NCM 110 Midterm
NCM 110 Midterm
NCM 110 Midterm
1. Industrial Property
- Industrial property includes patents for inventions, trademarks,
industrial designs and geographical indications.
Lesson 2: Copyright Law
2. Copyright
- Copyright covers literally works (such as novels, poems and plays),
Describe copyright
film, music, artistic work (e.g, drawing, paintings, photographs and
sculptures) and architectural design. Discuss the Philippine Copyright Law
- Copyright includes those performing artist in their performances, Discuss why copyright are necessary
producer of phonograph in their recording and broadcaster in the Identify what is being protected by copyrights
radio and television programs. Present infringement of copyright
Give examples of copyright violations
What are the Intellectual property Rights?
They allow creators, or owners of patents, trademarks or copyrighted What LAW is violated when books are photocopied?
works to benefit from their own work or investment in a creation. It is called the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, or
This rights is outline on article 27 of the universal declaration of human Republic Act No. 8293, specifically the Law on Copyright.
rights which provide for the right to benefit from the protection of moral
and material interests resulting from alter ship of scientific literally or Copyright Law
artistic production. Promotes creativity in literature and the arts by affording authors and
artists lengthy terms of protection (life of the author plus 70 years)
Why promote and protect intellectual property? against copying.
1. The progress and well-being humanity rest on its capacity to create
and invent new works in the areas of technology and culture. Exclusive Rights of the Owner of a Copyrighted Work:
2. The legal protection of new creations encourage the commitment of Right to:
additional resources for further innovation. 1) Distribute
3. The promotion and protection of intellectual property spurs 2) Reproduce
economic growth, creates new jobs and industries, and enhance the 3) Adapt
quality and enjoyment of life. 4) Perform
5) Publicly display the protected work.
The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines also known as Republic
Act 8293 was signed into law on June 6, 1997. What are considered copyrightable works in the Philippines?
An act prescribing the Intellectual property code and establishing Under the Philippine Law, original intellectual creations in the literary
the intellectual property office, providing for its power and functions, and artistic domain are copyrightable. So this includes books, pamphlets,
and for other purposes. articles and other writings, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, ceremonies,
addresses, dissertation, letters, dramatic or dramatical musical
What is intellectual property crime? composition, choreographic works or entertainment, musical
composition, drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving,
models or designs for works of art, original ornamental designs,
illustrations, sketches, plastic works, technical character, photographic
works, including works produced by your process and analogous to
photography, lantern slides, cinematographic works, process for making
audio visual recordings, pictorial illustrations and Advertisement and
computer programs.
What works are not protected by Copyright under the Philippine Law?
Copyright protection does not cover the idea, procedure, system, method,
or operation, concept, principle, discovery, or mere data such, even if they
are expressed, explained, illustrated, or embodied in work.
It does not also cover news of the day and other miscellaneous facts
having the character of mere items of press information.
Copyright protection does not also cover official text of legislative,
administrative, or legal nature, as well as any official translation thereof.
Dr. Elvira A. Baquial, RN, MAN
It does not also cover works of the Philippine government unless there Can’t do
was a prior approval by the appropriate government agency; and Delete Copyright credits.
Statutes, rules and regulations, speeches, lecture, sermons, addresses, and Use copyrighted photos for internal meetings or presentations in an
dissertation, read or rendered in court of justice, before administrative organization.
agencies, deliberative assemblies and in meetings of public character. Use copyrighted photos for commercial purposes in social media,
business websites or other channels such as billboards, books, T-
Is a Copyright registration necessary to protect artistic or literary shirt screens, advertising without a credit.
works? Edit a copyrighted photo for commercial purposes without
The answer is NO. Copyrightable works are protected from the moment permission.
of their creation. Download music or movies without permission from the Copyright
holder or download content for sharing with others.
Who can apply for a Copyright registration? Deleting the watermark from pictures, which leads to a Copyright
The owner of the work or his or her assignees or successors-in-interest violation
has the right to apply for a Copyright registration. Make copies of copyrighted CD, books, DVDs for sale
The right to present, make copies, and hold licensure on any type of
literary, music, or artistic work.
