MEtacognitive Strategies
MEtacognitive Strategies
MEtacognitive Strategies
e-ISSN: 1308-1470 ● p-ISSN: 1694-609X
pp. 847-862
Received: 23/05/2019
Revision: 11/12/2019
Accepted: 16/12/2019
Abdul Muhid
UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia,
Eka Rizki Amalia
Institut Pesantren K.H. Abdul Chalim, Indonesia,
Hilda Hilaliyah
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Indonesia,
Nia Budiana
Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia,
Muh Barid Nizarudin Wajdi
STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk, Indonesia,
Reading is a receptive skill which plays a very significant role in students’ learning
process. According to Floris & Divina (2015), the role of reading for English as a
Foreign Language (EFL) students is that it facilitates the improvement of English
abilities and knowledge. Many studies have shown that EFL students who read English
text more seem to acquire English much better than those who do not (Floris & Divina,
2015; Hunt & Beglar, 2005). Kebudayaan (2012) states that without being exposed
much to reading materials in class, EFL students are not probable to make much
progress. When these students read English text less, they are not well accustomed to
English then they get difficulty in understanding English text once they have it.
Even though students have already exposed to English text quite often, there is still a
problem whether they understand the text they are reading or not. Many students are
unable to comprehend texts, even though they can decode or find the meaning of the
texts fluently (Williams & Atkins, 2009). Ahmadi, Ismail, & Abdullah (2013) assert that
many students of EFL/ESL have “major difficulties” with English reading
comprehension even after learning the English language for years. They can read a text
but they encounter difficulties when they have to understand the information in the text.
This is problematic for the students as the main purpose of reading is actually to get
information and idea of the text to complete a certain instruction, like what is demanded
in a test.
Final examination in Indonesia has given a big portion of its questions to be answered
based on texts. Looking back at 2014 final examination, there are around 85% (43 out of
50 items) of the questions for junior high and 70% (35 out of 50 items) for senior high
are all based on texts. This clearly needs a good reading ability as the students mostly
have to spend the allocated limited time to read texts to be able to answer the questions
correctly. Thus, it is important for the students to have good reading strategies so they
will not waste their time reading the text again and again without getting the answers
demanded from the questions.
Many strategies and techniques have been proposed as solution to enhance the students
reading comprehension skill. One of them is metacognitive reading strategy.
Metacognitive reading strategy is effective to facilitate students reading comprehension
in the field of second/foreign language studies (Ahmadi et al., 2013). Many researches
then attempted to create taxonomies of metacognitive reading strategy to facilitate
reading comprehension.
Metacognitive strategies are regarded as “high order executive skills that make use of
knowledge of cognitive processes and constitute an attempt to regulate one’s own
learning by means of planning, monitoring, and evaluating” (Hartman, 2001b; L. Zhang
& Seepho, 2013). Pang (2008) asserts metacognitive strategies as the “monitoring and
regulative mechanism that readers consciously use to enhance comprehension.” In
reading, metacognitive strategies are self-monitoring and self-regulating activities which
focus on both the process and the product of reading (L. Zhang & Seepho, 2013).
Metacognitive process involves cognitive effort which consists of knowledge about and
regulation of cognitive processing (Cubukcu, 2008). It affects the success of
comprehension. Pang (2008) mentions about metacognitive strategic competence which
reflects readers’ monitoring and control of reading strategies. (Hartman, 2001a) asserts
that students who are aware and in control of their metacognitive reading behaviour can
take advantage because they can monitor their comprehension, clarify difficulties and
restore the process when it fails.
Ahmadi et al., (2013) conducted a research dealing with metacognitive reading strategy,
resulting that metacognitive reading comprehension strategy has a positive effect on
learning a second language and learners can gain the skills they need for effective
communication in English. Metacognitive strategies were also proven to facilitate
reading comprehension and promote both the performance and understanding of one’s
reading comprehension.
L. J. Zhang (2009) assessed metacognitive awareness and reading strategy used by
Chinese senior high school students who learnt English as a foreign language (EFL).
