Embolisation in ENT
Embolisation in ENT
Embolisation in ENT
© JLO (1984) Limited, 2011
Objective: To provide an update on the ever-increasing role that embolisation plays in the practice of
Method: A literature search was performed during November 2008. The Medline, Embase, PubMed and
Cochrane databases were searched. This resulted in 285 papers relevant for review.
Conclusion: The role of embolisation has expanded greatly to include the management of refractory epistaxis,
pre-operative preparation of vascular tumours, vascular injuries and as an adjunct in skull base surgery.
The radiographs in this article were presented as a poster at the ENT UK Annual Conference, 11 September 2009, London, UK
Accepted for publication 14 July 2011 First published online 15 December 2011
FIG. 1
(a) A lateral angiogram of the common carotid artery showing the typical appearance of a carotid body tumour splaying the carotids, supplied by
the ascending pharyngeal artery (red arrow). (b) Lateral angiogram showing pre-operative embolisation with particles and coils (blue arrows);
the catheter tip (white arrow) is seen in the common carotid.
FIG. 2
(a) A lateral angiogram of the common carotid artery in a patient with a laryngeal tumour treated with radiotherapy and neck dissection, who
presented with neck haemorrhage from a pseudo-aneurysm (red arrow) of the external carotid artery. (b) Lateral angiogram showing treatment
via occlusion of the external carotid artery with coils (blue arrow).
embolisation of the thoracic duct proximal to the tran- in cases of zone III trauma, in which haemorrhage
section, with subsequent normalisation of chylous can be difficult to access operatively. However,
output.27 Golueke demonstrated no difference between surgical
exploration and selective management, in terms of
Trauma length of stay, morbidity and mortality.29
Severe craniofacial injury may lead to significant oro- In cases of penetrating neck trauma, the liberal use of
nasal bleeding. The presumed location and lateralisa- cervical angiography and transarterial embolisation has
tion of bleeding is often misleading; therefore, been advocated due to its safety and reliability.29
bilateral internal carotid artery and external carotid Therapeutic embolisation has been shown to be effec-
artery angiography is helpful.28 tive in arterial neck trauma, and should be considered
In cases of ethmoid artery bleeding, embolisation a viable method of management when open access is
would be via the ophthalmic artery, which carries an not deemed essential (Figure 3).31
unacceptable risk of blindness due to occlusion of the
retinal and posterior ciliary branches; surgical clipping Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
is thus advocated.28 The treatment of epistaxis in patients with this con-
Many asymptomatic patients have significant vascu- dition is initially conservative. There is no definitive
lar injuries, and management of zone I or III injuries cure; rather, therapeutic measures aim to reduce the
can require extensive surgery. There is currently a severity and frequency of epistaxis, to improve
debate concerning the merits of mandatory neck quality of life.32 Increased vascularity due to aberrant
exploration versus the use of angiography and emboli- angiogenesis may make permanent treatment with
sation, since delayed management of vascular and aero- embolisation difficult.32 In one series utilising emboli-
digestive tract injuries is associated with a high sation, success rates of 80 per cent were reported in
morbidity rate. One study deemed interventional patients with idiopathic epistaxis, compared with
surgery to have been unnecessary in up to 63 per 20–25 per cent in those with hereditary haemorrhagic
cent of patients.29 In contrast, it has been demonstrated telangiectasia.24,33
that patients with a normal initial angiogram have a less The role of embolisation in hereditary haemorrhagic
than 2 per cent incidence of missed injuries.30 telangiectasia has not been established, because of high
Definitive control of haemorrhage can be achieved levels of recurrence and technical difficulties with
with the use of transarterial embolisation, especially embolisation of the anterior ethmoids.32
FIG. 3
(a) A right lateral upper cervical angiogram of an 18-year-old patient, attacked with a broken glass bottle, who subsequently presented with an
expanding submandibular mass, showing a pseudo-aneurysm (red arrow) in the region of the lingual artery. (b) The same right lateral upper
cervical angiogram view as illustrated in Fig 3 (a) showing subsequent embolisation of the pseudo-aneurysm (blue arrow).
