FAC (Heating and Cooling)
FAC (Heating and Cooling)
FAC (Heating and Cooling)
Model heatpump FAC-03 FAC-04 FAC-06 FAC-08 FAC-05 FAC-10 FAC-12 FAC-15 FAC-20
kW 9.2 10.38 18.08 21.4 14.87 29.75 36.17 42.8 59.49
Heating capacity
Rated Btu/h 31399 35427 61706 73038 50751 101536 123447 146075 203038
heating Rated power kW 3.16 3.53 5.54 6.73 4.48 8.97 10.69 13.47 17.94
Rated current A 12.9 14.5 10.5 12.8 8.5 17 20.3 25.6 34.1
kW 7.48 8.44 14.7 17.4 12.09 24.19 29.41 34.8 48.37
Cooling capacity
Rated Btu/h 25529 28805 50171 59386 41263 82560 100375 118771 165085
cooling Rated power kW 3.23 3.61 5.66 6.87 4.58 9.15 10.91 13.37 18.31
Unit functions Rated current A 13.2 14.8 10.7 13 8.7 17.4 20.7 26.1 34.8
Max ruuning current A 19.2 21.5 17.2 20.9 13.9 27.8 33.2 41.7 55.7
Power V/Ph/Hz 220V~240/1N/50Hz or 380V~415/3N/50Hz 380V~415/3N/50Hz
Noise dB(A) 50 50 52 57 52 58 60 62 62
L(A) mm 834 834 834 1450 834 1450 1450 1700 1700
Size w(B) mm 460 460 460 780 460 780 780 900 900
H(C) mm 1330 1330 1330 1050 1330 1050 1253 1215 1215
Weight kg 120 150 155 225 155 280 350 520 580
Precision temp precision ℃ ±1℃
Operation range ℃ — 20℃~45℃
Operating control Type LCD
panel Main functions Operating mode,temperature,operating condition, timing
Throttling Electronic expansion valves
The outlet temp ℃ 55℃
Refrigerate Type R410A
Compressor Type Copeland, panasonic,hitachi
Type Finned heat exchange
Air side heat Qty pc 1 1 1 or 2 2 1 2 2 2 2
exchange Fan type Type Axial big twist angle fan
Motor power kw 0.1 0.18 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.6 1.5 1.5
Type tube in shell heat exchanger/plate heat exchanger
Water flow(summer) m3/h 1.29 1.45 2.53 2.93 2.08 4.16 5.06 5.99 8.32
Water side heat Water flow(winter) m3/h 1.58 1.79 3.11 3.68 2.56 5.12 6.22 7.36 10.23
exchange Water pressure down kpa 27 29 32 34 30 36 40 46 48
Connection dimension Inch 3∕4 1 1 1 1 1-1∕4 1-1∕2 2 2
Water side max working pressure KPA 1000
1559(380V) 2435(380V)
1554(220V) 2497(220V)
1447 2759 2960 4243 5691
Air to water heat pump/Air cooling modular chiller (Heating and cooling) Price list
Model heatpump FAC-25 FAC-50 FAC-75 FAC-100 FAC-125 FAC-150 FAC-175 FAC-200
kW 66.2 132.4 198.6 264.8 331 397.2 463.4 529.6
rated cooling capacity
Btu/h 225939 451877 677816 903754 1129693 1355631 1581570 1807509
rated coolig
Rated cooling input power kW 22.4 44.8 67.2 89.6 112 134.4 156.8 179.2
rated cooling input current A 41 82 123 164 205 246 287 328
kW 70.8 141.6 212.4 283.2 354 424.8 495.6 566.4
heating capacity
rated Btu/h 241638 483276 724915 966553 1208191 1449829 1691468 1933106
heating input power kW 22 44 66 88 110 132 154 176
unit functions
input current A 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320
max ruuning current A 54 108 162 216 270 324 378 432
power V/Ph/Hz 380V/3N/50Hz
noise dB(A) 68 71 74 77 79 81 84 85
L(A) mm 2205 2205 2205 2205 2205 2205 2205 2205
size w(B) mm 1110 2140 3170 4200 5230 6260 7290 8320
H(C) mm 2090 2090 2090 2090 2090 2090 2090 2090
WEIGHT kg 920 1840 2760 3680 4600 5520 6440 7360
precision temp precision ℃ ±1℃
operation range ℃ —20℃~45℃
operating control
operation type LCD
panel main functions operating mode、temperature seting、operating condition、timing
number of compressor pc 4 8 12 16 8 16 24 32
range of capacity regulation % multilevel
Throttling Electronic expansion valves/thermostatic expansion valve
type R407C,R417A
refrigerant charge kg 4.5*4 4.5*8 4.5*12 4.5*16 4.5*20 4.5*24 4.5*28 4.5*32
type sanyo,copeland
security function Built-in protection device overheating protection, sequence protection, undervoltage protection, delay protect
air side heat type finned heat exchange
exchange fan type axial big twist angle fan
type plate heat exchanger/shell in tube heat exchanger
water flow(summer) m3/h 11.38 22.77 34.15 45.54 56.92 68.31 79.69 91.07
use side heat water flow(winter) m3/h 12.18 24.35 36.53 48.7 60.88 73.05 85.23 97.4
exchange water pressure down kpa 30-70
connection dimension inch 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6
water side max working pressure KPA 1200
FOB GUANGZHOU USD 5877 11754 17631 23508 29385 35262 41139 47016
Rated cooling working conditions: air side return air temp 35℃, use side input water temp is 12℃, outlet water temp is 7℃
Rated heating working conditions: air side return air dry ball temp is 7℃, wet ball temp is 6℃, use side input water temp 40℃, outlet water temp is
Install drawing:
FAC when at difference ambient temp and chilled water outlet water COP:
FAC different environmental Temperatures and hot water outlet temperature COP: