Graded Project 2 Final 101

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Graded Project-Part 2

A short summary of the pitch deck, including the business idea and the vision behind it
-Olive & Rhubarb Pvt Ltd was born during the pandemic in the year 2020 to create a
comprehensive ecosystem for new age FnB companies, looking to leverage the evolved
landscape in the Indian food and beverages market.
-During the pandemic we realized that the normal restaurant/chain model has
a lot of systemic built in risk to the business model. And we realized most of these
risks can be negated with a multi-brand hybrid cloud kitchen model, which is better
suited to serve the changing consumer behavior.

Your key contributions to Part 1 of the project (mention at least 3 contributions)

-There where many contributions I made to the team project, I have listed the 3 main below:

- As an entrepreneur due to my experience with pitching and creating business decks, I

volunteered to help the team come up with creative business idea
- I initiated the pitch deck flow and also helped with team work allocation, for example I
recognized each member had a special interest in an area of running a business, I learnt that and
allocated the designation accordingly.

- I contributed in designing the pitch deck and created the brand logos and colour scheme for it to
look appealing.

Your key learnings from the project and teamwork

I understood that when strangers meet with the same intentions, in due process we become a
team. This was a perfect example of us, 4 student came in as stranger with on goal and achieved
it by becoming a team by working on our flaws and our strengths. Daily we allocated an hour to
meet up and discuss and work on this project. This helped me grow in a team and understand the
positives and negatives growing in team task. It taught me time management and to be more
understanding of the issue as a whole and not only mine. This helped me learn that I do indeed
thrive in a team environment and taught me to be team player and leader.
If you were to undertake the same project again, what would you do differently and what would
you retain the same? Why?
I would definitely spend more time with our team on idea generation and pitching exercises to
develop better flow. But other than that I wouldn’t want change anything else, was lucky to have
a high performing team with focused team members. I would like to retain the mutual
appreciation we had for each other talents and abilities and would retain the remaining process
we followed as a team to complete this pitch deck

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