On 2-SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroups

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Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol.

51, 2022
University of New Mexico

On 2-SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroups
Pairote Yiarayong1,∗
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University,
Phitsanulok 65000, Thailand; E-mail: pairote0027@hotmail.com

Correspondence: pairote0027@hotmail.com

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to extend the concept of hyperideals to the SuperHyperAlgebras. In
this paper, we introduce the concept of 2-SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroups which is a generalization of
LA-semihypergroups. Furthermore, we define and study 2-SuperHyper-LA-subsemihypergroups, SuperHyper-
Left(Right)HyperIdeals and SuperHyperHyperIdeals of 2-SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroups, and related
properties are investigated. We give an example to show that in general these two notions are different. Finally,
we show that every SuperHyperRightHyperIdeal of 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup S with pure left identity
is SuperHyperHyperIdeal.

Keywords: SuperHyperAlgebra; LA-subsemihypergroup; 2-SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroup; Super-

HyperHyperIdeals; SuperHyperLeft(Right)HyperIdeal.

1. Introduction

The concept of left almost semihypergroups (LA-semihypergroups), which is a generalization

of LA-semigroups and semihypergroups, was introduced by Hila and Dine [9] in 2011. They
defined the concept of hyperideals and bi-hyperideals in LA-semihypergroups. Until now,
LA-semihypergroups have been applied to many fields [2, 4–6, 13, 16, 18]. In 2013, Yaqoob et
al. [17] have characterized intra-regular LA-semihypergroups by using the properties of their
left and right hyperideals and investigated some useful conditions for an LA-semihypergroup to
become an intra-regular LA-semihypergroup. In 2014, Amjad et al. [1] generalized the concepts
of locally associative LA-semigroups to hypergroupoids and studied several properties. They
defined the concept of locally associative LA-semihypergroups and characterized a locally
associative LA-semihypergroup in terms of (m, n)-hyperideals. In 2016, Khan et al. [10] proved
that an LA-semigroup S is 0(0, 2)-bisimple if and only if S is right 0-simple. In 2018, Azhar
et al. [3] applied the notion of (∈, ∈ ∨qk )-fuzzy sets to LA-semihypergroups. They introduced

P. Yiarayong, On Soft Neutrosophic Hyperideal over Neutrosophic LA-Semihypergroups

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the notion of (∈, ∈ ∨qk )-fuzzy hyperideals in an ordered LA-semihypergroup and then derived
their basic properties. In 2019, Gulistan et al. [8] presented a new definition of generalized
fuzzy hyperideals, generalized fuzzy bi-hyperideals and generalized fuzzy normal bi-hyperideals
in an ordered LA-semihypergroup. They characterized ordered LA-semihypergroups by the
properties of their (∈γ , ∈γ ∨qδ )-fuzzy hyperideals, (∈γ , ∈γ ∨qδ )-fuzzy bi-hyperideals and (∈γ
, ∈γ ∨qδ )-fuzzy normal bi-hyperideals. In 2021, Suebsung et al. [12] have introduced the notion
of left almost hyperideals, right almost hyperideals, almost hyperideals and minimal almost
hyperideals in LA-semihypergroups. In 2022, Nakkhasen [11] characterized intra-regular LA-
semihyperrings by the properties of their hyperideals.
In this paper, we extend the concept of hyperideals to the SuperHyperAlgebras. In this
paper, we introduce the concept of 2-SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroups which is a gen-
eralization of LA-semihypergroups. Furthermore, we define and study 2-SuperHyper-LA-
subsemihypergroups, SuperHyperLeft(Right)HyperIdeals and SuperHyperHyperIdeals of 2-
SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroups, and related properties are investigated. We give an
example to show that in general these two notions are different. Finally, we show that every
SuperHyperRightHyperIdeal of 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup S with pure left identity is

2. Preliminaries and Basic Definitions

In this section, we give some basic definitions and properties of left almost semihypergroups
and classical-type Binary SuperHyperOperations that are required in this study.
Recall that a mapping ◦ : S × S → P ∗ (S), where P ∗ (S) denotes the family of all non empty
subsets of S, is called a hyperoperation on S. An image of the pair (x, y) is denoted by
x ◦ y. The couple (S, ◦) is called a hypergroupoid.
Let x be an elements of a non empty set of S and let A, B be two non empty subsets of S.

