementation. Using a repeater between two or more LAN cables segment requires that
the same physical layer protocol be used to send signal over all the cable segments.
• Bridges are used to divide large busy networks into multiple smaller and
interconnected networks to improve performance:-
Bridges are networking devices that connect networks. Sometimes it is necessary to divide networks
into subnets to reduce the amount of traffic on each larger subnet or for security reasons. Once
divided, the bridge connects the two subnets and manages the traffic flow between them. Today,
network switches have largely replaced bridges.
Here , a Bridge-PT is used to connect 2 different HUB(LAN). To divide them into different LAN.
The first HUB is connected to 5 devices and the second HUB is connected to 5 devices. When data
are transmitted from first LAN to second ,as the function of HUB data first comes to the HUB and
the HUB send the data to all of the devices it connected (bridge) . Connects multiple networks to
ensure communication between them. Connects LAN segments into a single network. Recognizes
areas where data is to be sent and on which device it will be sent.
• repeater is capable to regenerate the signal strength but it is done before broadcasting:-
A repeater is implemented in computer networks to expand the coverage area of the network,
repropagate a weak or broken signal and or service remote nodes. Repeaters amplify the
received/input signal to a higher frequency domain so that it is reusable, scalable and available.
When electrical signal is broadcasted through a channel, then it gets attenuated based on the nature
of technology. This deploys a limitation depend upon the length of the LAN network. This issue is
created by embedding the repeaters at the specific intervals.
Repeater gets to amplify the attenuated signal then retransmits it. Repeaters are getting to popularity
for incorporated to link between two small LAN and large LAN network.
Connected to HUB-PT-hub-1
• Using a repeater between two or more LAN cables segment requires that the same physical
layer protocol be used to send signal over all the cable segments:-
In the above shown scenario we aim at building a LAN with the help of switches , which connects
similar networks and repeaters which helps in connecting different networks together. Here under
multiple blocks of systems are present represented by Lab1 , Lab2 , Lab3 and lab4 which are in
turn connected to each other via repeaters so as to maintain an easy flow of communication
within the systems.
Repeaters enable two different types of cable segment to be used in a LAN , providing they all
operate at the same transmission speed(10Mbps).
It doesn’t actually connect two LANs, it connects two segments of the same LAN . The segments
connected are still part of a single LAN.
Bridge and Repeaters play an important role in computer networking (DCCN), Bridge are used for
logical segmentation of the network(LAN) , whereas Repeaters are used to extend wire length or to
regenerate attenuated signals.
From the above case study we have learned much more about the uses of Bridge and Repeater in
real life .