Anything written down or recorded has Copyright, even if it does not
include the Copyright symbol.
Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws to the authors of
the creative work to stop other people from copying, publishing or
adapting your work without your permission.
3. Imprisonment of 6 years and 1 day to 9 years plus a fine ranging Requirements for an invention to be patented?
from 500,000 to 1,500,000 pesos for the third and subsequent A. Novelty Requirement
offenses. - An invention shall not be considered new if it forms part of a prior
The offending party may also be ordered to pay civil damages. art.
Injunction and destruction of the infringing goods or products can also - Prior art shall consist of:
be obtained, as well as seizure and impounding of any article which may
a) everything which has been made available to the public
serve as evidence in the court proceedings.
anywhere in the world before the filing date or the priority
Example of Copyright Infringement: date of the application claiming the invention;
b) the whole contents of an application for a patent utility
model or industrial design registration published in
accordance with this Act, filed or effective in the
Philippines, with the filing or priority date that is earlier
Chinese Kon sues Apple over copyright infringement than the filing or priority date of the application.
Provided that the application which has validly claimed the
filing date of an earlier application shall be prior art with
effects as of the filing date of such earlier application.
B. Inventive Step
- An invention involves an inventive step if, having regard to prior art,
it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art at the time of the
Riot Games sues mobile game developer for copyright infringement filing date or priority date of the application claiming the invention.
C. Industrial Applicability
- An invention that can be produced and used in any industry shall
be industrially applicable.
What are the non-patentable inventions? Three Basic Types Of Patent Infringement
1. Discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods; 1) Direct Patent Infringement
2. Schemes, rules and methods of performing mental acts, playing - When anyone who makes, uses, or sells the patented invention.
games or doing business, and programs for computers. 2) Indirect Patent Infringement
3. Methods for treatment of the human or animal body by surgery or - When a person actively encourages another to make, use, or sell the
therapy and diagnostic methods, practice on the human or animal invention.
body 3) Contributory Patent Infringement.
4. Plant varieties or animal breeds or essentially biological process for - This is knowingly selling or supplying an item for which the only
the production of plants or animals. use is in connection with a patented invention.
What constitutes patent infringement?
Dr. Elvira A. Baquial, RN, MAN
So just because Product B looks and operates like Product A and Product jewelry and other luxury items; from housewares and electrical
A uses a patented invention, that does not necessarily mean that Product appliances to vehicle and architectural structures: from textile
B is infringing the pattern used in Product A, it is entirely possible that designs to leisure goods.
the second product uses a totally different technology to accomplish the
same thing as the first product. So all of the elements of at least one
independent claim in the patent, a patent will consist of a series of claims,
and each claim has elements to it. If a product or service uses all of the
elements of at least one independent claim in the patent that constitutes
patent infringement.
Lesson 4: Trademark
A trademark is a distinctive sign that identifies certain goods or
services produced or provided by an individual or a company, INDUSTRIAL DESIGN INFRINGEMENT
Its origin dates back to ancient times when craftsmen reproduced Industrial design infringement occurs when someone applies a
their signatures, or “marks”, on their artistic works or products of a registered industrial design or a design not differing substantially,
functional or practical nature. to an article, for the purposes of sale, rental, or exposure for sale,
without permission of the owner.
What do trademarks do?
Trademark protection ensures that the owners of marks have the GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION
exclusive right to use them to identify goods or services, or to authorize Geographical indication is a sign used on goods that have a specific
others to use them in return for payment. geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation due to
The period of protection varies, but a trademark can be renewed that place of origin.
indefinitely upon payment of the corresponding fees. Most commonly, a geographical indication consists of the name of
the place of origin of the goods,
Agricultural products typically have qualities that derive from their
place of production and are influenced by specific local geographical
TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT factors, such as climate and soil.
Trademark infringement is the unauthorized use in commerce of a Whether a sign functions as a geographical indication is a matter of
registered trademark or a copy or colorable imitation thereof, which national law and consumer perception.
results in the likelihood of confusion among the consuming public.
