SW Hoth Cards
SW Hoth Cards
SW Hoth Cards
and alien troops that support the remnants of the former industrial cargo handling. It was heavily converted by the Rebel
peaceful Galactic Republic, lead by the Galactic Alliance under Alliance using scrap parts from Y-Wing Bombers to enhance its
Princess Leia Organa and a host of other various defensive and offensive capabilities. The T-47 lacked shielding, but
civilizations and cultures that detest the New Galactic Empire, made up for it with heavier armor plating, greater maneuverability,
and better firepower.
under the evil rule of Lord Vader and Emperor Palpatine.
2x Front Mounted Laser cannons — 32” RANGE 3FP
Rear Grappling harpoon — 24” RANGE (2 cables) (special):
ARMAMENT: Attach hook at –1 to expertise, (cannot fire cannons while
Standard blaster rifle or pistol—24” RANGE 1FP (2FP in 12”) wrapping). Wrapping legs takes 2 full passes (64” or 2
Miscellaneous grenades and crew-served weapons turns). Re-check Exp. Roll at beginning of each turn.
Mounted Rebel Troopers that used the native Tauntauns for A small but formidable anti-infantry emplacement weapon,
light scouting and patrol missions. Tauntauns were used widely by both Imperial and Rebel troops throughout the
indigenous to the planet of Hoth. Though stubborn creatures, Rebellion Era. Specifically used on Hoth by Rebel troops to
they were better adapted to the frigid temperatures and mow-down invading Imperial Snowtroopers and some lighter
provided reliable transport in the cold, where repulsorcraft vehicles. The Mark-II was portable though much heavier than a
would fail. Cold blooded, with great endurance, they were fast standard repeater, and only required one crewman to operate
runners, clocked at over 90km/h. and transport. The Mark-II however, was not powerful enough
to punch through heavier armors like the AT-AT or AT-ST.
Standard blaster rifle or pistol — 24” RANGE, 2FP Medium Blaster Canon — 32” RANGE, 3FP
Miscellaneous grenades and crew-served weapons *not powerful enough to punch through heavy armors.
The Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower laser canon is an old throw-back to The DF.9 is a top of the line anti-infantry laser battery,
Clone Wars Era technology handed down to the Rebel Army. upgraded with advanced sensor technology that enables the
Subject to overheating, and sparse replacement parts, it is a gunner with the assistance of a targeting specialist to
heavy emplacement weapon, and requires a minimum crew of eliminate enemy troops up to 16km away. It has a modest area-
2 to operate effectively. The Atgar tower was minimumly of effect attack, killing everything in an 8 meter radius, serving
effective against the AT-AT, but required a full crew and a as a premier long range support weapon.
precise hit on the legs to bring one down.
Light laser canon — 4FP ARMAMENT:
Full 360 degree range of fire — RANGE 32” Light* laser battery — 6FP — 48” RANGE
-1 to Expertise when firing on an AT-AT. *not powerful enough to punch through heavy armors.
Carlist Rieekan is a notable field commander who has A friend of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, Derlin is a long time
extensive experience fighting for the Republic. He first enlisted faithful servant of the Rebel Alliance. Son of the anti-imperial
at 17 as an infantryman during the Clone Wars and then later Senator Galen Derlin, Bren chose sides after his father was
enrolled in Officer Candidate School after demonstrating assassinated by Imperial agents seeking dissidents of the new
proficient leadership. When Chancellor Palpatine disbanded Galactic Empire. Bren served in both Alliance Intelligence
the galactic ministry and declared himself Emperor, Rieeken Corps as well as the operations chief at Echo Base on Hoth.
quickly dismissed the new regime and joined sides with the
fledgling Rebel Alliance.
Blaster Rifle or Pistol — 24” RANGE, 2FP Blaster Rifle or Pistol — 24” RANGE, 2FP
*command unit *command unit
Commander Luke Skywalker, a long-time ally and friend of Princess Leia is stationed on Hoth to oversea Rebel activities
Princess Leia Organa, helped establish Echo Base and was and staging operations, much to the dislike of her father. It
one of the early explorers of the abandoned ice planet Hoth. was at her suggestion with the help of Luke Skywalker that she
Luke is force sensitive, but is only rated at the level of a was able to convince the Alliance Council that Hoth was an
Padawan at this phase in his training. ideal forward observation base and staging location deep
within Empire territory. Defiant since birth, Leia has long taken
ARMAMENT: a role as a leader, politician and diplomat, engaging the Empire
Blaster Rifle or Pistol — 24” RANGE 2FP at every turn.
