Detailed Lesson Plan in PE 2

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Detailed Lesson Plan in PE 2 – Lesson 7

School Grade Level II

Teacher Learning Area MAPEH
Teaching Dates and Quarter ND
A. Content Standards: Demonstrates understanding of locations, directions levels, pathway
and planes.
B. Performance Standards: Performs movements accurately involving location, directions,
levels, pathways and planes
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives: Observes correct posture and body mechanics while
performing movement. PE2PF-IIa-h-14
                                       Observe the correct posture in sitting, walking and standing.
                                        Execute the correct posture in sitting, walking and standing.
        A. References :   K to 12 CG p. 18
1. Teacher’s Guide: 232-236
2. Learner’s Materials:
3. Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal :
5.Values Focus:  Sportsmanship
        B. Other Learning Resource: song, rubrics/ checklist, chair
Teacher ‘s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Reviewing
previous lesson or The teacher will call for the group names; the
presenting the new group called will perform the assigned task.
lesson  Matalino-standing,
 Mahusay-walking. The pupils perform
the task
 When the teacher says “Chocolate” everybody
will perform all tasks. As he/she says “Cake”
the pupils will go back to previous position.

What parts of the body were used in activity of

standing, sitting and walking
B. Establishing a The teacher will read the poem. Let the pupils listen
purpose for the to the poem.
lesson “Naiiba Ako”
ni Rogelio F. Falcutila
C. Presenting Teacher will prepare 3 stations.  In each station
examples/ instances they will perform a task.
of the new lesson
  Station 1- Standing Position
  1. Your feet are a few inches apart
2. Your knees are straight and relaxed.  Do the pupils do the
3. Your back is straight. activity
4. Your arms are at the sides of your body. 5.
You hold your head high and straight   ahead.

 Station 2 - Sitting Position

 1. Your hips should be as far back in the
middle of the chair as possible and the back
should be touching the back support of the
2. Your feet should be flat on the ground and
knees bent comfortably.
3. Look straight ahead of you.
 4. You place your hands on your lap or on the
armrest of the chair.

 Station 3-Walking Position

1. Your legs move forward alternately between
a supporting and a swinging phase.
2. Your knees should lightly touch each other.
3. Your back is straight.
 4. Your arms should be on the sides.
 5. You look straight ahead.

Teacher will perform the movements from

station 1 to station 3.  After this pupils will
perform, observe, and describe.
Group Matikas – correct posture in walking,
sitting and standing Group Matatag – correct
posture in walking, sitting, and standing Group
Mabilis – correct posture in walking, sitting and
standing                    Group Matibay – correct
posture in walking, sitting and standing

Ask.  Can you name the different postures you

have just done? Identify them. Describe the
correct posture in standing, sitting and walking
D. Discussing new Can you name the different postures you have
concepts and just done? Identify them.
practicing new skills Describe the correct posture in standing, sitting
#1 and walking.

E. Discussing new Have a game:

concepts and
practicing new skills         Round and Round We Go
F. Developing
(lead to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Get your partner.
application of
concepts and skills Observe and perform the following tasks
in daily living correctly. Rate with a star (      ) when your
partner successfully completed each task.

_________ 1.   Walk towards the door and do

it properly.
 _________ 2.   Pick up a piece of paper and
stand properly _________.
__________3.   Get a chair and show your
friends how to sit properly
H. Making Assuming good posture at all times influences Read:
generalization and good physical health and wholesome Assuming good
abstractions about personality. posture at all times
the lesson influences good
physical health and
I. Evaluating Group Activity:
Learning  Teacher will   rate the performance of the
group using the rubrics below. The following
are the tasks to observe and perform.

 Correct posture of Sitting Standing Walking

 Correct posture while Sitting Standing

J. Additional 1. Cut pictures of a person showing the proper

Activities for way of carrying different objects, going up and
application or down from the stairs, and talking to someone
remediation while standing, sitting and walking.
2. Paste in an oslo paper and make a colorful
background design and describe.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
D. No. of learners who 
continue to require 
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why  did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my 
principal or supervisor can
help  me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials   did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other 


A (Very good)
                            Shows all the correct ways of posture in sitting,
standing and     walking)              
 B (Good) 
 Followed the correct ways of posture in sitting and standing        
 C (Fair) 
Followed the correct ways of      only  

Correct posture while Group Number

1 2 3 4 5 6

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