UDN500 - Chap-2 - Ballast Properties
UDN500 - Chap-2 - Ballast Properties
UDN500 - Chap-2 - Ballast Properties
2.1.1 Properties
The functions of ballast have been discussed in Chapter 1 and it is therefore
necessary to consider the properties of the rock that are needed to fulfil those
The primary functions of ballast and the corresponding properties of the rock
required to perform adequately are listed in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1: Properties of rock required to perform the primary functions of ballast
Function Property
Facilitate correction to line and level Loose coarse grained uncemented material
Strong particles
Particles able to be re-arranged
Large particles with adequate strength
Resistance to crushing
The forces delivered to the rock will be high and dynamic due to the nature of
the loads transmitted from the rail to the sleeper and to the ballast. Because
the support for the sleeper consists of an aggregate bedding, the load transfer
will not be uniform but will be transferred from sleeper to ballast at numerous
points of contact. There will be many more points of contact for smaller
aggregate than for larger sized aggregate.
For ballast to withstand the crushing forces from the high contact pressures
from the loads transferred through the sleeper, the rock needs to have a high
compressive strength.
12 UDN500: Ballast, Sleepers and Fasteners
Resistance to abrasion
Due to the cyclic and dynamic action of the train loading, the ballast material
will be subjected to a very aggressive, abrasive environment. During the high
vibration imposed on the ballast the ‘particle-to-particle interaction’ and the
‘sleeper-to-particle interface’ will cause the rough particle faces to be worn
smooth (see Figure 2.1). If the rock contains a significant proportion of soft
minerals such as clays or mica, the rock will abrade readily. Conversely, if the
rock contains a significant proportion of hard minerals such as quartz or
anorthite, the rock will abrade less. The rock needs to have a hard matrix with
hard crystals and strong crystal interlocking.
Rock with coarse-grained crystals can become rounded easily as the crystals
are plucked from the matrix, and fine-grained strong rocks of weaker crystals
degrade. In general, sedimentary rock is not satisfactory for use as ballast.
When the rock loses its roughness or its frictional properties, the stability of the
track is dramatically reduced.
In addition to the loss of frictional properties, the fines produced by the
abrasion or attrition can have an adverse effect on the drainage properties of
the ballast. Raymond (1976, p. 26) discusses the issue of breakdown of ballast
due to abrasion producing fines in the ballast that are impermeable and cause
fouling problems in the track.
Chapter 2: Ballast properties 13
Tests on the fines produced showed that some ballasts, while producing mores
fines due to abrasion, produced fines that were permeable and therefore were of
less concern regarding the fouling of the ballast.
Resilient shape
The shape of the particle is extremely important to ensure good interlocking
and strength. Particles that are long or thin and flaky (flat) can break very
easily and do not pack together to form a dense structure. The best shape is a
cubical shape.
The shape of an aggregate can be controlled by the crushing procedures; poor
crushing methods will produce poor results. A limit is placed on the percentage
of poorly shaped rock in aggregate supplied for use as ballast.
Durable rock
When used as ballast the rock is always exposed to the environment and needs
to be able to maintain its properties throughout its life as ballast. Shale rocks
can weather rapidly within months, and even some basalts (such as green
basalts in Victoria) have been found to have a similar behaviour and will
breakdown rapidly into clays due to exposure to the atmosphere and wetting
and drying cycles. Fine-grained basic igneous rocks such as basalt generally
perform well as ballast; however, some basalts do have a high loss rate due to
attrition or abrasion.
Coarse-grained rocks such as granites have a lower durability, as the larger
crystals are more quickly degraded in the atmosphere. Some metamorphic
rocks such as quartzite perform well because the original quartz grains are
recrystallised into an interlocked texture.
The strength of the rock may reduce when the rock is saturated and this loss in
strength is a measure of the durability of the rock, and is thus incorporated in
several of the indicative tests.
The ballast rock is going to be subject to chemical alteration due to the
exposure to oxygen and water and mild acidic rains, which will attack
susceptible minerals such as clays or crystals in micro fractures.
