This document is a consent letter from a retired employee or family pensioner applying for inclusion in the group floater mediclaim insurance policy offered by the bank. The applicant provides their personal details like name, date of birth, gender, Aadhaar number and chooses an insurance coverage option between Rs. 3-4 lacs with or without outpatient department coverage. They authorize the bank to debit the applicable premium from their bank account. The applicant undertakes that the inclusion will be treated as withdrawn if the account has insufficient balance for premium deduction.
This document is a consent letter from a retired employee or family pensioner applying for inclusion in the group floater mediclaim insurance policy offered by the bank. The applicant provides their personal details like name, date of birth, gender, Aadhaar number and chooses an insurance coverage option between Rs. 3-4 lacs with or without outpatient department coverage. They authorize the bank to debit the applicable premium from their bank account. The applicant undertakes that the inclusion will be treated as withdrawn if the account has insufficient balance for premium deduction.
This document is a consent letter from a retired employee or family pensioner applying for inclusion in the group floater mediclaim insurance policy offered by the bank. The applicant provides their personal details like name, date of birth, gender, Aadhaar number and chooses an insurance coverage option between Rs. 3-4 lacs with or without outpatient department coverage. They authorize the bank to debit the applicable premium from their bank account. The applicant undertakes that the inclusion will be treated as withdrawn if the account has insufficient balance for premium deduction.
This document is a consent letter from a retired employee or family pensioner applying for inclusion in the group floater mediclaim insurance policy offered by the bank. The applicant provides their personal details like name, date of birth, gender, Aadhaar number and chooses an insurance coverage option between Rs. 3-4 lacs with or without outpatient department coverage. They authorize the bank to debit the applicable premium from their bank account. The applicant undertakes that the inclusion will be treated as withdrawn if the account has insufficient balance for premium deduction.
Medical Insurance Schemefor Retired Staff members /Family Pensioners
GrOup floater Mediclaim policy-On Self-Fundingbasis S/o/D/oW/o_ D.O.B (As per Bank records). retired employee Family pensioner with the ID No/PPO No: wish to include in the Group floater Mediclaim Policy for Retired Staff members / family Pensioners, in terms of the Bank's Circular No: APGVB/Per & HRD/ 49 /2022-23 dated 11.10.2022. I wish to choose for coverage with the following option of sum assured.
Sum Premium Tick ( ) at
OPD Amount Option appropriate Assured (incl. GST) option 4 lacs With OPD Rs. 33,295/- Option-1 Without OPD Rs. 28,294/- Option-2 3 lacs With OPD Rs. 24,972/- Option-3 Without OPD Rs. 21,220/- Option-4 Ifurnish below the details of myself and spouse (if applicable) for the purpose of coverage
Staff member Details Spouse Details
Name - Date of Birth Gender Aadhaar No. *(Scanned copies of the Self-attested Aadhaar Card to be attached) am a Retired Employee/Officer/ Family Pensioner from the Bank and I hereby authorize the Bank to debit the applicable premium of Rs. - (Rupees
) from my APGVB Account No:
Maintained with our Branch:
Iundertake that the inclusion cannot be made if there is
insufficient balance in the account at the time of debit and I will treat this application as withdrawn by me voluntarily. Yours faithfully,
Signature: Name PPO No: Mobile No Present Address:
Please send scanned
copy in pdf format to witn subject "consent form for group mediclaim policy 2022
School Leadership Capability Framework - State of NSW, Department of Education and Training - Professional Learning and Leadership Development Directorate