Features of Geographical Indication
Element of Trademark Infringement
1) Registered trademark in the Philippines,
2) Plaintiff’s ownership of said mark, and
3) Use of the trademark or imitation thereof by a third person, which
results in the likelihood of confusion.
An industrial design refers to the ornamental or aesthetic aspects of
an article.
A design may consist of three-dimensional features, such as the
shape or surface of an article, or two-dimensional features, such as
the patterns, lines or color. What is difference between GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION and a
Industrial design are applied to a wide variety of industrial products TRADEMARK?
and handicrafts: from technical and medical instruments to watches,
Dr. Elvira A. Baquial, RN, MAN
Dr. Elvira A. Baquial, RN, MAN
To establish violation of trade secret rights, the owner of a trade secret This is more of personal or subjective condition because one person
must be able to show the following: cannot decide for another, what his/her sense of privacy should be.
1. Infringement by or competitive advantage gained by the
person/company which has misappropriated the trade secret. Privacy sometimes related to anonymity. This is wish to remain
unnoticed or unidentified in the public
2. The owner had taken all reasonable steps to maintain it as a secret.
3. There is misuse as the information obtained has been used or
disclosed in violation of the honest commercial practices.
The ability to control what information one reveals about oneself over
Ways to Protect Trade Secrets the internet, and to control who can access that information.
Restrict access to the information (lock it away in a secure place, such Internet privacy, involves the right or mandate of personal privacy
as a bank vault). concerning the storing re-proposing provision to third parties and
Limit the number of people who know the information. displaying of information pertaining to one self via internet.
Have the people who know the trade secret agree in writing not to
disclose the information (sign non-disclosure agreements). SENSITIVITY OF INFORMATION
Have anyone that comes in contact with the trade secret, directly or Shared in Online Social Networks
indirectly, sign non-disclosure agreements. Is information or knowledge that might result in loss of advantage or
Mark any written material pertaining to the trade secret as level of security if revealed to others who might have low or unknown
proprietary. trustability and/or indeterminable or hostile intentions
Loss, Misused, Modification or unauthorized access to sensitive
7 “Musts” of Trade Secrets information can severely affect the privacy of an individual.
1. Must be kept secret.
2. Must be documented. How our Personal Information Gets Revealed
3. Must have access limited. 1. Internet Service Provider or ISP
4. Must be protected using administrative, legal and technical means.
An internet service provider is a business or an organization that provides
5. Must have appropriate legal framework in place if shared with internet connections for its customers by enabling data transmission
another entity. between computers in work places or homes and our computers on the
6. Must not be in the public domain. internet.
7. Must be of value to the organization now or in the future.
ISP always know your IP address and the IP address to which you are
ISP’s are capable of observing an encrypted data passing between you and
the internet, but they are prevented to do so due to social pressure and law.
2. Email
Email may be appropriately spread by the original receiver, it can be
intercepted and may legally viewed or disclose by service provider
3. Discussion group
Any member of the list or group could collect and distribute your email
address and information you post.
4. Internet browsers
Most web browser can save some forms of personal data such as browsing
history, cookies web for entries and password.
You may accidentally reveal such information when using a browser on a
public a public computer or someone else’s.
5. Internet cookies
Cookies are data packets sent by a server to a web client and then sent
back unchanged by the client each time it accesses that server.
Cookies are used for authenticating, session tracking, and maintenance
specific information about users such as the preferences or the contents of
their electronic shopping cards.
Cookies are only data; they are not program or
This is how cookies work, you get on the web and then you request
information from a website and then when the website server replies it’s
sends a cookie.
Lesson 6: Online Privacy and Other Internet Issues That cookie will be based on your computer on your hard drive.
And then when you get online to return to that website, your computer
LEARNING OUTCOMES: sends the cookie back.
• Discuss online privacy; And then this is where the website server identifies you and records data
that can be shared with other online sellers.
