The reaction between alpha-amino acid and ninhydrin involved in the development of color are
described by the following five mechanistic steps:
Ninhydrin will react with a free alpha-amino group, NH2-C-COOH. This group is contained in
all amino acids, peptides, or proteins. Whereas, the decarboxylation reaction will proceed for a
free amino acid, it will not happen for peptides and proteins. Thus, theoretically only amino acids
will lead to the color development. However, one should always check out the possible
interference from peptides and proteins by performing blank tests especially when such solutions
are readily available. For example, one can simply add the ninhydrin reagent to a solution of only
proteins and see if there is any color development. There is no excuse for failing to perform such
a vital test when the sample mixture contains both proteins and amino acids. There are also
reports that chemical compounds other than amino acids also yield positive results.
This test can be used routinely for the detection of glycine in the absence of other interfering
species. Although this is a fast and sensitive test for the presence of alpha-amino acids, because
of the nonselectivity, it cannot be used to analyze the relative individual contents of a mixture of
different amino acids. Furthermore, the color intensity developed is dependent on the type of
amino acid. Finally, it does not react with tertiary or aromatic amines.
Note that since ninhydrin is a strong oxidizing agent, proper caution should be exercised in
handling this compound. It is especially potent at the elevated temperature under which the
reaction is carried out. The ninhydrin reagent will stain the skin blue and cannot be immediately
washed off completely if it comes in contact with the skin. However, as in any other stain on the
skin, the color will gradually rub off after about a day.
A. Equipment
Test tubes
B. Reagents
1. Add 1 ml of the ninhydrin solution to 5 ml of sample. Cover the test tube with a piece of
paraffin film to avoid the loss of solvent due to evaporation. A capped test tube can also
be used instead.
2. With gentle stirring, react at 80-100ºC for 4-7 minutes. (How would one find out the
amount of time needed to ensure a complete reaction?) If a large heated water bath is
used for the entire class and if there is no good provision for holding the test tube in the
hot water bath, the test tube may be held with a piece of wire and hang on the side of the
water container. A clamp usually does not work too well.
3. After cooling to room temperature in a cold water bath, record the absorbance with a
spectrophotometer. (How would you find out the best wavelength to use for this purpose?
Hint: the final purple colored complex of ninhydrin absorbs the most amount of light at
the wavelength of 570 nm.)
4. 1ml O.D.
The most abundant plant pigments are chlorophyll a and b, which occur in a ratio approx. 3:1.
The second group of plant pigment, the carotenoids can be divided into two different types; the
carotenes and the xanthophylls. Chlorophyll extracted in 80% acetone from a green leaf appears
green. The chlorophyll extract can vary in the depth of green or tint of green depending on the
plant material from which it was extracted. In Angiosperms (most land plants) there are typically
two types of Chlorophyll (Chl) molecules, namely, chlorophyll a (Chl a) and chlorophyll b (Chl
b ). Both of these pigments absorb photons of light in the blue and red spectral regions, but the
specific wavelengths of light they absorb are different. The absorbance of photons at 663 nm and
645 nm, specific for Chl a and Chl b, respectively, will be determined. Because the absorption
spectra (an integrated picture of the wavelengths of light absorbed) of these two Chl molecules
overlap, you will use a simultaneous equation to solve for the amount of both pigments. The
equation for this has been worked out and is known as Arnon's equation. Arnon's equation will
provide you with quanitative information about the Chl a and Chl b. In contrast to the
chlorophylls, which absorb light in two regions of the visible spectrum, the carotenoids exhibit
intense absorption in just one, 350-500nm. These equations were published by D.I. Arnon (1949)
Plant Physiol. 24: 1. You will be given different types of leaves from which you will determine
the amounts of chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids.
For the different types of leaves provided follow the procedure given below:
1. Cut the leaves into small pieces. Discard major veins and any tough, fibrous tissue. Weigh the
pieces: you should keep about 0.10 g (100 mg) of material for grinding (record total fresh weight
of each sample).
2. Put the tissue into a mortar and add 10 ml of 80% acetone (acetone:water 80:20 v:v). Grind the
tissue with a pestle. You want to pulverize the tissue completely, thus a few grains of sand may
help. This is your leaf homogenate.
3. Filter the leaf homogenate through the filter paper. The retentate is removed by the filter paper
(and discarded) and the extract (or filtrate) is collected in a test-tube.
1. Obtain a clean cuvette for the spectrophotometer/colorimeter and fill two-thirds full with 80%
acetone; this is the blank. Wipe the cuvette with a tissue and put it into the spectrophotometer,
then set the wavelength to 663 nm. Cover the cuvette chamber and set the spectrophotometer to 0
absorbance with the blank in place. Remove the blank and save for the next measurement.
2. Gently swirl your first extract in the test-tube and fill a second cuvette two-thirds full. Wipe it
clean, insert into the spectrophotometer, and close the hatch. The readout should give you the
absorbance at 663 nm, the A663. Record this number, and repeat step 2 with the other extracts.
3. Change the wavelength to 645 nm. Reinsert the blank cuvette, and re-zero the
spectrophotometer at the new wavelength. Remove the blank and insert a cuvette containing your
first extract. Read and record A645. Repeat for the other extracts.
Use Arnon's equation (below) to convert absorbance measurements to mg Chl g-1 leaf tissue Chl
a (mg g-1) = [(12.7 × A663) - (2.6 × A645)] × ml acetone / mg leaf tissue Chl b (mg g-1) =
[(22.9 × A645) - (4.68 × A663)] × ml acetone / mg leaf tissue Total Chl = Chl a + Chl b. C x+c =
1000 A470 – 1.90Chla – 63.14 Chlb/214, (x = xanthophylls and carotenes)