Then we denote A ◦ B = a ◦ b, x ◦ B = {x} ◦ B and A ◦ x = A ◦ {x}.
In 2011, Hila and Dine [9] introduced the concept and notion of left almost semihypergroup
as a generalization of semigroups, LA-semigroups and semihypergroups.

Definition 2.1. [9] A hypergroupoid (S, ◦) is called a left almost semihypergroup (LA-
semihypergroup) if ◦ is left invertive law, that is (x ◦ y) ◦ z = (z ◦ y) ◦ x for every x, y, z ∈ S.

Clearly, every LA-semihypergroup is LA-semigroup. If (S, ◦) is an LA-semihypergroup,

∪ ∪
then a◦z = b ◦ x for all x, y, z ∈ S.
a∈x◦y b∈z◦y
The concept of classical-type binary SuperHyperOperation was introduced by Smarandache
[14, 15].

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Definition 2.2. [14, 15] Let P∗n (S) be the nth -powerset of the set S such that none of
P(S), P 2 (S), . . . , P n (S) contain the empty set. A classical-type binary SuperHyperOp-
eration •n is defined as follows:
•n : S × S → P∗n (S)
where P∗n (S) is the nth -power set of the set S, with no empty set.

An image of the pair (x, y) is denoted by x •n y. The couple (S, •n ) is called a 2-

The following is an example of Examples of classical-type binary SuperHyperOperation (or

Example 2.3. [14] Let S = {a, b} be a finite discrete set. Then its power set, with-
out the empty-set ∅, is: P(S) = {a, b, S} and P 2 (S) = P 2 (P(S)) = P 2 ({a, b, S}) =
{a, b, S, {a, S} , {b, S} , {a, b, S}}. The classical-type binary SuperHyperOperation defined as
follows, •2 : S × S → P∗2 (S)
•2 a b
a {a, S} {b, S}
b a {a, b, S}
Then (S, •2 ) is a 2-SuperHyperGroupoid and is not a hypergroupoid.

3. 2-SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroups

In this section, we generalize this concept in left almost semihypergroup and introduce Su-
perHyperLeft(Right)HyperIdeals of 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroups and study their prop-
The 2-SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroups is generated with the help of left almost
semihypergroups and classical-type binary SuperHyperOperations. So we can say that 2-
SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroup is the generalization of previously defined concepts
related to binary SuperHyperOperations. We consider the SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihyper-
group as follows.

Definition 3.1. A 2-SuperHyperGroupoid (S, •n ) is called a n-

SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroup (2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup) if it
satisfies the SuperHyperLeftInvertive law; (x •n y) •n z = (z •n y) •n x for all x, y, z ∈ S.

The following is an example of a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup S.

Example 3.2. Let S = {a, b} be a finite discrete set. The classical-type binary SuperHyper-
Operation defined as follows, •2 : S × S → P∗2 (S)
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•2 a b
a {a, S} b
b {b, S} {a, b, S}
Then, as is easily seen, (S, •2 ) is a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup. Since

(a •2 a) •2 b = {a, S} •2 a
= (a •2 a) ∪ (S •2 a)

= {a, S} ∪ x •2 a
= {a, S} ∪ (a •2 a) ∪ (b •2 a)
= {a, S} ∪ {a, S} ∪ {b, S}
= {a, b, S}
̸= b
= a •2 b
= a •2 (a •2 b) ,

we have •2 is not Strong SuperHyperAssociativity.

Theorem 3.3. Every 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup S satisfies the SuperHyperMedial

law, that is, for all a, b, c, d ∈ S, (a •n b) •n (c •n d) = (a •n c) •n (b •n d).

Proof. Let a, b, c and d be any elements of S. Then we have

(a •n b) •n (c •n d) = ((c •n d) •n b) •n a
= ((b •n d) •n c) •n a
= (a •n c) •n (b •n d) .

This completes the proof.

Theorem 3.4. If S is a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup, then (a •n b)2 = a2 •n b2 for all

a, b ∈ S.

Proof. Let a and b be any elements of S. Then by Theorem 3.3,

(a •n b)2 = (a •n b) •n (a •n b)
= (a •n a) •n (b •n b)
= a2 •n b2 .