The results showed that the students used the strategies at a high-frequency level. It also
revealed that the students were also active EFL reading-strategy users and that their
pattern of strategy use was closely related to their overall EFL achievement. This
finding proves that when the students use strategy in their reading activity, they can
achieve English better.
Other research proving that there is a correlation between metacognitive strategy use
and English reading achievement was conducted by L. Zhang & Seepho (2013). The
results revealed the overall metacognitive strategy use in academic reading
comprehension of Chinese EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students with both high
and low proficiency. They also emphasized that metacognitive strategies played an
important role in English majors’ EFL reading and are important and helpful to enhance
EFL reading comprehension. Additional suggestion for the teacher was that EFL
teachers in the classroom should integrate metacognitive strategy training into reading
instruction and teachers can play a key role in making students aware of and fostering
the acquisition of metacognitive strategies.
To apply the metacognitive strategies, teacher should give the students systematic
instruction about the concept of metacognition and learning strategies. This will help the
students comprehend the new strategies better and know how to apply them to different
reading tasks. This is in line with what Cubukcu (2008) has investigated. He conducted
a study which the students had been taught metacognitive strategies for reading. The
results of the study have confirmed that reading comprehension could be developed
through systematic instruction in metacognitive language learning strategies. The model
of instruction helped the students to know why, when, and how to use the strategies or
known as declarative, conditional (conceptual) and procedural knowledge (Veenman in
Ahmadi et al., 2013; Hartman, 2001b). Gradually, they start to think metacognitively
about the strategies they could use to improve reading comprehension to become not
merely readers but also strategic readers.
students; high and low proficiency students. Meanwhile, this study did not focus on that
difference. The subjects of this study were in the same level of proficiency, as the
teacher confirmed. Other difference was on the reading comprehension test used. This
study adapted O’Malley et al., (1989)’s and Zhang & Seepho (2013)’s which had been
comprised into five main reading competencies (see Appendix 2) which then were used
as the basis to make the reading comprehension test items.
This research was quasi-experimental, since the researchers could not randomly assign
subjects to experimental treatments, but must use already assembled groups such as
classes. There were two groups in quasi-experimental research: experimental and
control group. Both groups had both pretest and posttest, but only experimental group
which got treatment of metacognitive strategies. The time length from pretest to posttest
was only around two months. Students might have intentionally remembered the pattern
of the reading comprehension test questions. Students in experimental group who had
already got treatment might have studied by themselves by remembering the shortcut of
how to find the answer of questions with the same pattern. Meanwhile, the control group
had the conventional reading activity.
The subjects of this study were students from eleven grade. There were ten classes for
eleven grade. The school divided the classes into male and female student classes. Based
on the school policy, the researcher conducted the study on female classes. Two classes
which were homogenous in their English competence chosen for experimental and
control group. Based on the teacher’s recommendation, class of XI IPA 5 (Natural
Sciences 5 Class) was the experimental group and class of XI IPS 2 (Social Education
Science 2 Class) was the control group. Each class consists of 25 students.
There were two instruments used in this study: Reading Comprehension Test (RCT) and
Metacognitive Strategy Questionnaire (MSQ). First, The RCT was given to measure
reading comprehension ability of the subjects. The reading texts were selected from
Senior High School final examination year 2013, text books of grade XI, and other
sources like internet. There were five passages containing five questions for each
passage, so there were 25 multiple choice questions items in total. In order to be said as
a good test, the reading comprehension test was composed by considering three criteria
of a good test as asserted by Brown & 吳一安(2000) and Kebudayaan (2012), they were
practicality, reliability, and validity.