FIG. 4
(a) A lateral angiogram of the skull base in a 70-year-old man who presented with a history of recent head trauma without fracture, with sub-
sequent proptosis and chemosis, showing a direct fistula between the cavernous sinus (blue arrow) and the internal carotid artery (red arrow). (b)
A later sequence of the lateral angiogram of the skull base post embolisation showing the first coil placed in the cavernous sinus (blue arrow).
be performed when an aneurysm or pseudo-aneurysm this is thought to be less than the risk incurred from sur-
is suspected in the tonsillar fossa, and can be treated gical packing.47
with embolisation.40
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery
Tracheostomy-related haemorrhage Bleeding is a recognised complication of endoscopic
This is a recognised complication, and the majority can sinus surgery.33 Iatrogenic injury of the internal
be managed conservatively. However, a tracheo-inno- carotid artery is rare; however, if this happens then
minate artery fistula has a high mortality rate if pressure to control bleeding, followed by angiography
untreated.41,42 Rates of 0.1–1 per cent have been and embolisation, is life-saving. Pepper and col-
reported after surgical tracheostomy, with a peak inci- leagues’ guidelines for internal carotid artery bleeding
dence at 7–14 days post-procedure.43 recommend the use of angiographic control (using tam-
If conservative measures fail, surgical management ponade balloons) to control bleeding, together with
is required. However, technical limitations include dif- emergency coil embolisation.48
ficulty in locating the bleeding vessels due to scarring
from prior procedures. Thus, angiography with emboli- Complications
sation has been advocated as the preferred method of Tseng et al. have classified the complications of embo-
management, and has been used with success.41,42 lisation into major and minor events.6 The commonest
minor side effect is fever and localised pain due to
Transsphenoidal surgery tissue necrosis.2 Minor complications are transient,
Delayed epistaxis resulting from damage to the spheno- and include facial pain, headaches, mental confusion,
palatine branches of the external carotid artery is an paraesthesia, jaw pain, groin pain, numbness and
infrequent but serious complication of transsphenoidal facial oedema.
surgery, which can be managed by sphenopalatine Major complications of embolisation include cer-
artery ligation or embolisation.44 False aneurysms of ebrovascular accident (CVA), blindness, ophthalmo-
the sphenopalatine artery can occur after transsphenoi- plegia, facial nerve palsy and soft tissue necrosis.6
dal surgery.45 The most serious risk is inadvertent embolisation of
Significant vascular complications related to internal the internal carotid artery, leading to a CVA. General
carotid artery injury during transsphenoidal surgery complications, such as sensitivity to the embolic or
include carotid laceration, carotid–cavernous fistula, contrast material, are rare.2
traumatic aneurysm, subarachnoid haemorrhage and Barlow et al. stated that the complication rate for
cerebral infarction. Arterial injuries that manifest embolisation in epistaxis resembles that of arterial lig-
during or after transsphenoidal surgery are rare (1 per ation, being 13–48 per cent.49 A literature review of the
cent), but they are associated with significant morbidity success rates and complications related to embolisation
(24 per cent) and mortality (14 per cent).44,45 for epistaxis found that, of 572 patients embolised for
Imaging of both the internal and external carotid cir- persistent epistaxis, five suffered significant long-
culations is important. Although internal carotid artery term morbidity (a prevalence of <1 per cent) and two
injuries are more common, negative findings on an suffered minor long-term morbidity (i.e. facial scar-
internal carotid artery angiogram do not necessarily ring). The risk of CVA was less than 1 per cent.50
rule out a vascular injury. Post-embolisation spasm of the accessory meningeal
artery may cause ischaemia and hypoaesthesia of the
Skull base tumours third branch of the trigeminal nerve, whereas occlusion
When a significant portion of a skull base tumour is of the petrosal artery may cause ischaemia of the hori-
supplied directly by the internal carotid artery, particle zontal segment of the facial nerve, resulting in paraly-
embolisation from within the carotid artery may be sis. Loss of vision can result from anastomosis between
performed. the internal maxillary artery and ophthalmic artery
For large, recurrent tumours, which may not be sup- branches, although pre-operative angiography should
plied directly by vessels typical of newly diagnosed demonstrate a choroidal ‘blush’ if this is the case.
lesions, direct percutaneous embolisation may help. Soft tissue necrosis is a rare complication, due to the
Pre-operative embolisation of a primary jugular extensive collateral blood supply of the head and neck.
foramen tumour should only be performed when it Unilateral necrosis of the mucosa overlying the hard
can reduce operative morbidity and blood loss.46 In palate has been reported in a patient following bilateral
skull base surgery involving the region of the jugular internal maxillary artery embolisation for epistaxis. The
foramen, the jugular bulb is opened. This can be associ- patient also received balloon tamponade and bilateral
ated with significant blood loss, prolonged operative nasal packs for two days post-procedure, and it was
time, and the risk of compression injury to cranial suggested that packing should be removed as soon as
nerves IX, X and XI from overpacking. Embolisation possible after embolisation.51
of feeder vessels to the jugular bulb before surgery Herdman suggested that if the stylomastoid artery is
reduces the risk of these complications. There is a occluded, the facial nerve is not usually in danger, due
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