Robotic Tank Inspection & Cleaning Brouchre
Robotic Tank Inspection & Cleaning Brouchre
Robotic Tank Inspection & Cleaning Brouchre
FTI engineers and technicians provide expert advice in areas such as fitness for service, remaining service
life assessments and asset integrity. These professionals have proven experience in almost every industrial
sector and are backed up by state-of-the-art analytical equipment. This expertise, experience and
technical support combine to provide practical solutions to challenging problems.
FTI is highly experienced in providing advanced non-destructive testing and conventional non-destructive
testing to identify problem areas and recommend solutions. Our clients benefit from the complimentary
services and technical experiences to improve productivity and maximize the effectiveness of their
inspection budgets.
Our Vision is to be recognized as the advanced NDT inspection company of choice by exceeding our
customers’ expectations.
Our Values to provide a happy home for our customers and employees alike.
FTI has been in operation for over 15 years and brings together extensive experience of Conventional NDT
Inspection and Specialized Inspection.
In FTI, we recognize the link between good health, safety and environmental performance and
commercial success. We also recognize that we have a duty of care to minimize the risks from our activities
to all stakeholders including employees, contractors, visitors, regulators, shareholders, clients, landlords
and others affected by our activities.
We recognize and accept our legal duty of care in the workplace. We recognize and accept our legal duty
of care toward the environment. We are committed not only to complying with our legal duties, and with
other requirements to which we subscribe, but to exceed those requirements where reasonably
FTI’s arrangements to meet these commitments are based on compliance with the requirements of our
clients and are set out in our Clients Safety and Environmental Instructions and Guidance Notes. All FTI
employees, contractors and visitors are required to comply with these arrangements. Our arrangements
for the management of safety and environment are considered as part of our annual business
management review.
Managers, at all levels, have responsibility for the health and safety of the employees, contractors and
visitors under their control and for the effects of their activities on the environment. In addition, every
employee is responsible for their own health and safety and for the effect that their actions or lack of
action may have upon the health and safety of others and upon the environment.
A recent Tank Inservice inspection achieved the following results:
• Reduced emissions
• No man entry into Tank
• No loss time incidents
• Well trained team to recognize issues and stop work
• Award received on our approach to safety regarding the project
The “knowledge and ability” of FTI personnel has been broken into,
❖ Qualifications: Essentially NDT method-based certification mainly provided through ISO 9712
examination and training.
❖ Experience: Continued direct (or related) experience in the relevant inspection method.
❖ Competence: Specific inspection related knowledge provided through in-house training and
assessment against strict criteria.
❖ Certification: Based on demonstrated and auditable evidence of qualifications including
trainings, examinations, experience and competency.
FTI can focus training activities more towards meeting our specific client needs whilst still meeting the
requirements of ASNT and /or PCN.
In addition to mandatory training and examination, FTI provides a continuous in-house module-based
training program where staff skills are continually upgraded and or refreshed. The internal training
modules are mainly focused towards the in-service inspection methods and systems provided by FTI
including the deployment and use of bespoke inspection equipment. Where a new or modified piece of
equipment is to be used, the inspection crew would be brought in for familiarization. Annual training
reviews are conducted by the training manger in conjunction with Human Resources (HR) where a yearly
plan is drawn up to meet company needs as well as providing an individual growth / development plan.
Assessment of project performance regarding Skills, Qualification and Training requirements is given in
given via various means within the system
❖ Client Feedback
❖ Weekly Audit Report
❖ On Site Peer Surveillances
❖ Post Project Debrief with Site Crew
❖ Post Project Debrief with Client
❖ Post Project Data and Report review by project management and level III
It should be noted that process includes positive feedback as well as personal skill shortfalls and can be
used to speed up personal development of an individual.
Within FTI, the following training is conducted.
❖ NDT Method Based Theoretical and Practical knowledge-based training performed internally
and / or externally which may/ may not lead to formal qualification such as ISO 9712/ PCN.
❖ Inspection Method Based Training such as Corrosion Mapping or SRUT/PAUT/AE which is
performed in addition to the standard NDT Method training rather than instead of. This training
would cover the practical application of NDT to meet the various inspection requirements.
❖ Equipment Based Training (including Software) is provided to ensure the operators are familiar
with the operational requirements of new or updated equipment.
❖ Refresher training requires that individuals be brought back in from time to time to upgrade
and renew existing skills.
❖ Practical on-site training where individuals are mentored by experienced personnel during site
work. Where the person is suitably qualified and has had the necessary training, this can involve
the person conducting specific inspection functions under the direct supervision of the project
approved leads. This does not impact on the integrity or performance of the task being carried
An annual training review is conducted by the training manager defining the training objectives for the
company as well as for each individual technician. An annual personal plan for each individual shall be
drawn up ensuring upgrading of skills and personal progression whilst still maintaining existing skills
(refresher training).