Second, The MSQ was given asking about the metacognitive strategies the students
actually used to plan, monitor, and evaluate their reading process. It was composed into
three main sections divided into pre-, whilst-, and post-reading activities. Each section
contain the details of metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension composed by
Zhang & Seepho (2013) and the description of the real activity which the students need
to choose from 1 to 5 based on their real condition. Zhang & Seepho (2013) adapted the
metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension process based on O’Malley, &
Chamot (1990)’s classification which is widely accepted. However, the original
classification has been modified with the following details:
a) There are 6 items from the original version for the Planning Strategy (before
reading) which were modified into 4;
b) Self-monitoring strategy in the original classification is replaced by the Monitoring
(while reading), Comprehension Monitoring and Production Monitoring with some
developments; and,
c) The Evaluating (post reading), Self-assessment, Self-evaluation and Self-reflection
are developed, probing the depth of the metacognitive reading process.
Table 1
Description of Metacognitive Strategies in Reading Comprehension Process by Zhang
& Seepho (2013)
Metacognitive process & Metacognitive strategies in the academic Number of items in
its sub-categories reading comprehension process the MSQ
Advance Organizer Items 1-4
Planning Organizational Planning Items 5-8
(Pre-reading) Selective Attention Items 9-10
Self-Management Items 11-12
Monitoring Comprehension Monitoring Items 13-24
(While reading) Production Monitoring Items 25-30
Self-Assessment Items 31-34
Self-Evaluation Items 35-37
Self-Reflection Items 38-40
The MSQ consisted of items to be answered by the students by ticking on the column
which suit them the most. The students were informed that the MSQ was not a test and
did not affect their reading score, so they were expected to answer based on what they
really did related to reading activities. The MSQ data was used to answer the second
research question about what metacognitive reading strategies were mostly used by the
students in achieving their reading comprehension.
Data Collection Technique
To address the first research question, pre- and post-Reading Comprehension Test
(RCT) were given before and after the students taught by using metacognitive reading
strategy. The score from pretest was compared with the score from posttest.
To address the second research question, Metacognitive Strategy Questionnaire (MSQ)
was given in the seventh meeting. Before MSQ was given, the students were informed
about the purpose of the MSQ that the questionnaire would not affect their score. There
was no right or wrong answer and it also did not measure the students’ ability in English
especially in reading skill. The MSQ only investigated what strategies used by the
students. The students were also informed that their response on the MSQ was
confidential and thus they would not write their name on the MSQ sheet but their
student’s number only. The students completed the questionnaire without discussing
with others. The questionnaire was written in English and Bahasa Indonesia to make the
students easier to understand the questions and thus could answer them easily.
Data Analysis Technique
Paired-sample t-test was chosen to analyze the data from Reading Comprehension Test
(RCT) score because this research investigated whether there was any significant
difference of students’ means score from pretest (before intervention) and posttest (after
intervention) of two groups (control and experimental). The control group existed as the
comparison of experimental group which got treatment to investigate whether the
intervention given for experimental group did have effect or not. The use of control
group which was not exposed in intervention (i.e., treatment) but was similar with the
participant improved the study (Pallant, 2010). Through paired-samples t-test, it was
found that there was significant difference between pre and posttest scores of students
who were trained by metacognitive strategies and those who were not. when using
paired-samples t-test, the p (probability) value of control group was above the alpha
value of 0.05 (0.327). The probability value of the experimental group’s mean score
from pretest to posttest was below the alpha value of 0.05 (0.000). And from the table of
Paired Samples Test, the probability (p) value labeled Sig. (2-tailed) for Pair 1 (pretest-
posttest control group) was 0.327, while for Pair 2 (pretest-posttest experimental group)
was 0.000.
Metacognitive Strategy Questionnaire (MSQ) was analyzed by using Strategy Inventory
for Language Learning (SILL) scale value version 5.1 by (Lin & Zhang, 2011; Oxford,
1990) to indicate the level of usage for the nine sub-categories. The following is the 5
scale value and its description. (Note: the pronoun ‘you’ and ‘me’ here refer to the
Table 2
Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) Scale Value Version 5.1
Response Description Meaning
1 Never or almost The statement is very rarely true of you; that is, you do the behavior
true of me which is described in the statement only in very rare instances.
2 Generally not The statement is usually not true of you, that is, you do the behavior
true of me which is described in the statement less than half the time, but more
than in very rare instances.