Planes of weakness detected by microscopic examination could consist of
micro-fractures, or alignment of minerals along a plane. They may cause the
ballast to break into smaller particles under repeated load, or break apart due
to the action of the expansion of infiltrated water during freezing and thawing
in cold climates. If these fractures or planes contain minerals that can degrade
when exposed to the atmosphere, the particles will disintegrate over time,
without any load applied.
Some basalts have been found to contain micro-fractures filled with calcite that
have dissolved in the mild acidic rain water, causing breakdown into small
particles. These fractures are only visible under a microscope. Undesirable
combination of minerals within a rock can also cause breakdown, for example
micro-fractures filled with calcite, in combination with pyrite elsewhere in the
rock—for example, Nattery Hill Quarry, Marulan, in New South Wales. In this
case, the pyrite can form dilute sulphuric acid on exposure to weather, which
will dissolve the calcite (see Figure 2.2).
14 UDN500: Ballast, Sleepers and Fasteners
Figure 2.2: Breakdown of basalt particle containing micro-fractures filled with calcite
The ballast particles need to be able to pack into a dense stable matrix and
interlock. This is governed by the particle shape (as discussed above) and the
variation in particle size. Much better interlocking and stability is achieved
where there are a range of particle sizes present in the ballast. This, however,
needs to be considered with the requirement for other properties such as
drainage and void spaces.
The grading of ballast in in New South Wales has traditionally had coefficient of
uniformity (Cu) of 1.5 to 1.7, where, Cu=d60/d10 (particle size greater than
60%/particle size greater than 10%).
Studies by the University of Wollongong (see Figure 2.3) have shown that there
is considerable benefit to reduced particle breakage, reduced ballast settlement,
and increased stability when the grading coefficient of uniformity (Cu) is
increased from 2.3 to 2.6. The grading of the ballast supplied to RailCorp in
New South Wales has been varied to make this change (see Figure 2.4; also see
Indraratna et al. 2004).
Breakage (%)
3 Very Uniform
2 Uniform
1 graded
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Figure 2.3: Results of research by UoW showing reduced particle breakage for an increased
coefficient of uniformity
Chapter 2: Ballast properties 15
Figure 2.4: Comparison between ballast of Cu about 1.5 (left) and Cu about 2.4 (right)
Dense material
A rock that has a high density will provide a more stable ballast bed by virtue of
its higher mass. The ballast source together with the grading of the mix will
determine this density. Blast furnace slag, for example, has been found to have
a much lower density than igneous rocks. This can be used as ballast where
the impact of the lighter material is considered as low (such as in sidings).
Loose material
This property refers to the need to be able to rearrange the ballast when
adjusting the track level and is met by the other properties discussed.
High permeability
While the ballast needs to have good interlocking, it also needs to drain rapidly.
The track is not shielded from the weather and the ballast must not hold water
or its ability to fulfil its primary function will reduce. This property is easily
achieved by ensuring that the percentage of small-sized particles is kept to a
minimum. The ballast grading is therefore close to a uniform sized material.
The traditional uniformly graded ballast with a Cu of 1.5 to 1.7 is very
permeable and has a void ratio of 0.77. Ballast with a Cu of between 2.3 to 2.6
will improve interlocking, which will reduce the void ratio by a very small
amount to 0.71.
16 UDN500: Ballast, Sleepers and Fasteners
Electrical resistance
Where the track signalling relies on the rails to act as conductors for the signal
current, it is necessary that the ballast material does not complete the circuit if
it becomes wet. There have been problems of signal failures during wet weather
where the ballast and the track has been fouled with coal fines or when the
ballast has consisted of blast furnace slag or steelmaking slag. When the
ballast is allowed to build up around the rails there is a higher likelihood of
signal failures in poor track that has ballast with lower resistivity.
2.2.1 Background
A history of the materials used as ballast in New South Wales has been written
by Don Hagarty and presented in an article in the Bulletin of Australian Railway
Historical Society in December 2004. This article is recommended reading for
this chapter.
In the early construction of railways in New South Wales the ballast was
sourced from the most available material within close proximity to the line. The
actual functions of the ballast were not all recognised at this time and any
gravelly material was considered satisfactory. Sand from adjacent sand hills
was used, as was crushed sandstone and other rock. Broken up building
materials (such as brick) were also used when such materials were available as
a result of demolitions for the construction of the line or as a waste product. In
pioneer lines the ballast often consisted of earth mounded in the centre of the
track to shed water, and as the railways grew, boiler ash from the steam
locomotives became an abundant waste product and was used on tracks as
ballast in many locations.