An element e of a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup S is called left identity (resp., pure

left identity) if for all a ∈ N (S), a ∈ e •n a (resp., a = e •n a). The following is an example
of a pure left identity element in 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroups.
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Example 3.5. 1. Let S = {a, b} be a finite discrete set. The classical-type binary SuperHy-
perOperation defined as follows, •2 : S × S → P∗2 (S)
•2 a b
a a {a, b, S}
b {b, S} S
Then, as is easily seen, (S, •2 ) is a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup with left identity a.
2. Let S = {a, b} be a finite discrete set. The classical-type binary SuperHyperOperation
defined as follows, •2 : S × S → P∗2 (S)
•2 a b
a a b
b b S
Then, as is easily seen, (S, •2 ) is a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup with pure left identity

Theorem 3.6. A 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup S with pure left identity e satisfies the

SuperHyperParamedial law, that is, for all a, b, c, d ∈ S, (a •n b) •n (c •n d) = (d •n c) •n
(b •n a).

Proof. Let a, b, c and d be any elements of S. Then we have

(a •n b) •n (c •n d) = [(e •n a) •n b] •n (c •n d)
= [(b •n a) •n e] •n (c •n d)
= [(c •n d) •n e] •n (b •n a)
= [(e •n d) •n c] •n (b •n a)
= (d •n c) •n (b •n a) .
This completes the proof.

The following may be noted from the above definitions.

Lemma 3.7. If S is a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup with pure left identity, then a •n

(b •n c) = b •n (a •n c) holds for all a, b, c ∈ S.

Proof. Let a, b and c be any elements of S. Then by Theorem 3.3,

a • (b •n c) = (e •n a) • (b •n c)
= (e •n b) • (a •n c)
= b •n (a •n c) .
This completes the proof.

Now, we give the concept of 2-SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroups (2-SuperHyper-LA-

subsemihypergroup) of 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroups.
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Definition 3.8. A nonempty subset A of a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup S is called 2-

SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroup (2-SuperHyper-LA-subsemihypergroup)
if A •n A ⊆ A.

The following may be noted from the above definitions.

Proposition 3.9. Let A and B be two 2-SuperHyper-LA-subsemihypergroups of a 2-

SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup S. If A ∩ B ̸= ∅, then A ∩ B is a 2-SuperHyper-LA-
subsemihypergroup of S.

Proof. Let A and B be two 2-SuperHyper-LA-subsemihypergroups of S such that A ∩ B ̸= ∅.

Then have that

(A ∩ B) •2 (A ∩ B) = [A •n (A ∩ B)] ∩ [B •n (A ∩ B)]
= (A •n A) ∩ (A •n B) ∩ (B •n A) ∩ (B •n B)
⊆ (A •n A) ∩ (B •n B)
⊆ A ∩ B,

and so A ∩ B is a 2-SuperHyper-LA-subsemihypergroup of S.

Now we mention some special class of 2-SuperHyper-LA-subsemihypergroups in a 2-


Definition 3.10. A nonempty subset L of a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup S is called

SuperHyperLeft(Right)HyperIdeal if

S •n L ⊆ L (R •n S ⊆ R).

A nonempty subset I of S is called a SuperHyperHyperIdeal of S if it is both a SuperHy-

perLeft and a SuperHyperRightHyperIdeal of S.

Proposition 3.11. Let N (S) be a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup with pure left identity.

Then the following properties hold.

(1) If L is a SuperHyperLeftHyperIdeal of S, then S •n L = L.

(2) If N (R) is a SuperHyperRightHyperIdeal of S, then R •n S = R.
(3) S •n S = S.

Proof. 1. Since L is a SuperHyperLeftHyperIdeal of S, we have S •n L ⊆ L. On the other

hand, let a be an element of S such that a ∈ L. Then we have a = e •n a ∈ S •n L and hence
S •n L = L.
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2. Since R is a SuperHyperRightHyperIdeal of S, we have R •n S ⊆ R. On the other hand,

let a be an element of S such that a ∈ R. Then we have
a = e •n a
= (e •n e) •n a
= (a •n e) •n e
⊆ (R •n S) •n S
⊆ R •n S.
Therefore we obtain that R ⊆ R •n S and hence R •n S = R.
3. The proof is similar to the proof of (2).