3 Somewhat true The statement is true of you about half the time, that is, sometimes
of me you do the behavior that which is described in the statement, and
sometimes you don’t, and these instances tend to occur with about
equal frequency.
4 Generally true The statement is usually true of you, that is, you do the behavior
of me which is described in the statement more than half the time.
5 Always or The statement is true of you in almost all circumstances; that is, you
almost always almost always for the behavior which is described in the statement.
true of me
The frequency scales of strategy used based on SILL (Oxford, 1990) and its
interpretation are shown in the following table.
Table 3
Frequency Scales of Strategy Use
Mean Score Frequency Evaluation
4.5–5.0 Always or almost always used
3.5–4.49 Usually used
2.5–3.49 Sometimes used
1.5–2.49 Generally not used
1.0–1.49 Low Never or almost never used
Data from Reading Comprehension Test (RCT)
Table 4
Pretest and Posttest Result for Experimental and Control Group Statistics
PretestCon PretestExp PosttestCon PosttestExp
Valid 25 25 25 25
Missing 0 0 0 0
Mean 60.9600 61.7600 62.2400 70.2400
Median 60.0000 60.0000 60.0000 72.0000
Std. Deviation 8.34905 9.52750 5.78273 6.64129
Minimum 48.00 44.00 52.00 60.00
Maximum 80.00 84.00 72.00 84.00
Sum 1524.00 1544.00 1556.00 1756.00
Table 4.5 above reports the descriptive statistics of each test (pre- and posttest) for both
groups (control and experimental). For the control group, the pretest means score (M)
was 60.96 with sd=8.35, while the posttest means score (M) was 62.24 with sd=5.78.
For experimental group, the pretest means score (M) was 61.76 with sd=9.53, while the
posttest means score (M) was 70.24 with sd=6.64.
Table 5
Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-
Mean Std. Std. 95% Confidence tailed)
Deviation Error Interval of the
Mean Difference
Lower Upper
Pair PretestCon - -1.28 6.40 1.28 -3.92 1.36 -1.00 24 .327
1 PosttestCon
Pair PretestExp - -8.48 8.97 1.79 -12.18 -4.77 -4.72 24 .000
2 PosttestExp
From the table of Paired Samples Test above (table 4.7), the probability (p) value
labeled Sig. (2-tailed) for Pair 1 (pretest-posttest control group) was 0.327, while for
Pair 2 (pretest-posttest experimental group) was 0.000. If this probability value was less
than 0.05, it could be concluded that there was a significant difference between the two
scores. For control group, there was no significant difference between pretest and
posttest since the value was 0.327 (above the alpha value of 0.05). Meanwhile, for the
experimental group, the probability value was 0.000. It had actually been rounded down
to three decimal places. It means that the actual probability was less than 0.005. This
value (0.005) was smaller than the specified alpha value of 0.05. Therefore, it could be
concluded that there was a significant difference between pretest and posttest in the
experimental group. The table above also showed the df (degrees of freedom) which was
computed as total N-1 (similar to Correlation). So, in this analysis, df was 24 (i.e. 25-1).
It was important to ignore the sign negative in the means score of both pairs, because it
depends on which mean score subtracted from the other. The value was negative
because the posttest mean score was subtracted from the pretest mean score.
The result presented above showed us the difference of mean score between the group
which got treatment and the group which did not. To analyze the importance of the
intervention (treatment) effect, eta squared was used.
(Pallant, 2010)
The guidelines for interpreting eta squared value are as follow.
Table 6
Eta Squared Value and Its Interpretation
Value Interpretation
0.01 Small effect
0.06 Moderate effect
0.14 Large effect
Cohen (1998) in Pallant, 2010)
Based on the eta-squared calculation, the effect size for the paired-samples t-test of the
experimental group was 0.48. Thus, it can be concluded that there was a large effect,
with a substantial difference in the students score before and after the treatment.