Train speeds were low and the traffic relatively light and the geometry of the
track was not so critical.
These early ballast materials satisfied one of the primary functions of ballast, in
that it was possible to correct the track line and level as these materials were
easy to move, rearrange and compact. However, these materials did not have
the strength or resilience to withstand the higher cyclic loads from the trains,
and therefore maintenance requirements increased rapidly as train speeds and
loads increased. These materials also suffered dramatically from the presence
of water and rapidly lost their ability to support the track, or were washed away
in storms.
Figure 2.5: Original ash ballast at the base of newer rock ballast
18 UDN500: Ballast, Sleepers and Fasteners
Crushed igneous rock Acid igneous rock such as: granite, rhyolite,
dacite, quartz porphyry, etc.
Intermediate igneous rock such as: andesite,
diorite, trachyte latite, etc.
Basic igneous rock such as: basalt, dolerite
These ballast sources may not satisfy all of the requirements for ballast, thus
testing is required to discover the deficiencies and what impact those
deficiencies would have on the performance of the track. For example, crushed
river gravel produces very durable, hard ballast; however, if the source of gravel
includes smaller sized gravels, the resulting product will include numerous
uncrushed or only partially crushed particles, which will result in ballast that
has very reduced frictional properties and low lateral stability.
In addition, crushed slag can be a relatively low-cost product where the track is
in the vicinity of a blast furnace. However, blast furnace slag is relatively low in
density and this may compromise the stability of the track, plus its low
abrasion resistance may result in rapid settlement. Steelmaking slag, on the
other hand, is stronger and heavier but contains a relatively high percentage of
iron and sulphur, and therefore has some conductivity and may create
problems with signal currents where the signalling system uses the rails, as
well as problems with corrosion.
The petrographic properties of the rock will assist in the assessment of the
durability of the rock. A summary of the petrographic properties showing the
deleterious effect of various minerals and properties is presented in a table in
Selig and Waters (1994, p. 7.28).
The strength of the rock must also be assessed by unconfined compression
tests on cores or point load tests on hand samples.
Figure 2.6: Olivine gabbro ballast from the North Coast of New South Wales
20 UDN500: Ballast, Sleepers and Fasteners
Figure 2.9: Quartz porphyry ballast from Marulan, New South Wales
Strength and resilience Unconfined compression tests on cores for source rock
Wet/dry strength variation
Aggregate crushing value
Los Angeles abrasion
Wet strength
Particle shape
Sampling, AS 1141.3
The purpose of ballast sampling is to recover a representative sample of the
material produced to conduct the relevant laboratory tests. Ballast is a very
difficult material to sample and ensure that it is representative due to the size
and weight of the sample and the fact that the material is easily segregated.
In a stockpile where the material is delivered by an overhead conveyor, the
larger material will separate to the edges of the stockpile and it can be difficult
(when sampling from a stockpile) to ensure full representation of all sizes.
Sampling in this situation—from the stockpile—requires the use of an
excavator to recover a large sample from the edges and within the stockpile,
which is then remixed and sampled by hand. Sampling for the quality control of
ballast production is usually taken from the conveyor before it is delivered to
the stockpile. Coarse aggregate can become segregated by improper handling
and transport activities and so sampling and testing of test ballast needs to
consider where the material for testing was obtained.
The standard AS 1141.3 describes several methods to ensure that sample is
Petrographic analysis
As discussed in the previous section, petrographic analysis is used to
determine the minerals and texture of the rock to be used for ballast. The
analysis is conducted by an experienced petrographer using a polarising
microscope on thin sections of the rock. There is no standard test method for
the analysis, although there is a standard method for the measure of secondary
minerals in the rock: AS 1141.26, ‘Secondary mineral content in igneous rock’.
The analysis also can provide information on the texture of the rock and the
presence of micro-fractures. This analysis is used to determine the potential of
a rock source to degrade when exposed to the atmosphere; the analysis
requires the advice of an experienced geologist/petrographer.
