Hoang Nguyen Duc Huy - 1852400 - Green Technology Midterm
Hoang Nguyen Duc Huy - 1852400 - Green Technology Midterm
Hoang Nguyen Duc Huy - 1852400 - Green Technology Midterm
P. 1 (2.5 point): Give your explanation about “How the industrial
ecology at national level solve the environmental issues”
P. 2 (2.5 point): Give your opinion about one of the resources that
should be recycled 100% in VietNam.
P1 :
P2 :
Emission rate A – fuel B- fuel and C -fuel and cell
(g/km) vehicle - electric fuels
Pb 10 15 3
Ni 4 7 12
P3 :
Emission rate (g/km) A - fuel vehicle B - fuel and C - fuel and cell
electric fuels
Pb 10 15 3
Ni 4 7 12
Emission rate (g/km) A - fuel vehicle B - fuel and C - fuel and cell
electric fuels
Emission rate (g/km) A - fuel vehicle B - fuel and C - fuel and cell
electric fuels
CH4 11
CO 0.012
VOC 11
Pb 0.79
Ni 0.057
We can see:
As a result, we pick automobile A since it has minimal global warming and human toxicity.