Data from Reading Comprehension Test (RCT)
The questionnaire consisted of 40 items with numbers to choose as a scale which
described them the most. The averages for metacognitive strategy use based on the SILL
scale value by Oxford (1990) were applied to indicate the level of usage for the nine
sub-categories of metacognitive reading strategies.
The implemented of metacognitive strategies on students’ reading comprehension
achievement was demonstrated in terms of the mean scores of the students’ self-
reporting for nine sub-categories of metacognitive reading strategies. The mean scores
and the level of use of the sub-categories are presented in Table 4.9.
Table 7
Metacognitive Reading Strategies Employed by the Students in Reading Comprehension
Metacognitive Strategies and Sub-categories Mean Level
Advance Organizer 3.23 H
Organizational Planning 3.50 H
Selective Attention 3.60 M
Self-Management 3.30 M
Comprehension Monitoring 3.25 M
Production Monitoring 3.41 M
Self-Assessment 3.28 M
Self-Evaluation 3.05 M
Self-Reflection 2.88 M
X 3.28 M
Based on the table above, it showed of the mean scores of all nine sub-categories of
metacognitive reading strategies used by the students. With regard to the individual
strategy items (40 questionnaire items), the mean scores of the individual strategies
ranged from 2.88 to a high 3.6 (overall mean = 3.28), indicating a medium overall used
of seven sub-categories; Advance Organizer, Self-management, Comprehension
Monitoring, Production Monitoring, Self-assessment, Self-evaluation, and Self-
reflection, while a high overall use of metacognitive strategies in reading consisted of
two sub-categories: Selective Attention and Organizational Planning. The highest
strategy use was Selective Attention while the least was Self-reflection. This result
answers the second research question of which metacognitive strategy which was mostly
used by the students.
Correlation Between Metacognitive Strategies Implementation and Reading
Comprehension Achievement
Based on the result from pretest to posttest, both groups had increased in their scores.
The mean score of control group increased from 60.96 to 62.24 (1.28 point) while
experimental group increased from 61.76 to 70.24 (8.48 point). The increased score in
control group was considered insignificant since the increased point was quite small
(1.28). Meanwhile, the mean score of experimental group increased significantly with
the increased point of 8.48 point. This result proved that when metacognitive strategies
instructions were applied to reading comprehension activity, the students showed better
performance in doing reading comprehension task. This was proven by their scores of
posttest which was better than their pretest. This was in line with what Cubukcu (2008)
had investigated. Cubukcu conducted a study by teaching metacognitive strategies for
reading in a five-week program for his students. The result was that their students who
got metacognitive strategy instruction had increased their score in post-test compared to
their pre-test score.
The result of this study showed that there was no significant difference of control
group’s score from pretest to posttest. On the contrary, there was a significant difference
of pretest and posttest score of experimental group. This also showed the significant
positive correlation between the implementation of metacognitive strategies and reading
comprehension achievement.
Those data showed that the different treatment for control and experimental groups did
affect the students’ reading comprehension scores. This result supported the previous
research done by Zhang & Seepho (2013). They investigated the metacognitive
strategies used by English major students in academic reading. The result of the study
showed that the students who used more metacognitive strategies tended to score higher
on the reading comprehension test than those who did not. In this research, the
experimental group had got the treatment of metacognitive strategies and they used the
strategies when doing the posttest. They were proven to score higher in the posttest than
the control group who was not exposed to any of the metacognitive strategy treatment. It
was possible that some students from the control group did use some of metacognitive
strategies which had already been attached to their mind, as in fact some metacognitive
strategies had been naturally possessed by some students. However, the number of
metacognitive strategies possessed by control group was not as many as those possessed
by experimental group since the control group did not get the training of metacognitive
strategies. Thus, what Zhang & Seepho (2013) had stated that “the students who used
more metacognitive strategies tended to score higher on the reading comprehension test,
whereas the students who used fewer metacognitive strategies were likely to get low
scores” was proven.