24 UDN500: Ballast, Sleepers and Fasteners
Figure 2.12: Wet attrition test machine, motor outside box to the land; sketch from
AS 1141.27
Suggested reading
Properties of ballast material are discussed in Selig and Waters (1994,
pp. 7.1–7.47).
28 UDN500: Ballast, Sleepers and Fasteners
Table 2.4: Summary of ballast tests adopted by the rail industry in Australia
Particle 1 2.50 t/m3 2.55 t/m3 2.70 t/m3 2.60 t/m3 2.50 t/m3
density (SSD) 2 2.50 t/m3 2.50 t/m3 2.65 t/m3 2.55 t/m3 2.50 t/m3
Minimum 3 3 3 3
3 2.50 t/m 2.50 t/m 2.60 t/m 2.50 t/m 2.50 t/m3
Water absorption
1, 2, 3 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%
Degradation 1 40 45 50 45
factor 2 35 40 45 40
3 30 35 40 35
Sodium sulfate
soundness 1, 2, 3 6 6 6 6
Los Angeles
abrasion 1, 2, 3 25 25 25 25
Mill abrasion
Maximum 1, 2, 3 5 5 5 5
(Note 2)
Abrasion number
1, 2, 3 40 40 40 40
Note 1: For greenstone source material only (metamorphic group); if the greenstone does not comply
with the specified maximum wet/dry strength variation limits, it may be used provided that its
wet strength is at least 40 kN greater than the specified minimum value for the relevant ballast
type in Table 3.
Note 2: Ballast with Mill abrasion test results of up to 6 may be accepted by the Engineer’s
Representative for Technical Issues, provided that the corresponding abrasion number is less
than or equal to 40.
The abrasion number = LA value + 5xMill abrasion value.
Chapter 2: Ballast properties 31
No differentiation has been made between rock types for the specification of
durability properties by any other owner/maintainer. The durability of any rock
type is therefore indicated by the test limits set for the various test procedures
adopted by each organisation. Table 2.6 summarises the tests and limits for the
rail organisations other than QR.
AS 2758.7 introduced a range traffic intensities that could be used to define the
difference between lines that require a higher ballast quality due to heavier
loads. The classification is as follows:
• Class H—track carrying more than 6 MGT (Million Gross Tonnes) per year
• Class N—track carrying between 1 MGT and 6 MGT per year
• Class L—track carrying less than 1 MGT per year.
This classification has not been universally adopted by all rail organisations as
yet, and appears in the Australian Standard with different test limits for
durable rock for each classification.
AS 2758.7 allows a choice of either the aggregate crushing value and the wet
attrition value, or the wet strength and the Los Angeles value as the pairs of
tests to define durability. ARTC have not adopted the track classifications listed
here and have one value for all ballast.
Traditionally, the ballast grading has been a uniform sized material to assist in
drainage, maintenance and elastic support. The maximum size has increased
since the beginning of mechanised track maintenance from the former
maximum size of ballast when fettling involved mostly manual activity. It is
believed that larger aggregate will not breakdown too quickly under the action
of tamping machines and liners, and during the stockpile management and
handling activities of graders, excavators and bull dozers.
However, when steel sleepers are used in the track it is necessary to ensure
that the pod beneath the sleeper is completely filled with ballast so that the
load is transferred uniformly to the ballast. The grading of ballast more
appropriate for steel sleepers is therefore a smaller particle with a well-graded
particle distribution, as defined by AS 2758.7, ‘60mm steel sleepers’ grading
and the QR type B, 53mm ballast.
The grading chosen by RailCorp follows the recommendation from the research
by Rail CRC at the University of Wollongong, where the grading has a Cu
(coefficient of uniformity) between 2.3 and 2.6.
There are several other limits that are set for ballast that relate to particles and
contaminants. The ‘Weak particles’ (including clay lumps and soft and friable
particles) ballast limit is measured using the test method AS 1141.32, and the
‘Soft and friable particles’ limit is determined by AS 1141.52.
These limits are common with all Australian rail organisations and are included
to check on contamination of the ballast by overburden material in the quarry
or by inclusion of the weathered rock that may exist in zones of the quarry.
They are also a check on the quality of the ballast production of the quarry.