Unconfined Aquifer Trensh

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Design of Unconfined Aquifer

Geotechnical Engineering Course

Prepared By
Geo.Eng, Moustafa Magdy
00201142649567 - 00201020155870


Design Parameters r
excavation depth De 10 m explanations
well depth Dw 15 m parameter Lo
permeability cooffecient K 0.00015 mlsec input data
depth above G.W.T G.W.T LEVEL 2 m output data depth above
water height from bottom H 18 m units
excavation depth EXC. DEPTH 10 m
water drawdawn h below exc. Level 1 m
gravel back

excavation depth
water height under drawdawn lvl hw 9 m
excavation width
excavation length
influence range Lo 192.90 m
total flow /SEC Q 0.017 m3/sec
total flow /HR Q 60.959 m3/hr
depth of penetration below water p 13 m

h below ex.lvl
singel aquifer flow qw
well radius r 0.15 m H
screen length Ls 12 m
effective screen length lw 8.04 m 2 r lw k
singel aquifer flow qw 0.00619 m3/sec qw 
singel aquifer flow qw 22.3 m3/hr 15
NO. OF WELLS N 3.00 well
if you have a pump with stable value
of flow
pump rate per hour from 30 Qh 20 m3/hr hw
pump rate per second Qs 0.0056 m3/sec
NO. OF WELLS N 3 well

Estimation of total drawdown

Estimation of total drawdown

No. of well x y rw Ro ln(Ro/rw)

1 25 -5.5 25.60 192.90 2.0
2 12.5 -5.5 13.66 192.90 2.6
3 50 -5.5 50.30 192.90 1.3
4 37.5 -5.5 37.90 192.90 1.6
5 -0.02 -5.5 5.50 192.90 3.6
6 -37.5 -5.5 37.90 192.90 1.6
7 -50 -5.5 50.30 192.90 1.3
8 -12.5 -5.5 13.66 192.90 2.6 𝒓_𝒘𝟑
9 -25 -5.5 25.60 192.90 2.0
10 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0 a 𝒓_𝒘𝟏
11 0.00 192.90 0.0

0 0
12 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
13 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
14 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
𝑊_1 𝑊_2 𝑊_3
15 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
16 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
17 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0 x x
18 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0 b
19 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
20 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
21 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
22 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
23 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
𝐻^2−ℎ^2=1/(𝜋 𝐾) ∑_(𝑖=1)^(𝑖=𝑛)▒ 〖𝑄 _𝑖 .
24 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0 ln⁡(𝑅_𝑜/𝑟_𝑤 ) 〗
25 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
26 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0
27 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0 H2-h2 247.42
28 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0 h 8.75 safe
29 0 0 0.00 192.90 0.0 Total drawdawn depth 1.25
sum 18.8

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