The other result of this study was about the effect size of the treatment of metacognitive
strategies. It was known that the eta squared value of 0.48 showed that there was a large
effect. The students of experimental group were proven to get significantly difference in
their score compared to the students of control group. This result was also in line with
Zhang & Seepho (2013)’s, that there was a significant positive correlation between
metacognitive strategies implementation and English reading achievement. The
metacognitive reading strategy training was proven to be successful to help students
improve their reading comprehension ability.
There was a significant difference of students who were trained by metacognitive
strategies with those and who were not. Metacognitive strategies also gave positive
effects on students’ reading performance, it was showed by their reading comprehension
scores which increased significantly. Metacognitive strategies proven to play important
role in students’ reading comprehension, and further open possibility of enhancing
reading comprehension by improving these strategies. There were nine sub-categories of
metacognitive reading strategies used by the students, such as: Advance Organizer, Self-
management, Comprehension Monitoring, Production Monitoring, Self-assessment,
Self-evaluation, Self-reflection, Selective Attention and Organizational Planning. When
metacognitive strategy instructions were implemented on reading comprehension
activity, the students showed better performance in doing reading comprehension task.
The more the students implemented metacognitive strategies, the more the probability
they have to improve their reading ability and further their reading score.
Students with metacognitive strategies had definite reading goals in mind and know how
to accomplish them (Zhang & Seepho 2013). They could maximize to plan what reading
strategies they would use, choose the most appropriate ones effectively, did self-
assessment and self-evaluation further to accomplish maximum performance of their
reading comprehension. Therefore, students with metacognitive strategies were able to
read efficiently and effectively.
Metacognitive Strategies Implementation on Students’ Reading Comprehension
From the MSQ data, it was found that Selective Attention had been used the most by the
students. The possible explanation of the high use of this strategy was related to the
nature of metacognitive strategies. The three process of metacognitive strategies
(planning, monitoring, and evaluating) were not linear process but the recursive ones.
The students might use them when they consider it necessary depending on the needs
and the demands of the task and the interaction between the task and the learner
(Brantmeier, 2005). Selective Attention in this study consisted of two activities; the first
was determining the major points which would be paid attention to, such as the headings
and sub-headings, the topic sentence, and the text structure. When the students realized
that these activities were beneficial in helping them coping their reading problems, they
would do these activities more than once to attain the optimal advantage of their
reading. The second activity in Selective Attention was recalling weak points in reading
comprehension and trying to comprehend when reading began. Once the students know
their weaknesses, they could anticipate for not doing that again in the next reading
activity. This is in line with what Kleitman et al., (2012) noted that Selective Attention
was useful because it helped the students understand the complexities of the incoming
reading task before reading, pinpoint the problem, and expand the learning task. Another
reason could be that because English is a foreign language for students, they often found
unfamiliar language and cultural references, so they paid attention to the visual features
of the text to help them enhance the comprehension of the text (L. Zhang & Seepho,
2013). Chamot (2005) stated that choosing to focus on specific aspects of language or
situational details will help perform the task.
The second most applied category was Organizational Planning. This category consisted
of four activities, they were: coming up with a list of reading strategies which would
probably be used, scanning the text first and concentrating on what would be read,
reading the task before reading the text, and reading the text before reading the task. The
most possible activity the students used the most was reading the task before reading the
text because it needs shorter time than the other three activities and it was more
appropriate when it was done in a limited time, for example when the students are facing
examination or test. They are often faced with long reading texts with minimum
allocated time. What in their mind was that they had to accomplish the entire task by
answering what was demanded by the text. What they could do was looking only at the
questions and then directly seek for the answers from the text. For good readers, it was
not really a problem to read the text first before reading the task since they could
comprehend the text in a one time reading. Unfortunately, poor readers could not do
that. Most students needed to read the text more than once to be able to grasp the
meaning of the text. So, to save the time, they preferred to read the questions first.