Lightsaber — 2 dice in hand to hand
*Use the Force Luke — Reroll one (1) failed Expertise roll ARMAMENT:
*Grapple Hook — Luke can Grapple an AT-AT (-1 to Exp roll, Blaster Rifle or Pistol — 24” RANGE, 2FP
and only within 1”) and disable the drive unit, forcing the AT-AT *command unit
to fall. *”Yes your Highness” — Reroll failed Activation
Former Imperial Officer turned Smuggler, Han Solo decided Long time friend and companion of Han Solo, Chewbacca
that he could profit from the war by providing contraband to owes his friend Han a so called “life debt”, after Han saved
whoever paid the highest price. Currently Han is working to Chewbacca from being whipped to death at the hands of his
obtain his fees for serving the Alliance in defeat of the Death Imperial slave masters. Han was removed of his rank and
Star, and the safe transport of Leia Organa. Han owes a large privilege in the Imperial Fleet, and he and Chewie barely
debt to the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. Despite his obligation, escaped with an Imperial bounty on their heads.
Han does have a soft spot for Leia, and a growing friendship The two have been inseparable since.
with Luke Skywalker.
Blaster Pistol — 24” RANGE, 2FP Bowcaster — 24” RANGE, 3FP
*die hard — reroll failed armor saves *die hard — reroll failed armor saves
*Smuggler’s Luck — reroll failed Expertise rolls *feral rage — +3 dice in hand-to-hand combat
The staple veteran force of the Galactic Empire, commanded by Heavily armored, highly motivated, and extensively trained, they
Major General Maximilian Veers and Lord Darth Vader. Highly were the most elite combatants in the galaxy. Arguably the most
trained, feerless, and loyal to Emperor Palpatine, the Imperial deadly weapon in the Imperial arsenal were the few, the proud,
Stormtrooper regiments were the dauntless enforcement arm of the Shocktroopers. They were fiercely loyal to the Emperor and
the Galactic Empire. Lord Vader, and rarely used except in the most dire situations.
Many would go on in their careers to become Royal Guardsmen.
Standard Blaster Rifle — 24” RANGE 1FP (2FP in 12”) Heavy Blaster Rifles — 24” RANGE 3FP
Miscellaneous small arms or crew served weapons Miscellaneous small arms or crew served weapons.
*Heavy Armor, and technical battlefield expertise.
Fast, efficient and deadly. The Imperial Scout Trooper ranks made up The Arakyd Viper Probe Droid was a highly reliable self-intelligent
the bulk of the Imperial Reconnaissance Corps. They were usually reconnaissance droid that was heavily utilized by the Empire. Lightly
observed riding 74-Z Speederbikes. Scout Troopers were well armed and armored they were built to handle all environments, and
equipped to deal with both close range and long range warfare, but loaded with a wide variety of planetary environmental analysis
were most effective at recon. systems. To prevent tampering with them, they were also capable of
self-destruct. They were used to supplement police forces on some
worlds, and could also be reconfigured to act as Hunter-killer bots.
Standard blaster (Scout) — 24” RANGE 1FP Light Blaster Cannon — 24” RANGE 2FP
Light Blaster Cannon (Bike) — 24” RANGE 2FP *Small deflector shield — Reroll failed armor saves
Miscellaneous small arms or crew served weapons Self destruct—AOE attack (6” RANGE) 3FP
*Sniper Rifle — 32” RANGE 2FP (dismounted only)
The All Terrain Scout Transport was a heavily armed but lightly The All Terrain Armored Transport was one of the most feared
armored ground support weapon. It was capable of taking out support weapons employed by the Empire. Standing at over 22
most enemy vehicles and troops with ease, but its light armor meters tall, with thick armor plating and a large complement of
and bipedal design made it vulnerable to dense terrain, heavier heavy weapons, troops and vehicles. It could cover almost any
laser batteries, anti-armor weapons, tanks and aircraft. The AT- terrain, if slowly, but had extended weapons range. It had few
ST/A was specially designed to withstand harsher vulnerabilities, but could be toppled if the legs were obstructed.
environmental conditions with a fully enclosed cockpit.