Competency assessments shall be conducted at the end of each training session (other than on-site). This
can be in the form of a successful task completion; successful completion of test / training samples OR
being witnessed during the training session. Requirements for formal NDT based training will differ where
external examination (ISO 9712 / PCN) is mandatory.
Training of our staff is a continuous process. Accurate records are maintained of competencies and
experience. Storage Tank Integrity and safety is at the heart of what we do.
Whilst our technicians are all ASNT/PCN Level II Qualified in conventional NDT methods, as part of our on-
going commitment to the technicians is that they will enjoy the support and on-going training from our
Level 3’s, learning our scanners, our techniques (inspecting through wraps etc.) and working with mentors
from different divisions, allowing and encouraging our employees to grow, to learn and to maintain
motivation. This allows FTI to truly offer a MULTI-disciplined and fully competent NDT Technician.
Our technicians are the face of FTI and to ensure our clients receive the best available support and that
inspections are carried out to the highest standard, we invest heavily in their careers, continual
development is a fundamental part of FTI’s infra-structure.
By investing in our technicians and our equipment and techniques, we are confident that when we commit
to a client, we do so with absolute certainty that we will make a difference. We ensure that the
inspections/services we carry out, will be done to the highest standard, but always with a view to finding
a more optimum way to perform an inspection, write a report, reduce shut-downs or to even develop
equipment for a particular challenge within the plant.
FTI undertake continual staff monitoring and development to ensure we remain industry leaders.
The following page lists in more detail the range of services which our company provides clients on a
global basis.
Pipeline, Piping, Sphere Legs, Online screening for corrosion, erosion and mechanical damage of
Long Range Ultrasonic Testing LRUT
Risers, Tubulars 100% of the pipe wall and CUI.
Pipeline, Piping, Sphere Legs, Online screening for corrosion at pipe supports, soil and concrete
Short Range Ultrasonic Testing SRUT
Risers, Tubulars, Vessel Saddles interfaces, Vessel saddles.
Short Range Ultrasonic Testing SRUT Storage Tanks Online screening for corrosion at Annular Plates
Storage Tank Walls, Vessels, Online Mapping for Internal Corrosion, laminations, Hydrogen
Automated Corrosion Mapping AUT
Columns, Pipe Induced Cracking and Weld Quality Inspection,
Automated Corrosion Mapping Pipelines, Risers and Structural Online Mapping for Internal Corrosion, laminations, and Weld
and Ultrasonic Testing Subsea Tubulars and Welds Quality Inspection
Above Ground and Subsea Online Non-Intrusive Screening for Corrosion and other Stress
Magnetic Tomography Method МТМ
Pipeline Raising Defects.
Non-Intrusive Inspection, Weld Quality and quantification of
Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing PAUT Vessels, Welds and Plate Internal Corrosion, laminations, Hydrogen Induced Cracking, in-
service Flange Face Corrosion,
Time of Flight Diffraction TOFD Weld and Plate Weld Quality Testing, Root Corrosion
Eddy Current EC Plate, Pipe and Vessels Screening for material loss, CUI, Cluster Crack Characterization
Vessels, Tank Walls, Piping, Jetty Detection of Corrosion under Insulation, Marine Growth and
Pulsed Eddy Current PEC
Piles, Sphere Legs Concrete Coating.
Tanks, Vessels, Spheres, Pipeline,
Acoustic Emission Testing AE Detection of Leaks, Active Corrosion, Cracks
Topside and Subsea welds and
SCC Mapping EMI, ECA Characterization of Cracks
Non-Intrusive Online API 653 and Inspection and Cleaning of Tank
Robotic Tank System RTS Atmospheric Storage Tanks
Floors and Shell Walls while Tank remains in service
No shut down, no out of
service tank cleaning
ONLINE ROBOTIC Tanks (if they are on an island). Above Ground Storage Tanks.
required, quick
TANK INSPECTION On-stream & Online Robotic On-stream & Online Robotic
inspection, Safe
(CRUDE OIL) Inspection for Crude Oil tanks. Inspection for Crude Oil tanks.
inspection, No man
Tanks (if they are on an island). Above Ground Storage Tanks. No shut down, no tank
On-stream Manual Probe On-stream Manual Probe Inspection cleaning, quick
Inspection for smaller tanks & for smaller tanks & Online Robotic inspection, Safe
Online Robotic Inspection for water Inspection for water and class II fluid inspection, No man
and class II fluid tanks. tanks. entry.
