Nursing Care of A Family With A Toddler
Nursing Care of A Family With A Toddler
Nursing Care of A Family With A Toddler
1. Weight
- Gains 5-6lbs (2.5kg)
-5inches * 12 cm) a year
**subcutaneous fats begins to disappear towards the
end of 2nd yr
**from a plump baby to leaner
**appetite decreases
3.Head circumference
- Increases only about 2 cm during the 2 yr
- Equals chest circumference at 6 months to1year
the head
4. Body contour
- Prominent abdomen ( abdominal muscles are
- Cardiovascular system
- Heart rate slows from 110 to90 bpm
- BP increases about 99/64 mmHg
- Neuomuscular system
- Brain develops about 90% ofthe adultsize
- Gastrointestinal system
- Stomach secretions become more acid( gastrointestinalinfection becomes less common)
◻ Stomach capacity increases= can eat 3 meals/day
Urinary system
◻ Control of the urinary and analsphincter becomes
possible with complete myelination of the spinal
cord—toilet training is possible
Immune system
◻ IgG and IgM production becomes mature at 2 yrs old
6. Teeth
- 8 new teeth ( canine and 1 molar) erupts during
2nd yr
- All deciduous teeth are generally present by 2.5
to3 yrs of age
- brush teeth 2x a day
- 18 months = imitate the things they see
- Child does the right because parents tells them
toand avoid punishment
Nursing implications:
- Child need help to determine what are right actions.
- 15 month= can climb over the side rails ( place them on abed with
side rails tokeepthem from falling)
- enjoy exploring the house early in the morning before anyone else
is awake
◻ Safety gate on the door of the room to keep a toddler
contained and safe
◻ As the child reaches 2 years of age and begin to
imitate houework or repairing a car.....parents must be
sure that the child does not use real cleaning compunfs
or sharptools
◻ LEAD Screening
◻ * all children ages 6 months and 6yrs who live in a
community with buildings built should be tested
periodically for the presence of lead poisoing
2. Promoting Nutritional Health of a Toddler
- Allow self feedng
- Do not like foods that are mixed up
- Calories= 35%
- 3 meals, 2 snacks/day
3.Promoting Adequate intake with a vegetarian diet
- Adequate for toddlers
calcium deficiencies.
- Tofu should be part of every meal to supply protein
4. Promoing Toddler development in daily activities
- When they dress themselves, shoes are placed on
the wrong feet and skirt and pants on backward
*** encourage parents to give up their perfection
forthe benefit ofthe chils’sdevelopment
***if parents want to change the clothes , they should
begin with a positive stateent such as”you did good
job “ before making the switch
-napping 2x a day
-Sleep 12hours each night and end it with one nap a
day and only sleep 8hours at night
***need of sleep declines
- If a child has a problem falling tosleep – omit or
shorten afternoon nap
- If a child isso short-tempered at dinertime- the child
needs 2 naps/day
c. Bathing
-enjoy bath time – provide toy such as rubber duck,boat or plastic fish
d. Care of teeth
- Encourage parents to offer fruits ( banana, pieces of apple, orange slices)
or protein food ( cheese or pieces of chicken) rather than high CHO
- Calcium
- Continue to drink flouridated water
- For tooth care= need to toothbrush with supervision until 8 yrs)
- Brush thoroughly once a day preferably at bedtime
- After brushing = can use dentalfloss toclean between the child’s teeth and
remove plaque
- Urge parents to schedule a first visit to a dentist at about 12 months= can
prepare them by reading storis of visiting a dentist
e. Promoting healthy family functioning
- Help parents to understand their responses to these
attempts at independece are crucial to the helthy
development of their child
- A child must be begin some room to make
indpendent decisions in areas that the parents
feelthey donot need to control
- If parents punish children, children will not fight them
but they will feel guilty for wanting to do things
f.Promoting concerns associated with the toddler period
1. Toilet training
- Before childrn can begin toilet training, they must have the impt
devtal level:
a. Must have control of rectal and urethral sphincter--Usually
achieved at the time they wlak well
b. Must have cognitive understanding ofwhat it means to hold urine
and stools until they can release them at a certain place and
c. Have a desire to delay immediate gratification for a more
socially accepted action
***some may pay their feces = because they become aware of body
excretions but have no adult values toward them
****it can be prevented by provding play substances of similartexture
and by changing diapers immediately after defecation.
2. Ritualistic behavior
- They will use only their spoon at mealtime and only
6. Temper tantrums
- Normal consequence of toddler’s development---occur
because toddlers are independent enough to know what
they want but they do not have that vocabulary or the
wisdom to express their feelings in a more socially
acceptable way
Concerns of the family with a physically
challenged or chronically ill toddler
Nutrition and the physically challenged
or Chronically ill Toddler
- Toddlers need experience feedings themselves if all
- Help parents accept the accidents that occur with
self feeding particularly if the child has difficulty
with coordination, suggest finger foods if possible
- If on special diet, children may not be allowed to
eat finger fooods
- If they are tube fed, they receive no experinece
with finger foods at all