• Present ways of protecting personal information in the
• Identify solutions to protect online privacy ; and
• Discuss personal and public domain privacy
The ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or
information about themselves and thereby reveal it selectively. You may blocked the cookies by going to your internet option
Dr. Elvira A. Baquial, RN, MAN
Are works that for one reason or another are NOT covered by
copyright and are ordinarily free for all to use. Lesson 7: What is Netiquette?
The term public domain refers to creative materials that are not
protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark, What is Netiquette?
or patent laws.
it is the etiquette of cyberspace
The public owns these works. Not individual an author or artist.
"etiquette" means "the forms required by good breeding or
Anyone can use a public domain work without obtaining permission.
prescribed by authority to be required in social or official life."
But no one can ever own it.
No permission is required or works in public domain Rule 1: Remember the human
Important to acknowledge sources by using credit line
“source” or “data from” “Do unto others as you'd have others do unto you”
When you communicate electronically, all you see is a computer
You don't have the
Works out of copyright
opportunity to use facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice to
Type of work not protected under copyright or patent/trademark communicate your meaning.
Work dedicated to public domain by owner Improperly registered or When you communicate through cyberspace -- via email or on
not renewed works discussion groups -- your words are written.
There’s a good chance they can come back to haunt you
If it’s in public domain, you may use it, but academic honesty required Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow
that you still attribute to the source and author in real life
Be ethical
o If you encounter an ethical dilemma in cyberspace, consult
A domain name that you personally own, control, and use to represent the code you follow in real life.
yourself on the internet. Breaking the law is bad Netiquette
A personal domain is a web address that allows you to take control o Do not something illegal in cyberspace!
of your online identity by directing visitors to any site.
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
"Flaming" is what people do when they express a strongly held The provider can be an individual professional such as a nurse, a
opinion without holding back any emotion. physician or official therapist. The provider can also be the facility in
Netiquette forbids the perpetuation of flame wars which care is provided, such as a public health unit or a hospital.
It dominates the tone and destroy the camaraderie of a group
Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy An outcome is defined as a measurable individual, family, or
community state, behavior or perception that is measured along a
Failing to respect other people's privacy is not just bad Netiquette. continuum in response to nursing interventions.
It could also cost you your job The outcomes are developed for use in all clinical settings and with
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
all patient populations. There is a growing interest in ensuring that
care results in quality outcomes in a cost efficient manner.
Knowing more than others, or having more power than they do, does Outcomes can be difficult to measure, but technology can assist in
not give you the right to take advantage of them measuring the cost, it can enhance gathering, analysis and
dissemination of outcomes.
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
Everyone was a network newbie once. Information about the process and system for delivery of care assist
When someone makes a mistake, whether it’s a spelling error or a deciding on the type and the amount of care required. This is also the
spelling flame, a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer, be tracking on interventions and the process used for each intervention.
kind about it.
If you do decide to inform someone of a mistake, point it out politely, Information must be:
and preferably by private email rather than in public. Accurate
Give people the benefit of the doubt; assume they just don't know Timely
any better. Accessible
Information of the client is also required for his or her individual care.
The information can be taken to assessment process. The use of
technology can assist in collecting this information. Information on
the client can be found in the patient record, the patient's history, and
laboratory results.
Information about the provider of care will also help determine the
type of assessment and the focus of care given.
Dr. Elvira A. Baquial, RN, MAN
Right information
Right person at the right time
Right place
Right amount of information
Healthcare Informatics is a combination of: This are the advantages of evidence based practice in nursing:
computer science It improves patient outcomes through superior care.
healthcare science It maximizes providers time and reduces costs.
information science It adds new contributions to the science of nursing.
cognitive science
* In summary, nurses must use their wisdom and make informed
Computer science - is the development, configuration, architecture judicious, prudent and intelligent decisions in delivering care while
of computer hardware and software. using information technology. Cognitive Science, healthcare science,
Healthcare science - is the body of knowledge on which healthcare information science, and healthcare informatics will continue to
profession basis their practice. It is the prevention, treatment. and evolve to help us build knowledge and wisdom.
management of illness and the promotion of health and well-being
through the services offered by the medical, nursing and allied health
professions. Lesson 9: Nursing Informatics System
Information Science - includes information technology, which
involves the process of sending and receiving information. This is the
collection, classification, manipulation, storage, retrieval and
dissemination of information. Also, this the application and use of
knowledge the interaction between people, organization and
information system.
Cognitive Science - is the process of human thinking,
understanding and remembering. It assesses how our minds process
and generate information and knowledge and examine artificial
intelligence and its relationship to cognitive science and computer
2. Wireless Devices
Wireless communication, otherwise known as “over the air”, is the
transfer of information or power when two or more points that are
not connected by an electrical conductor. The most common wireless
technologies use radio waves.
Wireless devices are becoming more common in nursing students
1. Information Literacy- is the ability to use the tools of automation in the and nurses. They can be used in the clinical setting, and also for
process of accessing, evaluation, and using information. theory and learning. They can also provide faster and easier access
to patient’s records, charting, and many more.
4. Digital Bookmark
2. Computer Literacy- is the ability to perform computer operations at a skill
A bookmark is a Uniformed Resource Identifier (URI) that is stored
level high enough to meet the demands of society.
for later retrieval in any various storage formats. All modern web
browsers include bookmark features.
Called “Favorites” or “Internet Shortcuts” in Internet Explorer.
Are normally accessed to a menu in the user’s web browser and
folders are commonly used for organization.
5. Two-Way Video
Like all long-distance communication technologies, two-way video
communication can cuts down the need to travel to bring people
The core technology used in the two-way video conferencing system
is digital compression of audio and video streams in real time.
6. Teleconferencing
THE INTERNET AND ITS APPLICATION The technology that allows to you hold meetings with several
- The ability to use the internet is an essential skill for both nursing correspondents who are located in different places while seeing and
students and nurses to support their development of skills in using talking to them in real time. It is different in simple video calling
what is becoming an increasingly essential tools for professionals. which is normally one-to-one video communication.
This is where internet applications play its major role in nursing
informatics. 7. Facetime
- is proprietary video telephony product developed by Apple. Facetime is
INTERNET APPLICATION available on supported IOS mobile devices Macintosh computers that
- Internet application can be described as the type of applications runs MAC OS and later version. Facetime supports any IOS devices with
which use the internet for operating successfully. That is by using forward facing camera and any Macintosh computer equipped with stand
the internet for fetching, sharing, and displaying the information camera.”First patient in Arkansas to Face time during brain surgery”.
from the respective server systems. It can be accessed only with the
help of the internet facility and it cannot be functional without 8. Text messaging/Texting
internet. These applications can be classified as electronic devices -is the act of composing and sending electronic messages typically
based, automated digital technology, industrial internet, consisting of alphabetic and numeric characters between two or more
smartphones based, smart home based, smart grids, smart city and users of mobile device, desktops and laptops or other type of compatible
other major application. computer.
- The internet has many important applications of various services Two types of Messaging: short message service/SMS and Multimedia
available via the internet, the following are some of the applications: messaging service/MMS.
SMS is alphanumeric text while mms is multimedia message using a
INTERNET APPLICATIONS digital images, videos, and sound content, ideograms or emoji.
Sending and receiving email
Searching and browsing information 9. Twitter
Copying files between computers - an American microblogging and social networking service on which
Conducting financial transactions user post and interact messages known as tweets. Registered users
Dr. Elvira A. Baquial, RN, MAN
can post, like and retweet tweets but unregistered users can only facilitate nurse education and contribute new knowledge to nursing
read them. research.
10. Google Lesson 10: The Healthcare Team with the IT Team
- is an American multinational technology company that specials
internet related services and products which include online TOPIC 10- NCM 110
advertising technologies, search engine, cloud computing, software Learning Outcomes:
and hardware. It is considered as one big four technology companies
alongside apple, amazon and Facebook. 1. Define healthcare team;
2. Enumerate the members of the health care team and the IT team;
11. Facebook 3. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the healthcare team in the
- is an American social media and technology company based in Menlo application and management of informatics.
Park, California. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg along with
fellow Harvard college students and roommates, Eduardo
Sovereign, Andrew MA column, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris
Hobbs, originally as the Today’s Facebook popular
global social networking website. Facebook is also one of the big four
technology companies. Facebook is one of the most valuable
12. Instagram
- is an American photo and video sharing social networking service
owned by Facebook Inc. It was created by Kevin Seastrong and Mike The health care team consists of a group of people who coordinate their
Reager and launch in October 2010 exclusively on IOS. particular skills in order to assist a patient or his family. This team ensure
safety of patient, delivers quality care, and perform necessary skills needed by
13. Web 2.0 the patient. The personnel that comprise a particular team will be depending
upon the needs of the patient. Informatics can provide a mechanism for patient
- refers to websites that emphasize user generated content is of used
to provide their clinicians with critical information and to share information
participatory culture and interoperability for end users. The term
with family, friends, and other patients. This information may enable patients
web 2.0 was invented by Darcy DiNucci in 1999 and later to exert greater control over their own care.
popularized by Tim O'Reilly and Dale Dougherty at the first
O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 Conference in late 2004. Web 2.0 is the term
used to described a variety of websites and applications that allow
anyone to create and share online information or material they have
created. A key element of the technology is that it allows people to
create, share, elaborate and communicate. Web 2.0 differs from other
type of websites as it does not require any web design or publishing
skills to participate. Making it easy to people to create and publish
or communicate their work to the world. The nature of this
technology makes it an easy and popular way to communicate
information to either a select group of people or to a much wider
audience. It can also be an effective way to communicate and interact
with students and research colleagues. There are number of different
types of Web 2.0 applications including Wikis, blogs, social
networking, podcasting and content hosting services. Many of the
most popular websites are Web 2.0 sites such as wikpedia, youtube, Let’s take a look at the members of the health care team. The members of the
facebook, myspace and flickr. health care team are the physician, nurses, allied practitioners, pharmacist,
dietician, social workers, religious leaders and ward clerk. Each of the members
14. Blog of the health care team set at once for patient’s care or contribute to existing
plans using advance technology, they will also observe patience, and record
- is a discussion or informational website publish on the world wide
observations, and consult and collaborate with doctors and other members of
web consisting od discrete open informal diary style text entries. the health care team with the aid of informatics.
Posts are typically displayed in verse chronological order so that the
most recent post appears first at the top of the web page. A blog is a ROLES AND FUNTIONS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE HEALTH
contraction of the words web log. Blogs usually provide commentary CARE TEAM
or information on a particular issue, event or topic. In some cases,
blogs can be about a particular person. An online public personal 1. Physician
diary. A blog is usually maintained by a single person or a small - in hospital setting, the physician is responsible for the medical
group of a contributors. Visitors to the blog can comment on the diagnosis and for the determining the therapy required by the person
entries made or respond to comments made by other visitors. Blog who was ill or injured.
are primarily texts but can also be in the form of photos or other - A physician is a person who is legally authorized to practice medicine
images, sounds or film. in particular jurisdiction.
- The physicians also oversee medical information systems that
15. Wiki collect, analyse, and share patient information among health care
- is a knowledge base website on which users collaboratively modify specialists. Physicians can use informatics to integrate the
and structure content direct from a web browser. In a typical wiki, information they learn from patients with the medical knowledge
and data resources to improve patient care.
text is written using a simplified mark-up language and often edited
with the help of the rich text editor. A wiki is run using a wiki 2. Nurse
software otherwise known as the wiki engine. Wiki was introduced - the primary role of a nurse is to advocate and care for individuals of
to a lexicon by computer programmer Ward Cunningham in 1995 all ethnic regimes and religious backgrounds and support them
when he created collaborative software that he called WikiWikiWeb. through health and illness.
Wiki is Hawaiian for “to hurry; fast, quick.” A wiki is a collaborative - The head nurse is responsible for delegation of duties to members of
website that anyone within the community of users can contribute her tea and care given to the patients. Nurse use data and technology
to or edit. A wiki can be open to global audience or can be restricted everyday to monitor systems, programs, and patient care initiatives.
to a select network or community. Wiki’s can cover a specific topic - They also analyse data to see what is working and what is not, they
or subject area. Wikis also make it easy to search or browse use their findings to suggest improvements, lead projects, and
information although primarily text, wikis can also include images, implement change.
sounds, recordings and films 3. Nurse informatics specialist
- Nurse informatics specialists are an integral part of the healthcare
The right balance of information technology and the application nursing delivery process and a deciding factor in the selection,
informatics can enhance patient outcomes, manage healthcare facility, implementation and evaluation of healthcare, which supports safe,
high-quality and patient-centered care. It’s a type of nurse skilled in
Dr. Elvira A. Baquial, RN, MAN
both delivery of health care the development and utilization of health - collaborate with other health care and information technology
care technology. professionals to promote safe, efficient, effective, timely, and optimal
- Nurses with their medical training enhanced on patient experience use of dedications. They contribute to the transformation of health
are uniquely suited to work with IT professionals to ensure care by analysing, designing, implementing, maintaining, evaluating
electronic health record and other health care technology work well information and communication systems that improve medication
in the real world. Managing the transition from paper to digital related outcomes and strengthen the pharmacist- patient
records is one of the rules of the nurse informatics specialists, they relationship.
also develop information systems based on current evidenced based
on under sub care and ensuring systems to remain updated they also 11. Respiratory technologist
are responsible for developing electronic health record interfaces - the inhalation therapies or respiratory technologies is skilled in
that are conducive to good care while remaining efficient to use. therapeutic measures used in care of patients with respiratory
They also analyse electronic health record data to identify areas problems. These therapies are negligible about oxygen therapy,
where care can be improve of cause better manage. They also work devices, intermittent positive pressure breathing respirators,
with policy makers and government agencies to ensure laws and artificial mechanical ventilators, and an accessory devices used for
regulations support health care technology and compatible in inhalation.
provider and patient technology needs. And they also develop or
implement health care technologies outside of electronic health 12. Psychologist
records including patient health monitoring systems, quality - the clinical psychologist constitutes an important member of the
tracking initiative and home care managements systems. health care team. The psychological dimension of the person is
looked into and health care services are accordingly planned.
4. Dietitian/Nutritionist
- Dietitians supervise the preparations of meals according to the 13. Ustadz/clergy
doctor’s prescription. The nutritionist recommends health diets for - the spiritual dimensions of a patient comes into pray more during a
the clients and is frequently involve in board advisory services person’s illness. Patients withdraw the spiritual strength from god
regarding purchase and preparation of food. are the ones who are successfully cope with illness. The role of the
- Nutrition and dietetics professionals worked in an immensely data clergy and ustadz are there for very important.
rich world as many paper based tools transition to technology there
are more efficient ways to collect, display, and study data from such
tools as food or nutrient analysis stables, electronic health records,
Lesson 11: Leadership Roles of Nurses in Managing Nursing Information
and mobile apps.
5. Physiotherapy
- they provide assistance to a patient who has problem related to LEADERSHIP ROLES OF NURSES IN MANAGING NURSING
muscular skeletal system. Their functions include assessing mobility INFORMATION SYSTEM
and strength, providing therapeutic measures and teaching patients This is leadership roles of nurses in managing nursing information
new skills and measures. system. This is what we called nursing leadership through informatics.
- Physiotherapies have a role in following areas of practiced base It’s facilitating and empowering health using digital technology.
technology, clinical information systems, digital patient assessment In today’s health care system information technology is the foundation of
and monitoring consumer heath technologies in health data the future. Healthcare modernization is best visualize in we compare how
analytics. we were many years ago and where we are today.
The need for improvement who was the driving force behind the
6. Medical social worker
evolution of computers and healthcare.
- help patients and their families cope with emotional and social
The majority of the past years technological expansion was spent on
responses to illness and treatment. They also educate patients and
their families on entitlements, community resources, and health computer programs for administrative purposes while the past decade has
insurance coverage. seen and emphasis the clinical process.
- They also lead support group discussions or provide individual Patient care has been become a primary focus in a development of new
counselling. Technology and informatics in the field of social work consents and knowledge in healthcare technology. Technological
have been implementing a benefiting from the use of technology in development in clinical applications is the current trend in healthcare and
practice. Technology has improved outcomes from medical social it will continue to play a major role for years to come.
workers although they are always behind in the technology trend;
social work practitioners are learning the importance of these LEARNING OBJECTIVES:
systems within their daily applied practices. Technology can assist Understand health information system
in bridging the gap between consumer needs and clinical experts in
the field. Develop an understanding of telehealth and tele homecare
Differentiate telehealth and telehomecare
7. Occupational therapist Discuss the leadership role of nurses in developing clients health
- assists patients with some impairment of function to gain skills as literacy through information system.
they are related to activities in daily living and help with the skills
- that are therapeutic. Informatics is also about data and how that data Information
moves around the health and care system? All occupational
therapists are generating, sharing, or using data to make decisions Plays a vital role in nursing process. As nurses we collect
about the services they provide. They collect and interpret data information about our clients use this data to develop nursing care
throughout the occupational therapy causes. plan, implement the plan, and communicate our findings with other
healthcare providers. Advances in information technology allow
8. Paramedical technologies nurses and nursing students to access vital information with the click
- the laboratory technologies examine, and study specimen such as end bottom.
urine, stool, blood, and discharges from wound paramedics services For example, in hospital and clinical health care providers help
now rely more on technology and paramedics with technology skills. access to electronic health records which provide access to private
- The current medical technologies are not only required to carry out and confidential client health information in a secured environment
clinical laboratory tests but also be proactive and positive as well as
have mark problem solving abilities they are expected to improve Services such as:
diagnostic tests system on medical institutes for medical doctors and
patients resulting in the highest level of management efficiency.
Provide a means for client a means of education as well as medical
9. Radiologist healthcare services such as health care monitoring or clinical
- the radiologic technologies assist with wide variety of x-ray diagnosis.
procedure from simple chest radiograph to more complex bioscopy.
Through radioactive materials, nuclear medicine technologies can Social media
provide diagnostic information about functioning of the patient’s is also being used in healthcare to provide a means for client to share
specific organ. experiences with one another or learn more about their medical
- Radiologists have key roles as leaders in imaging informatics and are condition.
the liaison between the clinical needs of the healthcare enterprise and
the applicability of the information technology team. What is health information system?
10. Pharmacist
Dr. Elvira A. Baquial, RN, MAN
Health information system specialized in storing, managing, The nurse may perform a physical assessment and relay the result to
capturing and transmitting information about the health of the physician using telehealth technology.
individuals along with all activities within the healthcare
organizations when entering the workforce. TELEHOMECARE
The students are expected to use information to support safe, - Is similar to telehealth. The difference is between telehealth and
effective and evidence in form of care for their clients. They are also telehome is that telehome is refers to services provided to the clients
expected to follow workplace, professional association, and in their own homes. Client receive devices and training to monitor
regulatory standards with respect to information and their own VS at home. These VS are related to a healthcare provider
communication technology. through a phone line or the internet. Health care providers watch for
Students who are also able to use information and communication trends in the data to alert the physician or nurse practitioner about
technology in practice. the need for follow up.
Required skills include but are not limited to: The main benefits of TELEHOME CARE:
searching for credible and reliable health information online and - Is that the client and caregivers are provided w/ additional supports
assisting client for their families in finding and evaluating credibility which lead to a greater sense of independence, fewer emergency
and reliability of online information. department visits, and reduced flare ups.
Telehealth is an information and communication technology that
allows for health services to be delivered over a distance using
electronic or telecommunication devices.
Is healthcare is accessible to all persons no matter where they reside.
For example; the client may act disservice in their community
instead if traveling to see a specialist in a large community. A nurses
is available to the client throughout the appointment and provides
care to the patient in various forms such as assessment or education.