In Organizational Planning, there are three activities which spent quite long time, they
are: coming up with a list of reading strategies which would probably be used, scanning
the text first and concentrate on what would be read, and reading the text before reading
the task. These activities were very advantageous to help the students comprehend the
text. They could prepare some reading strategies which had been learned before then
chose the most appropriate ones based on what was demanded by the task. The students
could do these activities when they did not have to rush with the time. However, in
certain situation, for example in an exam or a test, they probably choose to avoid doing
these activities. Since the students had got the training of metacognitive strategies for
reading, they could equip themselves with strategies that supported the success of their
reading. This was in line with what The Rohim (2009) stated related to the teachers’
duty to equip students with strategies that are linked to reading success.
The last, from the MSQ data, it was found that Self-Reflection and Self-Evaluation were
the least applied by the students. It seemed that the students got difficulties in evaluating
how well they learned to read and the reading strategy use. They also got difficulties in
reflecting their own problems whether they needed to go back through the reading
process for a better understanding. Though in the training they had been told how to do
those, however, in practice, they did not know what to do and how to evaluate
themselves. This is probably because both strategies need the readers’ ability to
recognize weaknesses in their work, to reflect whether they need to go back through the
task, to decide whether they meet the goal, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the
strategy use (Anderson, 2002). These activities were not easy for the students. Another
possible reason was due to cultural issue in Indonesia. Normally, students just need to
submit their work and the teacher will do the evaluation. The students are not
accustomed to evaluate themselves. All the evaluation and scoring are done by the
teacher and the students got used to the way the teacher evaluate their reading tasks.
Consequently, the students do not consider that Self-evaluation is needed.
This research focused on reading comprehension achievement which was seen from the
students’ scores. The results of this study showed that metacognitive strategies had
impact on students’ reading comprehension achievement. It promoted students’ reading
performance as well as their ability to maximize their reading effectively. By
accustoming using metacognitive strategies in their reading activity, students will
become skilled and become good and strategic readers in their process. Strategic readers
had the ability to plan, monitor, and evaluate their reading automatically, as represented
by three steps of metacognitive strategy activities. By doing so, they got the most from
their reading and further achieved the targeted score.
Although this study had proven that metacognitive strategies result positive in students’
reading ability and further to their reading achievement, other possible factors which
might affect the students’ reading performance must also be taken into consideration.
One of some possibilities is that the time length from pretest to posttest was only around
two months. Students might have intentionally remembered the pattern of the reading
comprehension test questions. Students in experimental group who had already got
treatment might have studied by themselves by remembering the shortcut of how to find
the answer of questions with the same pattern. This, at glance, was good as they were
motivated to study by themselves and could find the ‘smart solution’ of solving certain
questions in limited time. However, this also has negative effect that the students did
actually not really comprehend the text. Instead, they used the shortest and easiest way
merely to find the answers of the questions.
One thing which also should be noted about this study was that the training of
metacognitive strategies in this research only lasted around two months. Whereas, to
make the students accustomed to these strategies and to make them able to be skillful in
these strategies, longer time was needed. It was quite impossible that by only having
exposed to the treatment in quite short time, students were already skillful upon these
strategies. Thus, to make them well trained and possess metacognitive strategies till
become skilled, they needed to be trained in longer continuous time. If necessary and
possible, they needed to be conditioned to always used metacognitive strategies every
time they meet reading texts. This was where the role of teachers was important in
facilitating the students. Once they were skillful, they would use those strategies
The result of this study supported the theory that metacognitive strategies had positive
impact on students’ reading comprehension achievement. Thus, attention on the use of
metacognitive strategies on reading comprehension activity should be given more.
Teachers and practitioners could start to give their students trainings on metacognitive
strategies and made the students aware of and foster their students to acquire
metacognitive strategies. On the other hand, students could acknowledge themselves to
learnt about metacognitive strategies and further to apply the strategies purposefully.
Many factors were involved in any learning activity and sometimes unnoticeably
affected the students and the learning activity itself. Students’ psychological factors such
as perception, motivation, belief, self-confidence, etc. should be taken into consideration
when conducting metacognitive strategy training to anticipate any possible challenge
and to overcome any possible difficulties to ensure the effective used of the strategies.
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