By applying the above definition, we state the following result.

Theorem 3.12. Let S be a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup with pure left identity. Then

the following properties hold.
(1) If x is an element of S, then x •n S is a SuperHyperLeftHyperIdeal of S.
(2) If x is an element of S, then S •n x is a SuperHyperLeftHyperideal of S.
(3) If x is an element of S, then S •n x ∪ x •n S is a SuperHyperRightHyperIdeal of S.

Proof. 1. Let x be an element of S. By Lemma 3.7 and Proposition 3.11 (3), we have
S •n [x •n S] = x •n [S •n S]
= x •n S.
Therefore we obtain that x •n S is a SuperHyperLeftHyperIdeal of S.
2. Let x be an element of S. By Theorem 3.6 and Proposition 3.11 (3), we have
S •n (S •n x) = (S •n S) •n (S •n x)
= (x •n S) •n (S •n S)
= [(S •n S) •n S] •n x
= S •n x.
Therefore we obtain that S •n x is a SuperHyperLeftHyperIdeal of S.
3. Let x be an element of S. By Theorem 3.6, Lemma 3.7 and Proposition 3.11 (3), we
(S •n x ∪ x •n S) •n S = [(S •n x) •n S] ∪ [(x •n S) •n S]
= [(S •n x) •n (S •n S)] ∪ [(S •n S) •n x]
= [(S •n S) •n (x •n S)] ∪ (S •n x)
= [x •n ((S •n S) •n S)] ∪ (S •n x)
= S •n x ∪ x •n S.
Therefore we obtain that S •n x ∪ x •n S is a SuperHyperRightHyperIdeal of S.

For that, we need the following theorem.

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Theorem 3.13. Let S be a 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup with pure left identity. Then

the following properties hold.
(1) If x is an element of S, then x2 •n S is a SuperHyperHyperIdeal of S.
(2) If x is an element of S, then S •n x2 is a SuperHyperHyperIdeal of S.
(3) If x is an element of S, then S •n x ∪ x •n S is a SuperHyperHyperIdeal of S.

Proof. 1. Let x be an element of N (S). By Theorem 3.12 (1), we have that x2 •n S is a

SuperHyperLeftHyperIdeal of N (S). Since
( 2 )
x •n S •n S = (S •n S) •n x2
= x2 •n (S •n S)
= x2 •n S,

we have x2 •n S is a SuperHyperRightHyperIdeal of S and so x2 •n S is a SuperHyperHyperIdeal

of S.
2. The proof is similar to the proof of (1).
3. Let x be an element of S. By Theorem 3.12 (3), we have that S •n x ∪ x •n S is a
SuperHyperRightHyperIdeal of N (S). By Theorem 3.6, Lemma 3.7 and Proposition 3.11 (3),
we have
S •n (S •n x ∪ x •n S) = [S •n (S •n x)] ∪ [S •n (x •n S)]
= [(S •n S) •n (S •n x)] ∪ [x •n (S •n S)]
= [(x •n S) •n (S •n S)] ∪ (x •n S)
= [((S •n S) •n S) •n x] ∪ (x •n S)
= S •n x ∪ x •n S.
Therefore we obtain that S •n x ∪ x •n S is a SuperHyperLeftHyperIdeal of S and hence
S •n x ∪ x •n S is a SuperHyperHyperIdeal of S.

Theorem 3.14. Every SuperHyperRightHyperIdeal of 2-SuperHyper-LA-semihypergroup S

with pure left identity is SuperHyperHyperIdeal.

Proof. Let R be a SuperHyperRightHyperIdeal of S. By Theorem 3.6, Lemma 3.7 and Propo-

sition 3.11 (3), we have
S •n R = (S •n S) •n R
= (R •n S) •n S
⊆ R •n S
⊆ R.
Therefore we obtain that R is a SuperHyperLeftHyperIdeal of S and hence R is a SuperHy-
perHyperIdeal of S.

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Received: June 7, 2022. Accepted: September 23, 2022.

P. Yiarayong, On 2-SuperHyperLeftAlmostSemihypergroups

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