2x Heavy Laser Cannons — 32” RANGE 3FP (anti vehicle)
ARMAMENTS: 2x Light Blaster Cannons — 24” RANGE 2FP (anti infantry)
2x Heavy Blaster Cannons — 32” RANGE 3FP Crew 3, Passengers: 40 troops
2x Light Blaster Cannons, (anti-infantry) — 24” RANGE 3FP *Ignores the first destroyed result and can never be suppressed.
Crew 2 (max), Passengers: 0
The E-Web, or Emplacement Weapon, Heavy Blaster, was a 2- “Blizzard 1” was directly commanded by Major General
man crew served weapon of immense firepower. The weapon Maximilian Veers, and was used as his personal transport.
was man-packable, but required a full squad of at least 4 to It was specially designed by Veers with upgraded sensors,
carry it, and took some time to setup and breakdown. Despite weapons, and a faster engine* than the rest of the AT-AT fleet.
this, it carried a heavy punch with moderate range which could It also carried a large compliment of troops and vehicles.
take out lightly armored vehicles, troops, and (with a full crew)
could act as an anti-aircraft support weapon.
2x Heavy Laser Cannons — 32” RANGE 4FP* (anti vehicle)
ARMAMENT: 2x Light Blaster Cannons — 24” RANGE 3FP* (anti infantry)
Heavy Repeating Blaster Cannon — 32” RANGE 6FP Crew 3, Passengers: 40 troops
Crew 2 (min. to operate), 4 (max. for transport and anti-air) *Ignores the first destroyed result and can never be suppressed..
*command unit (Major General Veers at the helm)
General Brenn Tantor was hand-picked by Lord Vader as the overall Major General Maximilian Veers was also hand picked by Lord Vader,
ground force and combat command leader of the Battle of Hoth. Due and served under General Tantor. Veers was the chief designer of
to his loyalty to the Empire, and his incredible tactical planning abili- various armored vehicles, including the AT-AT walker system. He was
ties, there was no task that General Tantor was unable to complete one of the Empire’s most effective ground force commanders, and
without absolute efficiency. Tantor was also known for being one of the commanding general of the Empire’s Armored Corps Division,
the few remaining generals that truly believed in honor, discipline, which covered a wide range of armored vehicles. For the Battle of
and sacrifice, and preferred leading from the front of the battle in all Hoth, he directly commands the front line invasion in his specially
cases. modified “Blizzard 1” AT-AT.
Standard blaster pistol — 24” RANGE, 2FP E-11 Blaster Rifle — 24” RANGE, 2FP
*battle commander (3 Star Imperial General) *command unit (2 Star Imperial General)
*tactical genius (re-roll failed activation rolls) *Armored Assault Mastery (re-roll failed armor roll in AT-AT)
The right hand ruler of the Galactic Empire; he was unwaveringly loyal to The 501st were the remnant elite veteran clone troopers left over
Emperor Palpatine. Infinitely strong in the Force and fueled by pure hatred, from the Clone Wars Era, hand-picked by Lord Vader himself.
Vader sought the remnants of the Jedi to destroy them. After learning of
Although indistinguishable in uniform to other Snowtroopers,
the presence of the force-sensitive Luke Skywalker on Hoth, Vader was
determined to find him, turn him to the dark side, or kill him in the process. the 501st Legion was also present on Hoth. Also known as
The last of the true Sith Masters, he was nearly unstoppable in combat. “Vader’s Fist”, they usually only accompanied Lord Vader
directly in battle.
Light saber — 4 dice in hand-to-hand ARMAMENT:
Force Lightning —12” RANGE (disables vehicles and infantry) Standard blaster rifle or pistols — 24” RANGE, 2FP
Force Choke — 12” (+3 Ranged Attack on a Single Enemy) Miscellaneous small arms or crew served weapons
Force Telekinesis — can knock troops back (up to 8”) *Vader’s Fist — Reroll failed Expertise and Armor saves if
*Save vs. Expertise for all non-explosive (AOE) attacks attached to Vader. Else 3+ to activation and normal rolls if alone.