Robotic, AET, API 653, SRUT,
In-Service ADNOC, Jebel Dana,
Ongoing Visual, Sludge Recovery and Crude Oil Hydraulic
In-Service BP TANGGUH LNG, Robotic, API 653, SRUT, Visual, Produced
Ongoing Manual
API 653 Indonesia Sludge Management H2O
In-Service BP TANGGUH LNG, Robotic, API 653, SRUT, Visual,
Ongoing Amine Manual
API 653 Indonesia Sludge Management
Department of
In-Service Robotic, API 653, Internal
2022 Water & Electricity Chilled Water ROV/UT
API 653 Visual, PECT
In-Service Methanex, ARISE, Robotic, API 653, SRUT, Visual,
2021 Filtered H2O Electric
API 653 Egypt Sludge Management
In-Service Methanex, ARISE, Robotic, API 653, SRUT, Visual,
2021 Demin H2O Electric
API 653 Egypt Sludge Management
In-Service ADNOC Ruwais, Robotic, API 653, SRUT, Visual,
2021 Fuel Oil Electric
API 653 Telford, UAE Sludge Management
In-Service ADNOC Ruwais, Robotic, API 653, SRUT, Visual,
2021 Fuel Oil Electric
API 653 Telford, UAE Sludge Management
In-Service SUNCOR Canada, Robotic, API 653, AE, SRUT,
21/22 Utility Water Electric
API 653 GISS, Canada Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service SUNCOR Canada, Robotic, API 653, AE, SRUT,
21/22 Fire Water Electric
API 653 GISS, Canada Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service SUNCOR Canada, Robotic, API 653, Visual,
21/22 Fire Water ROV/UT
API 653 GISS, Canada Bolted Floor – UT on ROV
In-Service SUNCOR Canada, Robotic, API 653, Visual,
21/22 Fire Water ROV/UT
API 653 GISS, Canada Bolted Floor – UT on ROV
In-Service SUNCOR Canada, Robotic Floor Phased Array UT
21/22 Water Electric
Validation GISS, Canada Validation
21/22 100m Crude Hydraulic
SARB UAE Shell/Sludge Management
In-Service NDTCCS/ADNOC Robotic Floor Sludge
21/22 Fire Water Electric
Water BAB UAE Management
In-Service ADNOC Fujairah Robotic Floor Sludge
2021 Fire Water Electric
Water UAE Management
In-Service Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT Sludge
21/22 Petronas Malaysia Condensate Hydraulic
Condensate Management
In-Service Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
21/22 Petronas Malaysia Utility Water Electric
Water Tank Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
21/22 Petronas Malaysia Demin Water Electric
Water Tank Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
21/22 Petronas Malaysia Fire Water Electric
Water Tank Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
21/22 Petronas Malaysia Diesel Electric
Diesel Tank Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service NDTCCS/ADNOC Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
2021 Fresh Electric
Water Tank NEB, UAE Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service ATPL/EXXON Robotic Sludge Management
2021 Volatile Slop Hydraulic
Volatile Slop Singapore and Inspection
2021 100m Crude Hydraulic
Crude UAE Shell/Sludge Management
In-Service Taweelah Power Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
2020 Diesel Electric
Diesel T 10 Station UAE Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service Taweelah Power Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
2020 Diesel Electric
Diesel T 11 Station UAE Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service Taweelah Power Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
2020 Diesel Electric
Diesel T 12 Station UAE Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service Taweelah Power Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
2020 Diesel Electric
Diesel T 13 Station UAE Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service Taweelah Power Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
2020 Diesel Electric
Diesel T 14 Station UAE Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service Fire Water Tank Internal Visual
2019 BHS Fujairah UAE Fire Water Electric
Water and UT
Robotic Floor after AE
2019 BP – Azerbaijan Inspection, Sludge Crude Oil Hydraulic
Robotic API 653 Floor
2019 BP – Azerbaijan Inspection, Sludge Condensate Hydraulic
Robotic API 653 Floor
2019 BP – Azerbaijan Inspection, Sludge Lean Meg Hydraulic
Lean Meg
In-Service Qatar Petroleum, Robotic Internal Floor API,
2019 Fire Water Electric
Water Tank Qatar Visual, Sludge Management
In-Service Qarun – Apache Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
2018 Crude Oil Hydraulic
Crude Tank 1 Egypt Sludge Management
In-Service Qarun – Apache Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
2018 Crude Oil Hydraulic
Crude Tank 2 Egypt Sludge Management
In-Service Qarun – Apache Robotic Floor, AE, SRUT,
2018 Crude Oil Hydraulic
Crude Tank 3 Egypt Sludge Management
In-Service Robotic Floor, Annular plate,
2017 ADMA - UAE Crude Oil Hydraulic
Floor AE, SRUT
In-Service ADMA/BP/TOTAL Robotic Floor Inspection,
2016 Crude Oil Hydraulic
Floor UAE Annular plate- Validated
Diameter of
2 3 4 5 6